예제 #1
파일: lobo.py 프로젝트: EverythingMe/lobo
        def do_the_revert():
            GIT_COMMIT_FIELDS = ['id', 'author_name', 'author_email', 'date', 'message']
            GIT_LOG_FORMAT = ['%H', '%an', '%ae', '%ad', '%B']
            GIT_LOG_FORMAT = '%x1f'.join(GIT_LOG_FORMAT) + '%x1e'
            REVERT_TEMPLATE = """Revert "{message}"\n\nThis reverts commit {commit}."""

            # ":" is added to issue id to prevent mistakes (--grep AN-xxx:)
            (log, err) = git_tool.gitcmd(['log', '--grep', issue+':', '--format={}'.format(GIT_LOG_FORMAT)])
            if not log:
                return log, err
            # turn log into a list of dictionaries for for easier use
            log = log.strip('\n\x1e').split("\x1e")
            log = [row.strip().split("\x1f") for row in log]
            log = [dict(zip(GIT_COMMIT_FIELDS, row)) for row in log]

            # filter only those commits which have not been reverted already
            revert_candidates = filter(should_revert, log)
            ret = None if not revert_candidates else '\n'.join(map(str, revert_candidates))

            if not dry_run:
                for commit in revert_candidates:
                    # try reverting
                    revert_ret, revert_err = git_tool.gitcmd(['revert','--no-edit',commit['id']])

                    submodules = None
                    if revert_err is not None:
                        # try resolving submodule reference issues automatically
                        gitstatus = git_tool.status()
                        if submodules is None:
                            submodules = git_tool.get_submodules()
                            if submodules is None:
                                return ret, err
                        non_subs = set(gitstatus.conflict) - set(submodules)
                        if len(non_subs) > 0:
                            print "Conflict in non submodules %r" % non_subs
                            return revert_ret, revert_err
                        for sub in gitstatus.conflict:
                            print "Adding %s" % sub
                            add_ret, add_err = git_tool.gitcmd(['add', sub])
                            if add_err is not None:
                                return revert_ret, revert_err
                        commit_ret, commit_err = git_tool.gitcmd(['commit', '-m', REVERT_TEMPLATE.format(message=commit['message'], commit=commit['id'])])

                        return commit_ret, commit_err

                    if revert_err:
                        ret = revert_ret
                        err = revert_err
            return ret, err
예제 #2
파일: lobo.py 프로젝트: EverythingMe/lobo
def issues_not_in_branch(branchname):
    cmd = 'log --oneline {0}..{1}'.format(branchname, 'origin/master')
    ret, _ = git_tool.gitcmd(cmd)
    keys = LOG_LINE_BE_LIKE.findall(ret)
    keys = set(x[1] for x in keys)

    return list(keys)
예제 #3
파일: lobo.py 프로젝트: EverythingMe/lobo
 def commit_if_necessary():
     status = git_tool.status()
     if status is None:
         return None, "Status is none??"
     if len(status.staged) > 0:
         return git_tool.gitcmd(["commit", "-nm", message])
     return None, None
예제 #4
파일: lobo.py 프로젝트: EverythingMe/lobo
 def do_the_cherry():
     if os.path.exists('.git/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD'):
         ret, err = git_tool.gitcmd(['cherry-pick', '--allow-empty-message', '--continue'])
         if err is not None:
             return ret, err
     ret, err = git_tool.gitcmd(
         ['log', '--grep=%s' % issue, '--reverse', '--date-order', '--cherry', '--oneline',
          '%s..origin/master' % branchname])
     if err is not None:
         return ret, err
     commits = [x[1:].split() for x in ret.split('\n') if len(x) > 1]
     commits = [x[0] for x in commits if len(x) > 0]
     if len(commits) > 0:
         print BOLD("applying " + ", ".join(UNDERLINE(x) for x in commits))
         commits = ['cherry-pick'] + commits
         return None, None
     return git_tool.gitcmd(commits)
예제 #5
파일: lobo.py 프로젝트: EverythingMe/lobo
        def do_merge():
            ret, err = git_tool.gitcmd(['merge', '--ff' if ok_no_ff else '--ff-only', 'origin/%s' % branchname])
            if err is not None:
                return ret, err

            return ret, None
예제 #6
파일: lobo.py 프로젝트: EverythingMe/lobo
 def push_and_back():
     git_tool.gitcmd(['checkout', branch])
     return git_tool.forcepush(squashed_branch)
예제 #7
파일: lobo.py 프로젝트: EverythingMe/lobo
 def create_squashed_branch():
     git_tool.gitcmd(['branch', '-f', squashed_branch, branch])
     return git_tool.gitcmd(['checkout', squashed_branch])