def base_pose(self, value): """ :type value: Pose :return: """ orientation_vector = np.array([ value.orientation.x, value.orientation.y, value.orientation.z, value.orientation.w ]) self._base_pose = value self._base_pose.orientation = Quaternion( *orientation_vector / np.linalg.norm(orientation_vector)) self.root_T_map = msg_to_kdl(self._base_pose).Inverse()
def cb(self, traj): """ :type traj: FollowJointTrajectoryActionGoal :return: """ map_T_odom_original = msg_to_kdl(tf.lookup_pose( 'map', self.odom_frame)) traj = traj.goal start_time = traj.trajectory.header.stamp js = JointState() = traj.trajectory.joint_names odom_x_id = odom_y_id = odom_z_id = rospy.sleep(start_time - rospy.get_rostime()) dt = traj.trajectory.points[1].time_from_start.to_sec( ) - traj.trajectory.points[0].time_from_start.to_sec() r = rospy.Rate(1 / dt) for traj_point in traj.trajectory.points: odom_T_map = msg_to_kdl(tf.lookup_pose(self.odom_frame, 'map')) js.header.stamp = start_time + traj_point.time_from_start js.position = list(traj_point.positions) js.velocity = traj_point.velocities odom_x = js.position[odom_x_id] odom_y = js.position[odom_y_id] odom_z = js.position[odom_z_id] odom_original_T_goal = kdl.Frame(kdl.Rotation().RotZ(odom_z), kdl.Vector(odom_x, odom_y, 0)) map_T_goal = map_T_odom_original * odom_original_T_goal odom_T_goal = odom_T_map * map_T_goal js.position[odom_x_id] = odom_T_goal.p[0] js.position[odom_y_id] = odom_T_goal.p[1] js.position[odom_z_id] = kdl.Rotation().RotZ(odom_z).GetRot()[2] self.joint_state_pub.publish(js) r.sleep() js.velocity = [0 for _ in js.velocity] self.joint_state_pub.publish(js)
def detach(self, joint_name, from_obj=None): if from_obj is None or self.robot.get_name() == from_obj: # this only works because attached simple objects have joint names equal to their name p = self.robot.get_fk_pose(self.robot.get_root(), joint_name) p_map = kdl_to_pose(self.robot.root_T_map.Inverse() * msg_to_kdl(p)) cut_off_obj = self.robot.detach_sub_tree(joint_name) else: raise UnsupportedOptionException( u'only detach from robot supported') wo = WorldObject.from_urdf_object(cut_off_obj) # type: WorldObject wo.base_pose = p_map self.add_object(wo)
def detach(self, joint_name, from_obj=None): if joint_name not in self.robot.get_joint_names(): raise UnknownBodyException(u'can\'t detach: {}'.format(joint_name)) if from_obj is None or self.robot.get_name() == from_obj: # this only works because attached simple objects have joint names equal to their name p = self.robot.get_fk_pose(self.robot.get_root(), joint_name) p_map = kdl_to_pose(self.robot.root_T_map.Inverse() * msg_to_kdl(p)) parent_link = self.robot.get_parent_link_of_joint(joint_name) cut_off_obj = self.robot.detach_sub_tree(joint_name) logging.loginfo(u'<-- detached {} from link {}'.format(joint_name, parent_link)) else: raise UnsupportedOptionException(u'only detach from robot supported') wo = WorldObject.from_urdf_object(cut_off_obj) # type: WorldObject wo.base_pose = p_map self.add_object(wo)
def publish_cpi_markers(self, closest_point_infos): """ Publishes a string for each ClosestPointInfo in the dict. If the distance is below the threshold, the string is colored red. If it is below threshold*2 it is yellow. If it is below threshold*3 it is green. Otherwise no string will be published. :type closest_point_infos: dict """ m = Marker() m.header.frame_id = self.get_robot().get_root() m.action = Marker.ADD m.type = Marker.LINE_LIST = 1337 # TODO make namespace parameter m.ns = u'pybullet collisions' m.scale = Vector3(0.003, 0, 0) if len(closest_point_infos) > 0: for collision_info in closest_point_infos.values( ): # type: ClosestPointInfo red_threshold = collision_info.min_dist yellow_threshold = collision_info.min_dist * 2 green_threshold = collision_info.min_dist * 3 if collision_info.contact_distance < green_threshold: root_T_link = self.get_robot().get_fk_pose( self.get_robot().get_root(), collision_info.link_a) a__root = msg_to_kdl(root_T_link) * PyKDL.Vector( *collision_info.position_on_a) m.points.append(Point(*a__root)) m.points.append(Point(*collision_info.position_on_b)) m.colors.append(ColorRGBA(0, 1, 0, 1)) m.colors.append(ColorRGBA(0, 1, 0, 1)) if collision_info.contact_distance < yellow_threshold: m.colors[-2] = ColorRGBA(1, 1, 0, 1) m.colors[-1] = ColorRGBA(1, 1, 0, 1) if collision_info.contact_distance < red_threshold: m.colors[-2] = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 1) m.colors[-1] = ColorRGBA(1, 0, 0, 1) ma = MarkerArray() ma.markers.append(m) self.pub_collision_marker.publish(ma)