def init_geometric(num_drones): r = 250 list_drones = list() for i in xrange(num_drones): if i == 0: list_drones.append( global_variables.Drone(i, random.uniform(0, 1000), random.uniform(0, 1000))) else: drone = random.randint(0, len(list_drones) - 1) if random.randint(0, 10) > 5: #flip a coin x = list_drones[drone].node_x + random.uniform(0, r) # add if x > 1000: x = 1000 else: x = list_drones[drone].node_x - random.uniform(0, r) # substract if x < 0: x = 0 aux = x - list_drones[drone].node_x delta_y = math.sqrt((r * r) - (aux * aux)) if random.randint(0, 10) > 5: y = list_drones[drone].node_y + random.uniform(0, delta_y) if y > 1000: y = 1000 else: y = list_drones[drone].node_y - random.uniform(0, delta_y) if y < 0: y = 0 list_drones.append(global_variables.Drone(i, x, y)) return list_drones
def init_modified(list_drones_genetic, num_drones): """ this function is used if different number of drones is used during the initial deployment and the adaptation to the real conditions""" accomplished = 0 global total while accomplished == 0: list_drones = list() for j in list_drones_genetic: x = j.node_x y = j.node_y list_drones.append(global_variables.Drone(total, x, y)) for i in range(len(list_drones_genetic), num_drones): x_cor = random.random() * 1000 y_cor = random.random() * 1000 list_drones.append(global_variables.Drone(total, x_cor, y_cor)) if check_drones_conectivity(list_drones) < 0: accomplished = 0 else: accomplished = 1 total = total + 1 print "we got one, total number %d" % total return list_drones
def copy_drones_positions(): """ copies drones positions from the file to be used in local optimization""" list_drones = [] x = open("x_drones_positions.txt",'r') y = open("y_drones_positions.txt", 'r') ident = 0 for i, j in zip(x, y): list_drones.append(global_variables.Drone(ident,float(i),float(j))) ident = ident + 1 return list_drones
def init(num_drones): accomplished = 0 global total while accomplished == 0: list_drones = list() for i in range(0, num_drones): x_cor = random.random() * 1000 y_cor = random.random() * 1000 list_drones.append(global_variables.Drone(i, x_cor, y_cor)) if check_drones_conectivity(list_drones) < 0: accomplished = 0 else: accomplished = 1 total = total + 1 print "we got one, total number %d" % total return list_drones
def initPredefIndiv(icls, input_file): ## deterministic, uavs coordinates given as argument f = open(input_file, 'r') tmp=[line[:-1] for line in f ] uavs_list=[[float(j) for j in ele.split(",")] for ele in tmp ] f.close() list_drones = list() i=0 for a_uav in uavs_list : x_cor = a_uav[0] y_cor = a_uav[1] ##print(i, " reading indiv content ", x_cor, " and ",y_cor) list_drones.append(global_variables.Drone(i,x_cor,y_cor)) i=i+1 if check_drones_conectivity(list_drones) < 0: print("It's terrible, this individual is not connected, and that it not supposed to happen") return icls(list_drones)
def init_grid(num_drones): list_x = list() list_y = list() accomplished = 0 global total for i in range(0, 1100, 150): list_x.append(i) list_y.append(i) while accomplished == 0: list_drones = [] for i in range(0, num_drones): ind_x = random.randint(0, len(list_x) - 1) ind_y = random.randint(0, len(list_y) - 1) x_cor = list_x[ind_x] y_cor = list_y[ind_y] list_drones.append(global_variables.Drone(total, x_cor, y_cor)) if check_drones_conectivity(list_drones) < 0: accomplished = 0 else: accomplished = 1 total = total + 1 print "we got one, total number %d" % total return list_drones
