예제 #1
    def netCDF_empty(self, ncfile_out, stations, nc_in):
        # TODO: change date type from f4 to f8 for lat and lon
        Creates an empty station file to hold interpolated reults. The number of
        stations is defined by the variable stations, variables are determined by
        the variable list passed from the gridded original netCDF.

        ncfile_out: full name of the file to be created
        stations:   station list read with common_utils.StationListRead()
        variables:  variables read from netCDF handle
        lev:        list of pressure levels, empty is [] (default)
        rootgrp = netcdf_base(ncfile_out, len(stations), None,
                              'hours since 1980-01-01 00:00:00')

        station = rootgrp["station"]
        latitude = rootgrp["latitude"]
        longitude = rootgrp["longitude"]
        height = rootgrp["height"]

        # assign station characteristics
        station[:] = list(stations['station_number'])
        latitude[:] = list(stations['latitude_dd'])
        longitude[:] = list(stations['longitude_dd'])
        height[:] = list(stations['elevation_m'])

        # extra treatment for pressure level files
            lev = nc_in.variables['level'][:]
            logger.info("Creating empty 3D file (has pressure levels)")
            level = rootgrp.createDimension('level', len(lev))
            level = rootgrp.createVariable('level', 'i4', ('level'))
            level.long_name = 'pressure_level'
            level.units = 'hPa'
            level[:] = lev
        except Exception:
            logger.info("Creating empty 2D file (without pressure levels)")
            lev = []

        # remove extra variables
        varlist_merra = [str_encode(x) for x in nc_in.variables.keys()]

        # create and assign variables based on input file
        for n, var in enumerate(varlist_merra):
            if variables_skip(var):
            logger.debug(f"Add empty variable: {var}")
            # extra treatment for pressure level files
            if len(lev):
                tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var, 'f4',
                                             ('time', 'level', 'station'))
                tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
            tmp.long_name = str_encode(
                nc_in.variables[var].long_name)  # for merra2
            tmp.units = str_encode(nc_in.variables[var].units)

        # close the file
        logger.debug(f"Created empty netcdf file {ncfile_out}")
예제 #2
    def inventory(self):
        Report on data avaialbe in directory: time slice, variables, area
        print("=== INVENTORY FOR GLOBSIM ERA-INTERIM DATA === \n")
        print("Download parameter file: \n" + self.pfile + "\n")
        # loop over filetypes, read, report
        file_type = [
            'erai_pl_*.nc', 'erai_sa_*.nc', 'erai_sf_*.nc', 'erai_t*.nc'
        for ft in file_type:
            infile = path.join(self.directory, ft)
            nf = len(filter(listdir(self.directory), ft))
            print(str(nf) + " FILE(S): " + infile)

            if nf > 0:
                # open dataset
                ncf = nc.MFDataset(infile, 'r')

                # list variables
                keylist = [str_encode(x) for x in ncf.variables.keys()]

                print("    VARIABLES:")
                print("        " + str(len(keylist)) +
                      " variables, inclusing dimensions")
                for key in keylist:
                    print("        " + ncf.variables[key].long_name)

                # time slice
                time = ncf.variables['time']
                tmin = nc.num2date(min(time[:]),
                tmax = nc.num2date(max(time[:]),
                print("    TIME SLICE")
                print("        " + str(len(time[:])) + " time steps")
                print("        " + tmin + " to " + tmax)

                # area
                lon = ncf.variables['longitude']
                lat = ncf.variables['latitude']
                nlat = str(len(lat))
                nlon = str(len(lon))
                ncel = str(len(lat) * len(lon))
                print("    BOUNDING BOX / AREA")
                print("        " + ncel + " cells, " + nlon + " W-E and " +
                      nlat + " S-N")
                print("        N: " + str(max(lat)))
                print("        S: " + str(min(lat)))
                print("        W: " + str(min(lon)))
                print("        E: " + str(max(lon)))

예제 #3
    def inventory(self):
        Report on data avaialbe in directory: time slice, variables, area
        logger.debug(f"Download parameter file: {self.pfile}")
        # loop over filetypes, read, report
        file_type = [
            self.typeString(self.era5type) + '_pl_*.nc',
            self.typeString(self.era5type) + '_sa_*.nc',
            self.typeString(self.era5type) + '_sf_*.nc',
            self.typeString(self.era5type) + '_t*.nc'
        for ft in file_type:
            infile = path.join(self.directory, ft)
            nf = len(filter(listdir(self.directory), ft))
            logger.debug(str(nf) + " FILE(S): " + infile)

            if nf > 0:
                # open dataset
                ncf = nc.MFDataset(infile, 'r', aggdim='time')

