예제 #1
def make_test(
    base_source_dir: Path,
    subtest_dir: Path,
    spirv_opt_args: Optional[List[str]],
    binary_manager: binaries_util.BinaryManager,
) -> Path:
    # Create the subtest by copying the base source.
    util.copy_dir(base_source_dir, test_util.get_source_dir(subtest_dir))

    test = Test(spirv_fuzz=TestSpirvFuzz(spirv_opt_args=spirv_opt_args))

    fuzz_glsl_test.add_spirv_shader_test_binaries(test, spirv_opt_args, binary_manager)

    # Write the test metadata.
    test_util.metadata_write(test, subtest_dir)

    return subtest_dir
예제 #2
def make_test(
    base_source_dir: Path,
    subtest_dir: Path,
    spirv_opt_args: Optional[List[str]],
    binary_manager: binaries_util.BinaryManager,
) -> Path:
    # Create the subtest by copying the base source.
    util.copy_dir(base_source_dir, test_util.get_source_dir(subtest_dir))

    test = Test(glsl=TestGlsl(spirv_opt_args=spirv_opt_args))

    add_spirv_shader_test_binaries(test, spirv_opt_args, binary_manager)

    # Write the test metadata.
    test_util.metadata_write(test, subtest_dir)

    return subtest_dir
예제 #3
def make_test(
    base_source_dir: Path,
    subtest_dir: Path,
    spirv_opt_args: Optional[List[str]],
    binary_manager: binaries_util.BinaryManager,
    derived_from: Optional[str],
    stable_shader: bool,
    common_spirv_args: Optional[List[str]],
) -> Path:

    source_dir = test_util.get_source_dir(subtest_dir)

    # Create the subtest by copying the base source.
    util.copy_dir(base_source_dir, source_dir)

    test = Test(

    fuzz_test_util.add_spirv_shader_test_binaries(test, spirv_opt_args,

    # Write the test metadata.
    test_util.metadata_write(test, subtest_dir)

    # If the reference shader is "stable" (with respect to floating-point sensitivity)
    # then this can be a wrong image test; i.e. we will render the reference and variant shaders
    # and compare the output images.
    # Otherwise, we should just render the variant shader and check for crashes; to do this,
    # we just rename the `reference/` directory to `_reference/` so that the test has no reference shader.
    if not stable_shader and (source_dir / test_util.REFERENCE_DIR).is_dir():
            source_dir / test_util.REFERENCE_DIR,
            source_dir / f"_{test_util.REFERENCE_DIR}",

    return subtest_dir
예제 #4
def make_test(
    base_source_dir: Path,
    subtest_dir: Path,
    spirv_opt_args: Optional[List[str]],
    binary_manager: binaries_util.BinaryManager,
) -> Path:
    # Create the subtest by copying the base source.
    util.copy_dir(base_source_dir, test_util.get_source_dir(subtest_dir))

    test = Test(spirv_fuzz=TestSpirvFuzz(spirv_opt_args=spirv_opt_args))

    if spirv_opt_args:

    # Write the test metadata.
    test_util.metadata_write(test, subtest_dir)

    return subtest_dir
예제 #5
def maybe_add_report(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals;
        test_dir: Path, reports_dir: Path, device: Device,
        settings: Settings) -> Optional[Path]:

    result_output_dir = test_util.get_results_directory(test_dir, device.name)

    status = result_util.get_status(result_output_dir)

    report_subdirectory_name = ""

    if status == fuzz.STATUS_CRASH:
        report_subdirectory_name = "crashes"
    elif status == fuzz.STATUS_TOOL_CRASH:
        report_subdirectory_name = "tool_crashes"
    elif status == fuzz.STATUS_UNRESPONSIVE:
        report_subdirectory_name = "unresponsive"

    if not report_subdirectory_name:
        return None
    log_path = result_util.get_log_path(result_output_dir)

    log_contents = util.file_read_text(log_path)
    signature = signature_util.get_signature_from_log_contents(log_contents)

    signature_dir = reports_dir / report_subdirectory_name / signature


    # If the signature_dir contains a NOT_INTERESTING file, then don't bother creating a report.
    if (signature_dir / "NOT_INTERESTING").exists():
        return None

    if signature != signature_util.BAD_IMAGE_SIGNATURE:
        # If we have reached the maximum number of crashes per signature for this device, don't create a report.
        num_duplicates = [
            report_dir for report_dir in signature_dir.iterdir() if
            report_dir.is_dir() and report_dir.name.endswith(f"_{device.name}")
        if len(num_duplicates) >= settings.maximum_duplicate_crashes:
            return None

    # We include the device name in the directory name because it is possible that this test crashes on two
    # different devices but gives the same crash signature in both cases (e.g. for generic signatures
    # like "compile_error"). This would lead to two test copies having the same path.
    # It also means we can limit duplicates per device using the directory name.
    test_dir_in_reports = signature_dir / f"{test_dir.name}_{device.name}"

    util.copy_dir(test_dir, test_dir_in_reports)

    if signature != signature_util.BAD_IMAGE_SIGNATURE:

        # If we found a crash, rename the directories for all shaders other than the variant. Thus, only the variant
        # shader will run.

        bad_shader_name = result_util.get_status_bad_shader_name(
            test_util.get_results_directory(test_dir_in_reports, device.name))

        # TODO: Could possibly improve this. Could try scanning the Amber log to figure out which shader failed?

        if not bad_shader_name:
            log("WARNING: assuming that the bad shader is the variant")
            bad_shader_name = test_util.VARIANT_DIR

        shader_jobs = tool.get_shader_jobs(
        found_bad_shader = False
        for shader_job in shader_jobs:
            if shader_job.name == bad_shader_name:
                found_bad_shader = True
                    shader_job.shader_job.parent.parent /
                f"Could not find bad shader at: {test_util.get_source_dir(test_dir_in_reports) / bad_shader_name}"

    test_metadata = test_util.metadata_read(test_dir_in_reports)
    test_metadata.crash_signature = signature
    test_metadata.expected_status = status
    test_util.metadata_write(test_metadata, test_dir_in_reports)

    return test_dir_in_reports