예제 #1
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
 def get_context(self):
     ret = {}
     ret['sysconfig'] = glom(sysconfig,
     ret['paths'] = glom(sysconfig, T.get_paths(), skip_exc=Exception)
     return ret
예제 #2
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
def get_proc_info():
    ret = {}
    ret['pid'] = os.getpid()
    _user_t, _sys_t = os.times()[:2]
    ret['cpu_times'] = {'user_time': _user_t, 'sys_time': _sys_t}
    ret['cwd'] = os.getcwdu()
    ret['umask'] = os.umask(os.umask(2))  # have to set to get
    ret['umask_str'] = '{0:03o}'.format(ret['umask'])

    ret['owner'] = glom(globals(),
                        Coalesce(T['getpass'].getuser(), T['os'].getuid()),

    # use 0 to get current niceness, seems to return process group's nice level
    unix_only_vals = glom(os, {
        'ppid': T.getppid(),
        'pgid': T.getpgrp(),
        'niceness': T.nice(0)

    ret['rusage'] = get_rusage_dict()
    ret['rlimit'] = get_rlimit_dict()
    return ret
예제 #3
def test_path_t_roundtrip():
    # check that T repr roundrips
    assert repr(T['a'].b.c()) == "T['a'].b.c()"
    assert repr(T[1:]) == "T[1:]"
    assert repr(T[::3, 1:, 1:2, :2:3]) == "T[::3, 1:, 1:2, :2:3]"

    # check that Path repr roundtrips
    assert repr(Path('a', 1, 'b.b', -1.0)) == "Path('a', 1, 'b.b', -1.0)"

    # check that Path repr roundtrips when it contains Ts
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, 'c',
                     T['d'].e)) == "Path(T['a'].b, 'c', T['d'].e)"

    # check that T instances containing Path access revert to repring with Path
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, 'c',
                     T['d'].e).path_t) == "Path(T['a'].b, 'c', T['d'].e)"

    # check that Paths containing only T objects reduce to a T (joining the T objects)
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, T.c())) == "T['a'].b.c()"

    # check that multiple nested paths reduce
    assert repr(Path(Path(Path('a')))) == "Path('a')"

    # check builtin repr
    assert repr(T[len]) == 'T[len]'
    assert repr(T.func(len, sum)) == 'T.func(len, sum)'
예제 #4
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
def get_gc_info():
    import gc
    ret = {}
    ret['is_enabled'] = gc.isenabled()
    ret['thresholds'] = gc.get_threshold()

    ret['counts'] = glom(gc, T.get_count(), skip_exc=Exception)
    ret['obj_count'] = glom(gc, T.get_objects().__len__(), skip_exc=Exception)

    return ret
예제 #5
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
def get_gc_info():
    import gc
    ret = {}
    ret['is_enabled'] = gc.isenabled()
    ret['thresholds'] = gc.get_threshold()

    ret['counts'] = glom(gc, T.get_count(), skip_exc=Exception)
    ret['obj_count'] = glom(gc, (T.get_objects(), len), skip_exc=Exception)

    return ret
예제 #6
def _spec_to_type(
    key: str, value: Dict[str, Dict], bases: Tuple[Type, ...] = ()) -> Type:
    """Using the type specification, create the custom type objects

    key : str
        The key name corresponding to the specification. It is used as a
        template for the custom type name.
    value : Dict
        The dictionary with the type specification.  It looks like:
              "key1": {"type": <type1>, "validator": <validator1>},
              "key2": {"type": <type2>, "validator": <validator2>},
              # ...

    bases : Tuple[Type, ...]
        Base classes

        Custom type object with validators

    type_k = _type_spec[0]
    dflt_k = _type_spec[6]
    fields = glom(
        # NOTE: original ordering is preserved, apart from moving the data
        # members w/ default arguments later.
        [(k, v) for k, v in value.items() if type_k in v and dflt_k not in v] +
        [(k, v) for k, v in value.items() if type_k in v and dflt_k in v],
                "k": "0",
                "v": f"1.{type_k}",
                # TODO: non-trivial defaults like mutable types
                "d": Coalesce(f"1.{dflt_k}", default=SKIP),
    )  # extract key, value and convert to list of tuples
    ns = dict(
            [(Coalesce("validator", default_factory=dict), T.items())],
        )))  # chain dict.items() and create namespace
    return make_typedconfig(f"{key}_t", fields, namespace=ns, bases=bases)
예제 #7
def test_call_and_target():
    class F(object):
        def __init__(s, a, b, c):
            s.a, s.b, s.c = a, b, c