                # list variables
                keylist = [str_encode(x) for x in ncf.variables.keys()]
                    f"Found {str(len(keylist))} variables, including dimensions"
                for key in keylist:
                        "Found variable :{ncf.variables[key].long_name}")

                # time slice
                time = ncf.variables['time']

                tmin = nc.num2date(min(time[:]),
                tmax = nc.num2date(max(time[:]),

                logger.info("TIME SLICE")
                    f"Found {str(len(time[:]))} time steps from {tmin} to  {tmax}"

                # area
                lon = ncf.variables['longitude']
                lat = ncf.variables['latitude']
                nlat = str(len(lat))
                nlon = str(len(lon))
                ncel = str(len(lat) * len(lon))
                logger.info("BOUNDING BOX / AREA")
                    f"Found {ncel} cells: {nlon} along W-E and {nlat} along S-N"
                logger.debug("        N: " + str(max(lat)))
                logger.debug("        S: " + str(min(lat)))
                logger.debug("        W: " + str(min(lon)))
                logger.debug("        E: " + str(max(lon)))

예제 #4
    def levels2elevation(self, ncfile_in, ncfile_out):
        Linear 1D interpolation of pressure level data available for individual
        stations to station elevation. Where and when stations are below the
        lowest pressure level, they are assigned the value of the lowest
        pressure level.

        # open file

        ncf = nc.MFDataset(ncfile_in, 'r', aggdim='time')
        height = ncf.variables['height'][:]
        nt = len(ncf.variables['time'][:])
        nl = len(ncf.variables['level'][:])

        # list variables
        varlist = [str_encode(x) for x in ncf.variables.keys()]
        for V in [
                'time', 'station', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'level', 'height',

        # === open and prepare output netCDF file ==============================
        # dimensions: station, time
        # variables: latitude(station), longitude(station), elevation(station)
        #            others: ...(time, station)
        # stations are integer numbers
        # create a file (Dataset object, also the root group).
        rootgrp = netcdf_base(ncfile_out=ncfile_out,
                              time_units='hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:0.0')
        rootgrp.source = 'ERA-Interim, interpolated (bi)linearly to stations'

        time = rootgrp['time']
        station = rootgrp['station']
        latitude = rootgrp['latitude']
        longitude = rootgrp['longitude']
        height = rootgrp['height']

        # assign base variables
        time[:] = ncf.variables['time'][:]
        station[:] = ncf.variables['station'][:]
        latitude[:] = ncf.variables['latitude'][:]
        longitude[:] = ncf.variables['longitude'][:]
        height[:] = ncf.variables['height'][:]

        # create and assign variables from input file
        for var in varlist:
            tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
            tmp.long_name = str_encode(ncf.variables[var].long_name)
            tmp.units = str_encode(ncf.variables[var].units)

        # add air pressure as new variable
        var = 'air_pressure'
        tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        tmp.long_name = var.encode('UTF8')
        tmp.units = 'hPa'.encode('UTF8')
        # end file prepation ===================================================

        # loop over stations
        for n, h in enumerate(height):
            # convert geopotential [mbar] to height [m], shape: (time, level)
            elevation = ncf.variables['z'][:, :, n] / 9.80665
            # TODO: check if height of stations in data range

            # difference in elevation, level directly above will be >= 0
            elev_diff = elevation - h
            # vector of level indices that fall directly above station.
            # Apply after ravel() of data.
            va = np.argmin(elev_diff + (elev_diff < 0) * 100000, axis=1)
            # mask for situations where station is below lowest level
            mask = va < (nl - 1)
            va += np.arange(elevation.shape[0]) * elevation.shape[1]

            # Vector level indices that fall directly below station.
            # Apply after ravel() of data.
            vb = va + mask  # +1 when OK, +0 when below lowest level

            wa, wb = self.calculate_weights(elev_diff, va, vb)

            #loop over variables and apply interpolation weights
            for v, var in enumerate(varlist):
                if var == 'air_pressure':
                    # pressure [Pa] variable from levels, shape: (time, level)
                    data = np.repeat([ncf.variables['level'][:]],
                    #read data from netCDF
                    data = ncf.variables[var][:, :, n].ravel()
                ipol = data[va] * wa + data[vb] * wb  # interpolated value
                rootgrp.variables[var][:, n] = ipol  # assign to file

