class ImportExport(Identifiable, db.Model): """ImportExport Model.""" __tablename__ = 'import_exports' IMPORT_EXPORT_STATUSES = [ 'Not Started', 'Analysis', 'In Progress', 'Blocked', 'Analysis Failed', 'Stopped', 'Failed', 'Finished', ] job_type = db.Column(db.Enum('Import', 'Export'), nullable=False) status = db.Column(db.Enum(*IMPORT_EXPORT_STATUSES), nullable=False, default='Not Started') description = db.Column(db.Text) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) start_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) end_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) created_by_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) created_by = db.relationship('Person', foreign_keys='ImportExport.created_by_id', uselist=False) results = db.Column(mysql.LONGTEXT) title = db.Column(db.Text), content = db.Column(mysql.LONGTEXT) gdrive_metadata = db.Column('gdrive_metadata', db.Text)
class Statusable(object): """Mixin with default labels for status field""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods START_STATE = u"Not Started" PROGRESS_STATE = u"In Progress" DONE_STATE = u"In Review" VERIFIED_STATE = u"Verified" FINAL_STATE = u"Completed" END_STATES = {VERIFIED_STATE, FINAL_STATE} NOT_DONE_STATES = {START_STATE, PROGRESS_STATE} DONE_STATES = {DONE_STATE} | END_STATES VALID_STATES = tuple(NOT_DONE_STATES | DONE_STATES) status = db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_STATES), nullable=False, default=START_STATE) _aliases = { "status": { "display_name": "State", "mandatory": False, "description": "Options are:\n{}".format('\n'.join(VALID_STATES)) } } @classmethod def default_status(cls): return "Not Started"
class BaseNotification(base.ContextRBAC, Base, db.Model): """Base notifications and notifications history model.""" __abstract__ = True RUNNER_DAILY = "daily" RUNNER_FAST = "fast" object_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) object_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) send_on = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) sent_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=True) custom_message = db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u"") force_notifications = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) repeating = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) object = utils.PolymorphicRelationship("object_id", "object_type", "{}_notifiable") runner = db.Column(db.Enum(RUNNER_DAILY, RUNNER_FAST), nullable=False, default=RUNNER_DAILY) @declared_attr def notification_type_id(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) @declared_attr def notification_type(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return db.relationship('NotificationType', foreign_keys='{}.notification_type_id'.format( cls.__name__))
class Statusable(object): """Mixin with default labels for status field""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods START_STATE = u"Not Started" PROGRESS_STATE = u"In Progress" DONE_STATE = u"Ready for Review" VERIFIED_STATE = u"Verified" FINAL_STATE = u"Completed" END_STATES = {VERIFIED_STATE, FINAL_STATE} NOT_DONE_STATES = {START_STATE, PROGRESS_STATE} DONE_STATES = {DONE_STATE} | END_STATES VALID_STATES = tuple(NOT_DONE_STATES | DONE_STATES) status = db.Column( db.Enum(*VALID_STATES), nullable=False, default=START_STATE) @classmethod def default_status(cls): return "Not Started"
def status(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return deferred( db.Column( db.Enum(*cls.VALID_STATES), nullable=False, default=cls.default_status() ), cls.__name__ )
class ImportExport(Identifiable, db.Model): """ImportExport Model.""" __tablename__ = 'import_exports' IMPORT_EXPORT_STATUSES = [ 'Not Started', 'Analysis', 'In Progress', 'Blocked', 'Analysis Failed', 'Stopped', 'Failed', 'Finished', ] job_type = db.Column(db.Enum('Import', 'Export'), nullable=False) status = db.Column(db.Enum(*IMPORT_EXPORT_STATUSES), nullable=False, default='Not Started') description = db.Column(db.Text) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) start_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) end_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) created_by_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) created_by = db.relationship('Person', foreign_keys='ImportExport.created_by_id', uselist=False) results = db.Column(mysql.LONGTEXT) title = db.Column(db.Text) content = db.Column(mysql.LONGTEXT) gdrive_metadata = db.Column('gdrive_metadata', db.Text) def log_json(self): """JSON representation""" res = { getattr(self, for column in self.__table__.columns if not in ('content', 'gdrive_metadata')} if self.results: res['results'] = json.loads(self.results) res['created_at'] = self.created_at.isoformat() return res
class Revision(Identifiable, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'revisions' resource_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) resource_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) event_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) action = db.Column(db.Enum(u'created', u'modified', u'deleted'), nullable=False) content = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
class Event(Base, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'events' action = db.Column( db.Enum(u'POST', u'PUT', u'DELETE', u'BULK', u'GET'), nullable=False, ) resource_id = db.Column(db.Integer) resource_type = db.Column(db.String) revisions = db.relationship( 'Revision', backref='event', cascade='all, delete-orphan', ) _publish_attrs = [ 'action', 'resource_id', 'resource_type', 'revisions', ] _include_links = [ 'revisions', ] @staticmethod def _extra_table_args(class_): return ( db.Index('events_modified_by', 'modified_by_id'), db.Index( 'ix_{}_updated_at'.format(class_.__tablename__), 'updated_at', ), ) @classmethod def eager_query(cls): from sqlalchemy import orm query = super(Event, cls).eager_query() return query.options( orm.subqueryload('revisions').undefer_group('Revision_complete'), )
class Event(Base, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'events' action = db.Column( db.Enum(u'POST', u'PUT', u'DELETE', u'BULK', u'GET'), nullable=False, ) resource_id = db.Column(db.Integer) resource_type = db.Column(db.String) revisions = db.relationship( 'Revision', backref='event', cascade='all, delete-orphan', ) _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'action', 'resource_id', 'resource_type', 'revisions', ) _include_links = [ 'revisions', ] @staticmethod def _extra_table_args(class_): return (db.Index('events_modified_by', 'modified_by_id'), ) @classmethod def eager_query(cls, **kwargs): query = super(Event, cls).eager_query(**kwargs) return query.options( orm.subqueryload('revisions').undefer_group('Revision_complete'), )
class Document(Roleable, Relatable, Base, mixins.Titled, Indexed, bfh.BeforeFlushHandleable, db.Model): """Document model.""" __tablename__ = 'documents' _title_uniqueness = False link = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=False), 'Document') description = deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Document') source_gdrive_id = deferred( db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Document') gdrive_id = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Document') URL = "URL" ATTACHMENT = "EVIDENCE" REFERENCE_URL = "REFERENCE_URL" VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES = [URL, ATTACHMENT, REFERENCE_URL] document_type = deferred( db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES), default=URL, nullable=False), 'Document') _fulltext_attrs = [ 'title', 'link', 'description', 'document_type', ] _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'title', 'link', 'description', 'document_type', reflection.Attribute('source_gdrive_id', update=False), reflection.Attribute('gdrive_id', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('documentable_obj', read=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('is_uploaded', read=False, update=False), ) _sanitize_html = [ 'title', 'description', ] _aliases = { 'title': 'Title', 'link': 'Link', 'description': 'description', } _allowed_documentables = { 'Assessment', 'Control', 'Audit', 'Issue', 'RiskAssessment' } FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR = '_ggrc' @orm.validates('document_type') def validate_document_type(self, key, document_type): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if document_type is None: document_type = self.URL if document_type not in self.VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "Invalid value for attribute {attr}. " "Expected options are `{url}`, `{attachment}`, `{reference_url}`" .format(attr=key, url=self.URL, attachment=self.ATTACHMENT, reference_url=self.REFERENCE_URL)) return document_type @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return super(Document, cls).indexed_query().options( orm.Load(cls).undefer_group("Document_complete", ), ) @hybrid_property def slug(self): """Slug property""" if self.document_type in (self.URL, self.REFERENCE_URL): return return u"{} {}".format(, self.title) # pylint: disable=no-self-argument @slug.expression def slug(cls): return case([(cls.document_type == cls.ATTACHMENT, func.concat(, ' ', cls.title))], def log_json(self): tmp = super(Document, self).log_json() tmp['type'] = "Document" return tmp @simple_property def is_uploaded(self): """This flag is used to know if file uploaded from a local user folder. In that case we need just rename file, not copy. """ return self._is_uploaded if hasattr(self, '_is_uploaded') else False @is_uploaded.setter def is_uploaded(self, value): self._is_uploaded = value @simple_property def documentable_obj(self): return self._documentable_obj @documentable_obj.setter def documentable_obj(self, value): self._documentable_obj = value def _get_documentable_obj(self): """Get documentable object specified""" if 'id' not in self._documentable_obj: raise exceptions.ValidationError('"id" is mandatory' ' for documentable_obj') if 'type' not in self._documentable_obj: raise exceptions.ValidationError( '"type" is mandatory for documentable_obj') if self._documentable_obj['type'] not in self._allowed_documentables: raise exceptions.ValidationError('Allowed types are: {}.'.format( ', '.join(self._allowed_documentables))) doc_type = self._documentable_obj['type'] doc_id = self._documentable_obj['id'] obj = referenced_objects.get(doc_type, doc_id) if not obj: raise ValueError( 'Documentable object not found: {type} {id}'.format( type=doc_type, id=doc_id)) return obj @staticmethod def _build_file_name_postfix(documentable_obj): """Build postfix for given documentable object""" postfix_parts = [Document.FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, documentable_obj.slug] related_snapshots = documentable_obj.related_objects( _types=['Snapshot']) related_snapshots = sorted(related_snapshots, key=lambda it: slugs = (sn.revision.content['slug'] for sn in related_snapshots if sn.child_type == documentable_obj.assessment_type) postfix_parts.extend(slugs) postfix_sting = '_'.join(postfix_parts).lower() return postfix_sting def _build_relationship(self, documentable_obj): """Build relationship between document and documentable object""" from ggrc.models import relationship rel = relationship.Relationship(source=documentable_obj, destination=self) db.session.add(rel) def _update_fields(self, response): """Update fields of document with values of the copied file""" self.gdrive_id = response['id'] = response['webViewLink'] self.title = response['name'] self.document_type = Document.ATTACHMENT @staticmethod def _get_folder(parent_obj): return parent_obj.folder if hasattr(parent_obj, "folder") else "" def _map_documentable(self): """Maps document to documentable object If Document.ATTACHMENT and source_gdrive_id => copy file """ if self.is_with_documentable_obj(): documentable_obj = self._get_documentable_obj() if self.document_type == Document.ATTACHMENT and self.source_gdrive_id: self.exec_gdrive_file_copy_flow(documentable_obj) self._build_relationship(documentable_obj) self._documentable_obj = None def exec_gdrive_file_copy_flow(self, documentable_obj): """Execute google gdrive file copy flow Build file name, destination folder and copy file to that folder. After coping fills document object fields with new gdrive URL """ postfix = self._build_file_name_postfix(documentable_obj) folder_id = self._get_folder(documentable_obj) file_id = self.source_gdrive_id from ggrc.gdrive.file_actions import process_gdrive_file response = process_gdrive_file(folder_id, file_id, postfix, separator=Document.FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, is_uploaded=self.is_uploaded) self._update_fields(response) def is_with_documentable_obj(self): return bool( hasattr(self, "_documentable_obj") and self._documentable_obj) def handle_before_flush(self): """Handler that called before SQLAlchemy flush event""" self._map_documentable()
class Document(Ownable, Relatable, Base, Indexed, db.Model): """Audit model.""" __tablename__ = 'documents' # TODO: inherit from Titled mixin (note: title is nullable here) title = deferred(db.Column(db.String), 'Document') link = deferred(db.Column(db.String), 'Document') description = deferred(db.Column(db.Text), 'Document') kind_id = deferred(db.Column(db.Integer), 'Document') year_id = deferred(db.Column(db.Integer), 'Document') language_id = deferred(db.Column(db.Integer), 'Document') URL = "URL" ATTACHMENT = "EVIDENCE" document_type = deferred( db.Column(db.Enum(URL, ATTACHMENT), default=URL, nullable=False), 'Document') kind = db.relationship( 'Option', primaryjoin='and_(foreign(Document.kind_id) ==, ' 'Option.role == "reference_type")', uselist=False, ) year = db.relationship( 'Option', primaryjoin='and_(foreign(Document.year_id) ==, ' 'Option.role == "document_year")', uselist=False, ) language = db.relationship( 'Option', primaryjoin='and_(foreign(Document.language_id) ==, ' 'Option.role == "language")', uselist=False, ) _fulltext_attrs = [ 'title', 'link', 'description', "document_type", ] _publish_attrs = [ 'title', 'link', 'description', 'kind', 'year', 'language', "document_type", ] _sanitize_html = [ 'title', 'description', ] _aliases = { 'title': "Title", 'link': "Link", 'description': "description", } @orm.validates('kind', 'year', 'language') def validate_document_options(self, key, option): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if key == 'year': desired_role = 'document_year' elif key == 'kind': desired_role = 'reference_type' else: desired_role = key return validate_option(self.__class__.__name__, key, option, desired_role) @orm.validates('document_type') def validate_document_type(self, key, document_type): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if document_type is None: document_type = self.URL if document_type not in [self.URL, self.ATTACHMENT]: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "Invalid value for attribute {attr}. " "Expected options are `{url}`, `{attachment}`.".format( attr=key, url=self.URL, attachment=self.ATTACHMENT, )) return document_type @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return super(Document, cls).indexed_query().options( orm.Load(cls).load_only("title"), orm.Load(cls).load_only("link"), orm.Load(cls).load_only("description"), ) @classmethod def eager_query(cls): return super(Document, cls).eager_query().options( orm.joinedload('kind'), orm.joinedload('year'), orm.joinedload('language'), )
