예제 #1
    def _make_message(self, message, user, repo):
        github = GitHub()
            git_user = github.user(user)
        except BadUser:
            logging.error("Uh oh! {} doesn't seem to be a valid GitHub user.".format(user))
            return False
            git_repo = github.repo(user, repo)
        except BadRepo:
            logging.error("Uh oh! Can't connect to {}'s repo {}.".format(user, repo))
            return False
        # TODO - this is ugly, setup Jinja or some other templating here instead.
        message = """
**[{title}]({url})** - *A {language} repository written by [{author}]({author_url})*

> {description}

{stars} stars, {forks} forks

Clone this repository: `{clone}`

[I'm a bot](https://github.com/naiyt/autogithubbot) that posts info about GitHub repositories. [Create your own bot](https://github.com/naiyt/reddit-replier)! (Just be nice about it.)
    """.format(title=git_repo.name, url=git_repo.url, language=git_repo.language,
                   description=git_repo.description, author=git_repo.author,
                   stars=git_repo.stars, forks=git_repo.forks, clone=git_repo.clone_url)
        return message