예제 #1
#            if post_list.length > 1:
#                print '%d of %d bookmarks imported (%d%%)' % (
#                    post_index + 1, post_list.length,
#                    (post_index + 1.0) / post_list.length * 100)
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            print >> sys.stderr, "backup interrupted"
        except e:
            print >> sys.stderr, ("unknown exception %s" % (e))

    print "all kinds of new gitmarks!!"
    print "we have %d new marks" % len(newMarksList)

    for mark in newMarksList:
        # FUTURE: speeed this up, by passing a whole list
        addToRepo(newMarksList[0], doPush=False)

# -- hack test main for when yahoo sucks and I need to test
if __name__ == '__offfline_main__':
    x = {
        "extended": "",
        "hash": "082d479d946d5e9ebd891509446d9cbc",
        "SSH and SCP: Howto, tips & tricks \u00ab Linux Tutorial Blog",
        "rights": None,
        "creator": "delicious:farmckon",
        "private": False,
        "meta": "09f8b3205ee44cac3a94305db4337a7b",
예제 #2
		except Exception as e:
			print >> sys.stderr, ("unknown exception %s" %(e))
			logging.error(("unknown exception %s" %(e)))

	logging.info("all kinds of new gitmarks!!")
	logging.info("we have %d new marks" % len(newMarksList))
	for mark in newMarksList:
		# FUTURE: speeed this up, by passing a whole list
		if mark.title is None: mark.title = "Untitiled bookmark"
		logging.info("adding mark %s to repo %s" %(str(mark.title), str(mark.private) ))
		if doCache:
			print '.'
		err = addToRepo(mark,doPush=False)
		if (err > 0):
				logging.info("mark add error %s" %str(err) )
	return 0

# -- hack test main for when yahoo sucks and I need to test
if __name__ == '__offfline_main__':
	x = {"extended": "",
		"hash": "082d479d946d5e9ebd891509446d9cbc",
		"description": "SSH and SCP: Howto, tips & tricks \u00ab Linux Tutorial Blog",
		"rights": None,
		"creator": "delicious:farmckon",
		"uri": "http://www.linuxtutorialblog.com/post/ssh-and-scp-howto-tips-tricks",
		"private": False,
		"meta": "09f8b3205ee44cac3a94305db4337a7b",
		"time": "2011-02-05T21:16:48Z",
예제 #3
#            if post_list.length > 1:
#                print '%d of %d bookmarks imported (%d%%)' % (
#                    post_index + 1, post_list.length,
#                    (post_index + 1.0) / post_list.length * 100)
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
            print >> sys.stderr, "backup interrupted"
        except e:
            print >> sys.stderr, ("unknown exception %s" % (e))

    print "all kinds of new gitmarks!!"
    print "we have %d new marks" % len(newMarksList)

    for mark in newMarksList:
        # FUTURE: speeed this up, by passing a whole list
        addToRepo(newMarksList[0], doPush=False)

# -- hack test main for when yahoo sucks and I need to test
if __name__ == '__offfline_main__':
    x = {"extended": "",
        "hash": "082d479d946d5e9ebd891509446d9cbc",
                "SSH and SCP: Howto, tips & tricks \u00ab Linux Tutorial Blog",
        "rights": None,
        "creator": "delicious:farmckon",
        "uri": "http://www.linuxtutorialblog.com/post/ssh-and-scp-howto-tips-tricks",
        "private": False,
        "meta": "09f8b3205ee44cac3a94305db4337a7b",
        "time": "2011-02-05T21:16:48Z",
        "tags": [