class Revision(Base, db.Model): """Revision object holds a JSON snapshot of the object at a time.""" __tablename__ = 'revisions' resource_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) resource_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) event_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) action = db.Column(db.Enum(u'created', u'modified', u'deleted'), nullable=False) _content = db.Column('content', LongJsonType, nullable=False) resource_slug = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) destination_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) destination_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) @staticmethod def _extra_table_args(_): return ( db.Index("revisions_modified_by", "modified_by_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_resource", "resource_type", "resource_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_source", "source_type", "source_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_destination", "destination_type", "destination_id"), db.Index('ix_revisions_resource_slug', 'resource_slug'), ) _publish_attrs = [ 'resource_id', 'resource_type', 'source_type', 'source_id', 'destination_type', 'destination_id', 'action', 'content', 'description', ] @classmethod def eager_query(cls): from sqlalchemy import orm query = super(Revision, cls).eager_query() return query.options( orm.subqueryload('modified_by'), orm.subqueryload('event'), # used in description ) def __init__(self, obj, modified_by_id, action, content): self.resource_id = self.resource_type = obj.__class__.__name__ self.resource_slug = getattr(obj, "slug", None) self.modified_by_id = modified_by_id self.action = action self._content = content for attr in ["source_type", "source_id", "destination_type", "destination_id"]: setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr, None)) @builder.simple_property def description(self): """Compute a human readable description from action and content.""" if 'display_name' not in self._content: return '' display_name = self._content['display_name'] if not display_name: result = u"{0} {1}".format(self.resource_type, self.action) elif u'<->' in display_name: if self.action == 'created': msg = u"{destination} linked to {source}" elif self.action == 'deleted': msg = u"{destination} unlinked from {source}" else: msg = u"{display_name} {action}" source, destination = self._content['display_name'].split('<->')[:2] result = msg.format(source=source, destination=destination, display_name=self._content['display_name'], action=self.action) elif 'mapped_directive' in self._content: # then this is a special case of combined map/creation # should happen only for Section and Control mapped_directive = self._content['mapped_directive'] if self.action == 'created': result = u"New {0}, {1}, created and mapped to {2}".format( self.resource_type, display_name, mapped_directive ) elif self.action == 'deleted': result = u"{0} unmapped from {1} and deleted".format( display_name, mapped_directive) else: result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) else: # otherwise, it's a normal creation event result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) if self.event.action == "BULK": result += ", via bulk action" return result @builder.simple_property def content(self): """Property. Contains the revision content dict. Updated by required values, generated from saved content dict.""" roles_dict = role.get_custom_roles_for(self.resource_type) reverted_roles_dict = {n: i for i, n in roles_dict.iteritems()} access_control_list = self._content.get("access_control_list") or [] map_field_to_role = { "principal_assessor": reverted_roles_dict.get("Principal Assignees"), "secondary_assessor": reverted_roles_dict.get("Secondary Assignees"), "contact": reverted_roles_dict.get("Primary Contacts"), "secondary_contact": reverted_roles_dict.get("Secondary Contacts"), } exists_roles = {i["ac_role_id"] for i in access_control_list} for field, role_id in map_field_to_role.items(): if field not in self._content: continue if role_id in exists_roles or role_id is None: continue person_id = (self._content.get(field) or {}).get("id") if not person_id: continue access_control_list.append({ "display_name": roles_dict[role_id], "ac_role_id": role_id, "context_id": None, "created_at": None, "object_type": self.resource_type, "updated_at": None, "object_id": self.resource_id, "modified_by_id": None, "person_id": person_id, "modified_by": None, "id": None, }) populated_content = self._content.copy() populated_content["access_control_list"] = access_control_list return populated_content @content.setter def content(self, value): """ Setter for content property.""" self._content = value
class ImportExport(Identifiable, db.Model): """ImportExport Model.""" __tablename__ = 'import_exports' IMPORT_JOB_TYPE = 'Import' EXPORT_JOB_TYPE = 'Export' ANALYSIS_STATUS = 'Analysis' BLOCKED_STATUS = 'Blocked' FAILED_STATUS = 'Failed' IN_PROGRESS_STATUS = 'In Progress' NOT_STARTED_STATUS = 'Not Started' STOPPED_STATUS = 'Stopped' IMPORT_EXPORT_STATUSES = [ NOT_STARTED_STATUS, ANALYSIS_STATUS, IN_PROGRESS_STATUS, BLOCKED_STATUS, 'Analysis Failed', STOPPED_STATUS, FAILED_STATUS, 'Finished', ] DEFAULT_COLUMNS = ['id', 'title', 'created_at', 'status'] job_type = db.Column(db.Enum(IMPORT_JOB_TYPE, EXPORT_JOB_TYPE), nullable=False) status = db.Column(db.Enum(*IMPORT_EXPORT_STATUSES), nullable=False, default=NOT_STARTED_STATUS) description = db.Column(db.Text) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, nullable=False) start_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) end_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) created_by_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) created_by = db.relationship('Person', foreign_keys='ImportExport.created_by_id', uselist=False) results = db.Column(mysql.LONGTEXT) title = db.Column(db.Text) content = db.Column(mysql.LONGTEXT) gdrive_metadata = db.Column('gdrive_metadata', db.Text) def log_json(self, is_default=False): """JSON representation""" if is_default: columns = self.DEFAULT_COLUMNS else: columns = ( for column in self.__table__.columns if not in ('content', 'gdrive_metadata')) res = {} for column in columns: if column == "results": res[column] = json.loads(self.results) if self.results \ else self.results elif column == "created_at": res[column] = self.created_at.isoformat() else: res[column] = getattr(self, column) return res
class Revision(Base, db.Model): """Revision object holds a JSON snapshot of the object at a time.""" __tablename__ = 'revisions' resource_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) resource_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) event_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) action = db.Column(db.Enum(u'created', u'modified', u'deleted'), nullable=False) content = db.Column(JsonType, nullable=False) source_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) destination_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) destination_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) @staticmethod def _extra_table_args(_): return ( db.Index("revisions_modified_by", "modified_by_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_resource", "resource_type", "resource_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_source", "source_type", "source_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_destination", "destination_type", "destination_id"), ) _publish_attrs = [ 'resource_id', 'resource_type', 'source_type', 'source_id', 'destination_type', 'destination_id', 'action', 'content', 'description', ] @classmethod def eager_query(cls): from sqlalchemy import orm query = super(Revision, cls).eager_query() return query.options( orm.subqueryload('modified_by'), orm.subqueryload('event'), # used in description ) def __init__(self, obj, modified_by_id, action, content): self.resource_id = self.modified_by_id = modified_by_id self.resource_type = str(obj.__class__.__name__) self.action = action self.content = content for attr in ["source_type", "source_id", "destination_type", "destination_id"]: setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr, None)) def _description_mapping(self, link_objects): """Compute description for revisions with <-> in display name.""" display_name = self.content['display_name'] source, destination = display_name.split('<->')[:2] mapping_verb = "linked" if self.resource_type in link_objects else "mapped" if self.action == 'created': result = u"{1} {2} to {0}".format(source, destination, mapping_verb) elif self.action == 'deleted': result = u"{1} un{2} from {0}".format(source, destination, mapping_verb) else: result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) return result @computed_property def description(self): """Compute a human readable description from action and content.""" link_objects = ['ObjectDocument'] if 'display_name' not in self.content: return '' display_name = self.content['display_name'] if not display_name: result = u"{0} {1}".format(self.resource_type, self.action) elif u'<->' in display_name: result = self._description_mapping(link_objects) else: if 'mapped_directive' in self.content: # then this is a special case of combined map/creation # should happen only for Section and Control mapped_directive = self.content['mapped_directive'] if self.action == 'created': result = u"New {0}, {1}, created and mapped to {2}".format( self.resource_type, display_name, mapped_directive ) elif self.action == 'deleted': result = u"{0} unmapped from {1} and deleted".format( display_name, mapped_directive) else: result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) else: # otherwise, it's a normal creation event result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) if self.event.action == "BULK": result += ", via bulk action" return result
class Document(Roleable, Relatable, mixins.Titled, bfh.BeforeFlushHandleable, Statusable, mixins.WithLastDeprecatedDate, comment.Commentable, wrch.WithRelationshipCreatedHandler, Indexed, base.ContextRBAC, mixins.Slugged, db.Model): """Document model.""" __tablename__ = 'documents' _title_uniqueness = False # Override from Commentable mixin (can be removed after GGRC-5192) send_by_default = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True) link = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=False), 'Document') description = deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Document') FILE = "FILE" REFERENCE_URL = "REFERENCE_URL" VALID_DOCUMENT_KINDS = [FILE, REFERENCE_URL] START_STATE = 'Active' DEPRECATED = 'Deprecated' VALID_STATES = (START_STATE, DEPRECATED, ) kind = deferred(db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_DOCUMENT_KINDS), default=REFERENCE_URL, nullable=False), "Document") source_gdrive_id = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Document') gdrive_id = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Document') _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'title', 'description', 'status', reflection.Attribute('link', update=False), reflection.Attribute('kind', update=False), reflection.Attribute('source_gdrive_id', update=False), reflection.Attribute('gdrive_id', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('parent_obj', read=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('is_uploaded', read=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('send_by_default', create=False, update=False), ) _fulltext_attrs = [ 'title', 'link', 'description', 'kind', 'status' ] _sanitize_html = [ 'title', 'description', ] _aliases = { 'title': 'Title', 'link': 'Link', 'description': 'Description', 'kind': 'Type', } ALLOWED_PARENTS = { 'Control', 'Issue', 'RiskAssessment', 'AccessGroup', 'Contract', 'DataAsset', 'Facility', 'Market', 'Metric', 'Objective', 'OrgGroup', 'Policy', 'Process', 'Product', 'ProductGroup', 'Program', 'Project', 'Regulation', 'Requirement', 'Risk', 'Standard', 'System', 'TechnologyEnvironment', 'Threat', 'Vendor', } @orm.validates('kind') def validate_kind(self, key, kind): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if kind is None: kind = self.REFERENCE_URL if kind not in self.VALID_DOCUMENT_KINDS: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "Invalid value for attribute {attr}. " "Expected options are `{file}`, `{reference_url}`". format( attr=key, file=self.FILE, reference_url=self.REFERENCE_URL ) ) return kind @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return super(Document, cls).indexed_query().options( orm.Load(cls).undefer_group( "Document_complete", ), ) def _display_name(self): result = self.title if self.kind == Document.FILE: result = + ' ' + self.title return result def log_json(self): tmp = super(Document, self).log_json() tmp['type'] = "Document" return tmp @simple_property def is_uploaded(self): """This flag is used to know if file uploaded from a local user folder. In that case we need just rename file, not copy. """ return self._is_uploaded if hasattr(self, '_is_uploaded') else False @is_uploaded.setter def is_uploaded(self, value): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._is_uploaded = value @simple_property def parent_obj(self): return self._parent_obj @parent_obj.setter def parent_obj(self, value): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._parent_obj = value def _get_parent_obj(self): """Get parent object specified""" from ggrc.models.object_document import Documentable from ggrc.models import all_models if 'id' not in self._parent_obj: raise exceptions.ValidationError('"id" is mandatory for parent_obj') if 'type' not in self._parent_obj: raise exceptions.ValidationError( '"type" is mandatory for parent_obj') parent_type = self._parent_obj['type'] parent_model = getattr(all_models, parent_type, None) if parent_model is None: raise exceptions.ValidationError( 'Type "{}" not found.'