예제 #1
    def partial_to_complete_sha(self, partial_binsha, canonical_length):
        """:return: 20 byte sha as inferred by the given partial binary sha
        :param partial_binsha: binary sha with less than 20 bytes 
        :param canonical_length: length of the corresponding canonical representation.
            It is required as binary sha's cannot display whether the original hex sha
            had an odd or even number of characters
        :raise AmbiguousObjectName: 
        :raise BadObject: """
        candidate = None
        for item in self._entities:
            item_index = item[1].index().partial_sha_to_index(
                partial_binsha, canonical_length)
            if item_index is not None:
                sha = item[1].index().sha(item_index)
                if candidate and candidate != sha:
                    raise AmbiguousObjectName(partial_binsha)
                candidate = sha
            # END handle full sha could be found
        # END for each entity

        if candidate:
            return candidate

        # still not found ?
        raise BadObject(partial_binsha)
예제 #2
    def partial_to_complete_sha_hex(self, partial_hexsha):
        len_partial_hexsha = len(partial_hexsha)
        if len_partial_hexsha % 2 != 0:
            partial_binsha = hex_to_bin(partial_hexsha + "0")
            partial_binsha = hex_to_bin(partial_hexsha)
        # END assure successful binary conversion

        candidate = None
        for db in self._dbs:
            full_bin_sha = None
                if hasattr(db, 'partial_to_complete_sha_hex'):
                    full_bin_sha = db.partial_to_complete_sha_hex(partial_hexsha)
                    full_bin_sha = db.partial_to_complete_sha(partial_binsha, len_partial_hexsha)
                # END handle database type
            except BadObject:
            # END ignore bad objects
            if full_bin_sha:
                if candidate and candidate != full_bin_sha:
                    raise AmbiguousObjectName(partial_hexsha)
                candidate = full_bin_sha
            # END handle candidate
        # END for each db
        if not candidate:
            raise BadObject(partial_binsha)
        return candidate
예제 #3
 def partial_to_complete_sha_hex(self, partial_hexsha):
     """:return: 20 byte binary sha1 string which matches the given name uniquely
     :param name: hexadecimal partial name
     :raise AmbiguousObjectName: 
     :raise BadObject: """
     candidate = None
     for binsha in self.sha_iter():
         if bin_to_hex(binsha).startswith(partial_hexsha):
             # it can't ever find the same object twice
             if candidate is not None:
                 raise AmbiguousObjectName(partial_hexsha)
             candidate = binsha
     # END for each object
     if candidate is None:
         raise BadObject(partial_hexsha)
     return candidate