def set_polygon_layer(self, attr, layer_file, name="layer"): try: self.__setattr__( attr, PolygonLayer(layer_file, name=name).clean_geometry(delete_invalid=True)) except GeoLayerError: raise ConfigurationError("Invalid polygon layer file '%s'" % layer_file)
def polygonize(self, field_name, layer_name="layer", is_8_connected=False): """ Convert raster into vector polygon(s) :param field_name: name of the corresponding field in the final shape file :param layer_name: name of resulting layer :param is_8_connected: pixel connectivity used for polygon :return: """ check_type(is_8_connected, bool) with ShapeTempFile() as out_shp: self._gdal_polygonize(out_shp, layer_name, field_name, is_8_connected) return PolygonLayer(out_shp, name=layer_name)
def table_to_layer(self, table_name, schema=None, geom_type=None, bounds=None, polygon_extent=None): """ Convert table from database to GeoLayer instance :param table_name: name of table (case sensitive) :param schema: database schema (case sensitive) :param geom_type: geometry type :param bounds: bounding box (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) :param polygon_extent: shapely polygon :return: """ if schema is None: schema = "public" if bounds is not None and polygon_extent is None: sql_string = f'SELECT * FROM "{schema}"."{table_name}" WHERE "{schema}"."{table_name}".geom && ' \ f'ST_MakeEnvelope({bounds[0]}, {bounds[1]}, {bounds[2]}, {bounds[3]})' elif polygon_extent is not None and bounds is None: sql_string = f'SELECT * FROM "{schema}"."{table_name}" WHERE ST_Within("{schema}"."{table_name}".geom, ' \ f'{polygon_extent})' else: sql_string = f'SELECT * FROM "{schema}"."{table_name}"' df = GeoDataFrame.from_postgis(sql_string, self.engine) if table_name in self.get_table_names(schema) and geom_type is None: try: layer = PolygonLayer(df, name=table_name) except GeoLayerError: try: layer = LineLayer(df, name=table_name) except GeoLayerError: layer = PointLayer(df, name=table_name) elif table_name in self.get_table_names(schema) and geom_type is not None: try: geom_type = check_string(geom_type, ("point", "line", "polygon")) except ValueError: raise SpatialDatabaseError("Invalid geometry type '%s'. Must be 'point', 'line' or 'polygon'." % geom_type) layer = self.layer_class[geom_type](df, name=table_name) else: raise SpatialDatabaseError("No table named '%s' in database '%s'" % (table_name, self.db_name)) return layer
def get_osm_layers(self, tags, crs=None, **kwargs): """ Retrieve OSM layers used for addressing (admin levels, streets, etc.) :param tags: list of tag/values tuples (e.g.: [("admin_level", ("10","11")), ("highway")] :param crs: set either crs or epsg code :param kwargs: keyword arguments of "from_osm" GeoLayer method :return: """ self._layers = [] for tag in tags: if len(tag) == 1: key, val = tag[0], None else: key, val = tag[0], tag[1] if key == "highway": layer = LineLayer.from_osm(self._place, key, val, **kwargs) else: layer = PolygonLayer.from_osm(self._place, key, val, **kwargs) self._layers.append(layer.to_crs(crs=crs)) return self
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Module summary description. More detailed description. """ # __all__ = [] # __version__ = '0.1' __author__ = 'Benjamin Pillot' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2018, Benjamin Pillot' __email__ = '*****@*****.**' from gistools.layer import PolygonLayer biomass = PolygonLayer( "/home/benjamin/ownCloud/Post-doc Guyane/GREECE model/Results/Biomass/generation.geojson" ) solar_pv = PolygonLayer( "/home/benjamin/ownCloud/Post-doc Guyane/GREECE model/Results/Solar PV/result.geojson" ) solar_pv["Polygon"] = ["PV %d" % n for n in range(len(solar_pv))] solar_pv["Nature"] = ["PV"] * len(solar_pv) area = biomass.attr_area(solar_pv, "Nature", normalized=True) polygon = biomass.attr_area(solar_pv, "Polygon", normalized=True) # print(area) # print(len(biomass)) print(area['PV']) print(polygon['PV 0'])