.format(parent_type) ) if not issubclass(parent_model, Documentable): raise exceptions.ValidationError( 'Type "{}" is not Documentable.'.format(parent_type) ) parent_id = self._parent_obj['id'] obj = referenced_objects.get(parent_type, parent_id) if not obj: raise ValueError( 'Parent object not found: {type} {id}'.format(type=parent_type, id=parent_id)) return obj def _build_relationship(self, parent_obj): """Build relationship between document and documentable object""" from ggrc.models import relationship rel = relationship.Relationship( source=parent_obj, destination=self ) db.session.add(rel) def _update_fields(self, link): """Update fields of document with values of the copied file""" self.gdrive_id = self.source_gdrive_id = link self.kind = Document.FILE @staticmethod def _get_folder(parent): return parent.folder if hasattr(parent, 'folder') else '' def _process_gdrive_business_logic(self): """Handles gdrive business logic If parent_obj specified => add file to parent folder If parent_obj not specified => get file link """ if self.is_with_parent_obj(): parent = self._get_parent_obj() if self.kind == Document.FILE and self.source_gdrive_id: parent_folder_id = self._get_folder(parent) self.add_gdrive_file_folder(parent_folder_id) self._build_relationship(parent) self._parent_obj = None elif (self.kind == Document.FILE and self.source_gdrive_id and not self.gdrive_id = self.source_gdrive_id from ggrc.gdrive.file_actions import get_gdrive_file_link = get_gdrive_file_link(self.source_gdrive_id) def add_gdrive_file_folder(self, folder_id): """Add file to parent folder if exists""" file_id = self.source_gdrive_id from ggrc.gdrive import file_actions if folder_id: file_link = file_actions.add_gdrive_file_folder(file_id, folder_id) else: file_link = file_actions.get_gdrive_file_link(file_id) self._update_fields(file_link) def is_with_parent_obj(self): return bool(hasattr(self, '_parent_obj') and self._parent_obj) def add_admin_role(self): """Add current user to Document Admins""" from ggrc.models import all_models admin_role = db.session.query(all_models.AccessControlRole).filter_by( name="Admin", object_type=self.type).one() self.extend_access_control_list([{ "ac_role": admin_role, "person": login.get_current_user() }]) def handle_relationship_created(self, target): """Add document to parent folder if specified""" from ggrc.models.object_document import Documentable if (isinstance(target, Documentable) and isinstance(target, Folderable) and self.kind == Document.FILE and self.source_gdrive_id): parent_folder_id = self._get_folder(target) self.add_gdrive_file_folder(parent_folder_id) def handle_before_flush(self): """Handler that called before SQLAlchemy flush event""" self._process_gdrive_business_logic()
class Evidence(Roleable, Relatable, mixins.Titled, bfh.BeforeFlushHandleable, Statusable, mixins.WithLastDeprecatedDate, comment.Commentable, WithAutoDeprecation, mixin.Indexed, base.ContextRBAC, mixins.Slugged, db.Model): """Evidence (Audit-scope URLs, FILE's) model.""" __tablename__ = "evidence" _title_uniqueness = False URL = "URL" FILE = "FILE" VALID_EVIDENCE_KINDS = [URL, FILE] START_STATE = 'Active' DEPRECATED = 'Deprecated' VALID_STATES = ( START_STATE, DEPRECATED, ) kind = deferred( db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_EVIDENCE_KINDS), default=URL, nullable=False), "Evidence") source_gdrive_id = deferred( db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default=u""), "Evidence") gdrive_id = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default=u""), "Evidence") link = deferred(db.Column(db.String), "Evidence") description = deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u""), "Evidence") # Override from Commentable mixin (can be removed after GGRC-5192) send_by_default = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True) _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( "title", reflection.Attribute("link", update=False), reflection.Attribute("source_gdrive_id", update=False), "description", "status", reflection.Attribute("kind", update=False), reflection.Attribute("parent_obj", read=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('archived', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('is_uploaded', read=False, update=False), ) _fulltext_attrs = ["link", "description", "kind", "status", "archived"] AUTO_REINDEX_RULES = [ mixin.ReindexRule("Audit", lambda x: x.all_related_evidences, ["archived"]), ] _sanitize_html = [ "title", "description", ] _aliases = { "title": "Title", "link": "Link", "description": "Description", "kind": "Type", "archived": { "display_name": "Archived", "mandatory": False }, } _allowed_parents = {'Assessment', 'Audit'} FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR = '_ggrc' @orm.validates("kind") def validate_kind(self, key, kind): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if kind is None: kind = self.URL if kind not in self.VALID_EVIDENCE_KINDS: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "Invalid value for attribute {attr}. " "Expected options are `{url}`, `{file}`".format( attr=key, url=self.URL, file=self.FILE)) return kind @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return super(Evidence, cls).indexed_query().options( orm.Load(cls).undefer_group("Evidence_complete", ), orm.Load(cls).subqueryload('related_sources'), orm.Load(cls).subqueryload('related_destinations'), ) @simple_property def archived(self): """Returns a boolean whether parent is archived or not.""" parent_candidates = self.related_objects( _types=Evidence._allowed_parents) if parent_candidates: parent = parent_candidates.pop() return parent.archived return False def log_json(self): tmp = super(Evidence, self).log_json() tmp['type'] = 'Evidence' return tmp @simple_property def is_uploaded(self): """This flag is used to know if file uploaded from a local user folder. In that case we need just rename file, not copy. """ return self._is_uploaded if hasattr(self, '_is_uploaded') else False @is_uploaded.setter def is_uploaded(self, value): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._is_uploaded = value @simple_property def parent_obj(self): """Getter for local parent object property.""" # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init return self._parent_obj @parent_obj.setter def parent_obj(self, value): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._parent_obj = value def _get_parent_obj(self): """Get parent object specified""" if 'id' not in self._parent_obj: raise exceptions.ValidationError( '"id" is mandatory for parent_obj') if 'type' not in self._parent_obj: raise exceptions.ValidationError( '"type" is mandatory for parent_obj') if self._parent_obj['type'] not in self._allowed_parents: raise exceptions.ValidationError('Allowed types are: {}.'.format( ', '.join(self._allowed_parents))) parent_type = self._parent_obj['type'] parent_id = self._parent_obj['id'] obj = referenced_objects.get(parent_type, parent_id) if not obj: raise ValueError('Parent object not found: {type} {id}'.format( type=parent_type, id=parent_id)) return obj @staticmethod def _build_file_name_postfix(parent_obj): """Build postfix for given parent object""" postfix_parts = [Evidence.FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, parent_obj.slug] related_snapshots = parent_obj.related_objects(_types=['Snapshot']) related_snapshots = sorted(related_snapshots, key=lambda it: slugs = (sn.revision.content['slug'] for sn in related_snapshots if sn.child_type == parent_obj.assessment_type) postfix_parts.extend(slugs) postfix_sting = '_'.join(postfix_parts).lower() return postfix_sting def _build_relationship(self, parent_obj): """Build relationship between evidence and parent object""" from ggrc.models import all_models rel = all_models.Relationship(source=parent_obj, destination=self) db.session.add(rel) signals.Restful.model_put.send(rel.__class__, obj=rel, service=self) def _update_fields(self, response): """Update fields of evidence with values of the copied file""" self.gdrive_id = response['id'] = response['webViewLink'] self.title = response['name'] self.kind = Evidence.FILE @staticmethod def _get_folder(parent): return parent.folder if hasattr(parent, 'folder') else '' def exec_gdrive_file_copy_flow(self): """Execute google gdrive file copy flow Build file name, destination folder and copy file to that folder. After coping fills evidence object fields with new gdrive URL """ if self.is_with_parent_obj() and \ self.kind == Evidence.FILE and \ self.source_gdrive_id: parent = self._get_parent_obj() postfix = self._build_file_name_postfix(parent) folder_id = self._get_folder(parent) file_id = self.source_gdrive_id from ggrc.gdrive.file_actions import process_gdrive_file response = process_gdrive_file( file_id, folder_id, postfix, separator=Evidence.FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, is_uploaded=self.is_uploaded) self._update_fields(response) def is_with_parent_obj(self): return bool(hasattr(self, '_parent_obj') and self._parent_obj) def add_admin_role(self): """Add current user as Evidence admin""" self.add_person_with_role_name(login.get_current_user(), "Admin") def handle_before_flush(self): """Handler that called before SQLAlchemy flush event""" self.exec_gdrive_file_copy_flow()
def label(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument return deferred( db.Column(db.Enum(*cls.POSSIBLE_LABELS), nullable=True), cls.__name__)
class Revision(Base, db.Model): """Revision object holds a JSON snapshot of the object at a time.""" __tablename__ = 'revisions' resource_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) resource_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) event_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) action = db.Column(db.Enum(u'created', u'modified', u'deleted'), nullable=False) _content = db.Column('content', LongJsonType, nullable=False) resource_slug = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) destination_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) destination_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) @staticmethod def _extra_table_args(_): return ( db.Index("revisions_modified_by", "modified_by_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_resource", "resource_type", "resource_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_source", "source_type", "source_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_destination", "destination_type", "destination_id"), db.Index('ix_revisions_resource_slug', 'resource_slug'), ) _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'resource_id', 'resource_type', 'source_type', 'source_id', 'destination_type', 'destination_id', 'action', 'content', 'description', ) @classmethod def eager_query(cls): from sqlalchemy import orm query = super(Revision, cls).eager_query() return query.options( orm.subqueryload('modified_by'), orm.subqueryload('event'), # used in description ) def __init__(self, obj, modified_by_id, action, content): self.resource_id = self.resource_type = obj.__class__.__name__ self.resource_slug = getattr(obj, "slug", None) self.modified_by_id = modified_by_id self.action = action if "access_control_list" in content and content["access_control_list"]: for acl in content["access_control_list"]: acl["person"] = { "id": acl["person_id"], "type": "Person", "href": "/api/people/{}".format(acl["person_id"]), } self._content = content for attr in [ "source_type", "source_id", "destination_type", "destination_id" ]: setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr, None)) @builder.simple_property def description(self): """Compute a human readable description from action and content.""" if 'display_name' not in self._content: return '' display_name = self._content['display_name'] if not display_name: result = u"{0} {1}".format(self.resource_type, self.action) elif u'<->' in display_name: if self.action == 'created': msg = u"{destination} linked to {source}" elif self.action == 'deleted': msg = u"{destination} unlinked from {source}" else: msg = u"{display_name} {action}" source, destination = self._content['display_name'].split( '<->')[:2] result = msg.format(source=source, destination=destination, display_name=self._content['display_name'], action=self.action) elif 'mapped_directive' in self._content: # then this is a special case of combined map/creation # should happen only for Section and Control mapped_directive = self._content['mapped_directive'] if self.action == 'created': result = u"New {0}, {1}, created and mapped to {2}".format( self.resource_type, display_name, mapped_directive) elif self.action == 'deleted': result = u"{0} unmapped from {1} and deleted".format( display_name, mapped_directive) else: result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) else: # otherwise, it's a normal creation event result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) if self.event.action == "BULK": result += ", via bulk action" return result @builder.simple_property def content(self): """Property. Contains the revision content dict. Updated by required values, generated from saved content dict.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals roles_dict = role.get_custom_roles_for(self.resource_type) reverted_roles_dict = {n: i for i, n in roles_dict.iteritems()} access_control_list = self._content.get("access_control_list") or [] map_field_to_role = { "principal_assessor": reverted_roles_dict.get("Principal Assignees"), "secondary_assessor": reverted_roles_dict.get("Secondary Assignees"), "contact": reverted_roles_dict.get("Primary Contacts"), "secondary_contact": reverted_roles_dict.get("Secondary Contacts"), "owners": reverted_roles_dict.get("Admin"), } exists_roles = {i["ac_role_id"] for i in access_control_list} for field, role_id in map_field_to_role.items(): if field not in self._content: continue if role_id in exists_roles or role_id is None: continue field_content = self._content.get(field) or {} if not field_content: continue if not isinstance(field_content, list): field_content = [field_content] person_ids = {fc.get("id") for fc in field_content if fc.get("id")} for person_id in person_ids: access_control_list.append({ "display_name": roles_dict[role_id], "ac_role_id": role_id, "context_id": None, "created_at": None, "object_type": self.resource_type, "updated_at": None, "object_id": self.resource_id, "modified_by_id": None, "person_id": person_id, # Frontend require data in such format "person": { "id": person_id, "type": "Person", "href": "/api/people/{}".format(person_id) }, "modified_by": None, "id": None, }) populated_content = self._content.copy() populated_content["access_control_list"] = access_control_list if 'url' in self._content: reference_url_list = [] for key in ('url', 'reference_url'): link = self._content[key] # link might exist, but can be an empty string - we treat those values # as non-existing (empty) reference URLs if not link: continue # if creation/modification date is not available, we estimate it by # using the corresponding information from the Revision itself created_at = (self._content.get("created_at") or self.created_at.isoformat()) updated_at = (self._content.get("updated_at") or self.updated_at.isoformat()) reference_url_list.append({ "display_name": link, "document_type": "REFERENCE_URL", "link": link, "title": link, "id": None, "created_at": created_at, "updated_at": updated_at, }) populated_content['reference_url'] = reference_url_list return populated_content @content.setter def content(self, value): """ Setter for content property.""" self._content = value
