예제 #1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Laboratorio 3 Tests.py

#Import our gl library
import math
import os,sys
from gllib.gl import Raytracer,colorScale
from gllib.material import Material
from gllib.sphere import Sphere
from gllib.obj import Texture

#Material to use
button = Material(diffuse = colorScale(0, 0, 0))
eyePupil = button
snow = Material(diffuse = colorScale(1, 1, 1))
nose = Material(diffuse = colorScale(255/255, 135/255, 0))
smile = Material(diffuse = colorScale(65/255, 65/255, 65/255 ))

#Create our raytracer and spheres to build a snowman
raytracerGl.FOV = 120
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((0, 6, -11), 4, snow) )
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((0, 0, -10), 4, snow) )
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((0, -6, -9), 4, snow) )
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((0, 0, -4.99), 0.5, button) )
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((0, -2, -4.99), 0.5, button) )
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((0, -4, -4.99), 0.5, button) )
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((0, 3.6, -4.99), 0.4, nose) )
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((-0.5, 4.4, -4.99), 0.2, eyePupil) )
예제 #2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Laboratorio 3 Tests.py

#Import our gl library
import math
import os, sys
from gllib.gl import Raytracer, colorScale
from gllib.material import Material
from gllib.sphere import Sphere
from gllib.light import PointLight, AmbientLight

#Material to use
button = Material(diffuse=colorScale(0, 0, 0), specularity=16)
eyePupil = Material(diffuse=colorScale(25 / 255, 25 / 255, 25 / 255),
snow = Material(diffuse=colorScale(1, 1, 1), specularity=32)
nose = Material(diffuse=colorScale(255 / 255, 135 / 255, 0), specularity=16)
smile = Material(diffuse=colorScale(65 / 255, 65 / 255, 65 / 255),
#Create our raytracer and spheres to build a snowman
raytracerGl = Raytracer(int(800 / 1), int(500 / 1))
raytracerGl.FOV = 120
raytracerGl.pointLight = PointLight(position=(-1, 1, 0), intensity=1.5)
raytracerGl.ambientLight = AmbientLight(strength=0.1)
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((0, 6, -11), 4, snow))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((0, 0, -10), 4, snow))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((0, -6, -9), 4, snow))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((0, 0, -4.99), 0.5, button))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((0, -2, -4.99), 0.5, button))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((0, -4, -4.99), 0.5, button))
예제 #3
# Laboratorio 3 Tests.py

#Import our gl library
import math
import os,sys
from gllib.gl import Raytracer,colorScale
from gllib.material import Material,REFLECTIVE
from gllib.sphere import Sphere 
from gllib.obj import Texture
from gllib.light import PointLight,AmbientLight

#Material to use

color1 = Material(diffuse = colorScale(0.8, 0.4, 0.25),specularity=16)
color2 = Material(diffuse = colorScale(0.4, 0.4, 0.4),specularity=32)
mirror = Material(diffuse = colorScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),specularity=1024,matType=REFLECTIVE)
#Create our raytracer and spheres to build a snowman
raytracerGl.pointLight= PointLight(position=(-2,2,0),intensity=1)
raytracerGl.ambientLight= AmbientLight(strength=0.1)
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((1, 1, -8), 1.5, color1))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((0, 0, -5), 0.5, color2))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((-3, 3, -10), 2, mirror))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append( Sphere((-3, -3, -10), 1, mirror))

예제 #4
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Laboratorio 3 Tests.py

#Import our gl library
import math
import os, sys
from gllib.gl import Raytracer, colorScale
from gllib.material import Material, REFLECTIVE
from gllib.sphere import Sphere
from gllib.obj import Texture
from gllib.light import PointLight, AmbientLight

#Material to use

color1 = Material(diffuse=colorScale(0.8, 0.4, 0.25), specularity=16)
color2 = Material(diffuse=colorScale(0.4, 0.4, 0.4), specularity=32)
mirror = Material(diffuse=colorScale(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
#Create our raytracer and spheres to build a snowman
raytracerGl = Raytracer(int(512 / 2), int(512 / 2))
raytracerGl.pointLight = PointLight(position=(-2, 2, 0), intensity=1)
raytracerGl.glClearColorScaleRGB(0.2, 0.6, 0.8)
raytracerGl.ambientLight = AmbientLight(strength=0.1)
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((1, 1, -8), 2, color1))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((-0, 0, -5), 0.5, color2))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((-3, 3, -10), 2, mirror))
raytracerGl.sceneObjects.append(Sphere((-3, -3, -10), 1, mirror))

예제 #5
# Laboratorio 3 Tests.py

#Import our gl library
import math
import os, sys
from gllib.gl import Raytracer, colorScale
from gllib.material import Material, REFLECTIVE
from gllib.sphere import Sphere
from gllib.plane import Plane
from gllib.aabbox import AABBox
from gllib.obj import Texture
from gllib.light import PointLight, AmbientLight

#Material to use
color1 = Material(diffuse=colorScale(116 / 255, 47 / 255, 0), specularity=16)
color2 = Material(diffuse=colorScale(231 / 255, 228 / 255, 228 / 255),
color3 = Material(diffuse=colorScale(0.2, 0.6, 0.8), specularity=32)
color4 = Material(diffuse=colorScale(1, 1, 1), specularity=16)
color5 = Material(diffuse=colorScale(1, 0, 0), specularity=16)
color6 = Material(diffuse=colorScale(0, 1, 0), specularity=16)

#Create our raytracer
raytracerGl = Raytracer(int(512 / 2), int(512 / 2))
raytracerGl.pointLight = PointLight(position=(0, 1, -6), intensity=1)
raytracerGl.ambientLight = AmbientLight(strength=0.1)
