예제 #1
def build_git_context(lint_config, msg_filename, refspec):
    """ Builds a git context based on passed parameters and order of precedence """

    # Determine which GitContext method to use if a custom message is passed
    from_commit_msg = GitContext.from_commit_msg
    if lint_config.staged:
        LOG.debug("Fetching additional meta-data from staged commit")
        from_commit_msg = lambda message: GitContext.from_staged_commit(
            message, lint_config.target)  # noqa

    # Order of precedence:
    # 1. Any data specified via --msg-filename
    if msg_filename:
        LOG.debug("Using --msg-filename.")
        return from_commit_msg(str(msg_filename.read()))

    # 2. Any data sent to stdin (unless stdin is being ignored)
    if not lint_config.ignore_stdin:
        stdin_input = get_stdin_data()
        if stdin_input:
            LOG.debug("Stdin data: '%s'", stdin_input)
            LOG.debug("Stdin detected and not ignored. Using as input.")
            return from_commit_msg(stdin_input)

    if lint_config.staged:
        raise GitLintUsageError(
            "The 'staged' option (--staged) can only be used when using '--msg-filename' or "
            "when piping data to gitlint via stdin.")

    # 3. Fallback to reading from local repository
        "No --msg-filename flag, no or empty data passed to stdin. Using the local repo."
    return GitContext.from_local_repository(lint_config.target, refspec)
예제 #2
    def test_staged_commit_with_missing_username(self, sh):
        # StagedLocalGitCommit()

        sh.git.side_effect = [
            "#",                               # git config --get core.commentchar
            ErrorReturnCode('git config --get user.name', b"", b""),

        expected_msg = "Missing git configuration: please set user.name"
        with self.assertRaisesMessage(GitContextError, expected_msg):
            ctx = GitContext.from_staged_commit("Foōbar 123\n\ncömmit-body\n", "fåke/path")
            [str(commit) for commit in ctx.commits]
예제 #3
    def test_staged_commit(self, now, sh):
        # StagedLocalGitCommit()

        sh.git.side_effect = [
            "#",                               # git config --get core.commentchar
            "test åuthor\n",                   # git config --get user.name
            "test-emå[email protected]\n",            # git config --get user.email
            "my-brånch\n",                     # git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
        now.side_effect = [arrow.get("2020-02-19T12:18:46.675182+01:00")]

        # We use a fixup commit, just to test a non-default path
        context = GitContext.from_staged_commit("fixup! Foōbar 123\n\ncömmit-body\n", "fåke/path")

        # git calls we're expexting
        expected_calls = [
            call('config', '--get', 'core.commentchar', _ok_code=[0, 1], **self.expected_sh_special_args),
            call('config', '--get', 'user.name', **self.expected_sh_special_args),
            call('config', '--get', 'user.email', **self.expected_sh_special_args),
            call("rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD", **self.expected_sh_special_args),
            call("diff", "--staged", "--name-only", "-r", **self.expected_sh_special_args)

        last_commit = context.commits[-1]
        self.assertIsInstance(last_commit, StagedLocalGitCommit)
        self.assertIsNone(last_commit.sha, None)
        self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.title, "fixup! Foōbar 123")
        self.assertEqual(last_commit.message.body, ["", "cömmit-body"])
        # Only `git config --get core.commentchar` should've happened up until this point
        self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:1])

        self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_name, "test åuthor")
        self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:2])

        self.assertEqual(last_commit.author_email, "test-emå[email protected]")
        self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:3])

        self.assertEqual(last_commit.date, datetime.datetime(2020, 2, 19, 12, 18, 46,
                                                             tzinfo=dateutil.tz.tzoffset("+0100", 3600)))

        self.assertListEqual(last_commit.parents, [])

        self.assertListEqual(last_commit.branches, ["my-brånch"])
        self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:4])

        self.assertListEqual(last_commit.changed_files, ["file1.txt", "påth/to/file2.txt"])
        self.assertListEqual(sh.git.mock_calls, expected_calls[0:5])