def _add_optional_output_param(param, args, user, result_hooks): if not param.isExternalType() or not is_on_girder(param) \ or param.identifier() not in args or \ (param.identifier() + FOLDER_SUFFIX) not in args: return [] value = args[param.identifier()] folder = args[param.identifier() + FOLDER_SUFFIX] container_args = [] if param.longflag: container_args.append(param.longflag) elif param.flag: container_args.append(param.flag) else: return [] folderModel = ModelImporter.model('folder') instance = folderModel.load(folder, level=AccessType.WRITE, user=user) if not instance: raise RestException('Invalid Folder id (%s).' % (str(folder))) # Output Binding !! path = VolumePath(value) container_args.append(path) result_hooks.append(GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(path, folder)) return container_args
def prepare_task(params, user, token, index_params, opt_params, has_simple_return_file, reference): ca = [] result_hooks = [] primary_input_name = None # Get primary name and reference for param in index_params: if != 'output': arg, name = _add_indexed_input_param(param, params, user, token) if (name and not primary_input_name and SLICER_TYPE_TO_GIRDER_MODEL_MAP[param.typ] != 'folder'): primary_input_name = name reference['userId'] = str(user['_id']) value = _parseParamValue(param, params[param.identifier()], user, token) itemId = value['_id'] if SLICER_TYPE_TO_GIRDER_MODEL_MAP[param.typ] == 'file': reference['fileId'] = str(value['_id']) itemId = value['itemId'] reference['itemId'] = str(itemId) # optional params for param in opt_params: if == 'output': ca.extend(_add_optional_output_param(param, params, user, result_hooks, reference)) else: ca.extend(_add_optional_input_param(param, params, user, token)) if has_simple_return_file: param_id = return_parameter_file_name + FOLDER_SUFFIX param_name_id = return_parameter_file_name if param_id in params and param_name_id in params: value = params[return_parameter_file_name] folder = params[return_parameter_file_name + FOLDER_SUFFIX] folderModel = ModelImporter.model('folder') instance = folderModel.load(folder, level=AccessType.WRITE, user=user) if not instance: raise RestException('Invalid Folder id (%s).' % (str(folder))) ca.append('--returnparameterfile') # Output Binding path = VolumePath(value) ca.append(path) ref = reference.copy() ref['identifier'] = 'returnparameterfile' result_hooks.append(GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder( path, folder, upload_kwargs={'reference': json.dumps(ref)})) # indexed params for param in index_params: if == 'output': ca.append(_add_indexed_output_param(param, params, user, result_hooks, reference)) else: arg, name = _add_indexed_input_param(param, params, user, token) ca.append(arg) if name and not primary_input_name: primary_input_name = name return ca, result_hooks, primary_input_name
def run_albany(self, params): """Run albany on a folder that is on girder. Will store the output in the specified output folder. """ inputFolderId = params.get('inputFolderId') outputFolderId = params.get('outputFolderId') filename = 'input.yaml' folder_name = 'workingDir' volume = GirderFolderIdToVolume(inputFolderId, volume=TemporaryVolume.default, folder_name=folder_name) outputDir = inputFolderId + '/' + folder_name + '/output.exo' volumepath = VolumePath(outputDir, volume=TemporaryVolume.default) result = docker_run.delay(ALBANY_IMAGE, pull_image=False, container_args=[filename], entrypoint='/usr/local/albany/bin/AlbanyT', remove_container=True, working_dir=volume, girder_result_hooks=[ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder( volumepath, outputFolderId) ]) # Set the multiscale meta data and return the job jobId = result.job['_id'] return utils.setMultiscaleMetaData(jobId, inputFolderId, outputFolderId)
def run_dream3d(self, params): """Run Dream3D on a folder that is on girder. Will store the output in the specified output folder. """ inputFolderId = params.get('inputFolderId') outputFolderId = params.get('outputFolderId') folder_name = 'workingDir' volume = GirderFolderIdToVolume(inputFolderId, volume=TemporaryVolume.default, folder_name=folder_name) outputDir = inputFolderId + '/' + folder_name + '/output' volumepath = VolumePath(outputDir, volume=TemporaryVolume.default) result = docker_run.delay( DREAM3D_IMAGE, pull_image=False, container_args=[ '-c', 'bash /root/runPipelineRunner $(ls *.json | head -1)' ], remove_container=True, working_dir=volume, entrypoint='bash', girder_result_hooks=[ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(volumepath, outputFolderId) ]) # Set the multiscale meta data and return the job jobId = result.job['_id'] return utils.setMultiscaleMetaData(jobId, inputFolderId, outputFolderId)