    call_f = Call(F, kwargs=dict(a=T, b=T, c=T))
    assert repr(call_f)
    val = glom(1, call_f)
    assert (val.a, val.b, val.c) == (1, 1, 1)

    class F(object):
        def __init__(s, a):
            s.a = a

    val = glom({'one': F('two')}, Call(F, args=(T['one'].a, )))
    assert val.a == 'two'
    assert glom({'a': 1}, Call(F, kwargs=T)).a == 1
    assert glom([1], Call(F, args=T)).a == 1
    assert glom(F, T(T)).a == F
    assert glom([F, 1], T[0](T[1]).a) == 1
    assert glom([[1]], T[0][0][0][UP]) == 1
    assert glom([[1]], T[0][UP][UP][UP]) == [[1]]  # tops out at just T

    assert list(glom({'a': 'b'}, Call(T.values))) == ['b']

    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='expected func to be a callable or T'):
예제 #8
def test_t_dunders():
    with raises(AttributeError) as exc_info:

    assert 'use T.__("name__")' in str(exc_info.value)

    assert glom(1, T.__('class__')) is int
예제 #9
def test_path_access_error_message():

    # test fuzzy access
    with raises(GlomError) as exc_info:
        glom({}, 'a.b')
    assert (
        "PathAccessError: could not access 'a', part 0 of Path('a', 'b'), got error: KeyError"
        in exc_info.exconly())
    ke = repr(KeyError('a'))  # py3.7+ changed the keyerror repr
    assert repr(
        exc_info.value) == "PathAccessError(" + ke + ", Path('a', 'b'), 0)"

    # test multi-part Path with T, catchable as a KeyError
    with raises(KeyError) as exc_info:
        # don't actually use glom to copy your data structures please
        glom({'a': {'b': 'c'}}, Path('a', T.copy(), 'd'))
    assert (
        "PathAccessError: could not access 'd', part 3 of Path('a', T.copy(), 'd'), got error: KeyError"
        in exc_info.exconly())
    ke = repr(KeyError('d'))  # py3.7+ changed the keyerror repr
    assert repr(exc_info.value
                ) == "PathAccessError(" + ke + ", Path('a', T.copy(), 'd'), 3)"

    # test AttributeError
    with raises(GlomError) as exc_info:
        glom({'a': {'b': 'c'}}, Path('a', T.b))
    assert (
        "PathAccessError: could not access 'b', part 1 of Path('a', T.b), got error: AttributeError"
        in exc_info.exconly())
    ae = repr(AttributeError("'dict' object has no attribute 'b'"))
    assert repr(
        exc_info.value) == "PathAccessError(" + ae + ", Path(\'a\', T.b), 1)"
예제 #10
파일: update.py 프로젝트: hatnote/pacetrack
def render_home(ptcs):
    ctx = glom(ptcs, {'campaigns': [T.get_summary_ctx()]})
    index_html = ASHES_ENV.render('index.html', ctx)
    index_path = STATIC_PATH + '/index.html'
    with atomic_save(index_path) as f:
예제 #11
def _spec_to_type(
    key: str, value: Dict[str, Dict], bases: Tuple[Type, ...] = ()) -> Type:
    """Using the type specification, create the custom type objects

    key : str
        The key name corresponding to the specification. It is used as a
        template for the custom type name.
    value : Dict
        The dictionary with the type specification.  It looks like:
              "key1": {"type": <type1>, "validator": <validator1>},
              "key2": {"type": <type2>, "validator": <validator2>},
              # ...