class Evidence(Roleable, Relatable, mixins.Titled, bfh.BeforeFlushHandleable, Statusable, mixins.WithLastDeprecatedDate, comment.Commentable, WithAutoDeprecation, base.ContextRBAC, mixins.Slugged, mixin.Indexed, db.Model): """Evidence (Audit-scope URLs, FILE's) model.""" __tablename__ = "evidence" _title_uniqueness = False URL = "URL" FILE = "FILE" VALID_EVIDENCE_KINDS = [URL, FILE] START_STATE = 'Active' DEPRECATED = 'Deprecated' VALID_STATES = ( START_STATE, DEPRECATED, ) kind = deferred( db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_EVIDENCE_KINDS), default=URL, nullable=False), "Evidence") source_gdrive_id = deferred( db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default=u""), "Evidence") gdrive_id = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, default=u""), "Evidence") link = deferred(db.Column(db.String), "Evidence") description = deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u""), "Evidence") # Override from Commentable mixin (can be removed after GGRC-5192) send_by_default = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=True) _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( "title", reflection.Attribute("link", update=False), reflection.Attribute("source_gdrive_id", update=False), "description", "status", reflection.Attribute("kind", update=False), reflection.Attribute("parent_obj", read=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute("archived", create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute("is_uploaded", read=False, update=False), ) _fulltext_attrs = [ "title", "link", "description", "kind", "status", "archived" ] AUTO_REINDEX_RULES = [ mixin.ReindexRule("Audit", lambda x: x.assessments, ["archived"]), ] _sanitize_html = [ "title", "description", ] _aliases = { "title": "Title", "link": "Link", "description": "Description", "kind": "Type", "archived": { "display_name": "Archived", "mandatory": False }, } _allowed_parents = {"Assessment", "Audit"} FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR = "_ggrc" @orm.validates("kind") def validate_kind(self, key, kind): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if kind is None: kind = self.URL if kind not in self.VALID_EVIDENCE_KINDS: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "Invalid value for attribute {attr}. " "Expected options are `{url}`, `{file}`".format( attr=key, url=self.URL, file=self.FILE)) return kind @classmethod def _populate_query(cls, query): return query.options( orm.subqueryload(cls._related_assessment), orm.subqueryload(cls._related_audit).load_only("archived"), orm.Load(cls).undefer_group("Evidence_complete", ), ) @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return cls._populate_query(super(Evidence, cls).indexed_query()) @classmethod def eager_query(cls): return cls._populate_query(super(Evidence, cls).eager_query()) @simple_property def archived(self): """Evidence archived if related Assessment/Audit is archived""" # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object if self._related_assessment: return self._related_assessment.audit.archived elif self._related_audit: return self._related_audit.archived return False def log_json(self): tmp = super(Evidence, self).log_json() tmp["type"] = "Evidence" return tmp @simple_property def is_uploaded(self): """This flag is used to know if file uploaded from a local user folder. In that case we need just rename file, not copy. """ return self._is_uploaded if hasattr(self, "_is_uploaded") else False @is_uploaded.setter def is_uploaded(self, value): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._is_uploaded = value @simple_property def parent_obj(self): return self._parent_obj @parent_obj.setter def parent_obj(self, value): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._parent_obj = value def _get_parent_obj(self): """Get parent object specified""" if "id" not in self._parent_obj: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "'id' is mandatory for parent_obj") if "type" not in self._parent_obj: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "'type' is mandatory for parent_obj") if self._parent_obj["type"] not in self._allowed_parents: raise exceptions.ValidationError("Allowed types are: {}.".format( ", ".join(self._allowed_parents))) parent_type = self._parent_obj["type"] parent_id = self._parent_obj["id"] obj = referenced_objects.get(parent_type, parent_id) if not obj: raise ValueError("Parent object not found: {type} {id}".format( type=parent_type, id=parent_id)) return obj @staticmethod def _build_file_name_postfix(parent_obj): """Build postfix for given parent object""" postfix_parts = [Evidence.FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, parent_obj.slug] related_snapshots = parent_obj.related_objects(_types=["Snapshot"]) related_snapshots = sorted(related_snapshots, key=lambda it: slugs = (sn.revision.content["slug"] for sn in related_snapshots if sn.child_type == parent_obj.assessment_type) postfix_parts.extend(slugs) postfix_sting = "_".join(postfix_parts).lower() return postfix_sting def _build_relationship(self, parent_obj): """Build relationship between evidence and parent object""" from ggrc.models import all_models rel = all_models.Relationship(source=parent_obj, destination=self) db.session.add(rel) signals.Restful.model_put.send(rel.__class__, obj=rel, service=self) def _update_fields(self, response): """Update fields of evidence with values of the copied file""" self.gdrive_id = response["id"] = response["webViewLink"] self.title = response["name"] self.kind = Evidence.FILE @staticmethod def _get_folder(parent): return parent.folder if hasattr(parent, "folder") else "" def _map_parent(self): """Maps evidence to parent object If Document.FILE and source_gdrive_id => copy file """ if self.is_with_parent_obj(): parent = self._get_parent_obj() if self.kind == Evidence.FILE and self.source_gdrive_id: self.exec_gdrive_file_copy_flow(parent) self._build_relationship(parent) self._parent_obj = None def exec_gdrive_file_copy_flow(self, parent): """Execute google gdrive file copy flow Build file name, destination folder and copy file to that folder. After coping fills evidence object fields with new gdrive URL """ postfix = self._build_file_name_postfix(parent) folder_id = self._get_folder(parent) file_id = self.source_gdrive_id from ggrc.gdrive.file_actions import process_gdrive_file response = process_gdrive_file(file_id, folder_id, postfix, separator=Evidence.FILE_NAME_SEPARATOR, is_uploaded=self.is_uploaded) self._update_fields(response) def is_with_parent_obj(self): return bool(hasattr(self, "_parent_obj") and self._parent_obj) def add_admin_role(self): """Add current user as Evidence admin""" from ggrc.models import all_models admin_role = db.session.query(all_models.AccessControlRole).filter_by( name="Admin", object_type=self.type).one() self.extend_access_control_list([{ "ac_role": admin_role, "person": login.get_current_user() }]) def handle_before_flush(self): """Handler that called before SQLAlchemy flush event""" self._map_parent() @declared_attr def _related_audit(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """Audits mapped to Evidence""" def primary_join_function(): return or_( and_(Relationship.source_id ==, Relationship.source_type == cls.__name__, Relationship.destination_type == "Audit"), and_(Relationship.destination_id ==, Relationship.destination_type == cls.__name__, Relationship.source_type == "Audit")) def secondary_join_function(): from ggrc.models import all_models return or_( and_( == Relationship.destination_id, Relationship.destination_type == "Audit", ), and_( == Relationship.source_id, Relationship.source_type == "Audit", )) return db.relationship("Audit", primaryjoin=primary_join_function, secondary=Relationship.__table__, secondaryjoin=secondary_join_function, viewonly=True, uselist=False) @declared_attr def _related_assessment(cls): # pylint: disable=no-self-argument """Assessments mapped to Evidence""" def primary_join_function(): return or_( and_(Relationship.source_id ==, Relationship.source_type == cls.__name__, Relationship.destination_type == "Assessment"), and_(Relationship.destination_id ==, Relationship.destination_type == cls.__name__, Relationship.source_type == "Assessment")) def secondary_join_function(): from ggrc.models import all_models return or_( and_( == Relationship.destination_id, Relationship.destination_type == "Assessment", ), and_( == Relationship.source_id, Relationship.source_type == "Assessment", )) return db.relationship("Assessment", primaryjoin=primary_join_function, secondary=Relationship.__table__, secondaryjoin=secondary_join_function, viewonly=True, uselist=False)
class Revision(Filterable, base.ContextRBAC, Base, db.Model): """Revision object holds a JSON snapshot of the object at a time.""" __tablename__ = 'revisions' resource_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) resource_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) event_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) action = db.Column(db.Enum(u'created', u'modified', u'deleted'), nullable=False) _content = db.Column('content', LongJsonType, nullable=False) resource_slug = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) destination_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) destination_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) @staticmethod def _extra_table_args(_): return ( db.Index("revisions_modified_by", "modified_by_id"), db.Index("ix_revisions_resource_action", "resource_type", "resource_id", "action"), db.Index("fk_revisions_source", "source_type", "source_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_destination", "destination_type", "destination_id"), db.Index('ix_revisions_resource_slug', 'resource_slug'), ) _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'resource_id', 'resource_type', 'source_type', 'source_id', 'destination_type', 'destination_id', 'action', 'content', 'description', reflection.Attribute('diff_with_current', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('meta', create=False, update=False), ) _filterable_attrs = [ 'action', 'resource_id', 'resource_type', 'source_type', 'source_id', 'destination_type', 'destination_id', ] @classmethod def eager_query(cls): from sqlalchemy import orm query = super(Revision, cls).eager_query() return query.options( orm.subqueryload('modified_by'), orm.subqueryload('event'), # used in description ) def __init__(self, obj, modified_by_id, action, content): self.resource_id = self.resource_type = obj.__class__.__name__ self.resource_slug = getattr(obj, "slug", None) self.modified_by_id = modified_by_id self.action = action if "access_control_list" in content and content["access_control_list"]: for acl in content["access_control_list"]: acl["person"] = { "id": acl["person_id"], "type": "Person", "href": "/api/people/{}".format(acl["person_id"]), } self._content = content for attr in [ "source_type", "source_id", "destination_type", "destination_id" ]: setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr, None)) @builder.callable_property def diff_with_current(self): """Callable lazy property for revision.""" referenced_objects.mark_to_cache(self.resource_type, self.resource_id) revisions_diff.mark_for_latest_content(self.resource_type, self.resource_id) def lazy_loader(): """Lazy load diff for revisions.""" referenced_objects.rewarm_cache() revisions_diff.rewarm_latest_content() instance = referenced_objects.get(self.resource_type, self.resource_id) if instance: return revisions_diff.prepare(instance, self.content) # return empty diff object has already been removed return {} return lazy_loader @builder.callable_property def meta(self): """Callable lazy property for revision.""" referenced_objects.mark_to_cache(self.resource_type, self.resource_id) def lazy_loader(): """Lazy load diff for revisions.""" referenced_objects.rewarm_cache() instance = referenced_objects.get(self.resource_type, self.resource_id) meta_dict = {} if instance: instance_meta_info = meta_info.MetaInfo(instance) meta_dict["mandatory"] = instance_meta_info.mandatory return meta_dict return lazy_loader @builder.simple_property def description(self): """Compute a human readable description from action and content.""" if 'display_name' not in self._content: return '' display_name = self._content['display_name'] if not display_name: result = u"{0} {1}".format(self.resource_type, self.action) elif u'<->' in display_name: if self.action == 'created': msg = u"{destination} linked to {source}" elif self.action == 'deleted': msg = u"{destination} unlinked from {source}" else: msg = u"{display_name} {action}" source, destination = self._content['display_name'].split( '<->')[:2] result = msg.format(source=source, destination=destination, display_name=self._content['display_name'], action=self.action) elif 'mapped_directive' in self._content: # then this is a special case of combined map/creation # should happen only for Requirement and Control mapped_directive = self._content['mapped_directive'] if self.action == 'created': result = u"New {0}, {1}, created and mapped to {2}".format( self.resource_type, display_name, mapped_directive) elif self.action == 'deleted': result = u"{0} unmapped from {1} and deleted".format( display_name, mapped_directive) else: result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) else: # otherwise, it's a normal creation event result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) if self.event.action == "BULK": result += ", via bulk action" return result def populate_reference_url(self): """Add reference_url info for older revisions.""" if 'url' not in self._content: return {} reference_url_list = [] for key in ('url', 'reference_url'): link = self._content[key] # link might exist, but can be an empty string - we treat those values # as non-existing (empty) reference URLs if not link: continue # if creation/modification date is not available, we estimate it by # using the corresponding information from the Revision itself created_at = (self._content.get("created_at") or self.created_at.isoformat()) updated_at = (self._content.get("updated_at") or self.updated_at.isoformat()) reference_url_list.append({ "display_name": link, "kind": "REFERENCE_URL", "link": link, "title": link, "id": None, "created_at": created_at, "updated_at": updated_at, }) return {'reference_url': reference_url_list} @classmethod def _filter_internal_acls(cls, access_control_list): """Remove internal access control list entries. This is needed due to bugs in older code that in some cases the revisions stored internal ACL entries. Due to possible role removal, the parent_id is the only true flag that we can use for filtering Args: access_control_list: list of dicts containing ACL entries. Returns: access_control_list but without any ACL entry that was generated from some other ACL entry. """ return [ acl for acl in access_control_list if acl.get("parent_id") is None ] @classmethod def _populate_acl_with_people(cls, access_control_list): """Add person property with person stub on access control list.""" for acl in access_control_list: if "person" not in acl: acl["person"] = {"id": acl.get("person_id"), "type": "Person"} return access_control_list def populate_acl(self): """Add access_control_list info for older revisions.""" roles_dict = role.get_custom_roles_for(self.resource_type) reverted_roles_dict = {n: i for i, n in roles_dict.iteritems()} access_control_list = self._content.get("access_control_list") or [] map_field_to_role = { "principal_assessor": reverted_roles_dict.get("Principal Assignees"), "secondary_assessor": reverted_roles_dict.get("Secondary Assignees"), "contact": reverted_roles_dict.get("Primary Contacts"), "secondary_contact": reverted_roles_dict.get("Secondary Contacts"), "owners": reverted_roles_dict.get("Admin"), } exists_roles = {i["ac_role_id"] for i in access_control_list} for field, role_id in map_field_to_role.items(): if role_id in exists_roles or role_id is None: continue if field not in self._content: continue field_content = self._content.get(field) or {} if not field_content: continue if not isinstance(field_content, list): field_content = [field_content] person_ids = {fc.get("id") for fc in field_content if fc.get("id")} for person_id in person_ids: access_control_list.append({ "display_name": roles_dict[role_id], "ac_role_id": role_id, "context_id": None, "created_at": None, "object_type": self.resource_type, "updated_at": None, "object_id": self.resource_id, "modified_by_id": None, "person_id": person_id, # Frontend require data in such format "person": { "id": person_id, "type": "Person", "href": "/api/people/{}".format(person_id) }, "modified_by": None, "id": None, }) acl_with_people = self._populate_acl_with_people(access_control_list) filtered_acl = self._filter_internal_acls(acl_with_people) result_acl = [ acl for acl in filtered_acl if acl["ac_role_id"] in roles_dict ] return { "access_control_list": result_acl, } def populate_folder(self): """Add folder info for older revisions.""" if "folder" in self._content: return {} folders = self._content.get("folders") or [{"id": ""}] return {"folder": folders[0]["id"]} def populate_labels(self): """Add labels info for older revisions.""" if "label" not in self._content: return {} label = self._content["label"] return { "labels": [{ "id": None, "name": label }] } if label else { "labels": [] } def populate_status(self): """Update status for older revisions or add it if status does not exist.""" workflow_models = { "Cycle", "CycleTaskGroup", "CycleTaskGroupObjectTask", } statuses_mapping = {"InProgress": "In Progress"} status = statuses_mapping.get(self._content.get("status")) if self.resource_type in workflow_models and status: return {"status": status} pop_models = { # ggrc "AccessGroup", "Control", "DataAsset", "Directive", "Facility", "Issue", "Market", "Objective", "OrgGroup", "Product", "Program", "Project", "Requirement", "System", "Vendor", "Risk", "Threat", } if self.resource_type not in pop_models: return {} statuses_mapping = { "Active": "Active", "Deprecated": "Deprecated", "Effective": "Active", "Final": "Active", "In Scope": "Active", "Ineffective": "Active", "Launched": "Active", } return { "status": statuses_mapping.get(self._content.get("status"), "Draft") } def populate_review_status(self): """Replace os_state with review state for old revisions""" result = {} if "os_state" in self._content: result = {"review_status": self._content["os_state"]} return result def _document_evidence_hack(self): """Update display_name on evideces Evidences have display names from links and titles, and until now they used slug property to calculate the display name. This hack is here since we must support older revisions with bad data, and to avoid using slug differently than everywhere else in the app. This function only modifies existing evidence entries on any given object. If an object does not have and document evidences then an empty dict is returned. Returns: dict with updated display name for each of the evidence entries if there are any. """ if "document_evidence" not in self._content: return {} document_evidence = self._content.get("document_evidence") for evidence in document_evidence: evidence[u"display_name"] = u"{link} {title}".format( link=evidence.get("link"), title=evidence.get("title"), ).strip() return {u"documents_file": document_evidence} def populate_categoies(self, key_name): """Fix revision logger. On controls in category field was loged categorization instances.""" if self.resource_type != "Control": return {} result = [] for categorization in self._content.get(key_name) or []: if "category_id" in categorization: result.append({ "id": categorization["category_id"], "type": categorization["category_type"], "name": categorization["display_name"], "display_name": categorization["display_name"], }) else: result.append(categorization) return {key_name: result} def _get_cavs(self): """Return cavs values from content.""" if "custom_attribute_values" in self._content: return self._content["custom_attribute_values"] if "custom_attributes" in self._content: return self._content["custom_attributes"] return [] def populate_cavs(self): """Setup cads in cav list if they are not presented in content but now they are associated to instance.""" from ggrc.models import custom_attribute_definition cads = custom_attribute_definition.get_custom_attributes_for( self.resource_type, self.resource_id) cavs = {int(i["custom_attribute_id"]): i for i in self._get_cavs()} for cad in cads: custom_attribute_id = int(cad["id"]) if custom_attribute_id in cavs: # Old revisions can contain falsy values for a Checkbox if cad["attribute_type"] == "Checkbox" \ and not cavs[custom_attribute_id]["attribute_value"]: cavs[custom_attribute_id]["attribute_value"] = cad[ "default_value"] continue if cad["attribute_type"] == "Map:Person": value = "Person" else: value = cad["default_value"] cavs[custom_attribute_id] = { "attribute_value": value, "attribute_object_id": None, "custom_attribute_id": custom_attribute_id, "attributable_id": self.resource_id, "attributable_type": self.resource_type, "display_name": "", "attribute_object": None, "type": "CustomAttributeValue", "context_id": None, } return { "custom_attribute_values": cavs.values(), "custom_attribute_definitions": cads } def populate_cad_default_values(self): """Setup default_value to CADs if it's needed.""" from ggrc.models import all_models if "custom_attribute_definitions" not in self._content: return {} cads = [] for cad in self._content["custom_attribute_definitions"]: if "default_value" not in cad: cad["default_value"] = ( all_models.CustomAttributeDefinition.get_default_value_for( cad["attribute_type"])) cads.append(cad) return {"custom_attribute_definitions": cads} def populate_requirements(self, populated_content): # noqa pylint: disable=too-many-branches """Populates revision content for Requirement models and models with fields that can contain Requirement old names. This fields would be checked and updated where necessary """ # change to add Requirement old names requirement_type = ["Section", "Clause"] # change to add models and fields that can contain Requirement old names affected_models = { "AccessControlList": [ "object_type", ], "AccessControlRole": [ "object_type", ], "Assessment": [ "assessment_type", ], "AssessmentTemplate": [ "template_object_type", ], "Automapping": [ "source_type", "destination_type", ], "CustomAttributeValue": [ "attributable_type", ], "Event": [ "resource_type", ], "ObjectPerson": [ "personable_type", ], "Relationship": [ "source_type", "destination_type", ], "Revision": [ "resource_type", ], "Label": [ "object_type", ], "Context": [ "related_object_type", ], "IssuetrackerIssue": [ "object_type", ], "ObjectLabel": [ "object_type", ], "ObjectTemplates": [ "name", ], "Proposal": [ "instance_type", ], "Snapshot": [ "child_type", "parent_type", ], "TaskGroupObject": [ "object_type", ], } # change to add special values cases special_cases = { "CustomAttributeDefinition": { "fields": [ "definition_type", ], "old_values": ["section", "clause"], "new_value": "requirement", } } obj_type = self.resource_type # populate fields if they contain old names if obj_type in affected_models.keys(): for field in affected_models[obj_type]: if populated_content.get(field) in requirement_type: populated_content[field] = "Requirement" # populate fields for models that contain old names in special spelling if obj_type in special_cases.keys(): for field in special_cases[obj_type]["fields"]: if populated_content[field] in special_cases[obj_type][ "old_values"]: populated_content[field] = special_cases[obj_type][ "new_value"] # populate Requirements revisions if obj_type == "Requirement": populated_content["type"] = "Requirement" acls = populated_content.get("access_control_list", {}) if acls: for acl in acls: if acl.get("object_type") in requirement_type: acl["object_type"] = "Requirement" populated_content["access_control_list"] = acls cavs = populated_content.get("custom_attribute_values", {}) if cavs: for cav in cavs: if cav.get("attributable_type") in requirement_type: cav["attributable_type"] = "Requirement" populated_content["custom_attribute_values"] = cavs @builder.simple_property def content(self): """Property. Contains the revision content dict. Updated by required values, generated from saved content dict.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals populated_content = self._content.copy() populated_content.update(self.populate_acl()) populated_content.update(self.populate_reference_url()) populated_content.update(self.populate_folder()) populated_content.update(self.populate_labels()) populated_content.update(self.populate_status()) populated_content.update(self.populate_review_status()) populated_content.update(self._document_evidence_hack()) populated_content.update(self.populate_categoies("categories")) populated_content.update(self.populate_categoies("assertions")) populated_content.update(self.populate_cad_default_values()) populated_content.update(self.populate_cavs()) self.populate_requirements(populated_content) # remove custom_attributes, # it's old style interface and now it's not needed populated_content.pop("custom_attributes", None) return populated_content @content.setter def content(self, value): """ Setter for content property.""" self._content = value
class Revision(Base, db.Model): """Revision object holds a JSON snapshot of the object at a time.""" __tablename__ = 'revisions' resource_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False) resource_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) event_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) action = db.Column(db.Enum(u'created', u'modified', u'deleted'), nullable=False) _content = db.Column('content', LongJsonType, nullable=False) resource_slug = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) source_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) destination_type = db.Column(db.String, nullable=True) destination_id = db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True) @staticmethod def _extra_table_args(_): return ( db.Index("revisions_modified_by", "modified_by_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_resource", "resource_type", "resource_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_source", "source_type", "source_id"), db.Index("fk_revisions_destination", "destination_type", "destination_id"), db.Index('ix_revisions_resource_slug', 'resource_slug'), ) _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'resource_id', 'resource_type', 'source_type', 'source_id', 'destination_type', 'destination_id', 'action', 'content', 'description', reflection.Attribute('diff_with_current', create=False, update=False), ) @classmethod def eager_query(cls): from sqlalchemy import orm query = super(Revision, cls).eager_query() return query.options( orm.subqueryload('modified_by'), orm.subqueryload('event'), # used in description ) def __init__(self, obj, modified_by_id, action, content): self.resource_id = self.resource_type = obj.__class__.