def runInpainting(self, image, mask, folder): basename = os.path.splitext(image['name'])[0] outPath = VolumePath(basename + '_result.jpg') artifactPath = VolumePath('job_artifacts') job = docker_run.delay( 'zachmullen/inpainting:latest', container_args=[ GirderFileIdToVolume(image['_id']), GirderFileIdToVolume(mask['_id']), outPath, '--artifacts-dir', artifactPath, '--progress-pipe', ProgressPipe() ], girder_job_title='Inpainting: %s' % image['name'], girder_result_hooks=[ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outPath, folder['_id'], upload_kwargs={ 'reference': json.dumps({ 'inpaintedImage': True, 'folderId': str(folder['_id']), }) }), # GirderUploadVolumePathJobArtifact(artifactPath) ]).job folder['inpaintingJobId'] = job['_id'] Folder().save(folder) job['inpaintingImageId'] = image['_id'] job['inpaintingMaskId'] = mask['_id'] job['inpaintingFolderId'] = folder['_id'] return Job().save(job)
def _runUtm(folder, paramsFile, outputFolder): outpath = VolumePath('__results__') return docker_run.delay('samuelgerber/utm', container_args=[ GirderFolderIdToVolume(folder['_id']), GirderFileIdToVolume(paramsFile['_id']), '--workingfolder', outpath ], girder_job_title='UTM: ' + folder['name'], girder_result_hooks=[ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outpath, outputFolder['_id']) ]).job
def _add_indexed_output_param(param, args, user, result_hooks): value = args[param.identifier()] folder = args[param.identifier() + FOLDER_SUFFIX] folderModel = ModelImporter.model('folder') instance = folderModel.load(folder, level=AccessType.WRITE, user=user) if not instance: raise RestException('Invalid Folder id (%s).' % (str(folder))) # Output Binding !! path = VolumePath(value) result_hooks.append(GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(path, folder)) return path
def prepare_task(params, user, token, index_params, opt_params, has_simple_return_file): ca = [] result_hooks = [] primary_input_name = None # optional params for param in opt_params: if == 'output': ca.extend( _add_optional_output_param(param, params, user, result_hooks)) else: ca.extend(_add_optional_input_param(param, params, user, token)) if has_simple_return_file: param_id = return_parameter_file_name + FOLDER_SUFFIX param_name_id = return_parameter_file_name if param_id in params and param_name_id in params: value = params[return_parameter_file_name] folder = params[return_parameter_file_name + FOLDER_SUFFIX] folderModel = ModelImporter.model('folder') instance = folderModel.load(folder, level=AccessType.WRITE, user=user) if not instance: raise RestException('Invalid Folder id (%s).' % (str(folder))) ca.append('--returnparameterfile') # Output Binding !! path = VolumePath(value) ca.append(path) result_hooks.append(GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(path, folder)) # indexed params for param in index_params: if == 'output': ca.append( _add_indexed_output_param(param, params, user, result_hooks)) else: arg, name = _add_indexed_input_param(param, params, user, token) ca.append(arg) if name and not primary_input_name: primary_input_name = name return ca, result_hooks, primary_input_name
def createOrthorectifyTask(imageFile, rpcFile): # Set output file name based on input file name orthoName = os.path.splitext(imageFile['name'])[0] + '_ortho.tif' outputVolumePath = VolumePath(orthoName) # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', # Source image GirderFileIdToVolume(imageFile['_id'], gc=gc), # DSM GirderFileIdToVolume(dsmFile['_id'], gc=gc), # Destination image outputVolumePath, '--dtm', GirderFileIdToVolume(dtmFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--raytheon-rpc', GirderFileIdToVolume(rpcFile['_id'], gc=gc), ] if occlusionThreshold is not None: containerArgs.extend( ['--occlusion-thresh', str(occlusionThreshold)]) if denoiseRadius is not None: containerArgs.extend(['--denoise-radius', str(denoiseRadius)]) # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] return docker_run.s( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle=('[%s] Orthorectify: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, imageFile['name'])), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks))