    bases : Tuple[Type]
        Base classes

        Custom type object with validators

    fields = glom(
                "k": "0",
                "v": "1.type",
                # TODO: non-trivial defaults like mutable types
                "d": Coalesce("1.default", default=SKIP),
    )  # extract key, value and convert to list of tuples

    ns = dict(
            [(Coalesce("validator", default_factory=dict), T.items())],
        )))  # chain dict.items() and create namespace

    return make_dataconfig(f"{key}_t", fields, namespace=ns, bases=bases)
예제 #12
def test_path_len():

    assert len(Path()) == 0
    assert len(Path('a', 'b', 'c')) == 3
    assert len(Path.from_text('')) == 4

    assert len(Path(T)) == 0
    assert len(Path(T.a.b.c)) == 3
    assert len(Path(T.a()['b'].c.d)) == 5
예제 #13
def test_path_len():

    assert len(Path()) == 0
    assert len(Path('a', 'b', 'c')) == 3
    assert len(Path.from_text('')) == 4

    assert len(Path(T)) == 0
    assert len(Path(T.a.b.c)) == 3
    assert len(Path(T.a()['b'].c.d)) == 5
예제 #14
def test_path_items():
    path = Path(T.a, 1, 2, T(test='yes'))

    assert path.items() == (('.', 'a'), ('P', 1), ('P', 2), ('(', ((), {

    assert Path().items() == ()
예제 #15
def test_df_schema_flags(csvfile, flags):
    df = csv_sample(csvfile)
    res = df_schema_flags(df, flags)
    assert glom(res, ["datatype"]) == ["yesno"] * len(res)
    # NOTE: index 0 relies on deterinistic dictionary order
    assert glom(res, [(tuple, "0")]) == df.columns.to_list()
    assert glom(res, [(T.values(), tuple, "0")]) == [
        _FLAG_FMT.format(name=flags.instanceName, col=col)
        for col in df.columns
    def handle(self, *args, person_email, **options):
            p = Person.objects.get_by_natural_key(person_email)
        except Person.DoesNotExist:
            raise CommandError("L'email donné est inconnu.")

        spec_role = get_all_fields(Role)

        spec_event = {
            "Nom": "name",
            "URL": ("id", lambda id: front_url("view_event", args=[id])),
        spec_membership = {
            ("supportgroup.id", lambda id: front_url("view_group", args=[id])),

        spec_payment = get_all_fields(Payment)
        spec_subscription = get_all_fields(Subscription)
        spec_event_images = get_all_fields(EventImage)
        spec_form_submissions = get_all_fields(PersonFormSubmission)
        spec_tags = get_all_fields(PersonTag)

        spec_person = {
            "pays": ("location_country", str),
            "Rôle": ("role", spec_role),
            "événements organisés":
            ("organized_events", T.all(), [spec_event]),
            "participations aux événements": (
                [("event", spec_event)],
            "participations à des groupes":
            ("memberships", T.all(), [spec_membership]),
            "paiements": ("payments", T.all(), [spec_payment]),
            "souscription au don mensuel":
            Coalesce(("subscription", spec_subscription), default=None),
            "images d'événements":
            ("event_images", T.all(), [spec_event_images]),
            "réponses à des formulaires": (
            "libellés": ("tags", T.all(), [spec_tags]),

        self.stdout.ending = ""
        json.dump(glom(p, spec_person), self.stdout, cls=DjangoJSONEncoder)
예제 #17
def test_df_schema_dtype(csvfile, flags):
    df = csv_sample(csvfile)
    flags, flagged_cols = set_flags(flags, df.columns)
    res = df_schema_dtype(df, flags)
    assert glom(res, ["choices"]) == [_TYPES] * len(res)
    # NOTE: index 0 relies on deterinistic dictionary order
    assert glom(res, [(tuple, "0")]) == flagged_cols
    assert glom(res, [(T.values(), tuple, "0")]) == [
        _FLAG_FMT.format(name=flags.instanceName, col=col)
        for col in flagged_cols
예제 #18
def serialize_notifications(notifications):
    # All fields are either
    spec = [{
        Coalesce("icon", "announcement.icon", skip="", default=""),
        Coalesce("link", "announcement.link", skip="", default=""),
        "created": (Coalesce("announcement.start_date",
                             "created"), T.isoformat()),

    return glom(notifications, spec)
def get_room_access_codes(url=BBB_ACCESS_LIST_URL):
    r = requests.get(url)
    if r.status_code == 200:
        spec = ('rooms', [T.values()], [tuple], [{
            T[0].upper(): {
                'url': T[1],
                'access_code': T[2]
        }], merge)
        return glom(r.json(), spec)
        return {}
예제 #20
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
def get_proc_info():
    ret = {}
    ret['pid'] = os.getpid()
    _user_t, _sys_t = os.times()[:2]
    ret['cpu_times'] = {'user_time': _user_t, 'sys_time': _sys_t}
    ret['cwd'] = os.getcwdu()
    ret['umask'] = os.umask(os.umask(2))  # have to set to get
    ret['umask_str'] = '{0:03o}'.format(ret['umask'])