__name__ self.resource_slug = getattr(obj, "slug", None) self.modified_by_id = modified_by_id self.action = action if "access_control_list" in content and content["access_control_list"]: for acl in content["access_control_list"]: acl["person"] = { "id": acl["person_id"], "type": "Person", "href": "/api/people/{}".format(acl["person_id"]), } self._content = content for attr in ["source_type", "source_id", "destination_type", "destination_id"]: setattr(self, attr, getattr(obj, attr, None)) @builder.callable_property def diff_with_current(self): referenced_objects.mark_to_cache(self.resource_type, self.resource_id) revisions_diff.mark_for_latest_content(self.resource_type, self.resource_id) def foo(): referenced_objects.rewarm_cache() revisions_diff.rewarm_latest_content() instance = referenced_objects.get(self.resource_type, self.resource_id) if instance: return revisions_diff.prepare(instance, self.content) return foo @builder.simple_property def description(self): """Compute a human readable description from action and content.""" if 'display_name' not in self._content: return '' display_name = self._content['display_name'] if not display_name: result = u"{0} {1}".format(self.resource_type, self.action) elif u'<->' in display_name: if self.action == 'created': msg = u"{destination} linked to {source}" elif self.action == 'deleted': msg = u"{destination} unlinked from {source}" else: msg = u"{display_name} {action}" source, destination = self._content['display_name'].split('<->')[:2] result = msg.format(source=source, destination=destination, display_name=self._content['display_name'], action=self.action) elif 'mapped_directive' in self._content: # then this is a special case of combined map/creation # should happen only for Section and Control mapped_directive = self._content['mapped_directive'] if self.action == 'created': result = u"New {0}, {1}, created and mapped to {2}".format( self.resource_type, display_name, mapped_directive ) elif self.action == 'deleted': result = u"{0} unmapped from {1} and deleted".format( display_name, mapped_directive) else: result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) else: # otherwise, it's a normal creation event result = u"{0} {1}".format(display_name, self.action) if self.event.action == "BULK": result += ", via bulk action" return result def populate_reference_url(self): """Add reference_url info for older revisions.""" if 'url' not in self._content: return {} reference_url_list = [] for key in ('url', 'reference_url'): link = self._content[key] # link might exist, but can be an empty string - we treat those values # as non-existing (empty) reference URLs if not link: continue # if creation/modification date is not available, we estimate it by # using the corresponding information from the Revision itself created_at = (self._content.get("created_at") or self.created_at.isoformat()) updated_at = (self._content.get("updated_at") or self.updated_at.isoformat()) reference_url_list.append({ "display_name": link, "document_type": "REFERENCE_URL", "link": link, "title": link, "id": None, "created_at": created_at, "updated_at": updated_at, }) return {'reference_url': reference_url_list} def populate_acl(self): """Add access_control_list info for older revisions.""" roles_dict = role.get_custom_roles_for(self.resource_type) reverted_roles_dict = {n: i for i, n in roles_dict.iteritems()} access_control_list = self._content.get("access_control_list") or [] map_field_to_role = { "principal_assessor": reverted_roles_dict.get("Principal Assignees"), "secondary_assessor": reverted_roles_dict.get("Secondary Assignees"), "contact": reverted_roles_dict.get("Primary Contacts"), "secondary_contact": reverted_roles_dict.get("Secondary Contacts"), "owners": reverted_roles_dict.get("Admin"), } exists_roles = {i["ac_role_id"] for i in access_control_list} for field, role_id in map_field_to_role.items(): if field not in self._content: continue if role_id in exists_roles or role_id is None: continue field_content = self._content.get(field) or {} if not field_content: continue if not isinstance(field_content, list): field_content = [field_content] person_ids = {fc.get("id") for fc in field_content if fc.get("id")} for person_id in person_ids: access_control_list.append({ "display_name": roles_dict[role_id], "ac_role_id": role_id, "context_id": None, "created_at": None, "object_type": self.resource_type, "updated_at": None, "object_id": self.resource_id, "modified_by_id": None, "person_id": person_id, # Frontend require data in such format "person": { "id": person_id, "type": "Person", "href": "/api/people/{}".format(person_id) }, "modified_by": None, "id": None, }) for acl in access_control_list: if "person" not in acl: acl["person"] = {"id": acl.get("person_id"), "type": "Person"} return {"access_control_list": access_control_list} def populate_folder(self): """Add folder info for older revisions.""" if "folder" in self._content: return {} folders = self._content.get("folders") or [{"id": ""}] return {"folder": folders[0]["id"]} def populate_labels(self): """Add labels info for older revisions.""" if "label" not in self._content: return {} label = self._content["label"] return {"labels": [{"id": None, "name": label}]} if label else {"labels": []} def _document_evidence_hack(self): """Update display_name on evideces Evidences have display names from links and titles, and until now they used slug property to calculate the display name. This hack is here since we must support older revisions with bad data, and to avoid using slug differently than everywhere else in the app. This function only modifies existing evidence entries on any given object. If an object does not have and document evidences then an empty dict is returned. Returns: dict with updated display name for each of the evidence entries if there are any. """ if "document_evidence" not in self._content: return {} document_evidence = self._content.get("document_evidence") for evidence in document_evidence: evidence[u"display_name"] = u"{link} {title}".format( link=evidence.get("link"), title=evidence.get("title"), ).strip() return {u"document_evidence": document_evidence} def populate_categoies(self, key_name): """Fix revision logger. On controls in category field was loged categorization instances.""" if self.resource_type != "Control": return {} result = [] for categorization in self._content.get(key_name) or []: if "category_id" in categorization: result.append({ "id": categorization["category_id"], "type": categorization["category_type"], "name": categorization["display_name"], "display_name": categorization["display_name"], }) else: result.append(categorization) return {key_name: result} @builder.simple_property def content(self): """Property. Contains the revision content dict. Updated by required values, generated from saved content dict.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals populated_content = self._content.copy() populated_content.update(self.populate_acl()) populated_content.update(self.populate_reference_url()) populated_content.update(self.populate_folder()) populated_content.update(self.populate_labels()) populated_content.update(self._document_evidence_hack()) populated_content.update(self.populate_categoies("categories")) populated_content.update(self.populate_categoies("assertions")) return populated_content @content.setter def content(self, value): """ Setter for content property.""" self._content = value
class Document(Roleable, Relatable, Base, Indexed, db.Model): """Audit model.""" __tablename__ = 'documents' # TODO: inherit from Titled mixin (note: title is nullable here) title = deferred(db.Column(db.String), 'Document') link = deferred(db.Column(db.String), 'Document') description = deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Document') kind_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) year_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) language_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) URL = "URL" ATTACHMENT = "EVIDENCE" REFERENCE_URL = "REFERENCE_URL" VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES = [URL, ATTACHMENT, REFERENCE_URL] document_type = deferred( db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES), default=URL, nullable=False), 'Document') kind = db.relationship( 'Option', primaryjoin='and_(foreign(Document.kind_id) ==, ' 'Option.role == "reference_type")', uselist=False, lazy="joined", ) year = db.relationship( 'Option', primaryjoin='and_(foreign(Document.year_id) ==, ' 'Option.role == "document_year")', uselist=False, lazy="joined", ) language = db.relationship( 'Option', primaryjoin='and_(foreign(Document.language_id) ==, ' 'Option.role == "language")', uselist=False, lazy="joined", ) _fulltext_attrs = [ 'title', 'link', 'description', "document_type", ] _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'title', 'link', 'description', 'kind', 'year', 'language', "document_type", ) _sanitize_html = [ 'title', 'description', ] _aliases = { 'title': "Title", 'link': "Link", 'description': "description", } @orm.validates('kind', 'year', 'language') def validate_document_options(self, key, option): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if key == 'year': desired_role = 'document_year' elif key == 'kind': desired_role = 'reference_type' else: desired_role = key return validate_option(self.__class__.__name__, key, option, desired_role) @orm.validates('document_type') def validate_document_type(self, key, document_type): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if document_type is None: document_type = self.URL if document_type not in self.VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "Invalid value for attribute {attr}. " "Expected options are `{url}`, `{attachment}`, `{reference_url}`" .format(attr=key, url=self.URL, attachment=self.ATTACHMENT, reference_url=self.REFERENCE_URL)) return document_type @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return super(Document, cls).indexed_query().options( orm.Load(cls).undefer_group("Document_complete", ), ) @classmethod def eager_query(cls): return super(Document, cls).eager_query().options( orm.joinedload('kind'), orm.joinedload('year'), orm.joinedload('language'), ) @hybrid_property def slug(self): if self.document_type in (self.URL, self.REFERENCE_URL): return return u"{} {}".format(, self.title) # pylint: disable=no-self-argument @slug.expression def slug(cls): return case([(cls.document_type == cls.ATTACHMENT, func.concat(, ' ', cls.title))], def log_json(self): tmp = super(Document, self).log_json() tmp['type'] = "Document" return tmp
class Document(Roleable, Relatable, Base, mixins.Titled, Indexed, db.Model): """Audit model.""" __tablename__ = 'documents' _title_uniqueness = False link = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=False), 'Document') description = deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Document') URL = "URL" ATTACHMENT = "EVIDENCE" REFERENCE_URL = "REFERENCE_URL" VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES = [URL, ATTACHMENT, REFERENCE_URL] document_type = deferred(db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES), default=URL, nullable=False), 'Document') _fulltext_attrs = [ 'title', 'link', 'description', "document_type", ] _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'title', 'link', 'description', "document_type", ) _sanitize_html = [ 'title', 'description', ] _aliases = { 'title': "Title", 'link': "Link", 'description': "description", } @orm.validates('document_type') def validate_document_type(self, key, document_type): """Returns correct option, otherwise rises an error""" if document_type is None: document_type = self.URL if document_type not in self.VALID_DOCUMENT_TYPES: raise exceptions.ValidationError( "Invalid value for attribute {attr}. " "Expected options are `{url}`, `{attachment}`, `{reference_url}`". format( attr=key, url=self.URL, attachment=self.ATTACHMENT, reference_url=self.REFERENCE_URL ) ) return document_type @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return super(Document, cls).indexed_query().options( orm.Load(cls).undefer_group( "Document_complete", ), ) @hybrid_property def slug(self): if self.document_type in (self.URL, self.REFERENCE_URL): return return u"{} {}".format(, self.title) # pylint: disable=no-self-argument @slug.expression def slug(cls): return case([(cls.document_type == cls.ATTACHMENT, func.concat(, ' ', cls.title))], def log_json(self): tmp = super(Document, self).log_json() tmp['type'] = "Document" return tmp
class Workflow(roleable.Roleable, relationship.Relatable, mixins.CustomAttributable, HasOwnContext, mixins.Timeboxed, mixins.Described, mixins.Titled, mixins.Notifiable, mixins.Stateful, base.ContextRBAC, mixins.Slugged, mixins.Folderable, Indexed, db.Model): """Basic Workflow first class object. """ __tablename__ = 'workflows' _title_uniqueness = False DRAFT = u"Draft" ACTIVE = u"Active" INACTIVE = u"Inactive" VALID_STATES = [DRAFT, ACTIVE, INACTIVE] @classmethod def default_status(cls): return cls.DRAFT notify_on_change = deferred( db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False), 'Workflow') notify_custom_message = deferred( db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Workflow') object_approval = deferred( db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False), 'Workflow') recurrences = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) task_groups = db.relationship('TaskGroup', backref='_workflow', cascade='all, delete-orphan') cycles = db.relationship('Cycle', backref='_workflow', cascade='all, delete-orphan') next_cycle_start_date = db.Column(db.Date, nullable=True) non_adjusted_next_cycle_start_date = db.Column(db.Date, nullable=True) # this is an indicator if the workflow exists from before the change where # we deleted cycle objects, which changed how the cycle is created and # how objects are mapped to the cycle tasks is_old_workflow = deferred( db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=True), 'Workflow') IS_VERIFICATION_NEEDED_DEFAULT = True is_verification_needed = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=IS_VERIFICATION_NEEDED_DEFAULT, nullable=False) repeat_every = deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True, default=None), 'Workflow') DAY_UNIT = 'day' WEEK_UNIT = 'week' MONTH_UNIT = 'month' VALID_UNITS = (DAY_UNIT, WEEK_UNIT, MONTH_UNIT) unit = deferred( db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_UNITS), nullable=True, default=None), 'Workflow') repeat_multiplier = deferred( db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0), 'Workflow') UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING = { None: "one_time", DAY_UNIT: "daily", WEEK_UNIT: "weekly", MONTH_UNIT: "monthly" } # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda REPEAT_MAPPING = { None: lambda px, sx: "off", DAY_UNIT: lambda px, sx: "every {}weekday{}".format(px, sx), WEEK_UNIT: lambda px, sx: "every {}week{}".format(px, sx), MONTH_UNIT: lambda px, sx: "every {}month{}".format(px, sx) } REPEAT_ORDER_MAPPING = {None: 0, DAY_UNIT: 1, WEEK_UNIT: 2, MONTH_UNIT: 3} @hybrid.hybrid_property def frequency(self): """Hybrid property for SearchAPI filtering backward compatibility""" return