예제 #1
def do_summary_table(xmldoc, sim_tree, liv_tree):
        search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
    except ValueError:
        search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, [
            "process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
            "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
            "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time", "out_end_time_ns"

    process_id_type = lsctables.ProcessID

    runids = set()
    for i in range(0, sim_tree.GetEntries()):

        # Id for the run processed by WaveBurst -> process ID
        if sim_tree.run in runids:

        row = search_summary.RowType()
        row.process_id = process_id_type(sim_tree.run)

        # Search Summary Table
        # events found in the run -> nevents
        setattr(row, "nevents", sim_tree.GetEntries())

        # Imstruments involved in the search
        row.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
                branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim)))
        setattr(row, "comment", "waveburst")

        # Begin and end time of the segment
        # TODO: This is a typical offset on either side of the job for artifacts
        # It can, and probably will change in the future, and should not be hardcoded
        # TODO: Make this work properly. We need a gps end from the livetime
        waveoffset = 8
        livetime = 600
        #live_entries = live_tree.GetEntries()
        # This is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too slow
        #for l in range(0, live_entries):
        #livetime = max(livetime, liv_tree.live)

        #if livetime < 0:
        #sys.exit("Could not find livetime, cannot fill all of summary table.")
        # in -- with waveoffset
        # out -- without waveoffset
            segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps - waveoffset),
                             LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime +
                             LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.gps + livetime)))

예제 #2
 def get_output_cache(self):
 Returns a LAL cache of the output file name.  Calling this
 method also induces the output name to get set, so it must
 be at least once.
     if not self.output_cache:
         self.output_cache = [
                 self.get_ifo(), self.__usertag,
                 "file://localhost" + os.path.abspath(self.get_output()))
     return self.output_cache
예제 #3
    def get_sngl_burst_row(self, sngl_burst_table, sim_tree, d):
    Fill in a sngl_burst row for a cwb event 
        row = sngl_burst_table.RowType()
        row.search = u"waveburst"
        # Interferometer name -> ifo
        row.ifo = get_ifos_from_index(sim_tree.ifo[d])
        # Timing
        peak = LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.time[d])
        seg = segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.start[d]),
        # Central time in the detector -> cent_time
        # Start time in the detector -> end_time
        # Stop time in the detector -> star_time
        # Event duration
        row.duration = abs(seg)
        # TODO: Make sure this is right = Time lag used to shift detector -> lag
        row.time_lag = sim_tree.lag[d]
        # Frequency
        # Central frequency in the detector -> frequency
        row.peak_frequency = sim_tree.frequency[d]
            # Low frequency of the event in the detector -> flow
            row.flow = sim_tree.low[d]
            # High frequency of the event in the detector ->  fhigh
            row.fhigh = sim_tree.high[d]
        except TypeError:
            row.flow = sim_tree.low
            row.fhigh = sim_tree.high
        # Bandwidth
        row.bandwidth = sim_tree.bandwidth[d]
        # Shape
        # number of pizels on the TF plane -> tfsize
        row.tfvolume = sim_tree.size[d]
        # Energy
        # energy / noise variance -> snr
        row.snr = sim_tree.snr[d]**(1. / 2.)
        # TODO: What to do with this? GW strain
        #row.strain = sim_tree.strain[d])
        # h _ root square sum
        row.hrss = sim_tree.hrss[d]

        return row
예제 #4
 def get_multi_burst_row(self, multi_burst_table, sim_tree):
 Fill in a multi_burst row for a cwb event  -- these should exactly correlate to the sngl_burst events within a single coherent event
     row = multi_burst_table.RowType()
     # TODO : Script chokes on the line below: we need a better way to handle this anyway
     #row.set_peak(sum(LIGOTimeGPS(t) for t in sim_tree.time[0:3]) / int(sim_tree.ndim))
     return row
예제 #5
    def get_output(self):
    Returns the file name of output from the ring code. This must be kept
    synchronized with the name of the output file in ring.c.
        if self._AnalysisNode__output is None:
            if None in (self.get_start(), self.get_end(), self.get_ifo(),
                raise ValueError, "start time, end time, ifo, or user tag has not been set"
            seg = segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(self.get_start()),
                    self.output_dir, "%s-STRINGSEARCH_%s-%d-%d.xml.gz" %
                    (self.get_ifo(), self.__usertag, int(self.get_start()),
                     int(self.get_end()) - int(self.get_start()))))

        return self._AnalysisNode__output
예제 #6
파일: epower.py 프로젝트: zoran-grujic/gdas
def create_xml(ts_data,psd_segment_length,window_fraction,event_list,station,setname="MagneticFields"):
    __program__ = 'pyburst_excesspower'
    start_time = LIGOTimeGPS(int(ts_data.start_time))
    end_time = LIGOTimeGPS(int(ts_data.end_time))
    inseg = segment(start_time,end_time)
    xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
    ifo = 'H1'#channel_name.split(":")[0]
    straindict = psd.insert_psd_option_group.__dict__
    proc_row = register_to_xmldoc(xmldoc, __program__,straindict, ifos=[ifo],version=git_version.id, cvs_repository=git_version.branch, cvs_entry_time=git_version.date)
    outseg = determine_output_segment(inseg, psd_segment_length, ts_data.sample_rate, window_fraction)
    ss = append_search_summary(xmldoc, proc_row, ifos=(station,), inseg=inseg, outseg=outseg)
    for sb in event_list:
        sb.process_id = proc_row.process_id
        sb.search = proc_row.program
        sb.ifo, sb.channel = station, setname
    fname = make_filename(station, inseg)
    utils.write_filename(xmldoc, fname, gz=fname.endswith("gz"))
예제 #7
def get_sngl_burst_row(sngl_burst_table, sim_tree, d):
    row = sngl_burst_table.RowType()
    setattr(row, "search", "waveburst")
    # Interferometer name -> ifo
    setattr(row, "ifo", get_ifos_from_index(sim_tree.ifo[d]))
    # Timing
    peak = LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.time[d])
    seg = segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(sim_tree.start[d]),
    # Central time in the detector -> cent_time
    # Start time in the detector -> end_time
    # Stop time in the detector -> star_time
    # Event duration
    row.duration = abs(seg)
    # TODO: Make sure this is right = Time lag used to shift detector -> lag
    setattr(row, "time_lag", sim_tree.lag[d])
    # Frequency
    # Central frequency in the detector -> frequency
    setattr(row, "peak_frequency", sim_tree.frequency[d])
    # Low frequency of the event in the detector -> flow
    setattr(row, "flow", sim_tree.low[d])
    # High frequency of the event in the detector ->  fhigh
    setattr(row, "fhigh", sim_tree.high[d])
    # Bandwidth
    setattr(row, "bandwidth", sim_tree.bandwidth[d])
    # Shape
    # number of pizels on the TF plane -> tfsize
    setattr(row, "tfvolume", sim_tree.size[d])
    # Energy
    # energy / noise variance -> snr
    setattr(row, "snr", sim_tree.snr[d])
    # TODO: What to do with this? GW strain
    #setattr(row, "strain", sim_tree.strain[d])
    # h _ root square sum
    setattr(row, "hrss", sim_tree.hrss[d])

    return row
예제 #8
파일: hdf5.py 프로젝트: gitter-badger/gwpy
def segmentlist_from_hdf5(f, name=None, gpstype=LIGOTimeGPS):
    """Read a `SegmentList` object from an HDF5 file or group.
    h5file = open_hdf5(f)

        # find dataset
        if isinstance(h5file, h5py.Dataset):
            dataset = h5file
            dataset = h5file[name]

            data = dataset[()]
        except ValueError:
            data = []

        out = SegmentList()
        for row in data:
            row = map(int, row)
            # extract as LIGOTimeGPS
            start = LIGOTimeGPS(*row[:2])
            end = LIGOTimeGPS(*row[2:])
            # convert to user type
                start = gpstype(start)
            except TypeError:
                start = gpstype(float(start))
                end = gpstype(end)
            except TypeError:
                end = gpstype(float(end))
            out.append(Segment(start, end))
        if not isinstance(f, (h5py.Dataset, h5py.Group)):

    return out
예제 #9
파일: epower.py 프로젝트: zoran-grujic/gdas
def trigger_list_from_map(tfmap, event_list, threshold, start_time, start_freq, duration, band, df, dt, psd=None):

