예제 #1
    def test_head_reset(self, rw_repo):
        cur_head = rw_repo.head
        old_head_commit = cur_head.commit
        new_head_commit = cur_head.ref.commit.parents[0]
        cur_head.reset(new_head_commit, index=True)  # index only
        assert cur_head.reference.commit == new_head_commit

        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, cur_head.reset, new_head_commit, index=False, working_tree=True)
        new_head_commit = new_head_commit.parents[0]
        cur_head.reset(new_head_commit, index=True, working_tree=True)  # index + wt
        assert cur_head.reference.commit == new_head_commit

        # paths - make sure we have something to do
        cur_head.reset(cur_head, paths="test")
        cur_head.reset(new_head_commit, paths="lib")
        # hard resets with paths don't work, its all or nothing
        self.failUnlessRaises(GitCommandError, cur_head.reset, new_head_commit, working_tree=True, paths="lib")

        # we can do a mixed reset, and then checkout from the index though
        rw_repo.index.checkout(["lib"], force=True)

        # now that we have a write write repo, change the HEAD reference - its
        # like git-reset --soft
        heads = rw_repo.heads
        assert heads
        for head in heads:
            cur_head.reference = head
            assert cur_head.reference == head
            assert isinstance(cur_head.reference, Head)
            assert cur_head.commit == head.commit
            assert not cur_head.is_detached
        # END for each head

        # detach
        active_head = heads[0]
        curhead_commit = active_head.commit
        cur_head.reference = curhead_commit
        assert cur_head.commit == curhead_commit
        assert cur_head.is_detached
        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, getattr, cur_head, "reference")

        # tags are references, hence we can point to them
        some_tag = rw_repo.tags[0]
        cur_head.reference = some_tag
        assert not cur_head.is_detached
        assert cur_head.commit == some_tag.commit
        assert isinstance(cur_head.reference, TagReference)

        # put HEAD back to a real head, otherwise everything else fails
        cur_head.reference = active_head

        # type check
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, setattr, cur_head, "reference", "that")

        # head handling
        commit = 'HEAD'
        prev_head_commit = cur_head.commit
        for count, new_name in enumerate(("my_new_head", "feature/feature1")):
            actual_commit = commit + "^" * count
            new_head = Head.create(rw_repo, new_name, actual_commit)
            assert new_head.is_detached
            assert cur_head.commit == prev_head_commit
            assert isinstance(new_head, Head)
            # already exists, but has the same value, so its fine
            Head.create(rw_repo, new_name, new_head.commit)

            # its not fine with a different value
            self.failUnlessRaises(OSError, Head.create, rw_repo, new_name, new_head.commit.parents[0])

            # force it
            new_head = Head.create(rw_repo, new_name, actual_commit, force=True)
            old_path = new_head.path
            old_name = new_head.name

            assert new_head.rename("hello").name == "hello"
            assert new_head.rename("hello/world").name == "hello/world"
            assert new_head.rename(old_name).name == old_name and new_head.path == old_path

            # rename with force
            tmp_head = Head.create(rw_repo, "tmphead")
            self.failUnlessRaises(GitCommandError, tmp_head.rename, new_head)
            tmp_head.rename(new_head, force=True)
            assert tmp_head == new_head and tmp_head.object == new_head.object

            logfile = RefLog.path(tmp_head)
            assert os.path.isfile(logfile)
            Head.delete(rw_repo, tmp_head)
            # deletion removes the log as well
            assert not os.path.isfile(logfile)
            heads = rw_repo.heads
            assert tmp_head not in heads and new_head not in heads
            # force on deletion testing would be missing here, code looks okay though ;)
        # END for each new head name
        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, RemoteReference.create, rw_repo, "some_name")

        # tag ref
        tag_name = "5.0.2"
        TagReference.create(rw_repo, tag_name)
        self.failUnlessRaises(GitCommandError, TagReference.create, rw_repo, tag_name)
        light_tag = TagReference.create(rw_repo, tag_name, "HEAD~1", force=True)
        assert isinstance(light_tag, TagReference)
        assert light_tag.name == tag_name
        assert light_tag.commit == cur_head.commit.parents[0]
        assert light_tag.tag is None

        # tag with tag object
        other_tag_name = "releases/1.0.2RC"
        msg = "my mighty tag\nsecond line"
        obj_tag = TagReference.create(rw_repo, other_tag_name, message=msg)
        assert isinstance(obj_tag, TagReference)
        assert obj_tag.name == other_tag_name
        assert obj_tag.commit == cur_head.commit
        assert obj_tag.tag is not None

        TagReference.delete(rw_repo, light_tag, obj_tag)
        tags = rw_repo.tags
        assert light_tag not in tags and obj_tag not in tags

