def edgeLoopsToCurve(edgeList,form=2,degree=1): ''' Generate edge loop curves from the specified list of edges. @param edgeList: The list of mesh edges to generate edge loop curves from. @type edgeList: list @param form: NURBS curve form. 0 = Periodic, 1 = Open, 2 = Best Guess. @type form: str @param degree: NURBS curve degree. @type degree: str ''' # Filter/Check Edge List edgeList = mc.filterExpand(edgeList,ex=True,sm=32) if not edgeList: raise Exception('Invalid edge list!') # For Each Edge edgeCurveList = [] for edge in edgeList: # Get Mesh edgeId = glTools.utils.component.index(edge) meshShape =,o=True)[0] mesh = mc.listRelatives(meshShape,p=True)[0] prefix = mesh.split(':')[-1] # To Edge Loop mc.polySelect(mesh,edgeLoop=edgeId) # Edge Loop to Curve edgeCurve = mc.polyToCurve(ch=False,form=form,degree=degree)[0] # Append List edgeCurveList.append(edgeCurve) # Return Result return edgeCurveList
def smoothEdgeLine(edgeList, smooth=4, falloff=0.01, snapToOrig=False, keepEdgeSpacing=False, deleteHistory=False): """ @param edgeList: @param smooth: @param falloff: @param snapToOrig: @param keepEdgeSpacing: @param deleteHistory: """ # Get Edge List edgeList = cmds.filterExpand(edgeList, ex=True, sm=32) or [] if not edgeList: raise Exception( 'Invalid or empty edge list! Unable to even edge spacing...') edgeCrvList = edgeList, keepHistory=False) smoothCrvList = [] for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: # Smooth Edge Line smoothCrv = cmds.duplicate(edgeCrv, n=edgeCrv + '_smoothed')[0] smoothCurve(crv=smoothCrv, iterations=smooth, keepEnds=True, keepSpacing=keepEdgeSpacing) # Snap To Mesh mesh =, o=True)[0] if snapToOrig: pts = glTools.utils.component.getComponentStrList(smoothCrv) glTools.utils.mesh.snapPtsToMesh(mesh, pts) # Append List smoothCrvList.append(smoothCrv) # Apply Smoothed Edge to Vertices wire = glTools.utils.wire.createMulti(mesh, edgeCrvList, dropoffDist=falloff, prefix=mesh.split(':')[-1]) cmds.setAttr(wire[0] + '.rotation', 0) # Blend to Smooth Curve for i in range(len(edgeCrvList)): blendShape = glTools.utils.blendShape.create( baseGeo=edgeCrvList[i], targetGeo=[smoothCrvList[i]]) cmds.setAttr(blendShape + '.' + smoothCrvList[i], 1) # ================== # - Delete History - # ================== if deleteHistory: wireBaseList = glTools.utils.wire.getWireBase(wire[0]) cmds.delete(mesh, ch=True) for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: if cmds.objExists(edgeCrv): cmds.delete(edgeCrv) for smoothCrv in smoothCrvList: if cmds.objExists(smoothCrv): cmds.delete(smoothCrv) for wireBase in wireBaseList: if cmds.objExists(wireBase): cmds.delete(wireBase) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= if edgeList: cmds.hilite(mesh) return edgeList
def evenEdgeSpacing(edgeList, smooth=0, influence=1.0, snapToOrig=False, deleteHistory=False): """ @param edgeList: List of polygon edges to evenly space @type edgeList: list @param smooth: Number of smooth iterations to apply @type smooth: int @param influence: Amount of result to apply to original vertex positions @type influence: float @param snapToOrig: Snap points back to original mesh @type snapToOrig: bool @param deleteHistory: Delete construction history. @type deleteHistory: bool """ # Get Edge List edgeList = cmds.filterExpand(edgeList, ex=True, sm=32) or [] if not edgeList: raise Exception( 'Invalid or empty edge list! Unable to even edge spacing...') edgeCrvList = edgeList, keepHistory=False) evenCrvList = [] for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: # Rebuild Even Curve evenCrv = cmds.rebuildCurve(edgeCrv, ch=False, rpo=False, rt=0, end=1, kr=False, kcp=False, kep=True, kt=False, s=0, d=1, tol=0)[0] # Smooth Curve if smooth: smoothCurve(evenCrv, smooth, True) # Snap To Mesh mesh =, o=True)[0] if snapToOrig: pts = glTools.utils.component.getComponentStrList(evenCrv) glTools.utils.mesh.snapPtsToMesh(mesh, pts) evenCrvList.append(evenCrv) # Apply Even Spacing to Mesh Edge Vertices wire = glTools.utils.wire.createMulti(mesh, edgeCrvList, dropoffDist=0.01, prefix=mesh.split(':')[-1]) cmds.setAttr(wire[0] + '.rotation', 0) cmds.setAttr(wire[0] + '.envelope', influence) # Blend to Even Curve for i in range(len(edgeCrvList)): blendShape = glTools.utils.blendShape.create( baseGeo=edgeCrvList[i], targetGeo=[evenCrvList[i]]) cmds.setAttr(blendShape + '.' + evenCrvList[i], 1) # ================== # - Delete History - # ================== if deleteHistory: wireBaseList = glTools.utils.wire.getWireBase(wire[0]) cmds.delete(mesh, ch=True) for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: if cmds.objExists(edgeCrv): cmds.delete(edgeCrv) for evenCrv in evenCrvList: if cmds.objExists(evenCrv): cmds.delete(evenCrv) for wireBase in wireBaseList: if cmds.objExists(wireBase): cmds.delete(wireBase) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= if edgeList: cmds.hilite(mesh) return edgeList
def straightenVerts(edgeList, falloff=0.01, influence=1.0, snapToOriginal=False, keepEdgeSpacing=False, deleteHistory=False): """ Straighten specified polygon vertices. @param influence: @param keepEdgeSpacing: @param edgeList: List of polygon edges to straighten. @type edgeList: list @param falloff: Falloff distance around selected vertices. @type falloff: float @param snapToOriginal: Snap vertices back to closest point on original mesh. @type snapToOriginal: bool @param deleteHistory: Delete construction history. @type deleteHistory: bool """ # Get Edge List edgeList = cmds.filterExpand(edgeList, ex=True, sm=32) or [] if not edgeList: raise Exception( 'Invalid or empty edge list! Unable to straighten vertices...') # Build Edge Curve from Vertices edgeCrvList = edgeList, keepHistory=False) straightCrvList = [] for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: # Build Straight Curve straightCrv = cmds.rebuildCurve(edgeCrv, ch=False, rpo=False, rt=0, end=1, kr=False, kcp=False, kep=True, kt=False, s=1, d=1, tol=0)[0] # Rebuild Straight Curve dist = [] total = 0.0 params = [] pts = glTools.utils.base.getMPointArray(edgeCrv) max = cmds.getAttr(straightCrv + '.maxValue') if keepEdgeSpacing: for i in range(pts.length() - 1): d = (pts[i] - pts[i + 1]).length() dist.append(d) total += d for i in range(len(dist)): d = dist[i] / total * max if i: d += params[-1] params.append(d) else: params = glTools.utils.mathUtils.distributeValue( pts.length(), rangeEnd=max)[1:-1] params = [straightCrv + '.u[' + str(i) + ']' for i in params] cmds.insertKnotCurve(params, ch=False, numberOfKnots=1, add=True, ib=False, rpo=True) # Snap To Mesh mesh =, o=True)[0] if snapToOriginal: pts = glTools.utils.component.getComponentStrList(straightCrv) glTools.utils.mesh.snapPtsToMesh(mesh, pts) # Append List straightCrvList.append(straightCrv) # ================= # - Deform Points - # ================= # Build Wire Deformer wire = glTools.utils.wire.createMulti(mesh, edgeCrvList, dropoffDist=falloff, prefix=mesh.split(':')[-1]) cmds.setAttr(wire[0] + '.rotation', 0) # Blend to Straight Curve for i in range(len(edgeCrvList)): blendShape = glTools.utils.blendShape.create( baseGeo=edgeCrvList[i], targetGeo=[straightCrvList[i]]) cmds.setAttr(blendShape + '.' + straightCrvList[i], influence) # ================== # - Delete History - # ================== if deleteHistory: wireBaseList = glTools.utils.wire.getWireBase(wire[0]) cmds.delete(mesh, ch=True) for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: if cmds.objExists(edgeCrv): cmds.delete(edgeCrv) for straightCrv in straightCrvList: if cmds.objExists(straightCrv): cmds.delete(straightCrv) for wireBase in wireBaseList: if cmds.objExists(wireBase): cmds.delete(wireBase) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= if edgeList: cmds.hilite(mesh) return edgeList
