예제 #1
    def create_image(self, location):
        img = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
        img.name = basename(location)
        img.location = location
        img.disk_format = "qcow2"
        img.container_format = "bare"

        logger.info("Uploading image : %s" % img.name)
        rc, img_id = self._cal.create_image(self._acct, img)
        assert rc == RwStatus.SUCCESS

        rs = None
        rc = None
        image = None
        for i in range(100):
            rc, rs = self._cal.get_image(self._acct, img_id)
            assert rc == RwStatus.SUCCESS
            logger.info("Image (image_id: %s) reached status : %s" %
                        (img_id, rs.state))
            if rs.state == 'active':
                image = rs
                time.sleep(2)  # Sleep for a second

        if image is None:
            logger.error("Failed to upload openstack image: %s", img)

        self._image_id = img_id
        logger.info("Uploading image.......[Done]")
예제 #2
    def _fill_image_info(img_info):
        """Create a GI object from image info dictionary

        Converts image information dictionary object returned by AWS
        driver into Protobuf Gi Object

            account - a cloud account
            img_info - image information dictionary object from AWS

            The ImageInfoItem
        img = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
        img.name = img_info.name
        img.id   = img_info.id

        tag_fields = ['checksum']
        # Look for any properties
        if img_info.tags:
            for tag in img_info.tags:
                if tag['Key'] == 'checksum':
                    setattr(img, tag['Key'], tag['Value'])
        img.disk_format  = 'ami'
        if img_info.state == 'available':
            img.state = 'active'
            img.state = 'inactive'
        return img
예제 #3
    def create_image(cls):
        image = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
        image.name = "rift-lxc-image"
        image.location = "/net/sharedfiles/home1/common/vm/R0.4/rift-mano-devel-latest.qcow2"
        image.disk_format = "qcow2"
        image.id = cls.cal.do_create_image(cls.account, image, no_rwstatus=True)

        cls.image = image
예제 #4
    def create_image(self, location):
        """Creates and returns a CAL image"""

        image = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
        image.name = "rift-lxc-image"
        image.location = location
        image.disk_format = "qcow2"
        rc, image.id = self.cal.create_image(self.account, image)
        return image
예제 #5
 def _get_image_info_request(self):
     Returns request object of type RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
     img = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
     img.name = "rift.cal.unittest.image"
     img.location = '/net/sharedfiles/home1/common/vm/rift-root-latest.qcow2'
     img.disk_format = "qcow2"
     img.container_format = "bare"
     img.checksum = OpenStackTest.IMG_Checksum
     return img
예제 #6
    def test_create_image_name_and_checksum_exists(self):
        image_name = "test.qcow2"
        with self.create_image_hdl(image_name) as hdl:
            image_checksum = get_image_checksum(hdl)

            image_entry = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem(id="asdf",

            self._image_uploader.upload_images({image_name: hdl})

            # No image should have been uploaded, since the name and checksum
            self.assertEqual(self._create_image_mock.image_checksum, None)
예제 #7
    def do_get_image_list(self, account):
        Return a list of the names of all available images.
        boxed_image_list = RwcalYang.VimResources()
        for image in self.resources[account.name].images.values():
            image_entry = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
            image_entry.id = image.id
            image_entry.name = image.name
            if image.has_field('checksum'):
                image_entry.checksum = image.checksum

        return boxed_image_list
예제 #8
def image_subcommand(driver, account, cmdargs):
    """Process the image subcommand"""
    if cmdargs.which == 'list':
        rc, images = driver.get_image_list(account)
        assert rc == RwStatus.SUCCESS

        for i in images.imageinfo_list:

    elif cmdargs.which == 'delete':
        image_delete_subcommand(driver, account, cmdargs)

    elif cmdargs.which == 'create':
        account.openstack.key = 'admin'
        rc, images = driver.get_image_list(account)
        assert rc == RwStatus.SUCCESS
        for i in images.imageinfo_list:
            if i.name == cmdargs.image_name:
                print("FATAL: image \"%s\" already exists" %
                return 1