def positions_from_file(fil, num, k, nodes, UAVs, fig): """ It plots the solution""" #global list_victim #global list_partial_victims f = open(fil, 'r') scenarios.generate_victim_positions_traces() scenarios.partial_knowledge_generation(k) #print list_victims list_drones = list() for line in f: fields = line.split(",") list_drones.append( global_variables.Drone(int(fields[0]), float(fields[1]), float(fields[2]))) for i in list_drones: print(, i.node_x, i.node_y) #CO= quality.evaluate_coverage(list_drones) #G= quality.create_drones_graph(list_drones) #print quality.check_graph_connectivity(G) #for i in list_drones: # print i.neighbordrones #F= quality.evaluate_weighted(list_drones) CO = quality.evaluate_coverage(list_drones) print("coverage", CO) #FTO= quality.evaluate_tolerance(list_drones) #print FTO #RO= quality.evaluate_redundancy(list_drones) #print "redundancy", RO ground_x = list() # victims' positions ground_y = list() ground_x_covered = list() # victims' positions ground_y_covered = list() UAV_x = list() # drones' positions UAV_y = list() UAV_ground_x = list() # links among drones and victims UAV_ground_y = list() UAV_UAV_x = list() # links among drones UAV_UAV_y = list() for i in global_variables.list_partial_victims: ground_x.append(i.node_x) ground_y.append(i.node_y) for j in list_drones: UAV_x.append(j.node_x) UAV_y.append(j.node_y) #print UAV_x, UAV_y #print ground_x, ground_y UAV_ground_x, UAV_ground_y, ground_x_covered, ground_y_covered = plot_links( list_drones, 1) UAV_UAV_x, UAV_UAV_y = plot_links_drones(list_drones) #print UAV_ground_x # plotting drones connectivity #fig = plt.figure(figsize= (10,20), dpi = 300) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(4, 2, num) #s1= ax1.scatter(ground_x, ground_y, c = 'y', label = "ground_nodes", marker = 'o') s1 = ax1.scatter(UAV_x, UAV_y, c='r', label="UAV", marker='x') for i in range(0, len(UAV_UAV_x)): if i % 2 == 0: x1 = UAV_UAV_x[i] x11 = UAV_UAV_x[i + 1] y1 = UAV_UAV_y[i] y11 = UAV_UAV_y[i + 1] ax1.plot([x1, x11], [y1, y11], 'r--', label="UAV-UAV links", marker='_') ax1.set_xlabel("X [m]", fontsize=11) ax1.set_ylabel("Y [m]", fontsize=11) ax1.axis([-50, 1050, -50, 1050]) ax1.set_title(UAVs, fontsize=12) ax1.grid("on") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(4, 2, num + 1) s2 = ax2.scatter(ground_x, ground_y, c='c', label="ground_nodes", marker='x') s3 = ax2.scatter(ground_x_covered, ground_y_covered, c='m', label="ground_nodes", marker='x') ax2.scatter(UAV_x, UAV_y, c='r', label="UAV", marker='x') for i in range(0, len(UAV_ground_x)): if i % 2 == 0: x1 = UAV_ground_x[i] x11 = UAV_ground_x[i + 1] y1 = UAV_ground_y[i] y11 = UAV_ground_y[i + 1] ax2.plot([x1, x11], [y1, y11], 'g--', label="UAV-ground links", marker='_') ax2.set_xlabel("X [m]", fontsize=11) ax2.set_ylabel("Y [m]", fontsize=11) ax2.axis([-50, 1050, -50, 1050]) ax2.set_title(nodes, fontsize=12) ax2.grid("on") #l = ["unknown victims", "known victims", "drones"] #c = ['b', 'k', 'r', 'y', 'g', 'r'] #m = ['o', 'o', 'o', '_', '_', '_'] UAV_links = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red', linestyle='--', label='Blue stars') GN_links = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='green', linestyle='--', label='Blue stars') if num == 1: fig.legend(handles=[s1, s2, s3, UAV_links, GN_links], labels=['UAV', 'GN', 'Cov-GN', 'UAV-links', 'GN-links'], loc='upper center') #fig.legend(handles=[s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6], ('UAV', 'GN','Cov-GN','UAV-links', 'GN-GN.links'), loc= 'upper right') fig.savefig("Positions.png")