def smoothEdgeLine(edgeList, smooth=4, falloff=0.01, snapToOrig=False, keepEdgeSpacing=False, deleteHistory=False): """ @param edgeList: @param smooth: @param falloff: @param snapToOrig: @param keepEdgeSpacing: @param deleteHistory: """ # Get Edge List edgeList = cmds.filterExpand(edgeList, ex=True, sm=32) or [] if not edgeList: raise Exception('Invalid or empty edge list! Unable to even edge spacing...') edgeCrvList =, keepHistory=False) smoothCrvList = [] for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: # Smooth Edge Line smoothCrv = cmds.duplicate(edgeCrv, n=edgeCrv + '_smoothed')[0] smoothCurve(crv=smoothCrv, iterations=smooth, keepEnds=True, keepSpacing=keepEdgeSpacing) # Snap To Mesh mesh =, o=True)[0] if snapToOrig: pts = glTools.utils.component.getComponentStrList(smoothCrv) glTools.utils.mesh.snapPtsToMesh(mesh, pts) # Append List smoothCrvList.append(smoothCrv) # Apply Smoothed Edge to Vertices wire = glTools.utils.wire.createMulti(mesh, edgeCrvList, dropoffDist=falloff, prefix=mesh.split(':')[-1]) cmds.setAttr(wire[0] + '.rotation', 0) # Blend to Smooth Curve for i in range(len(edgeCrvList)): blendShape = glTools.utils.blendShape.create(baseGeo=edgeCrvList[i], targetGeo=[smoothCrvList[i]]) cmds.setAttr(blendShape + '.' + smoothCrvList[i], 1) # ================== # - Delete History - # ================== if deleteHistory: wireBaseList = glTools.utils.wire.getWireBase(wire[0]) cmds.delete(mesh, ch=True) for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: if cmds.objExists(edgeCrv): cmds.delete(edgeCrv) for smoothCrv in smoothCrvList: if cmds.objExists(smoothCrv): cmds.delete(smoothCrv) for wireBase in wireBaseList: if cmds.objExists(wireBase): cmds.delete(wireBase) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= if edgeList: cmds.hilite(mesh) return edgeList
def evenEdgeSpacing(edgeList, smooth=0, influence=1.0, snapToOrig=False, deleteHistory=False): """ @param edgeList: List of polygon edges to evenly space @type edgeList: list @param smooth: Number of smooth iterations to apply @type smooth: int @param influence: Amount of result to apply to original vertex positions @type influence: float @param snapToOrig: Snap points back to original mesh @type snapToOrig: bool @param deleteHistory: Delete construction history. @type deleteHistory: bool """ # Get Edge List edgeList = cmds.filterExpand(edgeList, ex=True, sm=32) or [] if not edgeList: raise Exception('Invalid or empty edge list! Unable to even edge spacing...') edgeCrvList =, keepHistory=False) evenCrvList = [] for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: # Rebuild Even Curve evenCrv = cmds.rebuildCurve(edgeCrv, ch=False, rpo=False, rt=0, end=1, kr=False, kcp=False, kep=True, kt=False, s=0, d=1, tol=0)[0] # Smooth Curve if smooth: smoothCurve(evenCrv, smooth, True) # Snap To Mesh mesh =, o=True)[0] if snapToOrig: pts = glTools.utils.component.getComponentStrList(evenCrv) glTools.utils.mesh.snapPtsToMesh(mesh, pts) evenCrvList.append(evenCrv) # Apply Even Spacing to Mesh Edge Vertices wire = glTools.utils.wire.createMulti(mesh, edgeCrvList, dropoffDist=0.01, prefix=mesh.split(':')[-1]) cmds.setAttr(wire[0] + '.rotation', 0) cmds.setAttr(wire[0] + '.envelope', influence) # Blend to Even Curve for i in range(len(edgeCrvList)): blendShape = glTools.utils.blendShape.create(baseGeo=edgeCrvList[i], targetGeo=[evenCrvList[i]]) cmds.setAttr(blendShape + '.' + evenCrvList[i], 1) # ================== # - Delete History - # ================== if deleteHistory: wireBaseList = glTools.utils.wire.getWireBase(wire[0]) cmds.delete(mesh, ch=True) for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: if cmds.objExists(edgeCrv): cmds.delete(edgeCrv) for evenCrv in evenCrvList: if cmds.objExists(evenCrv): cmds.delete(evenCrv) for wireBase in wireBaseList: if cmds.objExists(wireBase): cmds.delete(wireBase) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= if edgeList: cmds.hilite(mesh) return edgeList
