def start(self): '''Launch and wait for the process to initialize.''' print 'starting', self.cmd self.proc = Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE) self.socks = {} self._output_buffer = [] self.waitForOutput('Starting BsonNetwork v') time.sleep(1.0)
class BsonNetworkProcess(object): '''Utility class in order to test BsoNetwork processes.''' def __init__(self, cmd, **kwargs): '''Initialize with the given command and arguments.''' self._parse_arguments(cmd, **kwargs) self.proc = None def _parse_arguments(self, cmd, port=None, clientid=None, **kwargs): '''Parse all the arguments and add them to the command.''' if isinstance(cmd, str): cmd = cmd.split(' ') if '-p' not in cmd and '--port' not in cmd: if port is None: port = process.randomPort() cmd.append('-p') cmd.append(str(port)) self.port = int(cmd[cmd.index('-p') + 1]) if '-i' not in cmd and '--client-id' not in cmd: if clientid is None: clientid = 'server' cmd.append('-i') cmd.append(clientid) self.clientid = cmd[cmd.index('-i') + 1] self.cmd = ' '.join(cmd) def start(self): '''Launch and wait for the process to initialize.''' print 'starting', self.cmd self.proc = Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, stderr=STDOUT, stdout=PIPE) self.socks = {} self._output_buffer = [] self.waitForOutput('Starting BsonNetwork v') time.sleep(1.0) def stop(self): '''Stop the process, and print out all remaining output.''' for clientid in self.socks.keys(): self.disconnect(clientid) self.socks = {} self.proc.terminate() if self.proc.poll() is None: self.proc.kill() self.proc = None def __enter__(self): '''This object can be used in a with clause. starts the process.''' self.start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): '''This object can be used in a with clause. stops the process.''' self.stop() def waitForOutput(self, output): '''Waits for `output` to appear in the stdout or stderr of the process.''' print '=====> Waiting for: %s' % output # check backlog first. for line in self._output_buffer: if output in line: self._output_buffer.remove(line) # found it! remove it. return signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, Alarm.handler) signal.alarm(10) tic = print 'TIC:', tic try: line = '' while output not in line: if len(line) > 1: self._output_buffer.append(line) line = self.proc.stdout.readline().strip() if len(line) > 1: print line except Alarm: toc = print 'RAISE TOC:', toc, ' :: ', (toc - tic) raise OutputTimeout('Timed out waiting for output: %s' % output) toc = print 'TOC:', toc, ' :: ', (toc - tic) signal.alarm(0) def _sendobj(self, clientid, doc): '''Sends bson document `doc` via socket with `clientid`.''' self.socks[clientid].send(bson.dumps(doc)) def _recvobj(self, clientid, doc): '''Receives bson document `doc` via socket `clientid`.''' print len(bson.dumps(doc)) res = self.socks[clientid].recvobj() #res = self.socks[clientid].recv(len(bson.dumps(doc))) print res return res def send(self, docs): '''Sends a collection of bson docs (with _src and _dst)''' print 'SENDING', docs if not isinstance(docs, list): docs = [docs] for doc in docs: self._sendobj(doc['_src'], doc) def receive(self, docs, printall=False): '''Receives a collection of bson docs (with _src and _dst)''' if not isinstance(docs, list): docs = [docs] for doc in docs: self.waitForOutput('[%(_dst)s] sending document' % doc) while printall: print self.proc.stdout.readline().strip() doc2 = self._recvobj(doc['_dst'], doc) if not dicts_equal(doc, doc2): raise DocumentMismatchError('Document mismatch:\n%s\n%s' % (doc, doc2)) def send_and_receive(self, src, dst, docs): '''Sends and Receives a collection of bson docs (with _src and _dst)''' if not isinstance(docs, list): docs = [docs] for doc in docs: doc['_src'] = src doc['_dst'] = dst self.send(doc) self.receive(doc) def connect(self, clientid, trigger=True): '''Connects a socket with `clientid` to the process server.''' sock = None if trigger: print '=====> Connecting', clientid, 'to', self.port sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(('', self.port)) self.socks[clientid] = sock self.waitForOutput('connection made') return sock def disconnect(self, clientid, trigger=True): '''Disconnects the socket with `clientid` from the process server.''' if trigger: sock = self.socks[clientid] sock.close() del self.socks[clientid] self.waitForOutput('[%s] connection closed' % clientid) def identify(self, clientid, trigger=True): '''Identifies the socket with `clientid` with the process server.''' self.waitForOutput('sending identification message') if trigger: self._recvobj(clientid, { '_src' : self.clientid } ) self._sendobj(clientid, { '_src' : clientid } ) self.waitForOutput('[%s] connection identified' % clientid) def reidentify(self, oldid, newid, trigger=True): '''Re-identifies the socket with `oldid` with `newid`.''' if trigger: self.socks[newid] = self.socks[oldid] del self.socks[oldid] self._sendobj(newid, { '_src' : newid } ) self.waitForOutput('[%s] connection identified' % newid)