        print("creating image \"%s\" using %s ..." % \
              (cmdargs.image_name, cmdargs.file_name))
        img = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
        img.name = cmdargs.image_name
        img.location = cmdargs.file_name
        img.disk_format = "qcow2"
        img.container_format = "bare"
        rc, img_id = driver.create_image(account, img)
        print("... done. image_id is %s" % img_id)
        return img_id

    elif cmdargs.which == 'getid':
        rc, images = driver.get_image_list(account)
        assert rc == RwStatus.SUCCESS
        found = 0
        for i in images.imageinfo_list:
            if i.name == cmdargs.image_name:
                found += 1
        if found != 1:
예제 #9
    def create_default_resources(self, account):
        Create default resources
        link_list = []
        ### Add virtual links
        #for i in range(1):
        #    vlink = RwcalYang.VirtualLinkReqParams()
        #    vlink.name = 'link-'+str(i)
        #    vlink.subnet = ''
        #    rs, vlink_id = self.do_create_virtual_link(account, vlink)
        #    assert vlink_id != ''
        #    logger.debug("Creating static virtual-link with name: %s", vlink.name)
        #    link_list.append(vlink_id)

        #### Add VDUs
        #for i in range(8):
        #    vdu = RwcalYang.VDUInitParams()
        #    vdu.name = 'vdu-'+str(i)
        #    vdu.node_id = str(i)
        #    vdu.image_id = self.get_uuid('image-'+str(i))
        #    vdu.flavor_id = self.get_uuid('flavor'+str(i))
        #    vdu.vm_flavor.vcpu_count = 4
        #    vdu.vm_flavor.memory_mb = 4096*2
        #    vdu.vm_flavor.storage_gb = 40
        #    for j in range(2):
        #        c = vdu.connection_points.add()
        #        c.name = vdu.name+'-port-'+str(j)
        #        c.virtual_link_id = link_list[j]
        #    rs, vdu_id = self.do_create_vdu(account, vdu)
        #    assert vdu_id != ''
        #    logger.debug("Creating static VDU with name: %s", vdu.name)

        for i in range(2):
            flavor = RwcalYang.FlavorInfoItem()
            flavor.name = 'flavor-' + str(i)
            flavor.vm_flavor.vcpu_count = 4
            flavor.vm_flavor.memory_mb = 4096 * 2
            flavor.vm_flavor.storage_gb = 40
            rc, flavor_id = self.do_create_flavor(account, flavor)

        for i in range(2):
            image = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
            image.name = "rwimage"
            image.id = self.get_uuid('image-' + str(i))
            image.checksum = self.get_uuid('rwimage' + str(i))
            image.location = "/dev/null"
            rc, image_id = self.do_create_image(account, image)

        image = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
        image.name = "Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda.qcow2"
        image.id = self.get_uuid(image.name)
        image.checksum = self.get_uuid(image.name)
        image.location = "/dev/null"
        rc, image_id = self.do_create_image(account, image)

        image = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
        image.name = "Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda-ping.qcow2"
        image.id = self.get_uuid(image.name)
        image.checksum = self.get_uuid(image.name)
        image.location = "/dev/null"
        rc, image_id = self.do_create_image(account, image)

        image = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
        image.name = "Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda-pong.qcow2"
        image.id = self.get_uuid(image.name)
        image.checksum = self.get_uuid(image.name)
        image.location = "/dev/null"
        rc, image_id = self.do_create_image(account, image)
예제 #10
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
    Assuming that an LVM backing-store has been created with a volume group
    called 'rift', the following creates an lxc 'image' and a pair of 'vms'.
    In the LXC based container CAL, an 'image' is container and a 'vm' is a
    snapshot of the original container.

    In addition to the LVM backing store, it is assumed that there is a network
    bridge called 'virbr0'.