    # FIXME: If we don't convert this the calculation takes forever ---
    # but we should convert it once and handle deltaF better later
    if psd is not None:
        npy_psd = psd.numpy()
    start_time = LIGOTimeGPS(float(start_time))
    ndof = 2 * duration * band
    for i, j in zip(*numpy.where(tfmap > threshold)):
        event = event_list.RowType()
        # The points are summed forward in time and thus a `summed point' is the
        # sum of the previous N points. If this point is above threshold, it
        # corresponds to a tile which spans the previous N points. However, the
        # 0th point (due to the convolution specifier 'valid') is actually
        # already a duration from the start time. All of this means, the +
        # duration and the - duration cancels, and the tile 'start' is, by
        # definition, the start of the time frequency map if j = 0
        # FIXME: I think this needs a + dt/2 to center the tile properly
        event.set_start(start_time + float(j * dt))
        event.set_stop(start_time + float(j * dt) + duration)
        event.set_peak(event.get_start() + duration / 2)
        event.central_freq = start_freq + i * df + 0.5 * band
        event.duration = duration
        event.bandwidth = band
        event.chisq_dof = ndof
        event.snr = math.sqrt(tfmap[i,j] / event.chisq_dof - 1)
        # FIXME: Magic number 0.62 should be determine empircally
        event.confidence = -lal.LogChisqCCDF(event.snr * 0.62, event.chisq_dof * 0.62)
        if psd is not None:
            # NOTE: I think the pycbc PSDs always start at 0 Hz --- check
            psd_idx_min = int((event.central_freq - event.bandwidth / 2) / psd.delta_f)
            psd_idx_max = int((event.central_freq + event.bandwidth / 2) / psd.delta_f)
            # FIXME: heuristically this works better with E - D -- it's all
            # going away with the better h_rss calculation soon anyway
            event.amplitude = measure_hrss_poorly(tfmap[i,j] - event.chisq_dof, npy_psd[psd_idx_min:psd_idx_max])
            event.amplitude = None
        event.process_id = None
        event.event_id = event_list.get_next_id()
예제 #10
파일: hveto.py 프로젝트: pvasired/gwsumm
def read_hveto_triggers(f, columns=HVETO_COLUMNS, filt=None, nproc=1):
    """Read a `SnglBurstTable` of triggers from an Hveto txt file.
    # allow multiprocessing
    if nproc != 1:
        from gwpy.table.io.cache import read_cache
        return read_cache(f,

    # format list of files
    if isinstance(f, CacheEntry):
        files = [f.path]
    elif isinstance(f, (str, unicode)) and f.endswith(('.cache', '.lcf')):
        files = open_cache(f).pfnlist()
    elif isinstance(f, (str, unicode)):
        files = f.split(',')
    elif isinstance(f, Cache):
        files = f.pfnlist()
        files = list(f)

    # generate output
    out = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, columns=columns)
    append = out.append

    # iterate over files
    for f in files:
        trigs = loadtxt(f, dtype=float)
        for t, f, snr in trigs:
            b = lsctables.SnglBurst()
            b.peak_frequency = f
            b.snr = snr
            if filt is None or filt(b):
    return out
예제 #11
def excess_power2(
    ts_data,  # Time series from magnetic field data
    psd_segment_length,  # Length of each segment in seconds
    psd_segment_stride,  # Separation between 2 consecutive segments in seconds
    psd_estimation,  # Average method
    window_fraction,  # Withening window fraction
    tile_fap,  # Tile false alarm probability threshold in Gaussian noise.
    station,  # Station
    nchans=None,  # Total number of channels
    band=None,  # Channel bandwidth
    fmin=0,  # Lowest frequency of the filter bank.
    fmax=None,  # Highest frequency of the filter bank.
    max_duration=None,  # Maximum duration of the tile
    wtype='tukey'):  # Whitening type, can tukey or hann
    Perform excess-power search analysis on magnetic field data.
    This method will produce a bunch of time-frequency plots for every
    tile duration and bandwidth analysed as well as a XML file identifying
    all the triggers found in the selected data within the user-defined
    time range.