def straightenVerts(edgeList, falloff=0.01, influence=1.0, snapToOriginal=False, keepEdgeSpacing=False, deleteHistory=False): """ Straighten specified polygon vertices. @param influence: @param keepEdgeSpacing: @param edgeList: List of polygon edges to straighten. @type edgeList: list @param falloff: Falloff distance around selected vertices. @type falloff: float @param snapToOriginal: Snap vertices back to closest point on original mesh. @type snapToOriginal: bool @param deleteHistory: Delete construction history. @type deleteHistory: bool """ # Get Edge List edgeList = cmds.filterExpand(edgeList, ex=True, sm=32) or [] if not edgeList: raise Exception('Invalid or empty edge list! Unable to straighten vertices...') # Build Edge Curve from Vertices edgeCrvList =, keepHistory=False) straightCrvList = [] for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: # Build Straight Curve straightCrv = cmds.rebuildCurve(edgeCrv, ch=False, rpo=False, rt=0, end=1, kr=False, kcp=False, kep=True, kt=False, s=1, d=1, tol=0)[0] # Rebuild Straight Curve dist = [] total = 0.0 params = [] pts = glTools.utils.base.getMPointArray(edgeCrv) max = cmds.getAttr(straightCrv + '.maxValue') if keepEdgeSpacing: for i in range(pts.length() - 1): d = (pts[i] - pts[i + 1]).length() dist.append(d) total += d for i in range(len(dist)): d = dist[i] / total * max if i: d += params[-1] params.append(d) else: params = glTools.utils.mathUtils.distributeValue(pts.length(), rangeEnd=max)[1:-1] params = [straightCrv + '.u[' + str(i) + ']' for i in params] cmds.insertKnotCurve(params, ch=False, numberOfKnots=1, add=True, ib=False, rpo=True) # Snap To Mesh mesh =, o=True)[0] if snapToOriginal: pts = glTools.utils.component.getComponentStrList(straightCrv) glTools.utils.mesh.snapPtsToMesh(mesh, pts) # Append List straightCrvList.append(straightCrv) # ================= # - Deform Points - # ================= # Build Wire Deformer wire = glTools.utils.wire.createMulti(mesh, edgeCrvList, dropoffDist=falloff, prefix=mesh.split(':')[-1]) cmds.setAttr(wire[0] + '.rotation', 0) # Blend to Straight Curve for i in range(len(edgeCrvList)): blendShape = glTools.utils.blendShape.create(baseGeo=edgeCrvList[i], targetGeo=[straightCrvList[i]]) cmds.setAttr(blendShape + '.' + straightCrvList[i], influence) # ================== # - Delete History - # ================== if deleteHistory: wireBaseList = glTools.utils.wire.getWireBase(wire[0]) cmds.delete(mesh, ch=True) for edgeCrv in edgeCrvList: if cmds.objExists(edgeCrv): cmds.delete(edgeCrv) for straightCrv in straightCrvList: if cmds.objExists(straightCrv): cmds.delete(straightCrv) for wireBase in wireBaseList: if cmds.objExists(wireBase): cmds.delete(wireBase) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= if edgeList: cmds.hilite(mesh) return edgeList
def pointOnPolyConstraintCmd(pt): """ Generate a pointOnPolyConstraint setup command string. @param pt: Mesh point to generate pointOnPolyConstraint command for. @type pt: str """ # ================== # - Initialize Cmd - # ================== cmd = '' # =============================== # - Get Mesh from Point on Poly - # =============================== fullname =, o=True)[0] mesh = fullname.split(':')[-1] meshSN = mesh.split('|')[-1] # Get Mesh Component ID meshID = glTools.utils.component.index(pt) prevID = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil() prevID.createFromInt(0) prevIDPtr = prevID.asIntPtr() # ======================= # - Constrain to Vertex - # ======================= if '.vtx[' in pt: # Initialize MItMeshVertex meshIt = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshVertexIter(mesh) meshIt.setIndex(meshID, prevIDPtr) # Get Vertex UV uv = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil() uv.createFromDouble(0.0) uvPtr = uv.asFloat2Ptr() meshIt.getUV(uvPtr) uv = [ OpenMaya.MScriptUtil.getFloat2ArrayItem(uvPtr, 0, j) for j in [0, 1] ] cmd += '; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sU%d") %f; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sV%d") %f' % ( meshSN, 0, uv[0], meshSN, 0, uv[1]) # ===================== # - Constrain to Edge - # ===================== elif '.e[' in pt: # Initialize MItMeshEdge meshIt = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshEdgeIter(mesh) meshIt.setIndex(meshID, prevIDPtr) # Get Edge/Vertices UV vtx = [meshIt.index(j) for j in [0, 1]] vtxIt = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshVertexIter(mesh) uvs = [] for v in vtx: vtxIt.setIndex(v, prevIDPtr) uv = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil() uv.createFromDouble(0.0) uvPtr = uv.asFloat2Ptr() vtxIt.getUV(uvPtr) uvs.append([ OpenMaya.MScriptUtil.getFloat2ArrayItem(uvPtr, 0, j) for j in [0, 1] ]) uv = [0.5 * (uvs[0][j] + uvs[1][j]) for j in [0, 1]] cmd += '; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sU%d") %f; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sV%d") %f' % ( meshSN, 0, uv[0], meshSN, 0, uv[1]) # ===================== # - Constrain to Face - # ===================== elif '.f[' in pt: # Initialize MItMeshface meshIt = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshFaceIter(mesh) meshIt.setIndex(meshID, prevIDPtr) # Get Face UV u, v = OpenMaya.MFloatArray(), OpenMaya.MFloatArray() meshIt.getUVs(u, v) uv = (sum(u) / len(u), sum(v) / len(v)) cmd += '; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sU%d") %f; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sV%d") %f' % ( meshSN, 0, uv[0], meshSN, 0, uv[1]) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= return cmd
def pointOnPolyConstraintCmd(pt): """ Generate a pointOnPolyConstraint setup command string. @param pt: Mesh point to generate pointOnPolyConstraint command for. @type pt: str """ # ================== # - Initialize Cmd - # ================== cmd = '' # =============================== # - Get Mesh from Point on Poly - # =============================== fullname =, o=True)[0] mesh = fullname.split(':')[-1] meshSN = mesh.split('|')[-1] # Get Mesh Component ID meshID = glTools.utils.component.index(pt) prevID = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil() prevID.createFromInt(0) prevIDPtr = prevID.asIntPtr() # ======================= # - Constrain to Vertex - # ======================= if '.vtx[' in pt: # Initialize MItMeshVertex meshIt = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshVertexIter(mesh) meshIt.setIndex(meshID, prevIDPtr) # Get Vertex UV uv = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil() uv.createFromDouble(0.0) uvPtr = uv.asFloat2Ptr() meshIt.getUV(uvPtr) uv = [OpenMaya.MScriptUtil.getFloat2ArrayItem(uvPtr, 0, j) for j in [0, 1]] cmd += '; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sU%d") %f; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sV%d") %f' % ( meshSN, 0, uv[0], meshSN, 0, uv[1]) # ===================== # - Constrain to Edge - # ===================== elif '.e[' in pt: # Initialize MItMeshEdge meshIt = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshEdgeIter(mesh) meshIt.setIndex(meshID, prevIDPtr) # Get Edge/Vertices UV vtx = [meshIt.index(j) for j in [0, 1]] vtxIt = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshVertexIter(mesh) uvs = [] for v in vtx: vtxIt.setIndex(v, prevIDPtr) uv = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil() uv.createFromDouble(0.0) uvPtr = uv.asFloat2Ptr() vtxIt.getUV(uvPtr) uvs.append([OpenMaya.MScriptUtil.getFloat2ArrayItem(uvPtr, 0, j) for j in [0, 1]]) uv = [0.5 * (uvs[0][j] + uvs[1][j]) for j in [0, 1]] cmd += '; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sU%d") %f; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sV%d") %f' % ( meshSN, 0, uv[0], meshSN, 0, uv[1]) # ===================== # - Constrain to Face - # ===================== elif '.f[' in pt: # Initialize MItMeshface meshIt = glTools.utils.mesh.getMeshFaceIter(mesh) meshIt.setIndex(meshID, prevIDPtr) # Get Face UV u, v = OpenMaya.MFloatArray(), OpenMaya.MFloatArray() meshIt.getUVs(u, v) uv = (sum(u) / len(u), sum(v) / len(v)) cmd += '; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sU%d") %f; setAttr ($constraint[0]+".%sV%d") %f' % ( meshSN, 0, uv[0], meshSN, 0, uv[1]) # ================= # - Return Result - # ================= return cmd