예제 #1
def star_throughput():
    ap.companion = False
    thru_tot = np.zeros((3, 4))
    for p in range(2, 3):
        # for p in range(0,1):

        if p == 0:
            tp.aber_params['CPA'] = False
            tp.aber_params['NCPA'] = False
            tp.use_atmos = False
            tp.use_ao = False

        if p == 1:
            tp.aber_params['CPA'] = True
            tp.aber_params['NCPA'] = False
            tp.use_atmos = True
            tp.use_ao = True

        if p == 2:
            tp.aber_params['CPA'] = True
            tp.aber_params['NCPA'] = True
            tp.use_atmos = True
            tp.use_ao = True

        # tp.band[0] = 860
        tp.occulter_type = 'None'
        ref = gpd.run()[0, 0]
        # ref_phot = phot.aper_phot(ref, 0, lods[0])
        ref_tot = np.sum(ref)
        # # mask = np.int_(phot.aperture(76, 52, 6))
        # print ref_phot
        # datacube = []
        # # tp.use_ao = False
        rad_int = np.zeros((4, 64))
        for i in range(1, 4):  #range(4):
            tp.occulter_type = occulter_types[i]  # 'Gaussian'
            occult = gpd.run()[0, 0]
            # datacube[i]/ref_phot
            # phot.coron_4_VIP(datacube[i],ref)
            for r in range(64):
                print i, r, occult.shape, r + 1
                rad_int[i, r] = phot.aper_phot(occult, r * 1, (r + 1) * 1)
            # plt.plot(rad_int[i])
            # plt.show()
            occult_tot = np.sum(occult)
            dprint(occult_tot / ref_tot)
            thru_tot[p, i] = occult_tot / ref_tot
            # datacube = np.array(datacube)
            # throughput = np.zeros((3))
    return thru_tot
예제 #2
파일: MKID_pic.py 프로젝트: lbusoni/MEDIS
mp.respons_var = True
mp.bad_pix = True
mp.hot_pix = 1

mp.R_mean = 8
mp.g_mean = 0.2
mp.g_sig = 0.04
mp.bg_mean = -10
mp.bg_sig = 40
mp.pix_yield = 0.7  # check dis

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if os.path.exists(iop.int_maps):

    ideal = gpd.run()[0, :]

    # compare_images(ideal, logAmp=True, vmax = 0.01, vmin=1e-6, annos = ['Ideal 800 nm', '1033 nm', '1267 nm', '1500 nm'], title=r'$I$')
    with open(iop.int_maps, 'rb') as handle:
        int_maps = pickle.load(handle)

    int_maps = np.array(int_maps)
    # view_datacube(int_maps, logAmp=True)
         annos=['Entrance Pupil', 'After CPA', 'After AO', 'After NCPA'])
예제 #3
def exo_through():
    ap.companion = True
    ap.lods = [[0, 0], [0.5, -0.5], [1, 1], [-1.5, 1.5], [-2, -2], [2.5, -2.5],
               [3, 3], [-3.5, 3.5], [-4, -4]]
    # ap.lods = []
    # for io in range(9):
    #     ap.lods.append(np.array([0.5,0.5]))
    ap.contrast = np.ones((len(ap.lods))) * 10  #00
    thru_matrix = np.zeros((3, 4, 8))
    colors = ['#1F77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728']
    fwhm = 12

    def get_xy(lod):

        x = tp.grid_size / 2 - lod[0] * fwhm
        y = tp.grid_size / 2 - lod[1] * fwhm
        return x, y

    for p in range(2, 3):
        # for p in range(0,1):

        if p == 0:
            tp.aber_params['CPA'] = False
            tp.aber_params['NCPA'] = False
            tp.use_atmos = False
            tp.use_ao = False

        if p == 1:
            tp.aber_params['CPA'] = True
            tp.aber_params['NCPA'] = False
            tp.use_atmos = True
            tp.use_ao = True

        if p == 2:
            tp.aber_params['CPA'] = True
            tp.aber_params['NCPA'] = True
            tp.use_atmos = True
            tp.use_ao = True
            # if ap.companion == True:

        tp.occulter_type = 'None'
        ref = gpd.run()[0, 0]
        # ref = np.transpose(ref)
        injected = np.zeros((len(ap.contrast)))
        for io in range(len(ap.contrast)):
            x, y = get_xy(ap.lods[io])
            print io, x, y,
            mask = phot.aperture(x, y, 4)
            # quicklook_im(ref, logAmp=True)
            # quicklook_im(ref * mask)
            injected[io] = np.sum(ref * mask) / np.sum(mask)
            print injected[io]

        for i in range(0, 4):
            tp.occulter_type = occulter_types[i]  # 'Gaussian'
            occult = gpd.run()[0, 0]
            recovered = np.zeros((len(ap.contrast)))
            for io in range(len(ap.contrast)):
                x, y = get_xy(ap.lods[io])
                print io, x, y,
                mask = phot.aperture(x, y, 4)
                # quicklook_im(ref, logAmp=True)
                # quicklook_im(ref * mask)
                recovered[io] = np.sum(occult * mask) / np.sum(mask)
                print recovered[io]

