예제 #1
파일: ghida.py 프로젝트: trib0r3/GhIDA
def goto(shift=False):
    print("GhIDA:: [DEBUG] goto called")

    symbol = None
    ret = ida_kernwin.get_highlight(ida_kernwin.get_current_viewer())
    if ret and ret[1]:
        symbol = ret[0]

    if not symbol:
        return False

    address = gl.get_address_for_symbol(symbol)
    if not address:
        return False

    print("OnDblClick, shift=%d, selection:%s, address:%s" %
          (shift, symbol, address))

    # Update IDA DISASM view

    # Update IDA DECOMP view
    ea = gl.convert_address(address)
    print("GhIDA:: [DEBUG] update view to %s" % ea)

    return True
예제 #2
    def view_loc_changed(self, widget, curloc, prevloc):
        view_loc_changed is called each time the user clicks
        somwhere. This is used to synchronize the IDA DISASM
        view with the IDA DECOM view. The synchronization is
        active only when the decompile view has been created
        and the synch option has been selected in the pop-up
        # Check if the selected address has changed
        # if curloc.plce.toea() != prevloc.plce.toea():
        #     return

        # Hooking the IDA DISASM view only
        if idaapi.get_widget_type(widget) != idaapi.BWN_DISASM:

        # If the DECOMP view has already been created.
        if DECOMP_VIEW:
            # Get the new address
            ca = curloc.plce.toea()
            ea = gl.convert_address(ca)

            # This is a valid function address
            if ea:
                # The synch is active
                if GHIDA_CONF.disasm_tracker:
                    # The address in DECOMP view is different
                    if ea != DECOMP_VIEW.ea:
                        # Update DECOMP view

                # Update the selection
                return gl.highlight_symbol_in_DECOMP()

            # This is not a valid function address
            if not ea:
                # If the synch is active
                if GHIDA_CONF.disasm_tracker:
                    DECOMP_VIEW.clear(msg="[!] Function not found.",
예제 #3
def goto(shift=False):
    print("GhIDA:: [DEBUG] goto called")

    symbol = get_highlighted_identifier()
    if not symbol:
        return False

    address = gl.get_address_for_symbol(symbol)
    if not address:
        return False

    print("OnDblClick, shift=%d, selection:%s, address:%s" %
          (shift, symbol, address))

    # Update IDA DISASM view

    # Update IDA DECOMP view
    ea = gl.convert_address(address)
    print("GhIDA:: [DEBUG] update view to %s" % ea)

    return True