    ts_data : TimeSeries
      Time Series from magnetic field data
    psd_segment_length : float
      Length of each segment in seconds
    psd_segment_stride : float
      Separation between 2 consecutive segments in seconds
    psd_estimation : string
      Average method
    window_fraction : float
      Withening window fraction
    tile_fap : float
      Tile false alarm probability threshold in Gaussian noise.
    nchans : int
      Total number of channels
    band : float
      Channel bandwidth
    fmin : float
      Lowest frequency of the filter bank.
    fmax : float
      Highest frequency of the filter bank
    # Determine sampling rate based on extracted time series
    sample_rate = ts_data.sample_rate
    # Check if tile maximum frequency is not defined
    if fmax is None or fmax > sample_rate / 2.:
        # Set the tile maximum frequency equal to the Nyquist frequency
        # (i.e. half the sampling rate)
        fmax = sample_rate / 2.0
    # Check whether or not tile bandwidth and channel are defined
    if band is None and nchans is None:
        # Exit program with error message
        exit("Either bandwidth or number of channels must be specified...")
        # Check if tile maximum frequency larger than its minimum frequency
        assert fmax >= fmin
        # Define spectral band of data
        data_band = fmax - fmin
        # Check whether tile bandwidth or channel is defined
        if band is not None:
            # Define number of possible filter bands
            nchans = int(data_band / band) - 1
        elif nchans is not None:
            # Define filter bandwidth
            band = data_band / nchans
            nchans = nchans - 1
        # Check if number of channels is superior than unity
        assert nchans > 1
    # Print segment information
    print '|- Estimating PSD from segments of time',
    print '%.2f s in length, with %.2f s stride...' % (psd_segment_length,
    # Convert time series as array of float
    data = ts_data.astype(numpy.float64)
    # Define segment length for PSD estimation in sample unit
    seg_len = int(psd_segment_length * sample_rate)
    # Define separation between consecutive segments in sample unit
    seg_stride = int(psd_segment_stride * sample_rate)
    # Calculate the overall PSD from individual PSD segments
    fd_psd = psd.welch(data,
    # We need this for the SWIG functions...
    lal_psd = fd_psd.lal()
    # Plot the power spectral density
    # Create whitening window
    print "|- Whitening window and spectral correlation..."
    if wtype == 'hann':
        window = lal.CreateHannREAL8Window(seg_len)
    elif wtype == 'tukey':
        window = lal.CreateTukeyREAL8Window(seg_len, window_fraction)
        raise ValueError("Can't handle window type %s" % wtype)
    # Create FFT plan
    fft_plan = lal.CreateForwardREAL8FFTPlan(len(window.data.data), 1)
    # Perform two point spectral correlation
    spec_corr = lal.REAL8WindowTwoPointSpectralCorrelation(window, fft_plan)
    # Initialise filter bank
    print "|- Create filter..."
    filter_bank, fdb = [], []
    # Loop for each channels
    for i in range(nchans):
        channel_flow = fmin + band / 2 + i * band
        channel_width = band
        # Create excess power filter
        lal_filter = lalburst.CreateExcessPowerFilter(channel_flow,
                                                      channel_width, lal_psd,
    # Calculate the minimum bandwidth
    min_band = (len(filter_bank[0].data.data) - 1) * filter_bank[0].deltaF / 2
    # Plot filter bank
    # Convert filter bank from frequency to time domain
    print "|- Convert all the frequency domain to the time domain..."
    tdb = []
    # Loop for each filter's spectrum
    for fdt in fdb:
        zero_padded = numpy.zeros(int((fdt.f0 / fdt.df).value) + len(fdt))
        st = int((fdt.f0 / fdt.df).value)
        zero_padded[st:st + len(fdt)] = numpy.real_if_close(fdt.value)
        n_freq = int(sample_rate / 2 / fdt.df.value) * 2
        tdt = numpy.fft.irfft(zero_padded, n_freq) * math.sqrt(sample_rate)
        tdt = numpy.roll(tdt, len(tdt) / 2)
        tdt = TimeSeries(tdt,
    # Plot time series filter
    plot_filters(tdb, fmin, band)
    # Compute the renormalization for the base filters up to a given bandwidth.
    mu_sq_dict = {}
    # Loop through powers of 2 up to number of channels
    for nc_sum in range(0, int(math.log(nchans, 2))):
        nc_sum = 2**nc_sum - 1
        print "|- Calculating renormalization for resolution level containing %d %fHz channels" % (
            nc_sum + 1, min_band)
        mu_sq = (nc_sum + 1) * numpy.array([
            lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(f, f, spec_corr, None)
            for f in filter_bank
        # Uncomment to get all possible frequency renormalizations
        #for n in xrange(nc_sum, nchans): # channel position index
        for n in xrange(nc_sum, nchans, nc_sum + 1):  # channel position index
            for k in xrange(0, nc_sum):  # channel sum index
                # FIXME: We've precomputed this, so use it instead
                mu_sq[n] += 2 * lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(
                    filter_bank[n - k], filter_bank[n - 1 - k], spec_corr,
        #print mu_sq[nc_sum::nc_sum+1]
        mu_sq_dict[nc_sum] = mu_sq
    # Create an event list where all the triggers will be stored
    event_list = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, [
        'start_time', 'start_time_ns', 'peak_time', 'peak_time_ns', 'duration',
        'bandwidth', 'central_freq', 'chisq_dof', 'confidence', 'snr',
        'amplitude', 'channel', 'ifo', 'process_id', 'event_id', 'search',
        'stop_time', 'stop_time_ns'
    # Create repositories to save TF and time series plots
    os.system('mkdir -p segments/time-frequency')
    os.system('mkdir -p segments/time-series')
    # Define time edges
    t_idx_min, t_idx_max = 0, seg_len
    while t_idx_max <= len(ts_data):
        # Define starting and ending time of the segment in seconds
        start_time = ts_data.start_time + t_idx_min / float(
        end_time = ts_data.start_time + t_idx_max / float(ts_data.sample_rate)
        print "\n|-- Analyzing block %i to %i (%.2f percent)" % (
            start_time, end_time, 100 * float(t_idx_max) / len(ts_data))
        # Model a withen time series for the block
        tmp_ts_data = types.TimeSeries(ts_data[t_idx_min:t_idx_max] *
                                       delta_t=1. / ts_data.sample_rate,
        # Save time series in relevant repository
        segfolder = 'segments/%i-%i' % (start_time, end_time)
        os.system('mkdir -p ' + segfolder)
                fname='segments/time-series/%i-%i.png' %
                (start_time, end_time))
        # Convert times series to frequency series
        fs_data = tmp_ts_data.to_frequencyseries()
        print "|-- Frequency series data has variance: %s" % fs_data.data.std(
        # Whitening (FIXME: Whiten the filters, not the data)
        fs_data.data /= numpy.sqrt(fd_psd) / numpy.sqrt(2 * fd_psd.delta_f)
        print "|-- Whitened frequency series data has variance: %s" % fs_data.data.std(
        print "|-- Create time-frequency plane for current block"
        # Return the complex snr, along with its associated normalization of the template,
        # matched filtered against the data
        #                           fs_data,h_norm=1,psd=fd_psd,low_frequency_cutoff=filter_bank[0].f0,
        #                           high_frequency_cutoff=filter_bank[0].f0+2*band)
        print "|-- Filtering all %d channels..." % nchans
        # Initialise 2D zero array
        tmp_filter_bank = numpy.zeros(len(fd_psd), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        # Initialise 2D zero array for time-frequency map
        tf_map = numpy.zeros((nchans, seg_len), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        # Loop over all the channels
        for i in range(nchans):
            # Reset filter bank series
            tmp_filter_bank *= 0.0
            # Index of starting frequency
            f1 = int(filter_bank[i].f0 / fd_psd.delta_f)
            # Index of ending frequency
            f2 = int((filter_bank[i].f0 + 2 * band) / fd_psd.delta_f) + 1
            # (FIXME: Why is there a factor of 2 here?)
            tmp_filter_bank[f1:f2] = filter_bank[i].data.data * 2
            # Define the template to filter the frequency series with
            template = types.FrequencySeries(tmp_filter_bank,
            # Create filtered series
            filtered_series = filter.matched_filter_core(
                high_frequency_cutoff=filter_bank[i].f0 + 2 * band)
            # Include filtered series in the map
            tf_map[i, :] = filtered_series[0].numpy()
        # Plot spectrogram
                         fname='segments/time-frequency/%i-%i.png' %
                         (start_time, end_time))
        # Loop through all summed channels
        for nc_sum in range(0, int(math.log(nchans, 2)))[::-1]:
            nc_sum = 2**nc_sum - 1
            mu_sq = mu_sq_dict[nc_sum]
            # Clip the boundaries to remove window corruption
            clip_samples = int(psd_segment_length * window_fraction *
                               ts_data.sample_rate / 2)
            # Constructing tile and calculate their energy
            print "\n|--- Constructing tile with %d summed channels..." % (
                nc_sum + 1)
            # Current bandwidth of the time-frequency map tiles
            df = band * (nc_sum + 1)
            dt = 1.0 / (2 * df)
            # How much each "step" is in the time domain -- under sampling rate
            us_rate = int(round(dt / ts_data.delta_t))
            print "|--- Undersampling rate for this level: %f" % (
                ts_data.sample_rate / us_rate)
            print "|--- Calculating tiles..."
            # Making independent tiles
            # because [0:-0] does not give the full array
            tf_map_temp = tf_map[:,clip_samples:-clip_samples:us_rate] \
                          if clip_samples > 0 else tf_map[:,::us_rate]
            tiles = tf_map_temp.copy()
            # Here's the deal: we're going to keep only the valid output and
            # it's *always* going to exist in the lowest available indices
            stride = nc_sum + 1
            for i in xrange(tiles.shape[0] / stride):
                numpy.absolute(tiles[stride * i:stride * (i + 1)].sum(axis=0),
                               tiles[stride * (i + 1) - 1])
            tiles = tiles[nc_sum::nc_sum + 1].real**2 / mu_sq[nc_sum::nc_sum +
                                                                  -1, 1)
            print "|--- TF-plane is %dx%s samples" % tiles.shape
            print "|--- Tile energy mean %f, var %f" % (numpy.mean(tiles),
            # Define maximum number of degrees of freedom and check it larger or equal to 2
            max_dof = 32 if max_duration == None else 2 * max_duration * df
            assert max_dof >= 2
            # Loop through multiple degrees of freedom
            for j in [2**l for l in xrange(0, int(math.log(max_dof, 2)))]:
                # Duration is fixed by the NDOF and bandwidth
                duration = j * dt
                print "\n|----- Explore signal duration of %f s..." % duration
                print "|----- Summing DOF = %d ..." % (2 * j)
                tlen = tiles.shape[1] - 2 * j + 1 + 1
                dof_tiles = numpy.zeros((tiles.shape[0], tlen))
                sum_filter = numpy.array([1, 0] * (j - 1) + [1])
                for f in range(tiles.shape[0]):
                    # Sum and drop correlate tiles
                    dof_tiles[f] = fftconvolve(tiles[f], sum_filter, 'valid')
                print "|----- Summed tile energy mean: %f, var %f" % (
                    numpy.mean(dof_tiles), numpy.var(dof_tiles))
                    fname='segments/%i-%i/tf_%02ichans_%02idof.png' %
                    (start_time, end_time, nc_sum + 1, 2 * j))
                threshold = scipy.stats.chi2.isf(tile_fap, j)
                print "|------ Threshold for this level: %f" % threshold
                spant, spanf = dof_tiles.shape[1] * dt, dof_tiles.shape[0] * df
                print "|------ Processing %.2fx%.2f time-frequency map." % (
                    spant, spanf)
                # Since we clip the data, the start time needs to be adjusted accordingly
                window_offset_epoch = fs_data.epoch + psd_segment_length * window_fraction / 2
                window_offset_epoch = LIGOTimeGPS(float(window_offset_epoch))
                for i, j in zip(*numpy.where(dof_tiles > threshold)):
                    event = event_list.RowType()
                    # The points are summed forward in time and thus a `summed point' is the
                    # sum of the previous N points. If this point is above threshold, it
                    # corresponds to a tile which spans the previous N points. However, the
                    # 0th point (due to the convolution specifier 'valid') is actually
                    # already a duration from the start time. All of this means, the +
                    # duration and the - duration cancels, and the tile 'start' is, by
                    # definition, the start of the time frequency map if j = 0
                    # FIXME: I think this needs a + dt/2 to center the tile properly
                    event.set_start(window_offset_epoch + float(j * dt))
                    event.set_stop(window_offset_epoch + float(j * dt) +
                    event.set_peak(event.get_start() + duration / 2)
                    event.central_freq = filter_bank[
                        0].f0 + band / 2 + i * df + 0.5 * df
                    event.duration = duration
                    event.bandwidth = df
                    event.chisq_dof = 2 * duration * df
                    event.snr = math.sqrt(dof_tiles[i, j] / event.chisq_dof -
                    # FIXME: Magic number 0.62 should be determine empircally
                    event.confidence = -lal.LogChisqCCDF(
                        event.snr * 0.62, event.chisq_dof * 0.62)
                    event.amplitude = None
                    event.process_id = None
                    event.event_id = event_list.get_next_id()
                for event in event_list[::-1]:
                    if event.amplitude != None:
                    etime_min_idx = float(event.get_start()) - float(
                    etime_min_idx = int(etime_min_idx / tmp_ts_data.delta_t)
                    etime_max_idx = float(event.get_start()) - float(
                        fs_data.epoch) + event.duration
                    etime_max_idx = int(etime_max_idx / tmp_ts_data.delta_t)
                    # (band / 2) to account for sin^2 wings from finest filters
                    flow_idx = int((event.central_freq - event.bandwidth / 2 -
                                    (df / 2) - fmin) / df)
                    fhigh_idx = int((event.central_freq + event.bandwidth / 2 +
                                     (df / 2) - fmin) / df)
                    # TODO: Check that the undersampling rate is always commensurate
                    # with the indexing: that is to say that
                    # mod(etime_min_idx, us_rate) == 0 always
                    z_j_b = tf_map[flow_idx:fhigh_idx,
                    event.amplitude = 0
                print "|------ Total number of events: %d" % len(event_list)
        t_idx_min += int(seg_len * (1 - window_fraction))
        t_idx_max += int(seg_len * (1 - window_fraction))
    setname = "MagneticFields"
    __program__ = 'pyburst_excesspower'
    start_time = LIGOTimeGPS(int(ts_data.start_time))
    end_time = LIGOTimeGPS(int(ts_data.end_time))
    inseg = segment(start_time, end_time)
    xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
    ifo = 'H1'  #channel_name.split(":")[0]
    straindict = psd.insert_psd_option_group.__dict__
    proc_row = register_to_xmldoc(xmldoc,
    dt_stride = psd_segment_length
    sample_rate = ts_data.sample_rate
    # Amount to overlap successive blocks so as not to lose data
    window_overlap_samples = window_fraction * sample_rate
    outseg = inseg.contract(window_fraction * dt_stride / 2)
    # With a given dt_stride, we cannot process the remainder of this data
    remainder = math.fmod(abs(outseg), dt_stride * (1 - window_fraction))
    # ...so make an accounting of it
    outseg = segment(outseg[0], outseg[1] - remainder)
    ss = append_search_summary(xmldoc,
                               ifos=(station, ),
    for sb in event_list:
        sb.process_id = proc_row.process_id
        sb.search = proc_row.program
        sb.ifo, sb.channel = station, setname
    fname = 'excesspower.xml.gz'
    utils.write_filename(xmldoc, fname, gz=fname.endswith("gz"))
			seglist.extend(dqsegs.threshold_data_to_seglist(data, start, dt, min_threshold=min_threshold, max_threshold=max_threshold, invert=invert))