    ret['owner'] = glom(globals(), Coalesce(T['getpass'].getuser(),

    # use 0 to get current niceness, seems to return process group's nice level
    unix_only_vals = glom(os, {'ppid': T.getppid(),
                               'pgid': T.getpgrp(),
                               'niceness': T.nice(0)},

    ret['rusage'] = get_rusage_dict()
    ret['rlimit'] = get_rlimit_dict()
    return ret
예제 #21
def admin_summary(spending_request):
    spec = {
        "id": "id",
        "title": "title",
        "status": T.get_status_display(),
        "group": ("group", group_formatter),
        "event": "event",
        "category": T.get_category_display(),
        "category_precisions": "category_precisions",
        "explanation": "explanation",
        "amount": ("amount", display_price),
        "spending_date": "spending_date",
        "provider": "provider",
        "iban": "iban",
        "payer_name": "payer_name",

    values = glom(spending_request, spec)

    return [{
        "label": get_spending_request_field_label(f),
        "value": values[f]
    } for f in spec]
예제 #22
def test_path_slices():
    path = Path(T.a.b, 1, 2, T(test='yes'))

    assert path[::] == path

    # positive indices
    assert path[3:] == Path(2, T(test='yes'))
    assert path[1:3] == Path(T.b, 1)
    assert path[:3] == Path(T.a.b, 1)

    # positive indices backwards
    assert path[2:1] == Path()

    # negative indices forward
    assert path[-1:] == Path(T(test='yes'))
    assert path[:-2] == Path(T.a.b, 1)
    assert path[-3:-1] == Path(1, 2)

    # negative indices backwards
    assert path[-1:-3] == Path()

    # slicing and stepping
    assert path[1::2] == Path(T.b, 2)
예제 #23
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
def get_host_info():
    ret = {}
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    ret['hostname'] = socket.gethostname()
    ret['hostfqdn'] = socket.getfqdn()
    ret['uname'] = platform.uname()
    ret['cpu_count'] = CPU_COUNT
    ret['platform'] = platform.platform()
    ret['platform_terse'] = platform.platform(terse=True)

    ret['load_avgs'] = glom(os, T.getloadavg(), skip_exc=AttributeError)

    ret['utc_time'] = str(now)
    return ret
예제 #24
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
def get_host_info():
    ret = {}
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    ret['hostname'] = socket.gethostname()
    ret['hostfqdn'] = socket.getfqdn()
    ret['uname'] = platform.uname()
    ret['cpu_count'] = CPU_COUNT
    ret['platform'] = platform.platform()
    ret['platform_terse'] = platform.platform(terse=True)

    ret['load_avgs'] = glom(os, T.getloadavg(), skip_exc=AttributeError)

    ret['utc_time'] = str(now)
    return ret
예제 #25
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
def get_pyvm_info():
    ret = {}
    ret['executable'] = sys.executable
    ret['is_64bit'] = IS_64BIT
    ret['version'] = sys.version
    ret['compiler'] = platform.python_compiler()
    ret['build_date'] = platform.python_build()[1]
    ret['version_info'] = list(sys.version_info)
    ret['have_ucs4'] = getattr(sys, 'maxunicode', 0) > 65536
    ret['have_readline'] = HAVE_READLINE

    ret['active_thread_count'] = glom(sys, T._current_frames().__len__(), skip_exc=Exception)
    ret['recursion_limit'] = sys.getrecursionlimit()

    ret['gc'] = glom(None, Call(get_gc_info), skip_exc=Exception)  # effectively try/except:pass
    ret['check_interval'] = sys.getcheckinterval()
    return ret
예제 #26
def test_while():
    cnt = count()
    out = glom(cnt, Iter().takewhile(lambda x: x < 3))
    assert list(out) == [0, 1, 2]
    assert next(cnt) == 4
    assert repr(Iter().takewhile(T.a) == 'Iter().takewhile(T.a)')

    range_iter = iter(range(7))
    out = glom(range_iter, Iter().dropwhile(lambda x: x < 3 or x > 5))
    assert list(out) == [3, 4, 5, 6]  # 6 still here despite the x>5 above

    out = glom(range(10), Iter().dropwhile(lambda x: x >= 0).limit(10))
    assert list(out) == []

    out = glom(range(8), Iter().dropwhile((T.bit_length(), lambda x: x < 3)))
    assert list(out) == [4, 5, 6, 7]
    assert repr(Iter().dropwhile(T.a) == 'Iter().dropwhile(T.a)')
예제 #27
def test_path_t_roundtrip():
    # check that T repr roundrips
    assert repr(T['a'].b.c()) == "T['a'].b.c()"