        # remote deletion
        remote_refs_so_far = 0
        remotes = rw_repo.remotes
        assert remotes
        for remote in remotes:
            refs = remote.refs

            # If a HEAD exists, it must be deleted first. Otherwise it might
            # end up pointing to an invalid ref it the ref was deleted before.
            remote_head_name = "HEAD"
            if remote_head_name in refs:
                RemoteReference.delete(rw_repo, refs[remote_head_name])
            # END handle HEAD deletion

            RemoteReference.delete(rw_repo, *refs)
            remote_refs_so_far += len(refs)
            for ref in refs:
                assert ref.remote_name == remote.name
        # END for each ref to delete
        assert remote_refs_so_far

        for remote in remotes:
            # remotes without references should produce an empty list
            self.assertEqual(remote.refs, [])
        # END for each remote

        # change where the active head points to
        if cur_head.is_detached:
            cur_head.reference = rw_repo.heads[0]

        head = cur_head.reference
        old_commit = head.commit
        head.commit = old_commit.parents[0]
        assert head.commit == old_commit.parents[0]
        assert head.commit == cur_head.commit
        head.commit = old_commit

        # setting a non-commit as commit fails, but succeeds as object
        head_tree = head.commit.tree
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, setattr, head, 'commit', head_tree)
        assert head.commit == old_commit        # and the ref did not change
        # we allow heds to point to any object
        head.object = head_tree
        assert head.object == head_tree
        # cannot query tree as commit
        self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, getattr, head, 'commit')

        # set the commit directly using the head. This would never detach the head
        assert not cur_head.is_detached
        head.object = old_commit
        cur_head.reference = head.commit
        assert cur_head.is_detached
        parent_commit = head.commit.parents[0]
        assert cur_head.is_detached
        cur_head.commit = parent_commit
        assert cur_head.is_detached and cur_head.commit == parent_commit

        cur_head.reference = head
        assert not cur_head.is_detached
        cur_head.commit = parent_commit
        assert not cur_head.is_detached
        assert head.commit == parent_commit

        # test checkout
        active_branch = rw_repo.active_branch
        for head in rw_repo.heads:
            checked_out_head = head.checkout()
            assert checked_out_head == head
        # END for each head to checkout

        # checkout with branch creation
        new_head = active_branch.checkout(b="new_head")
        assert active_branch != rw_repo.active_branch
        assert new_head == rw_repo.active_branch

        # checkout  with force as we have a changed a file
        # clear file
        open(new_head.commit.tree.blobs[-1].abspath, 'w').close()
        assert len(new_head.commit.diff(None))

        # create a new branch that is likely to touch the file we changed
        far_away_head = rw_repo.create_head("far_head", 'HEAD~100')
        self.failUnlessRaises(GitCommandError, far_away_head.checkout)
        assert active_branch == active_branch.checkout(force=True)
        assert rw_repo.head.reference != far_away_head

        # test reference creation
        partial_ref = 'sub/ref'
        full_ref = 'refs/%s' % partial_ref
        ref = Reference.create(rw_repo, partial_ref)
        assert ref.path == full_ref
        assert ref.object == rw_repo.head.commit

        self.failUnlessRaises(OSError, Reference.create, rw_repo, full_ref, 'HEAD~20')
        # it works if it is at the same spot though and points to the same reference
        assert Reference.create(rw_repo, full_ref, 'HEAD').path == full_ref
        Reference.delete(rw_repo, full_ref)

        # recreate the reference using a full_ref
        ref = Reference.create(rw_repo, full_ref)
        assert ref.path == full_ref
        assert ref.object == rw_repo.head.commit

        # recreate using force
        ref = Reference.create(rw_repo, partial_ref, 'HEAD~1', force=True)
        assert ref.path == full_ref
        assert ref.object == rw_repo.head.commit.parents[0]

        # rename it
        orig_obj = ref.object
        for name in ('refs/absname', 'rela_name', 'feature/rela_name'):
            ref_new_name = ref.rename(name)
            assert isinstance(ref_new_name, Reference)
            assert name in ref_new_name.path
            assert ref_new_name.object == orig_obj
            assert ref_new_name == ref
        # END for each name type

        # References that don't exist trigger an error if we want to access them
        self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, getattr, Reference(rw_repo, "refs/doesntexist"), 'commit')

        # exists, fail unless we force
        ex_ref_path = far_away_head.path
        self.failUnlessRaises(OSError, ref.rename, ex_ref_path)
        # if it points to the same commit it works
        far_away_head.commit = ref.commit
        assert ref.path == ex_ref_path and ref.object == orig_obj
        assert ref.rename(ref.path).path == ex_ref_path  # rename to same name