예제 #5
    def mergeFiles(self, ncfile_in):
        To combine mutiple downloaded erai netCDF files into a large file.

            ncfile_in: the full name of downloaded files (file directory + files names)

        Output: merged netCDF files
        erai_sa_all.nc, erai_sf_all.nc, erai_pl_all.nc


        # read in one type of mutiple netcdf files
        ncf_in = nc.MFDataset(ncfile_in, 'r', aggdim='time')

        # is it a file with pressure levels?
        pl = 'level' in ncf_in.dimensions.keys()

        # get spatial dimensions
        lat = ncf_in.variables['latitude'][:]
        lon = ncf_in.variables['longitude'][:]
        if pl:  # only for pressure level files
            lev = ncf_in.variables['level'][:]
            nlev = len(lev)

        # get time and convert to datetime object
        nctime = ncf_in.variables['time'][:]

        #set up the name of merged file
        if ncfile_in[-7:-5] == 'sa':
            ncfile_out = path.join(ncfile_in[:-11], 'erai_sa_all' + '.nc')
        elif ncfile_in[-7:-5] == 'sf':
            ncfile_out = path.join(ncfile_in[:-11], 'erai_sf_all' + '.nc')
        elif ncfile_in[-7:-5] == 'pl':
            ncfile_out = path.join(ncfile_in[:-11], 'erai_pl_all' + '.nc')
            print('There is not such type of file')

        # get variables
        varlist = [str_encode(x) for x in ncf_in.variables.keys()]
        if pl:  #only for pressure level files

        #Build the netCDF file
        rootgrp = nc.Dataset(ncfile_out, 'w', format='NETCDF4_CLASSIC')
        rootgrp.Conventions = 'CF-1.6'
        rootgrp.source = 'ERA_Interim, merged downloaded original files'
        rootgrp.featureType = "timeSeries"

        # dimensions
        latitude = rootgrp.createDimension('latitude', len(lat))
        longitude = rootgrp.createDimension('longitude', len(lon))
        time = rootgrp.createDimension('time', None)

        # base variables
        time = rootgrp.createVariable('time', 'i4', ('time'))
        time.long_name = 'time'
        time.units = 'hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:0.0'
        time.calendar = 'gregorian'
        latitude = rootgrp.createVariable('latitude', 'f4', ('latitude'))
        latitude.long_name = 'latitude'
        latitude.units = 'degrees_north'
        longitude = rootgrp.createVariable('longitude', 'f4', ('longitude'))
        longitude.long_name = 'longitude'
        longitude.units = 'degrees_east'

        # assign station characteristics
        latitude[:] = lat[:]
        longitude[:] = lon[:]
        time[:] = nctime[:]

        # extra treatment for pressure level files
            lev = ncf_in.variables['level'][:]
            print("== 3D: file has pressure levels")
            level = rootgrp.createDimension('level', len(lev))
            level = rootgrp.createVariable('level', 'i4', ('level'))
            level.long_name = 'pressure_level'
            level.units = 'hPa'
            level[:] = lev
            print("== 2D: file without pressure levels")
            lev = []

        # create and assign variables based on input file
        for n, var in enumerate(varlist):
            print("VAR: ", var)
            # extra treatment for pressure level files
            if len(lev):
                tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(
                    var, 'f4', ('time', 'level', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
                tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var, 'f4',
                                             ('time', 'latitude', 'longitude'))
            tmp.long_name = ncf_in.variables[var].long_name.encode(
                'UTF8')  # for erai
            tmp.units = ncf_in.variables[var].units.encode('UTF8')

            # assign values
            if pl:  # only for pressure level files
                tmp[:] = ncf_in.variables[var][:, :, :, :]
                tmp[:] = ncf_in.variables[var][:, :, :]

        #close the file

        #get the file list
        files_list = glob.glob(ncfile_in)

        #clear up the data
        for fl in files_list:
예제 #6
    def WIND_sur(self):
        Wind at 10 metre derived from surface data, exclusively.