    # check that Path repr roundtrips
    assert repr(Path('a', 1, 'b.b', -1.0)) == "Path('a', 1, 'b.b', -1.0)"

    # check that Path repr roundtrips when it contains Ts
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, 'c', T['d'].e)) == "Path(T['a'].b, 'c', T['d'].e)"

    # check that T instances containing Path access revert to repring with Path
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, 'c', T['d'].e).path_t) == "Path(T['a'].b, 'c', T['d'].e)"

    # check that Paths containing only T objects reduce to a T (joining the T objects)
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, T.c())) == "T['a'].b.c()"

    # check that multiple nested paths reduce
    assert repr(Path(Path(Path('a')))) == "Path('a')"
예제 #28
def test_call_and_target():
    class F(object):
        def __init__(s, a, b, c):
            s.a, s.b, s.c = a, b, c

    val = glom(1, Call(F, kwargs=dict(a=T, b=T, c=T)))
    assert (val.a, val.b, val.c) == (1, 1, 1)

    class F(object):
        def __init__(s, a):
            s.a = a

    val = glom({'one': F('two')}, Call(F, args=(T['one'].a, )))
    assert val.a == 'two'
    assert glom({'a': 1}, Call(F, kwargs=T)).a == 1
    assert glom([1], Call(F, args=T)).a == 1
    assert glom(F, T(T)).a == F
    assert glom([F, 1], T[0](T[1]).a) == 1
    assert glom([[1]], T[0][0][0][UP]) == 1
예제 #29
def get_pyvm_info():
    ret = {}
    ret['executable'] = sys.executable
    ret['is_64bit'] = IS_64BIT
    ret['version'] = sys.version
    ret['compiler'] = platform.python_compiler()
    ret['build_date'] = platform.python_build()[1]
    ret['version_info'] = list(sys.version_info)
    ret['have_ucs4'] = getattr(sys, 'maxunicode', 0) > 65536
    ret['have_readline'] = HAVE_READLINE

    ret['active_thread_count'] = glom(sys, (T._current_frames(), len), skip_exc=Exception)
    ret['recursion_limit'] = sys.getrecursionlimit()

    ret['gc'] = glom(None, Call(get_gc_info), skip_exc=Exception)  # effectively try/except:pass

    get_interval = getattr(sys, 'getswitchinterval', sys.getcheckinterval)
    ret['check_interval'] = get_interval()
    return ret
예제 #30
def test_path_t_roundtrip():
    # check that T repr roundrips
    assert repr(T['a'].b.c()) == "T['a'].b.c()"

    # check that Path repr roundtrips
    assert repr(Path('a', 1, 'b.b', -1.0)) == "Path('a', 1, 'b.b', -1.0)"

    # check that Path repr roundtrips when it contains Ts
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, 'c',
                     T['d'].e)) == "Path(T['a'].b, 'c', T['d'].e)"

    # check that T instances containing Path access revert to repring with Path
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, 'c',
                     T['d'].e).path_t) == "Path(T['a'].b, 'c', T['d'].e)"

    # check that Paths containing only T objects reduce to a T (joining the T objects)
    assert repr(Path(T['a'].b, T.c())) == "T['a'].b.c()"