More detailed description. """ from gistools.layer import GeoLayer, PolygonLayer # __all__ = [] # __version__ = '0.1' from utils.sys.timer import Timer __author__ = 'Benjamin Pillot' __copyright__ = 'Copyright 2018, Benjamin Pillot' __email__ = '*****@*****.**' poly = "/home/benjamin/Documents/Post-doc Guyane/Data/Base lines_/flat_slope_layer.shp" parc = "/home/benjamin/ownCloud/Post-doc Guyane/Data/Geo layers/Parc amazonien/enp_pn_s_973.shp" slope_layer = PolygonLayer(poly) with Timer() as t: slope_layer = slope_layer.explode() print("explode time: %s" % t) slope_layer.to_file( "/home/benjamin/Documents/Post-doc Guyane/Data/Base lines_/flat_slope_layer_explode_test.shp" ) # amazonian_parc = GeoLayer(parc) # amazonian_parc = amazonian_parc.explode() # test = slope_layer.overlay(amazonian_parc, how="difference")
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Compute statistics using ZonalStatistics Compute average from raster cells within a polygon """ from gistools.stats import ZonalStatistics from gistools.raster import RasterMap from gistools.layer import PolygonLayer # Create a digital elevation model from SRTM DEM of French Guiana biomass = RasterMap("biomasse_ressource.tif", no_data_value=-9999) # Import a geographical layer made of 6 large polygons from a shapefile layer = PolygonLayer("enp_pn_s_973.shp") # Convert DEM to layer's coordinate reference system biomass = biomass.to_crs( # Create ZonalStatistics instance from biomass and layer. zonal_stat = ZonalStatistics(biomass, layer, is_surface_weighted=True, all_touched=True) # Compute slope average within each polygon avg = zonal_stat.mean() std = zonal_stat.std() print(std) print(avg)
nparts, tpwgts=tpweights, ubvec=None, recursive=recursive, **metis_options) partition = [[] for _ in range(nparts)] for u, i in zip(graph, parts): partition[i].append(u) # Only return non-empty parts return [part for part in partition if part] if __name__ == "__main__": from matplotlib import pyplot from gistools.layer import PolygonLayer test = PolygonLayer( "/home/benjamin/Documents/PRO/PROJET_GREECE_OPSPV/001_DONNEES/data_greece" "/Geo layers/Parc amazonien/enp_pn_s_973.shp") # test = PolygonLayer("/home/benjamin/Desktop/APUREZA/geocoding/04_Codes/01_CodeSaoSeb/admin_level_10.shp") test = test.to_crs(epsg=32723) m = test.partition(100000000, contig=True, ncuts=50, show_progressbar=True, objtype="cut") m.plot()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Split polygon into sub-polygons with equal area using graph partition (requires METIS packages) More detailed description. """ import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from gistools.layer import PolygonLayer test = PolygonLayer("enp_pn_s_973.shp") test = test[[0]].to_crs(32622) test = test.partition(50000000, disaggregation_factor=20, precision=100, split_method="hexana", contig=True, ncuts=2) test["attr"] = np.random.randint(1000, size=(len(test), )) # Plot the resulting sub-polygons test.plot(attribute="attr") # Show corresponding areas print(test.area)
# test = from_cgiar_online_database(bounds) # test.to_file("/home/benjamin/srtm_corse.tif") # test = DigitalElevationModel("/home/benjamin/dem_test.tif").clip((13, 42, 15, 45)).to_file( # "/home/benjamin/dem_clip_test.tif") # pop = Raster("/home/benjamin/Documents/PRO/PRODUITS/POPULATION_DENSITY/001_DONNEES/COTE_D_IVOIRE" # "/population_civ_2019-07-01_geotiff/population_civ_2019-07-01.tif") from import _zonal_stats dem = DigitalElevationModel( "/home/benjamin/Documents/PRO/PRODUITS/TESTS/dem_ci.tif") test = dem.to_crs(32630).slope("degree") test.to_file("/home/benjamin/dem_slope_ci.tif") country = PolygonLayer.from_gpd( ox.geocode_to_gdf( dict(country="Cote d'Ivoire", admin_level=2, type="boundary"))).to_crs(32630).clean_geometry() # dem = from_cgiar_online_database(country.total_bounds) # dem.to_file("/home/benjamin/dem_ci.tif") honeycomb = country.split(country.area[0] / 100, method="hexana", show_progressbar=True) honeycomb = honeycomb.to_crs( honeycomb.to_file("/home/benjamin/Documents/PRO/PRODUITS/TESTS/honeycomb.shp") honeycomb["ID"] = honeycomb.index # test = dem.clip(mask=honeycomb[[15]], all_touched=True) # test.to_file("/home/benjamin/pop.tif")