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = '10 metre U wind component'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '10 metre U wind component'
        var.units = str_encode(
            self.nc_sa.variables['u-component of wind'].units)

        # interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:]
        values = self.nc_sa.variables['u-component of wind'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = np.interp(self.times_out_nc, time_in,
                                                    values[:, n])

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = '10 metre V wind component'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '10 metre V wind component'
        var.units = str_encode(
            self.nc_sa.variables['v-component of wind'].units)

        # interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:]
        values = self.nc_sa.variables['v-component of wind'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = np.interp(self.times_out_nc, time_in,
                                                    values[:, n])

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'WSPD_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '10 metre wind speed {} surface only'.format(self.NAME)
        var.units = 'm s-1'
        var.standard_name = 'wind_speed'

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'WDIR_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '10 metre wind direction {} surface only'.format(
        var.units = 'degree'
        var.standard_name = 'wind_from_direction'

        # convert
        # u is the ZONAL VELOCITY, i.e. horizontal wind TOWARDS EAST.
        # v is the MERIDIONAL VELOCITY, i.e. horizontal wind TOWARDS NORTH.
        V = self.rg.variables['10 metre V wind component'][:]
        U = self.rg.variables['10 metre U wind component'][:]

        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            WS = np.sqrt(np.power(V, 2) + np.power(U, 2))
            WD = [
                atan2(V[i, n], U[i, n]) * (180 / pi) + 180
                for i in np.arange(V.shape[0])

            self.rg.variables['WSPD_sur'][:, n] = WS
            self.rg.variables['WDIR_sur'][:, n] = WD
예제 #7
    def levels2elevation(self, ncfile_in, ncfile_out):
        Linear 1D interpolation of pressure level data available for individual
        stations to station elevation. Where and when stations are below the
        lowest pressure level, they are assigned the value of the lowest
        pressure level.

        # open file
        # TODO: check the aggdim does not work
        ncf = nc.MFDataset(ncfile_in, 'r', aggdim='time')
        height = ncf.variables['height'][:]
        nt = len(ncf.variables['time'][:])
        nl = len(ncf.variables['level'][:])

        # list variables
        varlist = [str_encode(x) for x in ncf.variables.keys()]
        for V in ['time', 'station', 'latitude', 'longitude',
        if self.ens:

        # === open and prepare output netCDF file ==============================
        # dimensions: station, time
        # variables: latitude(station), longitude(station), elevation(station)
        #            others: ...(time, station)
        # stations are integer numbers
        # create a file (Dataset object, also the root group).
        rootgrp = netcdf_base(ncfile_out, len(height), nt,
                              'hours since 1900-01-01 00:00:0.0', ncf)
        if self.ens:
            rootgrp.source = 'ERA5 10-member ensemble, interpolated (bi)linearly to stations'
            rootgrp.source = 'ERA5, interpolated (bi)linearly to stations'

        time = rootgrp['time']
        station = rootgrp['station']
        latitude = rootgrp['latitude']
        longitude = rootgrp['longitude']
        height = rootgrp['height']

        # assign base variables
        time[:]      = ncf.variables['time'][:]
        station[:]   = ncf.variables['station'][:]
        latitude[:]  = ncf.variables['latitude'][:]
        longitude[:] = ncf.variables['longitude'][:]
        height[:]    = ncf.variables['height'][:]

        # create and assign variables from input file
        for var in varlist:
            if self.ens:
                tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var,
                tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var,'f4',('time', 'station'))
            tmp.long_name = str_encode(ncf.variables[var].long_name)
            tmp.units     = str_encode(ncf.variables[var].units)

        # add air pressure as new variable
        var = 'air_pressure'
        if self.ens:
            tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var,'f4',('time','number','station'))
            tmp = rootgrp.createVariable(var,'f4',('time','station'))
        tmp.long_name = var.encode('UTF8')
        tmp.units = 'hPa'.encode('UTF8')
        # end file prepation ===================================================

        # loop over stations
        for n, h in enumerate(height):
            if self.ens:
                num = ncf.variables['number'][:]
                for ni in num:
                    elevation = ncf.variables['z'][:,ni,:,n] / 9.80665
                    elev_diff, va, vb = self.ele_interpolate(elevation, h, nl)
                    wa, wb = self.calculate_weights(elev_diff, va, vb)
                    for v, var in enumerate(varlist):
                        if var == 'air_pressure':
                            # pressure [Pa] variable from levels, shape: (time, level)
                            data = np.repeat([ncf.variables['level'][:]],
                            # read data from netCDF
                            data = ncf.variables[var][:,ni,:,n].ravel()

                        ipol = data[va] * wa + data[vb] * wb   # interpolated value
                        rootgrp.variables[var][:,ni,n] = ipol  # assign to file
                # convert geopotential [mbar] to height [m], shape: (time, level)
                elevation = ncf.variables['z'][:,:,n] / 9.80665
                elev_diff, va, vb = self.ele_interpolate(elevation, h, nl)
                wa, wb = self.calculate_weights(elev_diff, va, vb)