self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[self.unit] @frequency.expression def frequency(self): """Hybrid property for SearchAPI filtering backward compatibility""" return case([ (self.unit.is_(None), self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[None]), (self.unit == self.DAY_UNIT, self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[self.DAY_UNIT]), (self.unit == self.WEEK_UNIT, self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[self.WEEK_UNIT]), (self.unit == self.MONTH_UNIT, self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[self.MONTH_UNIT]), ]) @classmethod def _get_repeat(cls, unit, repeat_every): """Return repeat field representation for QueryAPI""" if repeat_every is None or repeat_every == 1: prefix, suffix = "", "" else: prefix, suffix = "{} ".format(repeat_every), "s" func = cls.REPEAT_MAPPING[unit] return func(prefix, suffix) @hybrid.hybrid_property def repeat(self): """Hybrid property for filtering in QueryAPI""" return self._get_repeat(self.unit, self.repeat_every) @repeat.expression def repeat(self): """Hybrid property for filtering in QueryAPI""" case_ = [(self.unit.is_(None), self.REPEAT_MAPPING[None](None, None))] case_.extend( ((self.unit == unit) & (self.repeat_every == repeat_every), self._get_repeat(unit, repeat_every)) for unit in self.VALID_UNITS for repeat_every in xrange(1, 31)) return case(case_) @property def repeat_order(self): """Property for ordering in QueryAPI""" unit_map = self.REPEAT_ORDER_MAPPING[self.unit] repeat_every_map = self.repeat_every or 0 return u"{:0>4}_{:0>4}".format(unit_map, repeat_every_map) @builder.simple_property def can_start_cycle(self): """Can start cycle. Boolean property, returns True if all task groups have at least one task group task, False otherwise. """ return not any(tg for tg in self.task_groups if not tg.task_group_tasks) \ if self.task_groups else False @property def tasks(self): return list( itertools.chain(*[t.task_group_tasks for t in self.task_groups])) @property def min_task_start_date(self): """Fetches non adjusted setup cycle start date based on TGT user's setup. Args: self: Workflow instance. Returns: Date when first cycle should be started based on user's setup. """ tasks = self.tasks min_date = None for task in tasks: min_date = min(task.start_date, min_date or task.start_date) return min_date WORK_WEEK_LEN = 5 @classmethod def first_work_day(cls, day): """Get first work day.""" while day.isoweekday() > cls.WORK_WEEK_LEN: day -= relativedelta.relativedelta(days=1) return day def calc_next_adjusted_date(self, setup_date): """Calculates adjusted date which are expected in next cycle. Args: setup_date: Date which was setup by user. Returns: Adjusted date which are expected to be in next Workflow cycle. """ if self.repeat_every is None or self.unit is None: return self.first_work_day(setup_date) try: key = { self.WEEK_UNIT: "weeks", self.MONTH_UNIT: "months", self.DAY_UNIT: "days", }[self.unit] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid Workflow unit") repeater = self.repeat_every * self.repeat_multiplier if self.unit == self.DAY_UNIT: weeks = repeater / self.WORK_WEEK_LEN days = repeater % self.WORK_WEEK_LEN # append weekends if it's needed days += ((setup_date.isoweekday() + days) > self.WORK_WEEK_LEN) * 2 return setup_date + relativedelta.relativedelta( setup_date, weeks=weeks, days=days) calc_date = setup_date + relativedelta.relativedelta( setup_date, **{key: repeater}) if self.unit == self.MONTH_UNIT: # check if setup date is the last day of the month # and if it is then calc_date should be the last day of hte month too setup_day = calendar.monthrange(setup_date.year, setup_date.month)[1] if setup_day == calc_date = calc_date.year, calc_date.month, calendar.monthrange(calc_date.year, calc_date.month)[1]) return self.first_work_day(calc_date) @orm.validates('repeat_every') def validate_repeat_every(self, _, value): """Validate repeat_every field for Workflow. repeat_every shouldn't have 0 value. """ if value is not None and not isinstance(value, (int, long)): raise ValueError("'repeat_every' should be integer or 'null'") if value is not None and value <= 0: raise ValueError( "'repeat_every' should be strictly greater than 0") return value @orm.validates('unit') def validate_unit(self, _, value): """Validate unit field for Workflow. Unit should have one of the value from VALID_UNITS list or None. """ if value is not None and value not in self.VALID_UNITS: raise ValueError("'unit' field should be one of the " "value: null, {}".format(", ".join( self.VALID_UNITS))) return value @orm.validates('is_verification_needed') def validate_is_verification_needed(self, _, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Validate is_verification_needed field for Workflow. It's not allowed to change is_verification_needed flag after creation. If is_verification_needed doesn't send, then is_verification_needed flag is True. """ if self.is_verification_needed is None: return self.IS_VERIFICATION_NEEDED_DEFAULT if value is None else value if value is None: return self.is_verification_needed if self.status != self.DRAFT and value != self.is_verification_needed: raise ValueError("is_verification_needed value isn't changeble " "on workflow with '{}' status".format( self.status)) return value @builder.simple_property def workflow_state(self): return WorkflowState.get_workflow_state(self.cycles) @property def workflow_archived(self): """Determines whether workflow is archived.""" return bool(self.unit and not self.recurrences and self.next_cycle_start_date) _sanitize_html = [ 'notify_custom_message', ] _fulltext_attrs = [ attributes.CustomOrderingFullTextAttr('repeat', 'repeat', order_prop_getter='repeat_order') ] _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'task_groups', 'notify_on_change', 'notify_custom_message', 'cycles', 'recurrences', 'is_verification_needed', 'repeat_every', 'unit', reflection.Attribute('object_approval', update=False), reflection.Attribute('next_cycle_start_date', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('can_start_cycle', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('non_adjusted_next_cycle_start_date', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('workflow_state', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('repeat', create=False, update=False)) _aliases = { "repeat_every": { "display_name": "Repeat Every", "description": "'Repeat Every' value\nmust fall into\nthe range 1~30" "\nor '-' for None", }, "unit": { "display_name": "Unit", "description": "Allowed values for\n'Unit' are:\n{}" "\nor '-' for None".format("\n".join(VALID_UNITS)), }, "is_verification_needed": { "display_name": "Need Verification", "mandatory": True, "description": "This field is not changeable\nafter " "workflow activation.", }, "notify_custom_message": "Custom email message", "notify_on_change": { "display_name": "Force real-time email updates", "mandatory": False, }, "status": None, "start_date": None, "end_date": None, } def copy(self, _other=None, **kwargs): """Create a partial copy of the current workflow. """ columns = [ 'title', 'description', 'notify_on_change', 'notify_custom_message', 'end_date', 'start_date', 'repeat_every', 'unit', 'is_verification_needed' ] if kwargs.get('clone_people', False): access_control_list = [{ "ac_role_id":, "person": { "id": } } for person, acl in self.access_control_list] else: role_id = { name: ind for (ind, name) in role.get_custom_roles_for(self.type).iteritems() }['Admin'] access_control_list = [{ "ac_role_id": role_id, "person": { "id": get_current_user().id } }] target = self.copy_into(_other, columns, access_control_list=access_control_list, **kwargs) return target def copy_task_groups(self, target, **kwargs): """Copy all task groups and tasks mapped to this workflow. """ for task_group in self.task_groups: obj = task_group.copy( workflow=target, context=target.context, clone_people=kwargs.get("clone_people", False), clone_objects=kwargs.get("clone_objects", False), modified_by=get_current_user(), ) target.task_groups.append(obj) if kwargs.get("clone_tasks"): task_group.copy_tasks( obj, clone_people=kwargs.get("clone_people", False), clone_objects=kwargs.get("clone_objects", True)) return target @classmethod def eager_query(cls, **kwargs): return super(Workflow, cls).eager_query(**kwargs).options( orm.subqueryload('cycles').undefer_group('Cycle_complete'). subqueryload("cycle_task_group_object_tasks").undefer_group( "CycleTaskGroupObjectTask_complete"), orm.subqueryload('task_groups').undefer_group( 'TaskGroup_complete'), orm.subqueryload('task_groups').subqueryload( "task_group_tasks").undefer_group('TaskGroupTask_complete'), ) @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return super(Workflow, cls).indexed_query().options( orm.Load(cls).undefer_group("Workflow_complete", ), )
class Request(statusable.Statusable, AutoStatusChangeable, Assignable, EvidenceURL, Personable, CustomAttributable, Notifiable, relationship.Relatable, WithSimilarityScore, Titled, Slugged, Described, Commentable, FinishedDate, VerifiedDate, Base, db.Model): """Class representing Requests. Request is an object representing a request from a Requester to Assignee to provide feedback, evidence or attachment in the form of comments, documents or URLs that (if specified) Verifier has to approve of before Request is considered finished. """ __tablename__ = 'requests' _title_uniqueness = False VALID_TYPES = (u'documentation', u'interview') ASSIGNEE_TYPES = (u'Assignee', u'Requester', u'Verifier') similarity_options = similarity_options_module.REQUEST # TODO Remove requestor and requestor_id on database cleanup requestor_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) requestor = db.relationship('Person', foreign_keys=[requestor_id]) # TODO Remove request_type on database cleanup request_type = deferred(db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_TYPES), nullable=False), 'Request') start_date = deferred( db.Column(db.Date, nullable=False,, 'Request') end_date = deferred( db.Column(db.Date, nullable=False, default=lambda: + timedelta(7)), 'Request') # TODO Remove audit_id audit_object_id on database cleanup audit_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) audit_object_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=True) gdrive_upload_path = deferred(db.Column(db.String, nullable=True), 'Request') # TODO Remove test and notes columns on database cleanup test = deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True), 'Request') notes = deferred(db.Column(db.Text, nullable=True), 'Request') _publish_attrs = [ 'requestor', 'request_type', 'gdrive_upload_path', 'start_date', 'end_date', 'status', 'audit', 'test', 'notes', 'title', 'description' ] _tracked_attrs = ((set(_publish_attrs) | {'slug'}) - {'status'}) _sanitize_html = [ 'gdrive_upload_path', 'test', 'notes', 'description', 'title' ] _aliases = { "request_audit": { "display_name": "Audit", "filter_by": "_filter_by_request_audit", "mandatory": True, }, "end_date": "Due On", "notes": "Notes", "request_type": "Request Type", "start_date": "Starts On", "status": { "display_name": "Status", "handler_key": "request_status", }, "test": "Test", "related_assignees": { "display_name": "Assignee", "mandatory": True, "filter_by": "_filter_by_related_assignees", "type": reflection.AttributeInfo.Type.MAPPING, }, "related_requesters": { "display_name": "Requester", "mandatory": True, "filter_by": "_filter_by_related_requesters", "type": reflection.AttributeInfo.Type.MAPPING, }, "related_verifiers": { "display_name": "Verifier", "filter_by": "_filter_by_related_verifiers", "type": reflection.AttributeInfo.Type.MAPPING, }, } def _display_name(self): # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object if len(self.title) > 32: display_string = self.description[:32] + u'...' elif self.title: display_string = self.title elif len(self.description) > 32: display_string = self.description[:32] + u'...' else: display_string = self.description return u'Request with id {0} "{1}" for Audit "{2}"'.format(, display_string, self.audit.display_name) @classmethod def eager_query(cls): query = super(Request, cls).eager_query() return query.options(orm.joinedload('audit')) @classmethod def _filter_by_related_assignees(cls, predicate): return cls._get_relate_filter(predicate, "Assignee") @classmethod def _filter_by_related_requesters(cls, predicate): return cls._get_relate_filter(predicate, "Requester") @classmethod def _filter_by_related_verifiers(cls, predicate): return cls._get_relate_filter(predicate, "Verifier") @classmethod def _filter_by_request_audit(cls, predicate): return cls.query.filter(( == cls.audit_id) & (predicate(audit.Audit.slug) | predicate(audit.Audit.title))).exists() @classmethod def default_request_type(cls): return cls.VALID_TYPES[0]
