예제 #1
파일: div.py 프로젝트: ajige/Invest
def plotdivratio(code):
    sz50code, namedf, price, volume = getdata.GetPriceVolume(code)
    div = getdata.GetDiv('divi').ix[code]
    reportdate = getdata.GetDiv('report_date').ix[code]

    print div, reportdate

    ##do backfill
    divvalue = Series()

    for idx in range(0, len(reportdate.index)):
        if idx != len(reportdate.index) - 1:
            startdate = reportdate[reportdate.index[idx]]
            enddate = reportdate[reportdate.index[idx + 1]]
            startdate = reportdate[reportdate.index[idx]]
            enddate = '2017-04-28'

        print startdate, enddate
        dr = pd.date_range(startdate, end=enddate, freq='B')
        ctr = dr.to_pydatetime()
        for date in ctr:
            divvalue[date] = div[div.index[idx]]

    daterange = pd.date_range('01/01/2012', end='04/28/2017', freq='B')
    convertrange = daterange.to_pydatetime()
    ratio = Series()
    for date in convertrange:
        if date in price.index and date in divvalue.index:
            ratio[date] = divvalue[date] / price[code][date]

    #print ratio
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
예제 #2
def plotpe(ax):
    global profit, hs300

    daterange = pd.date_range('01/01/2012', end='03/03/2017', freq='B')
    #daterange = pd.date_range('03/01/2014', end = '05/20/2014', freq='B')
    convertrange = daterange.to_pydatetime()
    sz50code, namedf, price, volume = getdata.GetPriceVolume()

    epsall = getdata.GetProfit('eps')
    peseries = Series()
    validpe = Series()

    for date in convertrange:
        if date not in price.index:
        combinepe = 0
        for code in hs300.index:
            weight = hs300['weight'][code]
            eps = epsall.ix[code]

            quarter = date.month / 4 + 1
            if date.year == 2012:
                earning = eps[20124]
            elif date.year > 2016:
                earning = eps[20163] + eps[20154] - eps[20153]
                if quarter == 1:
                    earning = eps[(date.year - 1) * 10 + 4]
                    earning = eps[date.year * 10 + quarter - 1] + eps[
                        (date.year - 1) * 10 + 4] - eps[(date.year - 1) * 10 +
                                                        quarter - 1]

            temppe = float(price[code][date]) / earning

            if not isnan(temppe):
                validpe[code] = temppe

            if isnan(temppe) and code in validpe.index:
                temppe = validpe[code]

            if (not isnan(temppe)) and temppe > 0:
                combinepe = combinepe + weight * temppe
                #print combinepe
            #if date.year == 2014 and date.month==4  and date.day == 3 and temppe < 0:
            #	print date, code, temppe, earning

        peseries[date] = combinepe
        print date, combinepe
    #normalizedpe = (peseries - peseries.min()) / (peseries.max() - peseries.min())

예제 #3
def plotcorrelation():
    code1 = '601668'
    sz50code1, namedf1, price1, volume1 = getdata.GetPriceVolume()
    price1 = price1['601668'].pct_change()[1:]
    #price1 = price1.apply(lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)))
    volume1 = volume1.apply(lambda x: (x - np.mean(x)) /
                            (np.max(x) - np.min(x)))
    volume_ma = pd.rolling_mean(volume1, window=30)
    #price_ma = pd.rolling_mean(price1, window = 30)
    #ss = getdata.GetWindowCorr(price_ma[code1], volume_ma[code1], 90)
예제 #4
파일: div.py 프로젝트: ajige/Invest
def GetHighestDiv():
    global divi, hs300
    sz50code, namedf, price, volume = getdata.GetPriceVolume()
    dt = datetime.datetime(2017, 04, 28)
    df = DataFrame(columns=[2013, 2014, 2015, 'avg', 'price', 'ratio', 'name'],

    for ii in df.index:
        for year in [2013, 2014, 2015]:
            df[year][ii] = divi[year][ii]