    # check that multiple nested paths reduce
    assert repr(Path(Path(Path('a')))) == "Path('a')"
예제 #31
    def report_start(self, meta: GitMeta) -> None:
        Get scan id and file ignores

        returns name of policy used to scan
        debug_echo(f"=== reporting start to semgrep app at {self.url}")

        response = self.session.post(
            json={"meta": meta.to_dict()},

        debug_echo(f"=== POST .../scan responded: {response!r}")

        if response.status_code == 404:
            raise ActionFailure(
                "Failed to create a scan with given token and deployment_id."
                "Please make sure they have been set correctly."
                f"API server at {self.url} returned this response: {response.text}"

        except requests.RequestException:
            raise ActionFailure(
                f"API server at {self.url} returned this error: {response.text}"
            body = response.json()
            self.scan = Scan(
                id=glom(body, T["scan"]["id"]),
                    body, T["scan"]["meta"].get("ignored_files", [])),
                policy_list=glom(body, T["policy"]),
                autofix=glom(body, T.get("autofix", False)),
            debug_echo(f"=== Our scan object is: {self.scan!r}")
예제 #32
def test_path_access_error_message():

    # test fuzzy access
    with raises(GlomError) as exc_info:
        glom({}, 'a.b')
    assert ("PathAccessError: could not access 'a', part 0 of Path('a', 'b'), got error: KeyError"
            in exc_info.exconly())
    assert repr(exc_info.value) == "PathAccessError(KeyError('a',), Path('a', 'b'), 0)"

    # test multi-part Path with T, catchable as a KeyError
    with raises(KeyError) as exc_info:
        # don't actually use glom to copy your data structures please
        glom({'a': {'b': 'c'}}, Path('a', T.copy(), 'd'))
    assert ("PathAccessError: could not access 'd', part 3 of Path('a', T.copy(), 'd'), got error: KeyError"
            in exc_info.exconly())
    assert repr(exc_info.value) == "PathAccessError(KeyError('d',), Path('a', T.copy(), 'd'), 3)"

    # test AttributeError
    with raises(GlomError) as exc_info:
        glom({'a': {'b': 'c'}}, Path('a', T.b))
    assert ("PathAccessError: could not access 'b', part 1 of Path('a', T.b), got error: AttributeError"
            in exc_info.exconly())
    assert repr(exc_info.value) == """PathAccessError(AttributeError("\'dict\' object has no attribute \'b\'",), Path(\'a\', T.b), 1)"""
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def date_locale(d):
    return d.astimezone(timezone.get_current_timezone())

    "créé": ("created", date_locale),
    "dernier événement": ("modified", date_locale),
    "id": "id",
    "email": "email",
    "nom": "last_name",
    "prenom": "first_name",
    "telephone": Coalesce("phone_number.as_international", default=None),
    "statut": T.get_status_display(),
    "montant": ("price", lambda m: Decimal(m) / 100),
    "type": "type",
    "mode": "mode",
    "abonnement associé": "subscription_id",
    "adresse1": Coalesce(T.meta["location_address1"], default=None),
    "adresse2": Coalesce(T.meta["location_address1"], default=None),
    "code postal": Coalesce(T.meta["location_zip"], default=None),
    "ville": Coalesce(T.meta["location_city"], default=None),
    "pays": Coalesce(T.meta["location_country"], default=None),

    f[len("STATUS_") :]: getattr(Payment, f)
    for f in dir(Payment)
예제 #34
def test_check_basic():
    assert glom([0, SKIP], [T]) == [0]  # sanity check SKIP

    target = [{'id': 0}, {'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]

    # check that skipping non-passing values works
    assert glom(target, ([Coalesce(Check('id', equal_to=0), default=SKIP)], T[0])) == {'id': 0}
    assert glom(target, ([Check('id', equal_to=0, default=SKIP)], T[0])) == {'id': 0}

    # check that stopping iteration on non-passing values works
    assert glom(target, [Check('id', equal_to=0, default=STOP)]) == [{'id': 0}]

    # check that stopping chain execution on non-passing values works
    spec = (Check(validate=lambda x: len(x) > 0, default=STOP), T[0])
    assert glom('hello', spec) == 'h'
    assert glom('', spec) == ''  # would fail with IndexError if STOP didn't work

    assert repr(Check()) == 'Check()'
    assert repr(Check(T.a)) == 'Check(T.a)'
    assert repr(Check(equal_to=1)) == 'Check(equal_to=1)'
    assert repr(Check(instance_of=dict)) == 'Check(instance_of=dict)'
    assert repr(Check(T(len), validate=sum)) == 'Check(T(len), validate=sum)'