	all_segs["%s: %s" % (channel, str(opthresholds))] = seglist

	if opts.verbose:
		print "Summary of segments for %s %s %s %s" % (inst, channel_name, op, str(threshold))
		int_time = reduce(float.__add__, [float(abs(seg & s)) for s in seglist], 0.0)
		print "Total time covered from cache: %f" % int_time

	for i, seg in enumerate(seglist):
		# Segments are expected in LIGOTimeGPS format
		seglist[i] = segment(LIGOTimeGPS(seg[0]), LIGOTimeGPS(seg[1]))
		if opts.verbose:
			print "\t" + str(seg)

	# Fill in some metadata about the flags
	name = "detchar %s threshold flags" % channel
	comment = " ".join(["%s %s %s" % (channel, stringify(op), str(v)) for op, v in opthresholds])
	lwsegs.insert_from_segmentlistdict(segmentlistdict({channel[:2]: seglist}), name=name, comment=comment)

# After recording segments, one can take the intersection (all must be on) or
# union (any can be on)
# Possible enhancement: instead of giving all keys, give a user selection
예제 #13
def fake_trigger_generator(instrument='H1'):
    Generate fake trigger maps.

    instrument : str
      Instrument name
    xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
    # Process information
    proc = process.append_process(xmldoc, "fake_search")
    process.append_process_params(xmldoc, proc, {})
    t0 = 1e9
    ntrig = 1000
    ifo = instrument
    inseg = segment(LIGOTimeGPS(t0), LIGOTimeGPS(t0 + ntrig / 10))
    outseg = segment(LIGOTimeGPS(t0), LIGOTimeGPS(t0 + ntrig / 10))
    # Search summary
                                         comment="Fake triggers",
                                         ifos=(ifo, ),
    columns = [
        'chisq_dof', 'bandwidth', 'central_freq', 'confidence', 'peak_time_ns',
        'start_time', 'process_id', 'fhigh', 'stop_time_ns', 'channel', 'ifo',
        'duration', 'event_id', 'hrss', 'stop_time', 'peak_time', 'snr',
        'search', 'start_time_ns', 'flow', 'amplitude'
    table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, columns)
    # Generate uniformly distributed trigger times with approximate rate of 10 s
    times = t0 + uniform.rvs(0, ntrig / 10., ntrig)
    for t in times:
        row = table.RowType()
        # time frequency position and extent
        row.chisq_dof = int(2 + expon.rvs(2))
        row.duration = 1. / 2**int(uniform.rvs(0, 7))
        row.bandwidth = row.chisq_dof / row.duration / 2

        row.central_freq = uniform.rvs(16, 2048)
        row.flow = max(row.central_freq - row.bandwidth, 0)
        row.fhigh = min(row.central_freq + row.bandwidth, 2048)

        ns, sec = math.modf(t)
        ns = int("%09d" % (ns * 1e9))
        row.peak_time, row.peak_time_ns = int(sec), ns

        ns, sec = math.modf(t - row.duration / 2)
        ns = int("%09d" % (ns * 1e9))
        row.start_time, row.start_time_ns = int(sec), ns

        ns, sec = math.modf(t + row.duration / 2)
        ns = int("%09d" % (ns * 1e9))
        row.stop_time, row.stop_time_ns = int(sec), ns

        # TODO: Correlate some triggers, an upward fluctuation often triggers a few
        # tiles ontop of each other

        # SNR and confidence
        row.snr = 5.
        while row.snr < 2 * row.chisq_dof:
            row.snr = chi2.rvs(row.chisq_dof)
        row.confidence = chi2.sf(row.snr, row.chisq_dof)
        row.snr = math.sqrt(row.snr / row.chisq_dof - 1)
        row.hrss = row.amplitude = 1e-21

        # metadata
        row.search = "fake_search"
        row.channel = "FAKE"
        row.ifo = ifo

        row.event_id = table.get_next_id()
        row.process_id = proc.process_id



                         "%s-FAKE_SEARCH-%d-%d.xml.gz" % (ifo, int(t0), 10000),
예제 #14
__author__ = "Chris Pankow <*****@*****.**>"

def assign_id(row, i):
    row.simulation_id = ilwd.ilwdchar("sim_inspiral_table:sim_inspiral:%d" % i)

CMAP = {
    "right_ascension": "longitude",
    "longitude": "longitude",
    "latitude": "latitude",
    "declination": "latitude",
    "inclination": "inclination",
    "polarization": "polarization",
    "t_ref": lambda r, t: r.set_time_geocent(LIGOTimeGPS(float(t))),
    "coa_phase": "coa_phase",
    "distance": "distance",
    "mass1": "mass1",
    "mass2": "mass2",
    "lam_tilde": "psi0",
    "dlam_tilde": "psi3",
    "psi0": "psi0",
    "psi3": "psi3",
    "sample_n": assign_id,
    "alpha1": "alpha1",
    "alpha2": "alpha2",
    "alpha3": "alpha3",
    "loglikelihood": "alpha1",
    "joint_prior": "alpha2",
예제 #15
    def do_summary_table(self, xmldoc, sim_tree):
    Create the search_summary table for the cWB job(s). This function exists as a backup in case no job list exists. It will try and reconstruct the job segments from the event data, but this list will be incomplete in the case where no events were found during a job.