class Workflow(mixins.CustomAttributable, HasOwnContext, mixins.Timeboxed, mixins.Described, mixins.Titled, mixins.Notifiable, mixins.Stateful, mixins.Slugged, mixins.Folderable, Indexed, db.Model): """Basic Workflow first class object. """ __tablename__ = 'workflows' _title_uniqueness = False DRAFT = u"Draft" ACTIVE = u"Active" INACTIVE = u"Inactive" VALID_STATES = [DRAFT, ACTIVE, INACTIVE] @classmethod def default_status(cls): return cls.DRAFT notify_on_change = deferred( db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False), 'Workflow') notify_custom_message = deferred( db.Column(db.Text, nullable=False, default=u""), 'Workflow') object_approval = deferred( db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False), 'Workflow') recurrences = db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False) workflow_people = db.relationship( 'WorkflowPerson', backref='workflow', cascade='all, delete-orphan') people = association_proxy( 'workflow_people', 'person', 'WorkflowPerson') task_groups = db.relationship( 'TaskGroup', backref='workflow', cascade='all, delete-orphan') cycles = db.relationship( 'Cycle', backref='workflow', cascade='all, delete-orphan') next_cycle_start_date = db.Column(db.Date, nullable=True) non_adjusted_next_cycle_start_date = db.Column(db.Date, nullable=True) # this is an indicator if the workflow exists from before the change where # we deleted cycle objects, which changed how the cycle is created and # how objects are mapped to the cycle tasks is_old_workflow = deferred( db.Column(db.Boolean, default=False, nullable=True), 'Workflow') # This column needs to be deferred because one of the migrations # uses Workflow as a model and breaks since at that point in time # there is no 'kind' column yet kind = deferred( db.Column(db.String, default=None, nullable=True), 'Workflow') IS_VERIFICATION_NEEDED_DEFAULT = True is_verification_needed = db.Column( db.Boolean, default=IS_VERIFICATION_NEEDED_DEFAULT, nullable=False) repeat_every = deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=True, default=None), 'Workflow') DAY_UNIT = 'day' WEEK_UNIT = 'week' MONTH_UNIT = 'month' VALID_UNITS = (DAY_UNIT, WEEK_UNIT, MONTH_UNIT) unit = deferred(db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_UNITS), nullable=True, default=None), 'Workflow') repeat_multiplier = deferred(db.Column(db.Integer, nullable=False, default=0), 'Workflow') UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING = { None: "one_time", DAY_UNIT: "daily", WEEK_UNIT: "weekly", MONTH_UNIT: "monthly" } @hybrid.hybrid_property def frequency(self): """Hybrid property for SearchAPI filtering backward compatibility""" return self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[self.unit] @frequency.expression def frequency(self): """Hybrid property for SearchAPI filtering backward compatibility""" return case([ (self.unit.is_(None), self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[None]), (self.unit == self.DAY_UNIT, self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[self.DAY_UNIT]), (self.unit == self.WEEK_UNIT, self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[self.WEEK_UNIT]), (self.unit == self.MONTH_UNIT, self.UNIT_FREQ_MAPPING[self.MONTH_UNIT]), ]) @property def tasks(self): return list(itertools.chain(*[t.task_group_tasks for t in self.task_groups])) @property def min_task_start_date(self): """Fetches non adjusted setup cycle start date based on TGT user's setup. Args: self: Workflow instance. Returns: Date when first cycle should be started based on user's setup. """ tasks = self.tasks min_date = None for task in tasks: min_date = min(task.start_date, min_date or task.start_date) return min_date WORK_WEEK_LEN = 5 @classmethod def first_work_day(cls, day): holidays = google_holidays.GoogleHolidays() while day.isoweekday() > cls.WORK_WEEK_LEN or day in holidays: day -= relativedelta.relativedelta(days=1) return day def calc_next_adjusted_date(self, setup_date): """Calculates adjusted date which are expected in next cycle. Args: setup_date: Date which was setup by user. Returns: Adjusted date which are expected to be in next Workflow cycle. """ if self.repeat_every is None or self.unit is None: return self.first_work_day(setup_date) try: key = { self.WEEK_UNIT: "weeks", self.MONTH_UNIT: "months", self.DAY_UNIT: "days", }[self.unit] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Invalid Workflow unit") repeater = self.repeat_every * self.repeat_multiplier if self.unit == self.DAY_UNIT: weeks = repeater / self.WORK_WEEK_LEN days = repeater % self.WORK_WEEK_LEN # append weekends if it's needed days += ((setup_date.isoweekday() + days) > self.WORK_WEEK_LEN) * 2 return setup_date + relativedelta.relativedelta( setup_date, weeks=weeks, days=days) calc_date = setup_date + relativedelta.relativedelta( setup_date, **{key: repeater} ) if self.unit == self.MONTH_UNIT: # check if setup date is the last day of the month # and if it is then calc_date should be the last day of hte month too setup_day = calendar.monthrange(setup_date.year, setup_date.month)[1] if setup_day == calc_date = calc_date.year, calc_date.month, calendar.monthrange(calc_date.year, calc_date.month)[1]) return self.first_work_day(calc_date) @orm.validates('repeat_every') def validate_repeat_every(self, _, value): """Validate repeat_every field for Workflow. repeat_every shouldn't have 0 value. """ if value is not None and not isinstance(value, (int, long)): raise ValueError("'repeat_every' should be integer or 'null'") if value is not None and value <= 0: raise ValueError("'repeat_every' should be strictly greater than 0") return value @orm.validates('unit') def validate_unit(self, _, value): """Validate unit field for Workflow. Unit should have one of the value from VALID_UNITS list or None. """ if value is not None and value not in self.VALID_UNITS: raise ValueError("'unit' field should be one of the " "value: null, {}".format(", ".join(self.VALID_UNITS))) return value @orm.validates('is_verification_needed') def validate_is_verification_needed(self, _, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Validate is_verification_needed field for Workflow. It's not allowed to change is_verification_needed flag after creation. If is_verification_needed doesn't send, then is_verification_needed flag is True. """ if self.is_verification_needed is None: return self.IS_VERIFICATION_NEEDED_DEFAULT if value is None else value if value is None: return self.is_verification_needed if self.status != self.DRAFT and value != self.is_verification_needed: raise ValueError("is_verification_needed value isn't changeble " "on workflow with '{}' status".format(self.status)) return value @builder.simple_property def workflow_state(self): return WorkflowState.get_workflow_state(self.cycles) _sanitize_html = [ 'notify_custom_message', ] _api_attrs = reflection.ApiAttributes( 'workflow_people', reflection.Attribute('people', create=False, update=False), 'task_groups', 'notify_on_change', 'notify_custom_message', 'cycles', 'object_approval', 'recurrences', 'is_verification_needed', 'repeat_every', 'unit', reflection.Attribute('next_cycle_start_date', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('non_adjusted_next_cycle_start_date', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('workflow_state', create=False, update=False), reflection.Attribute('kind', create=False, update=False), ) _aliases = { "repeat_every": { "display_name": "Repeat Every", "description": "'Repeat Every' value\nmust fall into\nthe range 1~30" "\nor '-' for None", }, "unit": { "display_name": "Unit", "description": "Allowed values for\n'Unit' are:\n{}" "\nor '-' for None".format("\n".join(VALID_UNITS)), }, "is_verification_needed": { "display_name": "Need Verification", "mandatory": True, "description": "This field is not changeable\nafter creation.", }, "notify_custom_message": "Custom email message", "notify_on_change": { "display_name": "Force real-time email updates", "mandatory": False, }, "workflow_owner": { "display_name": "Manager", "mandatory": True, "filter_by": "_filter_by_workflow_owner", }, "workflow_member": { "display_name": "Member", "filter_by": "_filter_by_workflow_member", }, "status": None, "start_date": None, "end_date": None, } @classmethod def _filter_by_workflow_owner(cls, predicate): return cls._filter_by_role("WorkflowOwner", predicate) @classmethod def _filter_by_workflow_member(cls, predicate): return cls._filter_by_role("WorkflowMember", predicate) def copy(self, _other=None, **kwargs): """Create a partial copy of the current workflow. """ columns = ['title', 'description', 'notify_on_change', 'notify_custom_message', 'end_date', 'start_date', 'repeat_every', 'unit', 'is_verification_needed'] target = self.copy_into(_other, columns, **kwargs) return target def copy_task_groups(self, target, **kwargs): """Copy all task groups and tasks mapped to this workflow. """ for task_group in self.task_groups: obj = task_group.copy( workflow=target, context=target.context, clone_people=kwargs.get("clone_people", False), clone_objects=kwargs.get("clone_objects", False), modified_by=get_current_user(), ) target.task_groups.append(obj) if kwargs.get("clone_tasks"): task_group.copy_tasks( obj, clone_people=kwargs.get("clone_people", False), clone_objects=kwargs.get("clone_objects", True) ) return target @classmethod def eager_query(cls): return super(Workflow, cls).eager_query().options( orm.subqueryload('cycles').undefer_group('Cycle_complete') .subqueryload("cycle_task_group_object_tasks") .undefer_group("CycleTaskGroupObjectTask_complete"), orm.subqueryload('task_groups').undefer_group('TaskGroup_complete'), orm.subqueryload( 'task_groups' ).subqueryload( "task_group_tasks" ).undefer_group( 'TaskGroupTask_complete' ), orm.subqueryload('workflow_people'), ) @classmethod def indexed_query(cls): return super(Workflow, cls).indexed_query().options( orm.Load(cls).undefer_group( "Workflow_complete", ), ) @classmethod def ensure_backlog_workflow_exists(cls): """Ensures there is at least one backlog workflow with an active cycle. If such workflow does not exist it creates one.""" def any_active_cycle(workflows): """Checks if any active cycle exists from given workflows""" for workflow in workflows: for cur_cycle in workflow.cycles: if cur_cycle.is_current: return True return False # Check if backlog workflow already exists backlog_workflows = Workflow.query.filter( and_(Workflow.kind == "Backlog", # the following means one_time wf Workflow.unit is None) ).all() if len(backlog_workflows) > 0 and any_active_cycle(backlog_workflows): return "At least one backlog workflow already exists" # Create a backlog workflow backlog_workflow = Workflow(description="Backlog workflow", title="Backlog (one time)", status="Active", recurrences=0, kind="Backlog") # create wf context wf_ctx = backlog_workflow.get_or_create_object_context(context=1) backlog_workflow.context = wf_ctx db.session.flush(backlog_workflow) # create a cycle backlog_cycle = cycle.Cycle(description="Backlog workflow", title="Backlog (one time)", is_current=1, status="Assigned", start_date=None, end_date=None, context=backlog_workflow .get_or_create_object_context(), workflow=backlog_workflow) # create a cycletaskgroup backlog_ctg = cycle_task_group\ .CycleTaskGroup(description="Backlog workflow taskgroup", title="Backlog TaskGroup", cycle=backlog_cycle, status="InProgress", start_date=None, end_date=None, context=backlog_workflow .get_or_create_object_context()) db.session.add_all([backlog_workflow, backlog_cycle, backlog_ctg]) db.session.flush() # add fulltext entries indexer = get_indexer() indexer.create_record(indexer.fts_record_for(backlog_workflow)) return "Backlog workflow created"
class Audit(clonable.Clonable, CustomAttributable, Personable, HasOwnContext, Relatable, Timeboxed, Noted, Described, Hyperlinked, WithContact, Titled, Slugged, db.Model): """Audit model.""" __tablename__ = 'audits' _slug_uniqueness = False VALID_STATES = (u'Planned', u'In Progress', u'Manager Review', u'Ready for External Review', u'Completed') CLONEABLE_CHILDREN = {"AssessmentTemplate"} report_start_date = deferred(db.Column(db.Date), 'Audit') report_end_date = deferred(db.Column(db.Date), 'Audit') audit_firm_id = deferred( db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')), 'Audit') audit_firm = db.relationship('OrgGroup', uselist=False) # TODO: this should be stateful mixin status = deferred(db.Column(db.Enum(*VALID_STATES), nullable=False), 'Audit') gdrive_evidence_folder = deferred(db.Column(db.String), 'Audit') program_id = deferred( db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False), 'Audit') requests = db.relationship('Request', backref='audit', cascade='all, delete-orphan') audit_objects = db.relationship('AuditObject', backref='audit', cascade='all, delete-orphan') object_type = db.Column(db.String(length=250), nullable=False, default='Control') _publish_attrs = [ 'report_start_date', 'report_end_date', 'audit_firm', 'status', 'gdrive_evidence_folder', 'program', 'requests', 'object_type', PublishOnly('audit_objects') ] _sanitize_html = [ 'gdrive_evidence_folder', 'description', ] _include_links = [] _aliases = { "program": { "display_name": "Program", "filter_by": "_filter_by_program", "mandatory": True, }, "user_role:Auditor": { "display_name": "Auditors", "type": AttributeInfo.Type.USER_ROLE, "filter_by": "_filter_by_auditor", }, "status": "Status", "start_date": "Planned Start Date", "end_date": "Planned End Date", "report_start_date": "Planned Report Period from", "report_end_date": "Planned Report Period to", "contact": { "display_name": "Internal Audit Lead", "mandatory": True, "filter_by": "_filter_by_contact", }, "secondary_contact": None, "notes": None, "url": None, "reference_url": None, } def _clone(self, source_object): """Clone audit and all relevant attributes. Keeps the internals of actual audit cloning and everything that is related to audit itself (auditors, audit firm, context setting, custom attribute values, etc.) """ from ggrc_basic_permissions import create_audit_context data = { "title": source_object.generate_attribute("title"), "description": source_object.description, "audit_firm": source_object.audit_firm, "start_date": source_object.start_date, "end_date": source_object.end_date, "program": source_object.program, "status": source_object.VALID_STATES[0], "report_start_date": source_object.report_start_date, "report_end_date": source_object.report_end_date, "contact": } self.update_attrs(data) db.session.flush() create_audit_context(self) self._clone_auditors(source_object) self.clone_custom_attribute_values(source_object) def _clone_auditors(self, audit): """Clone auditors of specified audit. Args: audit: Audit instance """ from ggrc_basic_permissions.models import Role, UserRole role = Role.query.filter_by(name="Auditor").first() auditors = [ ur.person for ur in UserRole.query.filter_by(role=role, context=audit.context).all() ] for auditor in auditors: user_role = UserRole(context=self.context, person=auditor, role=role) db.session.add(user_role) db.session.flush() def clone(self, source_id, mapped_objects=None): """Clone audit with specified whitelisted children. Children that can be cloned should be specified in CLONEABLE_CHILDREN. Args: mapped_objects: A list of related objects that should also be copied and linked to a new audit. """ if not mapped_objects: mapped_objects = [] source_object = Audit.query.get(source_id) self._clone(source_object) if any(mapped_objects): related_children = source_object.related_objects(mapped_objects) for obj in related_children: obj.clone(self) @classmethod def _filter_by_program(cls, predicate): return Program.query.filter(( == Audit.program_id) & (predicate(Program.slug) | predicate(Program.title))).exists() @classmethod def _filter_by_auditor(cls, predicate): from ggrc_basic_permissions.models import Role, UserRole return UserRole.query.join( Role, Person).filter(( == "Auditor") & (UserRole.context_id == cls.context_id) & (predicate( | predicate( @classmethod def eager_query(cls): from sqlalchemy import orm query = super(Audit, cls).eager_query() return query.options( orm.joinedload('program'), orm.subqueryload('requests'), orm.subqueryload('object_people').joinedload('person'), orm.subqueryload('audit_objects'), )