train_data, test_data = train_test_split(zip(Xpp, y), 0.33) # Scale the data X_train, y_train = zip(*train_data) scale = Scaler() transform = compose(prepend_x0, scale.transform) scaledX_train = transform(X_train) scaled_train = zip(scaledX_train, y_train) # Fit the training data h_theta0 = [1., 1., 1.] print('****Gradient Descent****\n') print('--Training--\n') h_thetaf, cost =, logr.grad_logistic, h_theta0, scaled_train, eta=0.03, it_max=500, gf='gd') logr.plot_cost(cost) print(h_thetaf) probs_train = glm.predict(logr.logistic, scaledX_train, h_thetaf) yp_train = logr.logistic_classes(probs_train) logistic_table(probs_train, yp_train, y_train) print('--Testing--\n') # Use the training statistics to scale the test data X_test, y_test = zip(*test_data) scaledX_test = transform(X_test) scaled_test = zip(scaledX_test, y_test)
Z_test, y_test = zip(*test_data) X_test = scale.transform(Z_test) print('****Minibatch Gradient Descent****') print('\n--Training--\n') hyperparam = {'eta': 0.3, 'epochs': 300, 'minibatches': 1, 'adaptive': 0.99} print('\nHyperparamters\n') for k, v in hyperparam.items(): print(k, '\t', v) print('\nNumber of Training Examples: ', X_train.shape[0], '\n') h_thetaf, cost =, lr.gradJ, hyperparam, scaledtrain_data) plot_cost(cost) h_thetad = scale.denormalize(h_thetaf) print('Coefficients\t', h_thetaf) for i, h_theta in enumerate(h_thetad): print('h_theta' + str(i), '\t', h_theta) yp_train = glm.predict(identity, X_train, h_thetaf) plot_errors(y_train, yp_train) corr_train = metrics.r2(X_train, y_train, h_thetaf) print('R**2\t', corr_train) print('\n--Testing--') yp_test = glm.predict(identity, X_test, h_thetaf) plot_errors(y_test, yp_test) corr_test = metrics.r2(X_test, y_test, h_thetaf)
scale = Scaler() Z_train, y_train = zip(*train_data) transform = compose(prepend_x0, scale.transform) X_train = transform(Z_train) scaledtrain_data = zip(X_train, y_train) # Scale the testing data using the same scaling parameters # used for the training data Z_test, y_test = zip(*test_data) X_test = transform(Z_test) h_theta0 = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] print('****Gradient Descent****') h_thetaf, cost =, lr.gradJ, h_theta0, eta=0.3, it_max=5000, gf='gd')(scaledtrain_data) lr.plot_cost(cost) h_thetad = scale.denormalize(h_thetaf) yp_train = glm.predict(identity, X_train, h_thetaf) print('\n--Training--') print('Coefficients\t', h_thetaf) print( tabulate(list(zip(yp_train, y_train)), headers=['yp', 'yi'], tablefmt='fancy_grid')) print('Coefficients\t', h_thetad) for i, h_theta in enumerate(h_thetad):
Z_train, y_train = zip(*train_data) y_train = np.array(y_train) scale = Scaler() scaledX_train = scale.transform(Z_train) Z_test, y_test = zip(*test_data) y_test = np.array(y_test) scaledX_test = scale.transform(Z_test) hyperparam = {'eta': 0.5, 'epochs': 1000, 'minibatches': 4, 'adaptive': 0.98} weightsf, cost =, lr.gradSMC, hyperparam, zip(scaledX_train, y_train)) # Print out the results print('****Training****\n') prediction = glm.predict(lr.softmax, scaledX_train, weightsf) classes = lr.classify(prediction) print('\nWeight Matrix\n', weightsf) print('\nError\n', cost[-1]) logistic_table(prediction, classes, np.argmax(np.array(y_train), axis=1)) score = MScores(y_train, encode_labels(np.array(classes), 3)) print('Precision: ', score.precision()) print('Recall: ', score.recall()) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1) ax.semilogy(range(0, len(cost)), cost)
train_data, test_data = train_test_split(massaged_data, 0.33) Z_train, y_train = zip(*train_data) scale = Scaler() transform = compose(prepend_x0, scale.transform) scaledX_train = transform(Z_train) scaled_train = zip(scaledX_train, y_train) Z_test, y_test = zip(*test_data) scaledX_test = transform(Z_test) scaled_test = zip(scaledX_test, y_test) print('****Gradient Descent****\n') h_theta0 = [1., 1., 1.] h_thetaf, cost =, logr.grad_logistic, h_theta0, scaled_train, eta=0.1, it_max=1000, gf='gd') print('--Training--\n') print(h_thetaf) h_thetad = scale.denormalize(h_thetaf) print(h_thetad) logr.plot_cost(cost) probs_train = glm.predict(logr.logistic, scaledX_train, h_thetaf) yp_train = logr.logistic_classes(probs_train) logistic_table(probs_train, yp_train, y_train) print('--Testing--\n') probs_test = glm.predict(logr.logistic, scaledX_test, h_thetaf) yp_test = logr.logistic_classes(probs_test) logistic_table(probs_test, yp_test, y_test)
scale = Scaler() Z_train, y_train = zip(*train_data) transform = compose(prepend_x0, scale.transform) X_train = transform(Z_train) scaledtrain_data = zip(X_train, y_train) # Scale the testing data using the same scaling parameters # used for the training data Z_test, y_test = zip(*test_data) X_test = transform(Z_test) h_theta0 = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] print('****Gradient Descent****') h_thetaf, cost =, lr.gradJ, h_theta0, eta=0.3, it_max=5000, gf='gd')(scaledtrain_data) lr.plot_cost(cost) h_thetad = scale.denormalize(h_thetaf) yp_train = glm.predict(identity, X_train, h_thetaf) print('\n--Training--') print('Coefficients\t', h_thetaf) print(tabulate(list(zip(yp_train, y_train)), headers=['yp', 'yi'], tablefmt='fancy_grid')) print('Coefficients\t', h_thetad) for i, h_theta in enumerate(h_thetad):
scale = Scaler() scaledX_train = scale.transform(Z_train) scaled_train = list(zip(scaledX_train, y_train)) Z_test, y_test = zip(*test_data) scaledX_test = scale.transform(Z_test) scaled_test = list(zip(scaledX_test, y_test)) # Initialize the patameters print('****Minibatch Gradient Descent****\n') hyperparam = {'eta': 0.1, 'epochs': 500, 'minibatches': 1, 'adaptive': 1.0} h_thetaf, cost =, logr.gradL, hyperparam, scaled_train) print('--Training--\n') print(h_thetaf) h_thetad = scale.denormalize(h_thetaf) print(h_thetad) logr.plot_cost(cost) probs_train = glm.predict(logr.logistic, scaledX_train, h_thetaf) yp_train = logr.classify(probs_train) logistic_table(probs_train, yp_train, y_train) print('--Testing--\n') probs_test = glm.predict(logr.logistic, scaledX_test, h_thetaf) yp_test = logr.classify(probs_test) logistic_table(probs_test, yp_test, y_test) score = metrics.Scores(y_test, yp_test) print('True Positives\t',