            search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
        except ValueError:
            search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, [
                "process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
                "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
                "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time",

        process_id_type = type(

        runids = set()
        entries = sim_tree.GetEntries()
        for i in range(0, entries):

            if self.start != None:
                if float(self.start) > sim_tree.start[0]: continue
            if self.end != None:
                if float(self.end) < sim_tree.stop[0]: continue

            # Id for the run processed by WaveBurst -> process ID
            run = sim_tree.run
            if run in runids:

            row = search_summary.RowType()
            row.process_id = process_id_type(run)

            # Search Summary Table
            # events found in the run -> nevents
            # TODO: Destroy ROOT, because it hates me
            #row.nevents = sim_tree.nevent
            row.nevents = 0

            # Imstruments involved in the search
            ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
                    branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim)))
            # Imstruments involved in the search
            if (ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0):
                if (self.instruments):
                    ifos = self.instruments
                else:  # Not enough information to completely fill out the table
                        "Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly."

            row.ifos = ifos
            row.comment = "waveburst"

            # Begin and end time of the segment
            if self.waveoffset != None:
                waveoffset = self.waveoffset
                waveoffset = 0

            livetime = -1
            # WARNING: This will fail miserably if there are no events in analyzed
            # see do_search_summary_from_joblist for a better solution
            livetime = sim_tree.left[0] + sim_tree.duration[
                0] + sim_tree.right[0]

            if livetime < 0:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: Run %d will have zero livetime because no events are recorded in this run, and therefore livetime cannot be calculated." % run
                # in -- with waveoffset
                row.set_in(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(0), LIGOTimeGPS(1)))
                # out -- without waveoffset
                row.set_out(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(0), LIGOTimeGPS(1)))

                seg_start_with_offset = sim_tree.gps - waveoffset
                seg_start_without_offset = sim_tree.gps
                seg_end_with_offset = sim_tree.gps + waveoffset + livetime
                seg_end_without_offset = sim_tree.gps + livetime
                # in -- with waveoffset
                # out -- without waveoffset

예제 #16
    def do_summary_table_from_joblist(self, xmldoc, sim_tree):
    Create the search_summary table for the cWB job(s) and a provided cWB joblist. The function will try to determine the proper job intervals from the waveoffset, if specified.

            search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
        except ValueError:
            search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, [
                "process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
                "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
                "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time",

        process_id_type = type(

        runid = dict()
        itr = 0
        for line in file(self.job_list):
            if line[0] == '#':
                continue  # skip comments

            # Determine the file type
            # WARNING: Mixing the two types could cause overwrite behavior
            line = line.split()

            if len(line) == 2:  # start and stop
                seg = segments.segment(map(LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[0:2])))
                runid[itr] = seg
                itr += 1
            elif len(line) == 3:  # index start and stop
                seg = segments.segment(map(LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[1:3])))
                runid[int(line[0])] = seg
            elif len(line) == 4:  # index start and stop and length
                seg = segments.segment(map(LIGOTimeGPS, map(float, line[1:3])))
                runid[int(line[0])] = seg
            else:  # dunno!
                sys.exit("Unable to understand job list segment format.")

        for run, seg in runid.iteritems():
            if self.start != None:
                if float(self.start) > seg[0]: continue
            if self.end != None:
                if float(self.end) < seg[1]: continue

            row = search_summary.RowType()
            row.process_id = process_id_type(run)

            # Search Summary Table
            # events found in the run -> nevents
            row.nevents = 0
            #entries = sim_tree.GetEntries()

            # Imstruments involved in the search
            ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
                    branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim)))
            # Imstruments involved in the search
            if (ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0):
                if (self.instruments):
                    ifos = self.instruments
                else:  # Not enough information to completely fill out the table
                        "Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly."

            row.ifos = ifos
            row.comment = "waveburst"

            # Begin and end time of the segment
            # TODO: This is a typical offset on either side of the job for artifacts
            # It can, and probably will change in the future, and shouldn't be hardcoded
            #waveoffset, livetime = 8, -1
            waveoffset, livetime = self.waveoffset, -1
            if waveoffset == None: waveoffset = 0
            livetime = abs(seg)

            if livetime < 0:
                print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: Run %d will have zero livetime because no events are recorded in this run, and therefore livetime cannot be calculated." % run
                # in -- with waveoffset
                row.set_in(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(0), LIGOTimeGPS(1)))
                # out -- without waveoffset
                row.set_out(segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(0), LIGOTimeGPS(1)))
                # in -- with waveoffset
                # out -- without waveoffset
                    segments.segment(seg[0] + waveoffset, seg[1] - waveoffset))

예제 #17
파일: epower.py 프로젝트: Yuzhe98/Yu0702
def excess_power(
    ts_data,  # Time series from magnetic field data 
    band=None,  # Channel bandwidth
    channel_name='channel-name',  # Channel name
    fmin=0,  # Lowest frequency of the filter bank.
    fmax=None,  # Highest frequency of the filter bank.
    impulse=False,  # Impulse response
    make_plot=True,  # Condition to produce plots
    max_duration=None,  # Maximum duration of the tile
    nchans=256,  # Total number of channels
    psd_estimation='median-mean',  # Average method
    psd_segment_length=60,  # Length of each segment in seconds
    psd_segment_stride=30,  # Separation between 2 consecutive segments in seconds
    station='station-name',  # Station name
    tile_fap=1e-7,  # Tile false alarm probability threshold in Gaussian noise.
    verbose=True,  # Print details
    window_fraction=0,  # Withening window fraction
    wtype='tukey'):  # Whitening type, can tukey or hann
    Perform excess-power search analysis on magnetic field data.
    This method will produce a bunch of time-frequency plots for every
    tile duration and bandwidth analysed as well as a XML file identifying
    all the triggers found in the selected data within the user-defined
    time range.

    ts_data : TimeSeries
      Time Series from magnetic field data
    psd_segment_length : float
      Length of each segment in seconds
    psd_segment_stride : float
      Separation between 2 consecutive segments in seconds
    psd_estimation : string
      Average method
    window_fraction : float
      Withening window fraction
    tile_fap : float
      Tile false alarm probability threshold in Gaussian noise.
    nchans : int
      Total number of channels
    band : float
      Channel bandwidth
    fmin : float
      Lowest frequency of the filter bank.
    fmax : float
      Highest frequency of the filter bank

    The program can be ran as an executable by using the ``excesspower`` command
    line as follows::

      excesspower --station "mainz01" \\
                  --start-time "2017-04-15-17-1" \\
                  --end-time "2017-04-15-18" \\
                  --rep "/Users/vincent/ASTRO/data/GNOME/GNOMEDrive/gnome/serverdata/" \\
                  --resample 512 \\