        #print ii, 	df[2013][ii] , df[2014][ii] , df[2015][ii]
        df['avg'][ii] = float(df[2013][ii] + df[2014][ii] + df[2015][ii]) / 3
        df['price'][ii] = price[ii][dt]
        df['ratio'][ii] = df['avg'][ii] / price[ii][dt]
        df['name'][ii] = hs300['name'][ii]
        #print df.ix[ii]

    topcode = df.sort(columns='ratio', ascending=False)[0:50]
    for code in topcode.index:
        if not np.isnan(divi[2016][code]):
            print code, divi[2016][code] / price[code][dt], df['name'][code]
예제 #5
    currentquarter = int((month - 1) / 3) + 1
    pair = [(year - 1, 3), (year - 1, 4), (year, 1), (year, 2), (year, 3)]

    return pair[currentquarter]

def getsecondlastquarter(date):
    year = date.year
    month = date.month
    currentquarter = int((month - 1) / 3) + 1
    pair = [(year - 1, 3), (year - 1, 4), (year, 1), (year, 2), (year, 3)]

    return pair[currentquarter - 1]

sz50code, namedf, price, volume = getdata.GetPriceVolume()
daterange = pd.date_range(startdate, end=genddate, freq='B')
convertrange = daterange.to_pydatetime()
price = price.ix[convertrange[0]:convertrange[-1]]

def getvalue(tsseries, date):
    quarter = int((date.month - 1) / 3) + 1
    lastq = getlastquarter(date)

    if date.year == 2011:
        earning = tsseries[20114]

    ## data for most recent days, first check wheter value of last quarter is valid, if yes, use last quarter;
    ## if not, use second last quarter
    elif date > convertrange[-180]:
예제 #6
파일: correlation.py 프로젝트: ajige/Invest
            ret[d] = firstunzero
    return ret

date = pd.date_range('01/01/2012', end='06/30/2017')
#sz50 = ts.get_sz50s()
sz50 = getdata.GetHs300()
#sz50 = getdata.GetHs300()
#sz50 = sz50.append({'code':'sh', 'name':'index','date': '2016-08-01','weight':0}, ignore_index=True)
sz50code = sz50.index

df = DataFrame(columns=sz50code)
rawdict = {}
namedf = {}

sz50code, nameseries, price, volume = getdata.GetPriceVolume()
corrdf = price.corr()
vvdf = volume.corr()
#print corrdf['000625']['sh']
#print corrdf['000423']['sh']
#print corrdf['000963']['sh']
#codelist = ['000625', '000423', '000963', '600887', '600048', '600066']
codelist = download.LoadCodelist()

for code in codelist:
    for c2 in codelist:
        if code != c2:
            print code, c2
            print "%s: %s : %f, %f" % (sz50['name'][code].decode('UTF-8'),
                                       corrdf[code][c2], vvdf[code][c2])
예제 #7
파일: pe.py 프로젝트: ajige/Invest
def plotpb(code, ax, name):
    global profit, hs300, basic, roe, retpbarray
    sz50code, namedf, price, volume = getdata.GetPriceVolume(code)
    print "PB: %s: %s" % (code, name)

    daterange = pd.date_range('01/01/2012', end=genddate, freq='B')
    convertrange = daterange.to_pydatetime()

    netprofit = profit.ix[code] / basic[code] / 100
    roeix = roe.ix[code]

    #print netprofit
    #print roeix
    #price = price.ix[convertrange[-1]:convertrange[0]]

    pbseries = Series()
    earningseries = Series()
    for date in convertrange:
        if date in price.index:
            if date.month % 3 == 0:
                quarter = date.month / 3
                quarter = date.month / 3 + 1

            if date.year == 2011:
                earning = netprofit[20114]
                temproe = roeix[20114]
            elif (date.year == 2017 and quarter == 4) or date.year > 2017:
                earning = netprofit[20173]
                temproe = roeix[20173]