    target = [1, u'a']
    assert glom(target, [Check(type=unicode, default=SKIP)]) == ['a']
    assert glom(target, [Check(type=(unicode, int))]) == [1, 'a']
    assert glom(target, [Check(instance_of=unicode, default=SKIP)]) == ['a']
    assert glom(target, [Check(instance_of=(unicode, int))]) == [1, 'a']

    target = ['1']
    assert glom(target, [Check(validate=(int, float))])
    assert glom(target, [Check()])  # bare check does a truthy check

    failing_checks = [
        ({'a': {'b': 1}}, {'a': ('a', 'b', Check(type=str))},
         '''target at path ['a', 'b'] failed check, got error: "expected type to be 'str', found type 'int'"'''),
        ({'a': {'b': 1}}, {'a': ('a', Check('b', type=str))},
         '''target at path ['a'] failed check, subtarget at 'b' got '''
         '''error: "expected type to be 'str', found type 'int'"'''),
        (1, Check(type=(unicode, bool))),
        (1, Check(instance_of=unicode)),
        (1, Check(instance_of=(unicode, bool))),
        (1, Check(equal_to=0)),
        (1, Check(one_of=(0,))),
        (1, Check(one_of=(0, 2))),
        ('-3.14', Check(validate=int)),
        ('', Check(validate=lambda x: False))]

    for fc in failing_checks:
        if len(fc) == 2:
            target, check = fc
            msg = None
            target, check, msg = fc

        with raises(CheckError) as exc_info:
            glom(target, check)

        if msg is not None:
            assert str(exc_info.value).find(msg) != -1
        assert repr(exc_info.value)
예제 #35
from io import BytesIO

import pandas as pd
from django.core.mail import EmailMessage, get_connection
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
from django.utils import timezone
from glom import Coalesce, T, glom

from agir.lib.management_utils import month_argument, month_range, email_argument
from agir.payments.models import Payment
from agir.system_pay.models import SystemPayTransaction

    "Code_uuid": (
    "No_abonnement": "subscription.id",
    "Email": Coalesce("person.email", "email"),
    "Nom": Coalesce("person.last_name", "subscription.meta.last_name"),
    "Prénom": Coalesce(
        "person.first_name", "subscription.meta.first_name", skip=("",), default=""
    "No_et_Voie": Coalesce(
예제 #36
def test_path_values():
    path = Path(T.a.b, 1, 2, T(test='yes'))

    assert path.values() == ('a', 'b', 1, 2, ((), {'test': 'yes'}))

    assert Path().values() == ()
예제 #37
파일: meta.py 프로젝트: mahmoud/clastic
 def get_context(self):
     ret = {}
     ret['sysconfig'] = glom(sysconfig, T.get_config_vars(), skip_exc=Exception)
     ret['paths'] = glom(sysconfig, T.get_paths(), skip_exc=Exception)
     return ret
예제 #38
def test_corner_cases():
    target = range(5)

    # immediate stop dict
    assert glom(target, Group({(lambda t: STOP): [T]})) == {}

    # immediate stop list
    assert glom(target, Group([lambda t: STOP])) == []

    # dict key SKIP
    assert glom(target, Group({(lambda t: SKIP if t < 3 else t): T})) == {
                                   3: 3,
                                   4: 4

    # dict val SKIP
    assert glom(target, Group({T: lambda t: t if t % 2 else SKIP})) == {
        3: 3,
        1: 1

    # list val SKIP
    assert glom(target, Group([lambda t: t if t % 2 else SKIP])) == [1, 3]

    # embedded auto spec (lol @ 0 being 0 bit length)
    assert glom(target, Group({Auto(('bit_length', T())): [T]})) == {
                                   0: [0],
                                   1: [1],
                                   2: [2, 3],
                                   3: [4]

    # no dicts inside lists in Group mode
    with raises(BadSpec):
        assert glom(target, Group([{T: T}]))

    # check only supported types
    with raises(BadSpec):
        assert glom(target, Group('no string support yet'))

    # bucket ints by their bit length and then odd/even, limited to 3 per bucket
    spec = Group({T.bit_length(): {lambda t: t % 2: Limit(3)}})
    res = glom(range(20), spec)
    assert res == {
        0: {
            0: [0]
        1: {
            1: [1]
        2: {
            0: [2],
            1: [3]
        3: {
            0: [4, 6],
            1: [5, 7]
        4: {
            0: [8, 10, 12],
            1: [9, 11, 13]