    # Determine sampling rate based on extracted time series
    sample_rate = ts_data.sample_rate
    # Check if tile maximum frequency is not defined
    if fmax is None or fmax > sample_rate / 2.:
        # Set the tile maximum frequency equal to the Nyquist frequency
        # (i.e. half the sampling rate)
        fmax = sample_rate / 2.0
    # Check whether or not tile bandwidth and channel are defined
    if band is None and nchans is None:
        # Exit program with error message
        exit("Either bandwidth or number of channels must be specified...")
        # Check if tile maximum frequency larger than its minimum frequency
        assert fmax >= fmin
        # Define spectral band of data
        data_band = fmax - fmin
        # Check whether tile bandwidth or channel is defined
        if band is not None:
            # Define number of possible filter bands
            nchans = int(data_band / band)
        elif nchans is not None:
            # Define filter bandwidth
            band = data_band / nchans
            nchans -= 1
        # Check if number of channels is superior than unity
        assert nchans > 1
    # Print segment information
    if verbose: print '|- Estimating PSD from segments of',
    if verbose:
        print '%.2f s, with %.2f s stride...' % (psd_segment_length,
    # Convert time series as array of float
    data = ts_data.astype(numpy.float64)
    # Define segment length for PSD estimation in sample unit
    seg_len = int(psd_segment_length * sample_rate)
    # Define separation between consecutive segments in sample unit
    seg_stride = int(psd_segment_stride * sample_rate)
    # Minimum frequency of detectable signal in a segment
    delta_f = 1. / psd_segment_length
    # Calculate PSD length counting the zero frequency element
    fd_len = fmax / delta_f + 1
    # Calculate the overall PSD from individual PSD segments
    if impulse:
        # Produce flat data
        flat_data = numpy.ones(int(fd_len)) * 2. / fd_len
        # Create PSD frequency series
        fd_psd = types.FrequencySeries(flat_data, 1. / psd_segment_length,
        # Create overall PSD using Welch's method
        fd_psd = psd.welch(data,
    if make_plot:
        # Plot the power spectral density
    # We need this for the SWIG functions
    lal_psd = fd_psd.lal()
    # Create whitening window
    if verbose: print "|- Whitening window and spectral correlation..."
    if wtype == 'hann': window = lal.CreateHannREAL8Window(seg_len)
    elif wtype == 'tukey':
        window = lal.CreateTukeyREAL8Window(seg_len, window_fraction)
        raise ValueError("Can't handle window type %s" % wtype)
    # Create FFT plan
    fft_plan = lal.CreateForwardREAL8FFTPlan(len(window.data.data), 1)
    # Perform two point spectral correlation
    spec_corr = lal.REAL8WindowTwoPointSpectralCorrelation(window, fft_plan)
    # Determine length of individual filters
    filter_length = int(2 * band / fd_psd.delta_f) + 1
    # Initialise filter bank
    if verbose:
        print "|- Create bank of %i filters of %i Hz bandwidth..." % (
            nchans, filter_length)
    # Initialise array to store filter's frequency series and metadata
    lal_filters = []
    # Initialise array to store filter's time series
    fdb = []
    # Loop over the channels
    for i in range(nchans):
        # Define central position of the filter
        freq = fmin + band / 2 + i * band
        # Create excess power filter
        lal_filter = lalburst.CreateExcessPowerFilter(freq, band, lal_psd,
        # Testing spectral correlation on filter
        #print lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(lal_filter, lal_filter, spec_corr, None)
        # Append entire filter structure
        # Append filter's spectrum
        #print fdb[0].frequencies
        #print fdb[0]
    if make_plot:
        # Plot filter bank
        # Convert filter bank from frequency to time domain
        if verbose:
            print "|- Convert all the frequency domain to the time domain..."
        tdb = []
        # Loop for each filter's spectrum
        for fdt in fdb:
            zero_padded = numpy.zeros(int((fdt.f0 / fdt.df).value) + len(fdt))
            st = int((fdt.f0 / fdt.df).value)
            zero_padded[st:st + len(fdt)] = numpy.real_if_close(fdt.value)
            n_freq = int(sample_rate / 2 / fdt.df.value) * 2
            tdt = numpy.fft.irfft(zero_padded, n_freq) * math.sqrt(sample_rate)
            tdt = numpy.roll(tdt, len(tdt) / 2)
            tdt = TimeSeries(tdt,
        # Plot time series filter
        plot_filters(tdb, fmin, band)
    # Computer whitened inner products of input filters with themselves
    #white_filter_ip = numpy.array([lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(f, f, spec_corr, None) for f in lal_filters])
    # Computer unwhitened inner products of input filters with themselves
    #unwhite_filter_ip = numpy.array([lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(f, f, spec_corr, lal_psd) for f in lal_filters])
    # Computer whitened filter inner products between input adjacent filters
    #white_ss_ip = numpy.array([lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(f1, f2, spec_corr, None) for f1, f2 in zip(lal_filters[:-1], lal_filters[1:])])
    # Computer unwhitened filter inner products between input adjacent filters
    #unwhite_ss_ip = numpy.array([lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(f1, f2, spec_corr, lal_psd) for f1, f2 in zip(lal_filters[:-1], lal_filters[1:])])
    # Check filter's bandwidth is equal to user defined channel bandwidth
    min_band = (len(lal_filters[0].data.data) - 1) * lal_filters[0].deltaF / 2
    assert min_band == band
    # Create an event list where all the triggers will be stored
    event_list = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, [
        'start_time', 'start_time_ns', 'peak_time', 'peak_time_ns', 'duration',
        'bandwidth', 'central_freq', 'chisq_dof', 'confidence', 'snr',
        'amplitude', 'channel', 'ifo', 'process_id', 'event_id', 'search',
        'stop_time', 'stop_time_ns'
    # Create repositories to save TF and time series plots
    os.system('mkdir -p segments/time-frequency')
    os.system('mkdir -p segments/time-series')
    # Define time edges
    t_idx_min, t_idx_max = 0, seg_len
    # Loop over each segment
    while t_idx_max <= len(ts_data):
        # Define first and last timestamps of the block
        start_time = ts_data.start_time + t_idx_min / float(
        end_time = ts_data.start_time + t_idx_max / float(ts_data.sample_rate)
        if verbose:
            print "\n|- Analyzing block %i to %i (%.2f percent)" % (
                start_time, end_time, 100 * float(t_idx_max) / len(ts_data))
        # Debug for impulse response
        if impulse:
            for i in range(t_idx_min, t_idx_max):
                ts_data[i] = 1000. if i == (t_idx_max + t_idx_min) / 2 else 0.
        # Model a withen time series for the block
        tmp_ts_data = types.TimeSeries(ts_data[t_idx_min:t_idx_max] *
                                       delta_t=1. / ts_data.sample_rate,
        # Save time series in relevant repository
        os.system('mkdir -p segments/%i-%i' % (start_time, end_time))
        if make_plot:
            # Plot time series
                    fname='segments/time-series/%i-%i.png' %
                    (start_time, end_time))
        # Convert times series to frequency series
        fs_data = tmp_ts_data.to_frequencyseries()
        if verbose:
            print "|- Frequency series data has variance: %s" % fs_data.data.std(
        # Whitening (FIXME: Whiten the filters, not the data)
        fs_data.data /= numpy.sqrt(fd_psd) / numpy.sqrt(2 * fd_psd.delta_f)
        if verbose:
            print "|- Whitened frequency series data has variance: %s" % fs_data.data.std(
        if verbose: print "|- Create time-frequency plane for current block"
        # Return the complex snr, along with its associated normalization of the template,
        # matched filtered against the data
        #                           fs_data,h_norm=1,psd=fd_psd,low_frequency_cutoff=lal_filters[0].f0,
        #                           high_frequency_cutoff=lal_filters[0].f0+2*band)
        if verbose: print "|- Filtering all %d channels...\n" % nchans,
        # Initialise 2D zero array
        tmp_filter_bank = numpy.zeros(len(fd_psd), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        # Initialise 2D zero array for time-frequency map
        tf_map = numpy.zeros((nchans, seg_len), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        # Loop over all the channels
        for i in range(nchans):
            # Reset filter bank series
            tmp_filter_bank *= 0.0
            # Index of starting frequency
            f1 = int(lal_filters[i].f0 / fd_psd.delta_f)
            # Index of last frequency bin
            f2 = int((lal_filters[i].f0 + 2 * band) / fd_psd.delta_f) + 1
            # (FIXME: Why is there a factor of 2 here?)
            tmp_filter_bank[f1:f2] = lal_filters[i].data.data * 2
            # Define the template to filter the frequency series with
            template = types.FrequencySeries(tmp_filter_bank,
            # Create filtered series
            filtered_series = filter.matched_filter_core(
                high_frequency_cutoff=lal_filters[i].f0 + 2 * band)
            # Include filtered series in the map
            tf_map[i, :] = filtered_series[0].numpy()
        if make_plot:
            # Plot spectrogram
                             ymax=ts_data.sample_rate / 2.,
                             fname='segments/time-frequency/%i-%i.png' %
                             (start_time, end_time))
                          fname='segments/%i-%i/ts.png' %
                          (start_time, end_time))
            #              sample_rate=ts_data.sample_rate,t0=start_time,t1=end_time,
            #              fname='segments/%i-%i/tf.png'%(start_time,end_time))
        # Loop through powers of 2 up to number of channels
        for nc_sum in range(0, int(math.log(nchans, 2)))[::-1]:
            # Calculate total number of summed channels
            nc_sum = 2**nc_sum
            if verbose:
                print "\n\t|- Contructing tiles containing %d narrow band channels" % nc_sum
            # Compute full bandwidth of virtual channel
            df = band * nc_sum