def createConvertMsiToRgbTask(prefix, imageFile): # Set output file name based on prefix outputName = prefix + '_rgb_byte_image.tif' outputVolumePath = VolumePath(outputName) # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', # Pansharpened MSI image GirderFileIdToVolume(imageFile['_id'], gc=gc), # Output image outputVolumePath ] # Enable byte option by default if byte or byte is None: containerArgs.append('--byte') if alpha: containerArgs.append('--alpha') if rangePercentile is not None: containerArgs.extend(['--range-percentile', str(rangePercentile)]) # TODO: Handle --big option (i.e. BIGTIFF) # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder( outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] return docker_run.s( **createDockerRunArguments( image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle=('[%s] Convert MSI to RGB: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, prefix)), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks ) )
def createCropAndPansharpenTask(prefix, msiImageFile, panImageFile, msiRpcFile=None, panRpcFile=None): # Set output directory outputVolumePath = VolumePath('__output__') containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', GirderFileIdToVolume(dsmFile['_id'], gc=gc), outputVolumePath, '--pan', GirderFileIdToVolume(panImageFile['_id'], gc=gc) ] if panRpcFile is not None: containerArgs.append(GirderFileIdToVolume(panRpcFile['_id'], gc=gc)) containerArgs.extend( ['--msi', GirderFileIdToVolume(msiImageFile['_id'], gc=gc)]) if msiRpcFile is not None: containerArgs.append(GirderFileIdToVolume(msiRpcFile['_id'], gc=gc)) # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] return docker_run.s(**createDockerRunArguments( image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Crop and pansharpen: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, prefix), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks))
def createPansharpenTask(prefix, panImageFile, msiImageFile): # Set output file name based on prefix outputName = prefix + '_ortho_pansharpened.tif' outputVolumePath = VolumePath(outputName) # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ '', # PAN image GirderFileIdToVolume(panImageFile['_id'], gc=gc), # MSI image GirderFileIdToVolume(msiImageFile['_id'], gc=gc), # Output image outputVolumePath ] # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder( outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] return docker_run.s( **createDockerRunArguments( image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Pansharpen: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, prefix), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks ) )
def run_smtk_mesh_placement(self, params): """Run an smtk mesh placement on a folder that is on girder. Will store the output in the specified output folder. """ inputFolderId = params.get('inputFolderId') outputFolderId = params.get('outputFolderId') folder_name = 'workingDir' volume = GirderFolderIdToVolume(inputFolderId, volume=TemporaryVolume.default, folder_name=folder_name) outputDir = inputFolderId + '/' + folder_name + '/output/' volumepath = VolumePath(outputDir, volume=TemporaryVolume.default) result = docker_run.delay( SMTK_IMAGE, pull_image=False, container_args=[ '-c', ('. ~/setupEnvironment; ' 'python /usr/local/afrl-automation/ input.json; ' 'mkdir output; ' 'mv input.yaml output/; ' 'mv elastic.yaml output/;' 'mv *BC.exo output/') ], entrypoint='bash', remove_container=True, working_dir=volume, girder_result_hooks=[ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(volumepath, outputFolderId) ]) # Set the multiscale meta data and return the job jobId = result.job['_id'] return utils.setMultiscaleMetaData(jobId, inputFolderId, outputFolderId)