    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--rootfs', '-r')
    parser.add_argument('--num-vms', '-n', type=int, default=2)
    parser.add_argument('--terminate', '-t', action='store_true')

    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    # Acquire the plugin from peas
    plugin = rw_peas.PeasPlugin('rwcal-plugin', 'RwCal-1.0')
    engine, info, extension = plugin()

    # Get the RwLogger context
    rwloggerctx = rwlogger.RwLog.Ctx.new("Cal-Log")

    cal = plugin.get_interface("Cloud")

    # The account object is not currently used, but it is required by the CAL
    # interface, so we create an empty object here to represent it.
    account = RwcalYang.CloudAccount()
    account.account_type = "lxc"

    # Make sure that any containers that were previously created have been
    # stopped and destroyed.
    containers = lxc.containers()

    for container in containers:

    for container in containers:

    template = os.path.join(


    # Create an image that can be used to create VMs
    image = RwcalYang.ImageInfoItem()
    image.name = 'rift-master'
    image.lxc.size = '2.5G'
    image.lxc.template_path = template
    image.lxc.tarfile = args.rootfs

    cal.create_image(account, image)

    # Create a VM
    vms = []
    for index in range(args.num_vms):
        vm = RwcalYang.VMInfoItem()
        vm.vm_name = 'rift-s{}'.format(index + 1)
        vm.image_id = image.id

        cal.create_vm(account, vm)


    # Create the default and data networks
    network = RwcalYang.NetworkInfoItem(network_name='virbr0')
    cal.create_network(account, network)

    os.system('brctl show')

    # Create pairs of ports to connect the networks
    for index, vm in enumerate(vms):
        port = RwcalYang.PortInfoItem()
        port.port_name = "eth0"
        port.network_id = network.network_id
        port.vm_id = vm.vm_id
        port.ip_address = "192.168.122.{}".format(index + 101)
        port.lxc.veth_name = "rws{}".format(index)

        cal.create_port(account, port)

    # Swap out the current instance of the plugin to test that the data is
    # shared among different instances
    cal = plugin.get_interface("Cloud")

    # Start the VMs
    for vm in vms:
        cal.start_vm(account, vm.vm_id)


    # Exit if the containers are not supposed to be terminated
    if not args.terminate:


    # Stop the VMs
    for vm in vms:
        cal.stop_vm(account, vm.vm_id)


    # Delete the VMs
    for vm in vms:
        cal.delete_vm(account, vm.vm_id)

    # Delete the image
    cal.delete_image(account, image.id)
예제 #11
    def upload_images(self, image_name_hdl_map):
        """ Upload images to all CloudAccounts

            image_name_hdl_map - A map of image name to an opened image handle

            ImageUploadError - A image failed to be uploaded to a cloud account
        if len(image_name_hdl_map) == 0:

        self._log.debug("uploading %s images to cloud accounts: %s",
                        len(image_name_hdl_map), self._accounts)

        account_images = self._get_account_images()
        for image_name, image_hdl in image_name_hdl_map.items():
            self._log.debug('uploading image: {}'.format(image_name))

            image_checksum = rift.package.checksums.checksum(image_hdl)

            image = rwcal.ImageInfoItem()
            image.name = image_name

                image.fileno = image_hdl.fileno()
                image.location = image_hdl.name
            except Exception as e:
                msg = "Image handle must a fileno() and name attribute"
                raise ImageUploadError(msg)

            for account in self._accounts:
                # Find images on the cloud account which have the same name
                matching_images = [
                    i for i in account_images[account] if i.name == image.name
                matching_checksum = [
                    i for i in matching_images if i.checksum == image_checksum
                if len(matching_checksum) > 0:
                        "found matching image with checksum, not uploading to {}"

                self._log.debug("uploading to account {}: {}".format(
                    account.name, image))
                    # If we are using file descriptor to upload the image, make sure we
                    # set the position to the beginning of the file for each upload.
                    if image.has_field("fileno"):
                        os.lseek(image.fileno, 0, os.SEEK_SET)

                    image.id = account.create_image(image)
                except rift.mano.cloud.CloudAccountCalError as e:
                    msg = "error when uploading image {} to cloud account: {}".format(
                        image_name, str(e))
                    raise ImageUploadError(msg) from e

                self._log.debug('uploaded image to account{}: {}'.format(
                    account.name, image_name))