            # Compute minimal signal's duration in virtual channel
            dt = 1.0 / (2 * df)
            # Compute under sampling rate
            us_rate = int(round(dt / ts_data.delta_t))
            if verbose:
                print "\t|- Undersampling rate for this level: %f" % (
                    ts_data.sample_rate / us_rate)
            if verbose: print "\t|- Calculating tiles..."
            # Clip the boundaries to remove window corruption
            clip_samples = int(psd_segment_length * window_fraction *
                               ts_data.sample_rate / 2)
            # Undersample narrow band channel's time series
            # Apply clipping condition because [0:-0] does not give the full array
            tf_map_temp = tf_map[:,clip_samples:-clip_samples:us_rate] \
                          if clip_samples > 0 else tf_map[:,::us_rate]
            # Initialise final tile time-frequency map
            tiles = numpy.zeros(((nchans + 1) / nc_sum, tf_map_temp.shape[1]))
            # Loop over tile index
            for i in xrange(len(tiles)):
                # Sum all inner narrow band channels
                ts_tile = numpy.absolute(tf_map_temp[nc_sum * i:nc_sum *
                                                     (i + 1)].sum(axis=0))
                # Define index of last narrow band channel for given tile
                n = (i + 1) * nc_sum - 1
                n = n - 1 if n == len(lal_filters) else n
                # Computer withened inner products of each input filter with itself
                mu_sq = nc_sum * lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(
                    lal_filters[n], lal_filters[n], spec_corr, None)
                #kmax = nc_sum-1 if n==len(lal_filters) else nc_sum-2
                # Loop over the inner narrow band channels
                for k in xrange(0, nc_sum - 1):
                    # Computer whitened filter inner products between input adjacent filters
                    mu_sq += 2 * lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(
                        lal_filters[n - k], lal_filters[n - 1 - k], spec_corr,
                # Normalise tile's time series
                tiles[i] = ts_tile.real**2 / mu_sq
            if verbose: print "\t|- TF-plane is %dx%s samples" % tiles.shape
            if verbose:
                print "\t|- Tile energy mean %f, var %f" % (numpy.mean(tiles),
            # Define maximum number of degrees of freedom and check it larger or equal to 2
            max_dof = 32 if max_duration == None else int(max_duration / dt)
            assert max_dof >= 2
            # Loop through multiple degrees of freedom
            for j in [2**l for l in xrange(0, int(math.log(max_dof, 2)))]:
                # Duration is fixed by the NDOF and bandwidth
                duration = j * dt
                if verbose: print "\n\t\t|- Summing DOF = %d ..." % (2 * j)
                if verbose:
                    print "\t\t|- Explore signal duration of %f s..." % duration
                # Construct filter
                sum_filter = numpy.array([1, 0] * (j - 1) + [1])
                # Calculate length of filtered time series
                tlen = tiles.shape[1] - sum_filter.shape[0] + 1
                # Initialise filtered time series array
                dof_tiles = numpy.zeros((tiles.shape[0], tlen))
                # Loop over tiles
                for f in range(tiles.shape[0]):
                    # Sum and drop correlate tiles
                    dof_tiles[f] = fftconvolve(tiles[f], sum_filter, 'valid')
                if verbose:
                    print "\t\t|- Summed tile energy mean: %f" % (
                if verbose:
                    print "\t\t|- Variance tile energy: %f" % (
                if make_plot:
                        ymax=ts_data.sample_rate / 2,
                        fname='segments/%i-%i/%02ichans_%02idof.png' %
                        (start_time, end_time, nc_sum, 2 * j))
                        2 * j,
                        sample_rate=ts_data.sample_rate / us_rate,
                        fname='segments/%i-%i/%02ichans_%02idof_ts.png' %
                        (start_time, end_time, nc_sum, 2 * j))
                        2 * j,
                        ymax=ts_data.sample_rate / 2,
                        sample_rate=ts_data.sample_rate / us_rate,
                        fname='segments/%i-%i/%02ichans_%02idof_tf.png' %
                        (start_time, end_time, nc_sum, 2 * j))
                threshold = scipy.stats.chi2.isf(tile_fap, j)
                if verbose:
                    print "\t\t|- Threshold for this level: %f" % threshold
                spant, spanf = dof_tiles.shape[1] * dt, dof_tiles.shape[0] * df
                if verbose:
                    print "\t\t|- Processing %.2fx%.2f time-frequency map." % (
                        spant, spanf)
                # Since we clip the data, the start time needs to be adjusted accordingly
                window_offset_epoch = fs_data.epoch + psd_segment_length * window_fraction / 2
                window_offset_epoch = LIGOTimeGPS(float(window_offset_epoch))
                for i, j in zip(*numpy.where(dof_tiles > threshold)):
                    event = event_list.RowType()
                    # The points are summed forward in time and thus a `summed point' is the
                    # sum of the previous N points. If this point is above threshold, it
                    # corresponds to a tile which spans the previous N points. However, the
                    # 0th point (due to the convolution specifier 'valid') is actually
                    # already a duration from the start time. All of this means, the +
                    # duration and the - duration cancels, and the tile 'start' is, by
                    # definition, the start of the time frequency map if j = 0
                    # FIXME: I think this needs a + dt/2 to center the tile properly
                    event.set_start(window_offset_epoch + float(j * dt))
                    event.set_stop(window_offset_epoch + float(j * dt) +
                    event.set_peak(event.get_start() + duration / 2)
                    event.central_freq = lal_filters[
                        0].f0 + band / 2 + i * df + 0.5 * df
                    event.duration = duration
                    event.bandwidth = df
                    event.chisq_dof = 2 * duration * df
                    event.snr = math.sqrt(dof_tiles[i, j] / event.chisq_dof -
                    # FIXME: Magic number 0.62 should be determine empircally
                    event.confidence = -lal.LogChisqCCDF(
                        event.snr * 0.62, event.chisq_dof * 0.62)
                    event.amplitude = None
                    event.process_id = None
                    event.event_id = event_list.get_next_id()
                for event in event_list[::-1]:
                    if event.amplitude != None:
                    etime_min_idx = float(event.get_start()) - float(
                    etime_min_idx = int(etime_min_idx / tmp_ts_data.delta_t)
                    etime_max_idx = float(event.get_start()) - float(
                        fs_data.epoch) + event.duration
                    etime_max_idx = int(etime_max_idx / tmp_ts_data.delta_t)
                    # (band / 2) to account for sin^2 wings from finest filters
                    flow_idx = int((event.central_freq - event.bandwidth / 2 -
                                    (df / 2) - fmin) / df)
                    fhigh_idx = int((event.central_freq + event.bandwidth / 2 +
                                     (df / 2) - fmin) / df)
                    # TODO: Check that the undersampling rate is always commensurate
                    # with the indexing: that is to say that
                    # mod(etime_min_idx, us_rate) == 0 always
                    z_j_b = tf_map[flow_idx:fhigh_idx,
                    # FIXME: Deal with negative hrss^2 -- e.g. remove the event
                        event.amplitude = measure_hrss(
                            z_j_b, unwhite_filter_ip[flow_idx:fhigh_idx],
                            unwhite_ss_ip[flow_idx:fhigh_idx - 1],
                            white_ss_ip[flow_idx:fhigh_idx - 1],
                            fd_psd.delta_f, tmp_ts_data.delta_t,
                            len(lal_filters[0].data.data), event.chisq_dof)
                    except ValueError:
                        event.amplitude = 0
                if verbose:
                    print "\t\t|- Total number of events: %d" % len(event_list)
        t_idx_min += int(seg_len * (1 - window_fraction))
        t_idx_max += int(seg_len * (1 - window_fraction))
    setname = "MagneticFields"
    __program__ = 'pyburst_excesspower_gnome'
    start_time = LIGOTimeGPS(int(ts_data.start_time))
    end_time = LIGOTimeGPS(int(ts_data.end_time))
    inseg = segment(start_time, end_time)
    xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
    ifo = channel_name.split(":")[0]
    straindict = psd.insert_psd_option_group.__dict__
    proc_row = register_to_xmldoc(xmldoc,
    dt_stride = psd_segment_length
    sample_rate = ts_data.sample_rate
    # Amount to overlap successive blocks so as not to lose data
    window_overlap_samples = window_fraction * sample_rate
    outseg = inseg.contract(window_fraction * dt_stride / 2)
    # With a given dt_stride, we cannot process the remainder of this data
    remainder = math.fmod(abs(outseg), dt_stride * (1 - window_fraction))
    # ...so make an accounting of it
    outseg = segment(outseg[0], outseg[1] - remainder)
    ss = append_search_summary(xmldoc,
                               ifos=(station, ),
    for sb in event_list:
        sb.process_id = proc_row.process_id
        sb.search = proc_row.program
        sb.ifo, sb.channel = station, setname
    ifostr = ifo if isinstance(ifo, str) else "".join(ifo)
    st_rnd, end_rnd = int(math.floor(inseg[0])), int(math.ceil(inseg[1]))
    dur = end_rnd - st_rnd
    fname = "%s-excesspower-%d-%d.xml.gz" % (ifostr, st_rnd, dur)
    utils.write_filename(xmldoc, fname, gz=fname.endswith("gz"))
예제 #18
def get_multi_burst_row(multi_burst_table, sim_tree):
    row = multi_burst_table.RowType()
    row.set_peak(sum(LIGOTimeGPS(t) for t in sim_tree.time) / sim_tree.ndim)
    return row
예제 #19
    def create_tables(self, xmldoc, rootfiles):
    Sets up table structures and calls populating methods.