#	temproe = roeix[20163] + roeix[20172] - roeix[20162]
# if np.isnan(earning):
# earning = netprofit[20163] + netprofit[20154] - netprofit[20153]
# temproe = roeix[20164]
# if np.isnan(temproe):
# temproe = roeix[20163] + roeix[20154] - roeix[20153]
                if quarter == 1:
                    earning = netprofit[(date.year - 1) * 10 + 4]
                    temproe = roeix[(date.year - 1) * 10 + 4]
                    earning = netprofit[date.year * 10 + quarter - 1]
                    temproe = roeix[date.year * 10 + quarter - 1]

            book = earning * 100 / temproe
            #if code == '600340' and date.year == 2017 and quarter > 2 :
            #	print date, earning, temproe, earning * 100 / temproe, price[code][date], price[code][date] / book

            temp = price[code][date] / book
            #print code, date, price[code][date]
            pbseries[date] = temp
            #print date, earning, temproe, book, price[code][date], temp
            earningseries[date] = earning

    normalizedpe = pbseries

    print code, normalizedpe.ix[-1], normalizedpe.mean(), normalizedpe.ix[
        -1] / normalizedpe.mean(), normalizedpe.std() / normalizedpe.mean()
    sortedpe = normalizedpe.sort_values()
    print code, sortedpe.index[0], sortedpe[
        sortedpe.index[0]], sortedpe.index[-1], sortedpe[sortedpe.index[-1]]

    retpbarray[code] = normalizedpe.ix[-1] / sortedpe[sortedpe.index[0]]
    ax.set_title(code + ' PB')
    normalizedpe.plot(ax=ax, label="PB")

    #normalizedpe = (peseries - peseries.min()) / (peseries.max() - peseries.min())
    #normalizedearning = (earningseries - earningseries.min()) / (earningseries.max() - earningseries.min())

    #normalizedprice.plot(ax = ax,  label="Price")

    print '------------------------------------------'
예제 #8
파일: pe.py 프로젝트: ajige/Invest
def plotpe(code, ax, name):
    global profit, hs300, basic, retpearray
    sz50code, namedf, price, volume = getdata.GetPriceVolume(code)

    print "PE: %s: %s" % (code, name)

    daterange = pd.date_range('01/01/2012', end=genddate, freq='B')
    convertrange = daterange.to_pydatetime()
    netprofit = profit.ix[code] / basic[code] / 100

    #print netprofit

    #price = price.ix[convertrange[-1]:convertrange[0]]
    #print price
    peseries = Series()
    earningseries = Series()
    for date in convertrange:
        if date in price.index:
            if date.month % 3 == 0:
                quarter = date.month / 3
                quarter = date.month / 3 + 1

            if date.year == 2011:
                earning = netprofit[20114]
            elif (date.year == 2017 and quarter == 4) or date.year > 2017:
                earning = netprofit[20173] + netprofit[20164] - netprofit[20163]
                # earning = netprofit[20164]
                # if np.isnan(earning):
                # earning = netprofit[20163] + netprofit[20154] - netprofit[20153]
                if quarter == 1:
                    earning = netprofit[(date.year - 1) * 10 + 4]
                    earning = netprofit[
                        date.year * 10 + quarter -
                        1] + netprofit[(date.year - 1) * 10 + 4] - netprofit[
                            (date.year - 1) * 10 + quarter - 1]

            temp = price[code][date] / earning
            #print date, price[code][date], earning

            peseries[date] = temp
            earningseries[date] = earning

    #print peseries.min(), peseries.max(), peseries.mean(), peseries.median()
    #normalizedpe = (peseries - peseries.min()) / (peseries.max() - peseries.min())
    normalizedpe = peseries
    #print normalizedpe

    print code, normalizedpe.ix[-1], normalizedpe.mean(), normalizedpe.ix[
        -1] / normalizedpe.mean(), normalizedpe.std() / normalizedpe.mean()
    sortedpe = normalizedpe.sort_values()
    print code, sortedpe.index[0], sortedpe[
        sortedpe.index[0]], sortedpe.index[-1], sortedpe[sortedpe.index[-1]]

    retpearray[code] = normalizedpe.ix[-1] / sortedpe[sortedpe.index[0]]

    ax.set_title(code + ' PE')
    normalizedpe.plot(ax=ax, label="PE")

    print '------------------------------------------'