            # plt.plot(injected)
            # plt.plot(recovered)
            # plt.show()
            # plt.figure()
            vector_radd = range(0, 9)
            thruput_mean = recovered / injected
            # plt.plot(thruput_mean, marker='o', c=colors[i])
            rad_samp = np.arange(0, 9, 0.5)
            from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
            print len(vector_radd), len(thruput_mean)
            f = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(vector_radd, thruput_mean, k=2)
            thruput_interp = f(rad_samp)
            plt.plot(rad_samp, thruput_interp, c=colors[i])
            # plt.show()
    #     Isource = np.sum(ref * mask) / np.sum(mask)  # , 'sum'
    #     # plt.imshow(ref * mask, origin='lower')
    #     # plt.show()
    #     mask = np.int_(phot.aperture(76, 52, 6))
    #     # plt.imshow(datacube[i]*mask, origin='lower')
    #     throughput[0] = (np.sum(datacube[0] * mask) / np.sum(mask)) / Isource  # , 'sum'
    #     # plt.show()
    #     mask = np.int_(phot.aperture(76, 52, 10))
    #     # plt.imshow(datacube[i]*mask, origin='lower')
    #     throughput[1] = (np.sum(datacube[1] * mask) / np.sum(mask)) / Isource  # , 'sum'
    #     # plt.show()
    #     mask = np.int_(phot.aperture(76, 52, 8))
    #     # plt.imshow(datacube[i]*mask, origin='lower')
    #     throughput[2] = (np.sum(datacube[2] * mask) / np.sum(mask)) / Isource  # , 'sum'
    #     # plt.show()
    #     print throughput
    # # throughput = [ 0.68996802,  0.12175953,  0.27923381]
    # MEDIUM_SIZE = 16
    # plt.rc('font', size=MEDIUM_SIZE)  # controls default text sizes
    # # plt.rc('axes', linewidth=2)
    # from matplotlib import rcParams
    # rcParams['font.family'] = 'STIXGeneral'  # 'Times New Roman'
    # rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'custom'
    # rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'stix'
    # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4.3, 3.8))
    # labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
    # for i, int in enumerate(rad_int):
    #     # int/=throughput[i]
    #     ax.plot(np.linspace(0, 0.8, 64), int, label=occulter_types[i])
    # ax.text(0.05, 0.9, labels[p], transform=ax.transAxes, fontweight='bold', color='k', fontsize=17,
    #         family='serif')
    # ax.tick_params(direction='in', which='both', right=True, top=True)
    # ax.set_xlabel('Radial Separation')
    # ax.set_yscale('log')
    # if p == 0:
    #     ax.set_ylabel('Intensity Ratio')
    #     ax.legend()
    # plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.19, right=0.98, top=0.99, bottom=0.15)
    # # plt.savefig(str(p)+'.pdf')
    # print thru_data
    # plt.show()
예제 #4
    ax1 = ax.twinx()
    # ax1.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim())
    ax1.set_ylabel('$\phi$ (nm)')
    from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

    for i in range(3):
        tp.aber_params['NCPA'] = NCPAs[i]
        tp.aber_params['Amp'] = Amps[i]
        SRs = []
        phis = []
        for act in acts:
            tp.servo_error[0] = act
            num_exp = 3 + act  # 20 #5000
            ap.numframes = int(num_exp * ap.exposure_time / cp.frame_time)
            hypercube = gpd.run()

            peak_meas = hypercube[-1, 0, tp.grid_size / 2, tp.grid_size / 2]
            SR = peak_meas / peak_perf
            phi = np.sqrt((1 - SR)) * tp.band[0] / (2 * np.pi)
        ax.plot(acts, SRs)
        # ax1.plot(acts, phis)
        phi_lab = np.int_(
            np.sqrt((1 - ax.get_yticks())) * tp.band[0] / (2 * np.pi))
        # phi_lab[-2:] = [0, 0]
예제 #5
from Utils.plot_tools import view_datacube
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

tp.detector = 'ideal'  #
tp.show_wframe = False
cp.numframes = 1
mp.frame_time = 0.1
num_frames = [1, 10, 100]
tp.use_ao = True
tp.occulter_type = 'GAUSSIAN'
cp.vary_r0 = False  # turn off the automatic variation
sp.show_wframe = False
if sp.show_wframe == 'continuous':
    sp.fig = plt.figure()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    datacube = []
    for nf in num_frames:
        # image = np.zeros((tp.grid_size,tp.grid_size))
        # for f in range(nf):
        # image += run()[0]
        cp.numframes = nf
        hypercube = run()
        # hypercube = np.array(hypercube)
        image = np.sum(hypercube, axis=0) / nf

    datacube = np.array(datacube)
예제 #6
tp.use_atmos = True 
tp.use_ao = True
tp.CPA_type = None#'Static'#'Quasi'# None
tp.NCPA_type = None#'Static' #None
tp.active_null = False
tp.satelite_speck = True
tp.speck_locs = [[40,60], [40,70],[50,50]]#[[20,20],[40,30], [40,40]]
tp.speck_phases = [np.pi, np.pi/2, np.pi]
tp.speck_peakIs = np.ones((len(tp.speck_locs)))*0.05#*(1.1*len(tp.speck_locs))
mp.frame_time = 0.1

measured = []
for phase in np.linspace(0,6*np.pi,150):
	# tp.speck_phases = [-np.pi/2]#[phase]#

# with open('test.pkl', 'wb') as handle:
#     pickle.dump(measured, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

# with open('test.pkl', 'rb') as handle:
#     measured =pickle.load(handle)

# speck_phase = np.array(measured)#+1.9377
# # exceed = np.where(speck_phase >= 3.14)[0]
# # speck_phase[exceed] = speck_phase[exceed]-2*3.14
# plt.plot(np.linspace(-2*np.pi,6*np.pi,150) - speck_phase)
# # plt.xlabel('DM phase')
# # plt.xlim([0,2*np.pi])
# # plt.ylim([0,np.pi])