        if os.path.splitext(rootfiles[0])[1] == ".root":
            sim_tree = TChain("waveburst")
        else:  # If the file is (for example) text, use a proxy class
            sim_tree = CWBTextConverter()

        for rootfile in rootfiles:

        # Define tables
        sngl_burst_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable, [
            "peak_time_ns", "start_time_ns", "stop_time_ns", "process_id",
            "ifo", "peak_time", "start_time", "stop_time", "duration",
            "time_lag", "peak_frequency", "search", "flow", "fhigh",
            "bandwidth", "tfvolume", "hrss", "event_id", "snr"

        coinc_event_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincTable, [
            "process_id", "coinc_event_id", "nevents", "instruments",
            "time_slide_id", "coinc_def_id", "likelihood"

        # TODO: Reimplement this when the cwb_table module is included
        #if self.cwbtable:
        #cohwb_table = lsctables.New(cwb_table.CoherentWaveburstTable,
        #["ellipticity", "correlated_energy", "eff_correlated_energy",
        #"coherent_network_amp", "penalty", "network_correlation",
        #"energy_disbalance", "ellip_energy_disbalance", "process_id",
        #"coinc_event_id", "cwb_id"])

        multi_burst_table = lsctables.New(
                # NOTE: Added to the table definition

        coinc_event_map_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincMapTable)

        jobsegment = None
        if self.start and self.end:
            jobsegment = segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(self.start),

        if self.verbose:
            print "Creating Process Table...",

        if self.job_list:
            self.do_process_table(xmldoc, sim_tree)
            self.do_process_table_from_segment(xmldoc, sim_tree, jobsegment)

        process_index = dict(
            (int(row.process_id), row)
            for row in lsctables.ProcessTable.get_table(xmldoc))

        if self.verbose:
            print " done."

        if self.verbose:
            print "Creating Summary Table...",
        # If we are provided a joblist, use it to generate the list
        if self.job_list:
            self.do_summary_table_from_joblist(xmldoc, sim_tree)
        elif self.job_list == None and self.start and self.end:
            self.do_summary_table_from_segment(xmldoc, jobsegment, sim_tree)
            self.do_summary_table(xmldoc, sim_tree)
        if self.verbose:
            print " done."

        # create coinc_definer row
        row = self.get_coinc_def_row(sim_tree)
        coinc_def_id = llwapp.get_coinc_def_id(xmldoc,

        entries = sim_tree.GetEntries()
        for i in range(0, entries):
            if self.start != None:
                if float(self.start) > sim_tree.start[0]: continue
            if self.end != None:
                if float(self.end) < sim_tree.stop[0]: continue

            offset_vector = dict(
                (get_ifos_from_index(instrument_index), offset)
                for instrument_index, offset in zip(sim_tree.ifo,

            coinc_event = coinc_event_table.RowType()
            coinc_event.process_id = process_index[sim_tree.run].process_id
            coinc_event.coinc_event_id = coinc_event_table.get_next_id()
            coinc_event.coinc_def_id = coinc_def_id
            coinc_event.nevents = sim_tree.ndim
            coinc_event.instruments = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
                    branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim)))
            coinc_event.time_slide_id = time_slide.get_time_slide_id(
                xmldoc, offset_vector, process_index[sim_tree.run])
            coinc_event.likelihood = sim_tree.likelihood

            for d in range(0, sim_tree.ndim):
                sngl_burst = self.get_sngl_burst_row(sngl_burst_table,
                                                     sim_tree, d)
                sngl_burst.process_id = coinc_event.process_id
                sngl_burst.event_id = sngl_burst_table.get_next_id()

                coinc_event_map = coinc_event_map_table.RowType()
                coinc_event_map.event_id = sngl_burst.event_id
                coinc_event_map.table_name = sngl_burst.event_id.table_name
                coinc_event_map.coinc_event_id = coinc_event.coinc_event_id

            # TODO: Reimplement when cwb_table module is included
            #if self.cwbtable:
            #cwb = get_cwb_row(cohwb_table, sim_tree)
            #cwb.process_id = coinc_event.process_id
            #cwb.coinc_event_id = coinc_event.coinc_event_id
            #cwb.cwb_id = cohwb_table.get_next_id()

            multi_burst = self.get_multi_burst_row(multi_burst_table, sim_tree)
            multi_burst.process_id = coinc_event.process_id
            multi_burst.coinc_event_id = coinc_event.coinc_event_id
            # NOTE: Until we have an embedded cwb table definition, this will be
            # copied here so official tools have a ranking statistic to use
                multi_burst.snr = sim_tree.rho[1]
            except TypeError:  # difference in definition between ROOT and text
                multi_burst.snr = sim_tree.rho
            # NOTE: To be filled in later by farburst
            multi_burst.false_alarm_rate = -1.0
            # Reconstructed right ascension and declination
            multi_burst.ligo_axis_ra = sim_tree.phi[2]
            multi_burst.ligo_axis_dec = sim_tree.theta[2]
            multi_burst.ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
                    branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim)))

예제 #20
    def do_summary_table_from_segment(self,
    Create the search_summary table for a cWB from a segment specified from the command line. The function will try to determine the proper job intervals from the waveoffset, if specified.

            search_summary = lsctables.SearchSummaryTable.get_table(xmldoc)
        except ValueError:
            search_summary = lsctables.New(lsctables.SearchSummaryTable, [
                "process_id", "nevents", "ifos", "comment", "in_start_time",
                "in_start_time_ns", "out_start_time", "out_start_time_ns",
                "in_end_time", "in_end_time_ns", "out_end_time",

        process_id_type = type(


        if (jobid < 0):
            run = sim_tree.run
            run = jobid
        seg = segment

        # Search Summary Table
        # events found in the run -> nevents
        row = search_summary.RowType()
        row.process_id = process_id_type(run)
        row.nevents = sim_tree.GetEntries()

        ifos = lsctables.ifos_from_instrument_set(
                branch_array_to_list(sim_tree.ifo, sim_tree.ndim)))
        # Imstruments involved in the search
        if (ifos == None or len(ifos) == 0):
            if (self.instruments):
                ifos = self.instruments
            else:  # Not enough information to completely fill out the table
                    "Found a job with no IFOs on, or not enough to determine IFOs. Try specifying instruments directly."

        row.ifos = ifos
        row.comment = "waveburst"

        # Begin and end time of the segment
        waveoffset = self.waveoffset
        if waveoffset == None: waveoffset = 0

        # in -- with waveoffset
        # out -- without waveoffset
        waveoffset = LIGOTimeGPS(waveoffset)
        row.set_out(segments.segment(seg[0] + waveoffset, seg[1] - waveoffset))
예제 #21
			def get_segment(self):
				Return the segment described by this row.
				return segments.segment(LIGOTimeGPS(self.start_time, 0), LIGOTimeGPS(self.end_time, 0))