def runMetrics(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, referenceFolder, referencePrefix, dtmFile, dsmFile, clsFile, mtlFile): """ Run a Girder Worker job to compute metrics on output files. Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param referenceFolder: Reference directory. :type referenceFolder: dict :param referencePrefix: Reference file prefix. :type referencePrefix: str :param dtmFile: DTM file document. :type dtmFile: dict :param dsmFile: DSM file document. :type dsmFile: dict :param clsFile: CLS file document. :type clsFile: dict :param mtlFile: MTL file document. :type mtlFile: dict :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) if referencePrefix == "STANDARD": # We know that there's no reference data with this selection containerArgs = ['echo', 'No ground truth selected for scoring'] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Run metrics' % initWorkingSetName, jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user)) else: # Otherwise we assume the reference data exists, and try to # run the metrics outputVolumePath = VolumePath('__output__') # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', '--output-dir', outputVolumePath, '--ref-dir', GirderFolderIdToVolume(referenceFolder['_id'], gc=gc), '--ref-prefix', referencePrefix, '--dsm', GirderFileIdToVolume(dsmFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--cls', GirderFileIdToVolume(clsFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--mtl', GirderFileIdToVolume(mtlFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--dtm', GirderFileIdToVolume(dtmFile['_id'], gc=gc) ] # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Run metrics' % initWorkingSetName, jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def fitDtm(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, dsmFile, outputPrefix, iterations=None, tension=None): """ Run a Girder Worker job to fit a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) to a Digital Surface Model (DSM). Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param dsmFile: DSM image file document. :type dsmFile: dict :param outputPrefix: The prefix of the output file name. :type outputPrefix: str :param iterations: The base number of iterations at the coarsest scale. :type iterations: int :param tension: Number of inner smoothing iterations. :type tension: int :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Set output file name based on input file name dtmName = outputPrefix + '_DTM.tif' outputVolumePath = VolumePath(dtmName) # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', GirderFileIdToVolume(dsmFile['_id'], gc=gc), outputVolumePath ] if iterations is not None: containerArgs.extend(['--num-iterations', str(iterations)]) if tension is not None: containerArgs.extend(['--tension', str(tension)]) # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle=( '[%s] Fit DTM: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, dsmFile['name'])), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def classifyMaterials(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, imageFiles, metadataFiles, modelFile, outfilePrefix, cuda=None, batchSize=None, model=None): """ Run a Girder Worker job to classify materials in an orthorectified image. Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param imageFiles: List of orthorectified MSI image files. :type imageFiles: list[dict] :param metadataFiles: List of MSI-source NITF metadata files. :type metadataFiles: list[dict] :param modelFile: Model file document. :type modelFile: dict :param outfilePrefix: Prefix for output filename :type outfilePrefix: str :param cuda: Enable/disable CUDA; enabled by default. :type cuda: bool :param batchSize: Number of pixels classified at a time. :type batchSize: int :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) outputVolumePath = VolumePath('.') # Docker container arguments containerArgs = list( itertools.chain([ 'danesfield/tools/', '--model_path', GirderFileIdToVolume(modelFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--output_dir', outputVolumePath, '--outfile_prefix', outfilePrefix, '--image_paths' ], [ GirderFileIdToVolume(imageFile['_id'], gc=gc) for imageFile in imageFiles ], ['--info_paths'], [ GirderFileIdToVolume(metadataFile['_id'], gc=gc) for metadataFile in metadataFiles ])) if cuda is None or cuda: containerArgs.append('--cuda') if batchSize is not None: containerArgs.extend(['--batch_size', str(batchSize)]) # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Classify materials' % initWorkingSetName, jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def computeNdvi(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, imageFiles, outputNdviFilename): """ Run a Girder Worker job to compute the NDVI from a set of images Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param