예제 #1
    def testUserInfoNotValid_UsernameNotUnique(self):
        """ Attempt to register with a taken username.
            Verify that submission via POST with a
            username that is already in use rerenders
            the template and shows an error without
            creating the user account

        # Get the POST dict
        registration_form = Factory.create_user_registration_post_dict(self.organization)
        registration_form['username'] = self.user.username

        # Make the post request
        response = self.client.post('/register/{}'.format(self.info.session.uuid),
            registration_form, follow = True)

        # Verify that the register page was rendered
        self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'user/register.html')

        # Verify both forms are included in the response
        self.assertTrue('user_form' in response.context)
        self.assertTrue('info_form' in response.context)

        # Verify form fields retain their set values
        user_form = response.context['user_form']
        info_form = response.context['info_form']

        # Validate
        self.validate_form(user_form, registration_form, ('username'))
        self.validate_form(info_form, registration_form, ())
예제 #2
    def testUserInfoNotValid_PasswordConfirmationFailed(self):
        Verify that submission via POST with a
        failed password confirmation rerenders
        the template and shows an error without
        creating the user account

        # Get the POST dict
        registration_form = Factory.create_user_registration_post_dict(self.organization)
        registration_form['password2'] = 'incorrect'

        # Make the post request
        response = self.client.post('/register/{}'.format(self.info.session.uuid),
            registration_form, follow = True)

        # Verify that the register page was rendered
        self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'user/register.html')

        # Verify both forms are included in the response
        self.assertTrue('user_form' in response.context)
        self.assertTrue('info_form' in response.context)

        # Verify form fields retain their set values
        user_form = response.context['user_form']
        self.validate_form(user_form, registration_form, ('password2'))

        # lead stuff
        info_form = response.context['info_form']
        self.validate_form(info_form, registration_form, ())
예제 #3
    def testOrganizationCodeInvalid(self):
        """ Verify an invalid organization sends an error """

        # Get the POST dict
        registration_form = Factory.create_user_registration_post_dict(self.organization)
        registration_form['organization_code'] = 'invalid'

        # Make the post request
        response = self.client.post('/register/{}'.format(self.info.session.uuid),
            registration_form, follow = True)

        # Get the forms
        user_form = response.context['user_form']
        self.validate_form(user_form, registration_form, ())

        info_form = response.context['info_form']
        self.validate_form(info_form, registration_form, ('organization_code'))
예제 #4
    def testValidInfo(self):
        Verify that submission of valid information
        creates the user account, the lead info,
        logs the user in, sets a success message,
        and redirects to the dashboard view

        # Get the POST dict
        registration_form = Factory.create_user_registration_post_dict(self.organization)

        # Make the post request
        response = self.client.post('/register/{}'.format(self.info.session.uuid),
            registration_form, follow = True)

        # Verify the user account is created with correct attributes
        user = User.objects.get(username = registration_form['username'])
        info = LeadUserInfo.objects.get(user = user)

        self.assertTrue(user is not None)
        self.assertEqual(user.username, registration_form['username'])
        self.assertEqual(user.email, registration_form['email'])
        self.assertNotEqual(user.password, registration_form['password1']) # Password should be hashed
        self.assertEqual(user.first_name, registration_form['first_name'])
        self.assertEqual(user.last_name, registration_form['last_name'])

        self.assertTrue(info is not None)
        self.assertEqual(info.user, user)
        self.assertEqual(info.gender, registration_form['gender'])
        self.assertEqual(info.major, registration_form['major'])
        self.assertEqual(info.organization, self.organization)

        # Verify success message set
        messages = response.context['messages']
        self.assertEqual(len(messages), 1)
        for message in messages:
            self.assertEqual(message.message, "User account created successfully.")

        # Verify the user is redirected to the dashboard
        self.assertTemplateUsed(response, 'dashboard.html')