        # create symbolic refs
        symref_path = "symrefs/sym"
        symref = SymbolicReference.create(rw_repo, symref_path, cur_head.reference)
        assert symref.path == symref_path
        assert symref.reference == cur_head.reference

        self.failUnlessRaises(OSError, SymbolicReference.create, rw_repo, symref_path, cur_head.reference.commit)
        # it works if the new ref points to the same reference
        SymbolicReference.create(rw_repo, symref.path, symref.reference).path == symref.path  # @NoEffect
        SymbolicReference.delete(rw_repo, symref)
        # would raise if the symref wouldn't have been deletedpbl
        symref = SymbolicReference.create(rw_repo, symref_path, cur_head.reference)

        # test symbolic references which are not at default locations like HEAD
        # or FETCH_HEAD - they may also be at spots in refs of course
        symbol_ref_path = "refs/symbol_ref"
        symref = SymbolicReference(rw_repo, symbol_ref_path)
        assert symref.path == symbol_ref_path
        symbol_ref_abspath = os.path.join(rw_repo.git_dir, symref.path)

        # set it
        symref.reference = new_head
        assert symref.reference == new_head
        assert os.path.isfile(symbol_ref_abspath)
        assert symref.commit == new_head.commit

        for name in ('absname', 'folder/rela_name'):
            symref_new_name = symref.rename(name)
            assert isinstance(symref_new_name, SymbolicReference)
            assert name in symref_new_name.path
            assert symref_new_name.reference == new_head
            assert symref_new_name == symref
            assert not symref.is_detached
        # END for each ref

        # create a new non-head ref just to be sure we handle it even if packed
        Reference.create(rw_repo, full_ref)

        # test ref listing - assure we have packed refs
        rw_repo.git.pack_refs(all=True, prune=True)
        heads = rw_repo.heads
        assert heads
        assert new_head in heads
        assert active_branch in heads
        assert rw_repo.tags

        # we should be able to iterate all symbolic refs as well - in that case
        # we should expect only symbolic references to be returned
        for symref in SymbolicReference.iter_items(rw_repo):
            assert not symref.is_detached

        # when iterating references, we can get references and symrefs
        # when deleting all refs, I'd expect them to be gone ! Even from
        # the packed ones
        # For this to work, we must not be on any branch
        rw_repo.head.reference = rw_repo.head.commit
        deleted_refs = set()
        for ref in Reference.iter_items(rw_repo):
            if ref.is_detached:
                ref.delete(rw_repo, ref)
            # END delete ref
        # END for each ref to iterate and to delete
        assert deleted_refs

        for ref in Reference.iter_items(rw_repo):
            if ref.is_detached:
                assert ref not in deleted_refs
        # END for each ref

        # reattach head - head will not be returned if it is not a symbolic
        # ref
        rw_repo.head.reference = Head.create(rw_repo, "master")

        # At least the head should still exist
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(rw_repo.git_dir, 'HEAD'))
        refs = list(SymbolicReference.iter_items(rw_repo))
        assert len(refs) == 1

        # test creation of new refs from scratch
        for path in ("basename", "dir/somename", "dir2/subdir/basename"):
            # REFERENCES
            fpath = Reference.to_full_path(path)
            ref_fp = Reference.from_path(rw_repo, fpath)
            assert not ref_fp.is_valid()
            ref = Reference(rw_repo, fpath)
            assert ref == ref_fp

            # can be created by assigning a commit
            ref.commit = rw_repo.head.commit
            assert ref.is_valid()

            # if the assignment raises, the ref doesn't exist
            Reference.delete(ref.repo, ref.path)
            assert not ref.is_valid()
            self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, setattr, ref, 'commit', "nonsense")
            assert not ref.is_valid()

            # I am sure I had my reason to make it a class method at first, but
            # now it doesn't make so much sense anymore, want an instance method as well
            # See http://byronimo.lighthouseapp.com/projects/51787-gitpython/tickets/27
            Reference.delete(ref.repo, ref.path)
            assert not ref.is_valid()

            ref.object = rw_repo.head.commit
            assert ref.is_valid()

            Reference.delete(ref.repo, ref.path)
            assert not ref.is_valid()
            self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, setattr, ref, 'object', "nonsense")
            assert not ref.is_valid()
예제 #2
 def test_is_valid(self):
     assert not Reference(self.rorepo, 'refs/doesnt/exist').is_valid()
     assert self.rorepo.head.is_valid()
     assert self.rorepo.head.reference.is_valid()
     assert not SymbolicReference(self.rorepo, 'hellothere').is_valid()