imageFiles: List of pansharpened image files. :type imageFiles: list[dict] :param outputNdviFilename: Filename for output NDVI :type outputNdviFilename: str :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Set output file names ndviOutputVolumePath = VolumePath(outputNdviFilename) # Docker container arguments containerArgs = list( itertools.chain([ 'danesfield/tools/', ], [ GirderFileIdToVolume(imageFile['_id'], gc=gc) for imageFile in imageFiles ], [ndviOutputVolumePath])) # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(ndviOutputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Compute NDVI' % initWorkingSetName, jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def getRoadVector(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, left, bottom, right, top): """ Run a Girder Worker job to segment buildings by comparing a DSM to a DTM. Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param left: Longitude of left / westernmost side of bounding box :type left: float :param bottom: Latitude of bottom / southernmost side of bounding box :type bottom: float :param right: Longitude of right / easternmost side of bounding box :type right: float :param top: Latitude of top / northernmost side of bounding box :type top: float :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Set output file names outputVolumePath = VolumePath('__output__') # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', '--left', str(left), '--bottom', str(bottom), '--right', str(right), '--top', str(top), '--output-dir', outputVolumePath, ] # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder( outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments( image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Get OSM road vector data' % initWorkingSetName, jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks ) ) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def generateDsm(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, pointCloudFile, outputPrefix): """ Run a Girder Worker job to generate a Digital Surface Model (DSM) from a point cloud. Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param pointCloudFile: Point cloud file document. :type pointCloudFile: dict :param outputPrefix: The prefix of the output file name. :type outputPrefix: str :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Set output file name based on point cloud file dsmName = outputPrefix + '_P3D_DSM.tif' outputVolumePath = VolumePath(dsmName) # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', outputVolumePath, '--source_points', GirderFileIdToVolume(pointCloudFile['_id'], gc=gc) ] # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle=('[%s] Generate DSM: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, pointCloudFile['name'])), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def generatePointCloud(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, imageFiles, longitude, latitude, longitudeWidth, latitudeWidth): """ Run a Girder Worker job to generate a 3D point cloud from 2D images. Requirements: - P3D Girder Worker Docker image is available on host - Host folder /mnt/GTOPO30 contains GTOPO 30 data :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param imageFiles: List of input image files. :type imageFiles: list[dict] :param longitude: :type longitude: :param latitude: :type latitude: :param longitudeWidth: :type longitudeWidth: :param latitudeWidth: :type latitudeWidth: :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Docker volumes volumes = [ BindMountVolume(host_path='/mnt/GTOPO30', container_path='/P3D/GTOPO30', mode='ro') ] outputVolumePath = VolumePath('__output__') # Docker container arguments # TODO: Consider a solution where args are written to a file, in # case of very long command lines containerArgs = list(itertools.chain( [ 'python', '/P3D/RTN_distro/scripts/generate_point_cloud.pyc', '--out', outputVolumePath, '--longitude', str(longitude), '--latitude', str(latitude), '--longitudeWidth', str(longitudeWidth), '--latitudeWidth', str(latitudeWidth), '--firstProc', '0', '--threads', '8', '--images' ], [GirderFileIdToVolume(imageFile['_id'], gc=gc) for imageFile in imageFiles], )) # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder( outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( volumes=volumes, **createDockerRunArguments( image=DockerImage.P3D, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Generate point cloud' % initWorkingSetName, jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks ) ) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def textureMapping(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, objFiles, imageFiles, dsmFile, dtmFile): """ Run a Girder Worker job to run texture mapping. Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param objFiles: List of OBJ files. :type objFiles: list[dict] :param imageFiles: List of cropped and pansharpened image files. :type imageFiles: list[dict] :param dsmFile: DSM file document. :type dsmFile: dict :param dtmFile: DTM file document. :type dtmFile: dict :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Set output directory outputVolumePath = VolumePath('__output__') # Set output path for occlusion mesh occlusionMeshName = 'xxxx.obj' occlusionMeshVolumePath = VolumePath(occlusionMeshName) containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', GirderFileIdToVolume(dsmFile['_id'], gc=gc), GirderFileIdToVolume(dtmFile['_id'], gc=gc), outputVolumePath, occlusionMeshVolumePath, '--crops' ] containerArgs.extend( [GirderFileIdToVolume(f['_id'], gc=gc) for f in imageFiles]) containerArgs.append('--buildings') containerArgs.extend( [GirderFileIdToVolume(f['_id'], gc=gc) for f in objFiles]) # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc), GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(occlusionMeshVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Texture mapping' % initWorkingSetName, jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def roofGeonExtraction(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, pointCloudFile, dtmFile, buildingMaskFile, modelFolder, modelFilePrefix): """ Run a Girder Worker job to run Purdue and Columbia's roof geon extraction pipeline. Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param pointCloudFile: Point cloud file document. :type pointCloudFile: dict :param dtmFile: DTM file document. :type dtmFile: dict :param buildingMaskFile: Building mask file document. :type buildingMaskFile: dict :param modelFolder: Model directory. :type modelFolder: dict :param modelFilePrefix: Model name prefix. :type modelFilePrefix: str :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Set output directory outputVolumePath = VolumePath('__output__') # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', '--las', GirderFileIdToVolume(pointCloudFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--cls', GirderFileIdToVolume(buildingMaskFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--dtm', GirderFileIdToVolume(dtmFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--model_dir', GirderFolderIdToVolume(modelFolder['_id'], gc=gc), '--model_prefix', modelFilePrefix, '--output_dir', outputVolumePath ] # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle=('[%s] Roof geon extraction: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, buildingMaskFile['name'])), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def segmentByHeight(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, dsmFile, dtmFile, ndviFile, roadVectorFile): """ Run a Girder Worker job to segment buildings by comparing a DSM to a DTM. Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: str :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param dsmFile: DSM file document. :type dsmFile: dict :param dtmFile: DTM file document. :type dtmFile: dict :param ndviFile: NDVI file document. :type ndviFile: dict :param roadVectorFile: Road vector file. :type roadVectorFile: dict :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Set output file names # TODO: Danesfield master script hardcodes these without any # prefix; do the same here thresholdOutputVolumePath = VolumePath('threshold_CLS.tif') roadRasterOutputVolumePath = VolumePath('road_rasterized.tif') roadBridgeRasterOutputVolumePath = VolumePath('road_rasterized_bridge.tif') # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', # DSM GirderFileIdToVolume(dsmFile['_id'], gc=gc), # DTM GirderFileIdToVolume(dtmFile['_id'], gc=gc), # Threshold output image thresholdOutputVolumePath, # Normalized Difference Vegetation Index image '--input-ndvi', GirderFileIdToVolume(ndviFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--road-vector', GirderFileIdToVolume(roadVectorFile['_id'], gc=gc), '--road-rasterized', roadRasterOutputVolumePath, '--road-rasterized-bridge', roadBridgeRasterOutputVolumePath ] # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(thresholdOutputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle='[%s] Segment by height: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, dsmFile['name']), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def unetSemanticSegmentation(initWorkingSetName, stepName, requestInfo, jobId, outputFolder, dsmFile, dtmFile, msiImageFile, rgbImageFile, configFile, modelFile): """ Run a Girder Worker job to segment buildings using UNet semantic segmentation. Requirements: - Danesfield Docker image is available on host :param initWorkingSetName: The name of the top-level working set. :type initWorkingSetName: strps :param stepName: The name of the step. :type stepName: str (DanesfieldStep) :param requestInfo: HTTP request and authorization info. :type requestInfo: RequestInfo :param jobId: Job ID. :type jobId: str :param outputFolder: Output folder document. :type outputFolder: dict :param dsmFile: DSM file document. :type dsmFile: dict :param dtmFile: DTM file document. :type dtmFile: dict :param msiImageFile: Pansharpened MSI image file document. :type msiImageFile: dict :param rgbImageFile: RGB image file document. :type rgbImageFile: dict :param configFile: Configuration file document. :type configFile: dict :param modelFile: Model file document. :type modelFile: dict :returns: Job document. """ gc = createGirderClient(requestInfo) # Set output directory outputVolumePath = VolumePath('.') # Docker container arguments containerArgs = [ 'danesfield/tools/', # Configuration file GirderFileIdToVolume(configFile['_id'], gc=gc), # Model file GirderFileIdToVolume(modelFile['_id'], gc=gc), # RGB image GirderFileIdToVolume(rgbImageFile['_id'], gc=gc), # DSM GirderFileIdToVolume(dsmFile['_id'], gc=gc), # DTM GirderFileIdToVolume(dtmFile['_id'], gc=gc), # MSI image GirderFileIdToVolume(msiImageFile['_id'], gc=gc), # Output directory outputVolumePath, # Output file prefix 'semantic' ] # Result hooks # - Upload output files to output folder # - Provide upload metadata upload_kwargs = createUploadMetadata(jobId, stepName) resultHooks = [ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(outputVolumePath, outputFolder['_id'], upload_kwargs=upload_kwargs, gc=gc) ] asyncResult = docker_run.delay( **createDockerRunArguments(image=DockerImage.DANESFIELD, containerArgs=containerArgs, jobTitle=( '[%s] UNet semantic segmentation: %s' % (initWorkingSetName, dsmFile['name'])), jobType=stepName, user=requestInfo.user, resultHooks=resultHooks)) # Add info for job event listeners job = asyncResult.job job = addJobInfo(job, jobId=jobId, stepName=stepName) return job
def runPhotomorph(self, folder, maskRect): user = self.getCurrentUser() mp4Out = VolumePath('__output_mp4s__/') gifOut = VolumePath('__output_gifs__/') parent = Folder().load(folder['parentId'], level=AccessType.WRITE, exc=True, user=user) outputFolder = Folder().createFolder(parent, '_output', public=False, creator=user, reuseExisting=True) outputMp4 = Folder().createFolder(outputFolder, 'mp4s', public=False, creator=user, reuseExisting=True) outputGif = Folder().createFolder(outputFolder, 'gifs', public=False, creator=user, reuseExisting=True) parent['photomorphOutputFolderId'] = outputFolder['_id'] parent['photomorphOutputItems'] = {} parent['photomorphMaskRect'] = maskRect parent['photomorphJobStatus'] = JobStatus.QUEUED parent['photomorphOutputItems'] = {'gif': [], 'mp4': []} job = docker_run.delay( 'zachmullen/photomorph:latest', container_args=[ '--mp4-out', mp4Out, '--gif-out', gifOut, '--mask-rect', ','.join(str(i) for i in itertools.chain(*maskRect)), GirderFolderIdToVolume(folder['_id'], folder_name='_input') ], girder_job_title='Timelapse creation: %s' % parent['name'], girder_result_hooks=[ GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(mp4Out, outputMp4['_id'], upload_kwargs={ 'reference': json.dumps({ 'photomorph': True, 'folderId': str(parent['_id']), 'resultType': 'mp4' }) }), GirderUploadVolumePathToFolder(gifOut, outputGif['_id'], upload_kwargs={ 'reference': json.dumps({ 'photomorph': True, 'folderId': str(parent['_id']), 'resultType': 'gif' }) }) ]).job parent['photomorphJobId'] = job['_id'] Folder().save(parent) job['photomorphId'] = parent['_id'] return Job().save(job)