예제 #1
def is_auditor(instance, **_):
    """Check if user has auditor role on the audit field of the instance"""
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    return any(acl for acl in instance.audit.access_control_list
               if acl.ac_role.name in "Auditors" and
               acl.person == current_user) or \
        find_permissions()._is_allowed_for(instance.audit, "update")
예제 #2
def is_allowed_based_on(instance, property_name, action, **_):
    """Check permissions based on permission seted up as attribute instance."""
    related_object = getattr(instance, property_name, None)
    if related_object is None:
        return False
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    # This is the proper way of getting permissions, but the function is private
    # due to code debt
    return find_permissions()._is_allowed_for(related_object, action)
예제 #3
def is_allowed_based_on(instance, property_name, action, **_):
  """Check permissions based on permission seted up as attribute instance."""
  related_object = getattr(instance, property_name, None)
  if related_object is None:
    return False
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  # This is the proper way of getting permissions, but the function is private
  # due to code debt
  return find_permissions()._is_allowed_for(related_object, action)
예제 #4
def is_auditor(instance, **_):
    """Check if user has auditor role on the audit field of the instance"""
    # pylint: disable=protected-access
    if not hasattr(instance, "audit"):
        return False
    if find_permissions()._is_allowed_for(instance.audit, "update"):
        return True
    exists_query = db.session.query(all_models.AccessControlList).join(
            all_models.AccessControlList.person_id == current_user.id,
            all_models.AccessControlList.object_type == instance.audit.type,
            all_models.AccessControlList.object_id == instance.audit.id,
            all_models.AccessControlRole.name == "Auditors",
    return db.session.query(exists_query).scalar()
예제 #5
def relationship_condition(instance, action, property_name, **_):
    if getattr(instance, 'context') is not None:
        context_id = getattr(instance.context, 'id')
        context_id = None
    for prop in property_name.split(','):
        obj = getattr(instance, prop)
        if context_id is not None and \
           getattr(obj, 'context') is not None and \
           getattr(obj.context, 'id') == context_id and \
           is_allowed_create('Relationship', None, context_id):
            return True
        # Mapping a person does not require a permission check on the Person object
        if isinstance(obj, Person):
        if not find_permissions()._is_allowed_for(obj, action):
            return False
    return True
예제 #6
def is_auditor(instance, **_):
  """Check if user has auditor role on the audit field of the instance"""
  # pylint: disable=protected-access
  if not hasattr(instance, "audit"):
    return False
  if find_permissions()._is_allowed_for(instance.audit, "update"):
    return True
  exists_query = db.session.query(
      all_models.AccessControlList.person_id == current_user.id,
      all_models.AccessControlList.object_type == instance.audit.type,
      all_models.AccessControlList.object_id == instance.audit.id,
      all_models.AccessControlRole.name == "Auditors",
  return db.session.query(exists_query).scalar()
예제 #7
def relationship_condition(instance, action, property_name, **_):
  if getattr(instance, 'context') is not None:
    context_id = getattr(instance.context, 'id')
    context_id = None
  for prop in property_name.split(','):
    obj = getattr(instance, prop)
    if context_id is not None and \
       getattr(obj, 'context') is not None and \
       getattr(obj.context, 'id') == context_id and \
       is_allowed_create('Relationship', None, context_id):
      return True
    # Mapping a person does not require a permission check on the Person object
    if isinstance(obj, Person):
    if not find_permissions()._is_allowed_for(obj, action):
      return False
  return True