def _upsert(self, event, revisions, _filter): """Update and (if needed) create snapshots Args: event: A ggrc.models.Event instance revisions: A set of tuples of pairs with revisions to which it should either create or update a snapshot of that particular audit _filter: Callable that should return True if it should be updated Returns: OperationResponse """ for_create, for_update = self.analyze() create, update = None, None created, updated = set(), set() if for_update: update = self._update( for_update=for_update, event=event, revisions=revisions, _filter=_filter) updated = update.response if for_create: create = self._create(for_create=for_create, event=event, revisions=revisions, _filter=_filter) created = create.response to_reindex = updated | created if not self.dry_run: reindex_pairs(to_reindex) return OperationResponse("upsert", True, { "create": create, "update": update }, { "dry-run": self.dry_run })
def _create(self, for_create, event, revisions, _filter): """Create snapshots of parent objects neighhood and create revisions for snapshots. Args: event: A ggrc.models.Event instance revisions: A set of tuples of pairs with revisions to which it should either create or update a snapshot of that particular audit _filter: Callable that should return True if it should be updated Returns: OperationResponse """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements with benchmark("Snapshot._create"): with benchmark("Snapshot._create init"): user_id = get_current_user_id() missed_keys = set() data_payload = list() revision_payload = list() relationship_payload = list() response_data = dict() if self.dry_run and event is None: event_id = 0 else: event_id = with benchmark("Snapshot._create.filter"): if _filter: for_create = {elem for elem in for_create if _filter(elem)} with benchmark("Snapshot._create._get_revisions"): revision_id_cache = get_revisions(for_create, revisions) response_data["revisions"] = revision_id_cache with benchmark("Snapshot._create.create payload"): for pair in for_create: if pair in revision_id_cache: revision_id = revision_id_cache[pair] context_id = self.context_cache[pair.parent] data = create_snapshot_dict(pair, revision_id, user_id, context_id) data_payload += [data] else: missed_keys.add(pair) if missed_keys: logger.warning( "Tried to create snapshots for the following objects but " "found no revisions: %s", missed_keys) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.write to database"): self._execute(models.Snapshot.__table__.insert(), data_payload) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.retrieve inserted snapshots"): snapshots = get_snapshots(for_create) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.access control list"): acl_payload = get_acl_payload(snapshots) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.write acls to database"): self._execute(all_models.AccessControlList.__table__.insert(), acl_payload) with benchmark( "Snapshot._create.create parent object -> snapshot rels"): for snapshot in snapshots: parent = Stub(snapshot.parent_type, snapshot.parent_id) base = Stub(snapshot.child_type, snapshot.child_id) relationship = create_relationship_dict( parent, base, user_id, self.context_cache[parent]) relationship_payload += [relationship] with benchmark("Snapshot._create.write relationships to database"): self._execute(models.Relationship.__table__.insert(), relationship_payload) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.get created relationships"): created_relationships = { (rel["source_type"], rel["source_id"], rel["destination_type"], rel["destination_id"]) for rel in relationship_payload } relationships = get_relationships(created_relationships) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.create revision payload"): with benchmark( "Snapshot._create.create snapshots revision payload"): for snapshot in snapshots: parent = Stub(snapshot.parent_type, snapshot.parent_id) context_id = self.context_cache[parent] data = create_snapshot_revision_dict( "created", event_id, snapshot, user_id, context_id) revision_payload += [data] with benchmark("Snapshot._create.create rel revision payload"): for relationship in relationships: parent = Stub(relationship.source_type, relationship.source_id) context_id = self.context_cache[parent] data = create_relationship_revision_dict( "created", event_id, relationship, user_id, context_id) revision_payload += [data] with benchmark("Snapshot._create.write revisions to database"): self._execute(models.Revision.__table__.insert(), revision_payload) return OperationResponse("create", True, for_create, response_data)
def _update(self, for_update, event, revisions, _filter): """Update (or create) parent objects' snapshots and create revisions for them. Args: event: A ggrc.models.Event instance revisions: A set of tuples of pairs with revisions to which it should either create or update a snapshot of that particular audit _filter: Callable that should return True if it should be updated Returns: OperationResponse """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals with benchmark("Snapshot._update"): user_id = get_current_user_id() missed_keys = set() snapshot_cache = dict() modified_snapshot_keys = set() data_payload_update = list() revision_payload = list() response_data = dict() if self.dry_run and event is None: event_id = 0 else: event_id = with benchmark("Snapshot._update.filter"): if _filter: for_update = {elem for elem in for_update if _filter(elem)} with benchmark("Snapshot._update.get existing snapshots"): existing_snapshots = db.session.query(, models.Snapshot.revision_id, models.Snapshot.parent_type, models.Snapshot.parent_id, models.Snapshot.child_type, models.Snapshot.child_id, ).filter( tuple_(models.Snapshot.parent_type, models.Snapshot.parent_id, models.Snapshot.child_type, models.Snapshot.child_id).in_( {pair.to_4tuple() for pair in for_update})) for esnap in existing_snapshots: sid, rev_id, pair_tuple = esnap[0], esnap[1], esnap[2:] pair = Pair.from_4tuple(pair_tuple) snapshot_cache[pair] = (sid, rev_id) with benchmark("Snapshot._update.retrieve latest revisions"): revision_id_cache = get_revisions( for_update, filters=[ models.Revision.action.in_(["created", "modified"]) ], revisions=revisions) response_data["revisions"] = { "old": {pair: values[1] for pair, values in snapshot_cache.items()}, "new": revision_id_cache } with benchmark(" snapshot payload"): for key in for_update: if key in revision_id_cache: sid, rev_id = snapshot_cache[key] latest_rev = revision_id_cache[key] if rev_id != latest_rev: modified_snapshot_keys.add(key) data_payload_update += [{ "_id": sid, "_revision_id": latest_rev, "_modified_by_id": user_id }] else: missed_keys.add(key) if missed_keys: logger.warning( "Tried to update snapshots for the following objects but " "found no revisions: %s", missed_keys) if not modified_snapshot_keys: return OperationResponse("update", True, set(), response_data) with benchmark("Snapshot._update.write snapshots to database"): update_sql = models.Snapshot.__table__.update().where( == bindparam("_id")).values( revision_id=bindparam("_revision_id"), modified_by_id=bindparam("_modified_by_id")) self._execute(update_sql, data_payload_update) with benchmark("Snapshot._update.retrieve inserted snapshots"): snapshots = get_snapshots(modified_snapshot_keys) with benchmark( "Snapshot._update.create snapshots revision payload"): for snapshot in snapshots: parent = Stub(snapshot.parent_type, snapshot.parent_id) context_id = self.context_cache[parent] data = create_snapshot_revision_dict( "modified", event_id, snapshot, user_id, context_id) revision_payload += [data] with benchmark("Insert Snapshot entries into Revision"): self._execute(models.Revision.__table__.insert(), revision_payload) return OperationResponse("update", True, for_update, response_data)
def _create(self, for_create, event, revisions, _filter): """Create snapshots of parent objects neighhood and create revisions for snapshots. Args: event: A ggrc.models.Event instance revisions: A set of tuples of pairs with revisions to which it should either create or update a snapshot of that particular audit _filter: Callable that should return True if it should be updated Returns: OperationResponse """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements with benchmark("Snapshot._create"): with benchmark("Snapshot._create init"): user_id = get_current_user_id() missed_keys = set() data_payload = list() revision_payload = list() relationship_payload = list() response_data = dict() if self.dry_run and event is None: event_id = 0 else: event_id = with benchmark("Snapshot._create.filter"): if _filter: for_create = {elem for elem in for_create if _filter(elem)} with benchmark("Snapshot._create._get_revisions"): revision_id_cache = get_revisions(for_create, revisions) response_data["revisions"] = revision_id_cache with benchmark("Snapshot._create.create payload"): for pair in for_create: if pair in revision_id_cache: revision_id = revision_id_cache[pair] context_id = self.context_cache[pair.parent] data = create_snapshot_dict(pair, revision_id, user_id, context_id) data_payload += [data] else: missed_keys.add(pair) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.write to database"): self._execute( models.Snapshot.__table__.insert(), data_payload) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.retrieve inserted snapshots"): snapshots = get_snapshots(for_create) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.create base object -> snapshot rels"): for snapshot in snapshots: base_object = Stub.from_tuple(snapshot, 6, 7) snapshot_object = Stub("Snapshot", snapshot[0]) relationship = create_relationship_dict(base_object, snapshot_object, user_id, snapshot[1]) relationship_payload += [relationship] with benchmark("Snapshot._create.write relationships to database"): self._execute(models.Relationship.__table__.insert(), relationship_payload) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.get created relationships"): created_relationships = { (rel["source_type"], rel["source_id"], rel["destination_type"], rel["destination_id"]) for rel in relationship_payload} relationships = get_relationships(created_relationships) with benchmark("Snapshot._create.create revision payload"): with benchmark("Snapshot._create.create snapshots revision payload"): for snapshot in snapshots: parent = Stub.from_tuple(snapshot, 4, 5) context_id = self.context_cache[parent] data = create_snapshot_revision_dict("created", event_id, snapshot, user_id, context_id) revision_payload += [data] with benchmark("Snapshot._create.create rel revision payload"): snapshot_parents = {pair.child: pair.parent for pair in for_create} for relationship in relationships: obj = Stub.from_tuple(relationship, 4, 5) parent = snapshot_parents[obj] context_id = self.context_cache[parent] data = create_relationship_revision_dict( "created", event_id, relationship, user_id, context_id) revision_payload += [data] with benchmark("Snapshot._create.write revisions to database"): self._execute(models.Revision.__table__.insert(), revision_payload) return OperationResponse("create", True, for_create, response_data)