                # loop over variables and apply interpolation weights
                for v, var in enumerate(varlist):
                    if var == 'air_pressure':
                        # pressure [Pa] variable from levels, shape: (time, level)
                        data = np.repeat([ncf.variables['level'][:]],
                        # read data from netCDF
                        data = ncf.variables[var][:,:,n].ravel()

                    ipol = data[va] * wa + data[vb] * wb   # interpolated value
                    rootgrp.variables[var][:,n] = ipol  # assign to file

예제 #8
    def interp2D(self,
                 ncfile_in: str,
                 tmask_chunk: "np.ndarray",
        Bilinear interpolation from fields on regular grid (latitude, longitude)
        to individual point stations (latitude, longitude). This works for
        surface and for pressure level files

            ncfile_in: Full path to an Era-Interim derived netCDF file. This can
                       contain wildcards to point to multiple files if temporal
                       chunking was used.

            ncf_in: A netCDF4.MFDataset derived from reading in Era-Interim
                    multiple files (def ERA2station())

            points: A dictionary of locations. See method StationListRead in
                    common_utils.py for more details.


            variables:  List of variable(s) to interpolate such as
                        ['r', 't', 'u','v', 't2m', 'u10', 'v10', 'ssrd', 'strd', 'tp'].
                        Defaults to using all variables available.

            date: Directory to specify begin and end time for the derived time
                  series. Defaluts to using all times available in ncfile_in.

            from datetime import datetime
            date  = {'beg' : datetime(2008, 1, 1),
                     'end' : datetime(2008,12,31)}
            variables  = ['t','u', 'v']
            stations = StationListRead("points.csv")
            ERA2station('era_sa.nc', 'era_sa_inter.nc', stations,
                        variables=variables, date=date)
            f"Starting 2d interpolation for chunks {np.min(np.where(tmask_chunk == True))} to {np.max(np.where(tmask_chunk == True))} of {len(tmask_chunk)} "

        # is it a file with pressure levels?
        pl = 'level' in ncf_in.dimensions.keys()
        ens = 'number' in ncf_in.dimensions.keys()

        # get spatial dimensions
        if pl:  # only for pressure level files
            nlev = len(ncf_in.variables['level'][:])
            nlev = 1

        if ens:
            num = ncf_in.variables['number'][:]
            num = []

        # test if time steps to interpolate remain
        nt = tmask_chunk.sum(
        )  # TODO: could this just be length? what is being tested here?
        if nt == 0:
            raise ValueError('No time steps from netCDF file selected.')

        # get variables
        varlist = [str_encode(x) for x in ncf_in.variables.keys()]
        self.remove_select_variables(varlist, pl, ens=False)

        # list variables that should be interpolated
        if variables is None:
            variables = varlist
        # test is variables given are available in file
        if (set(variables) < set(varlist) == 0):
            raise ValueError('One or more variables not in netCDF file.')

        sgrid = self.create_source_grid(ncfile_in)

        # create source field(s) on source grid
        if ens:
            sfield = []
            for ni in num:
                if pl:  # only for pressure level files
                    sfield.append(create_field(sgrid, variables, nt, nlev))
                else:  # 2D files
                    sfield.append(create_field(sgrid, variables, nt))

            self.nc_ensemble_data_to_source_field(variables, sfield, ncf_in,
                                                  tmask_chunk, pl)

            if pl:  # only for pressure level files
                sfield = create_field(sgrid, variables, nt, nlev)
            else:  # 2D files
                sfield = create_field(sgrid, variables, nt)

            #self.nc_data_subset_to_source_field(variables, sfield, ncf_in, tmask_chunk, pl)
            self.nc_data_to_source_field(variables, sfield, ncf_in,
                                         tmask_chunk, pl)

        locstream = self.create_loc_stream(points)

        # create destination field
        if ens:
            dfield = []
            for ni in num:
                if pl:  # only for pressure level files
                    di = ESMF.Field(locstream,
                                    ndbounds=[len(variables), nt, nlev])
                    di = ESMF.Field(locstream,
                                    ndbounds=[len(variables), nt])
                dfield.append(self.regrid(sfield[ni], di))
            if pl:  # only for pressure level files
                dfield = ESMF.Field(locstream,
                                    ndbounds=[len(variables), nt, nlev])
                dfield = ESMF.Field(locstream,
                                    ndbounds=[len(variables), nt])

            dfield = self.regrid(sfield, dfield)

        logger.debug("Created destination field")

        return dfield, variables