예제 #1
def vollist():
    Volumes List

    :returns: List of Volumes, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["list"]
    return parse_volume_list(volume_execute_xml(cmd))
예제 #2
def status(volname):
    Rebalance Status

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Rebalance Status, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["rebalance", volname, "status"]
    return parse_rebalance_status(volume_execute_xml(cmd))
예제 #3
def optget(volname, opt="all"):
    Get Volume Options

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param opt: Option Name
    :returns: List of Volume Options, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["get", volname, opt]
    return parse_volume_options(volume_execute_xml(cmd))
예제 #4
def info(volname=None):
    Get Gluster Volume Info

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Returns Volume Info, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["info"]
    if volname is not None:
        cmd += [volname]

    return parse_volume_info(volume_execute_xml(cmd))
예제 #5
def status_detail(volname=None):
    Get Gluster Volume Status

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :returns: Returns Volume Status, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["status"]
    if volname is not None:
        cmd += [volname, "detail"]
        cmd += ["all", "detail"]

    return parse_volume_status(volume_execute_xml(cmd), info(volname))
예제 #6
def remove_status(volname, bricks, replica=None):
    Remove Bricks status

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param bricks: List of Bricks
    :param replica: Replica Count
    :returns: Remove Bricks Status, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error
    cmd = ["remove-brick", volname]
    if replica is not None:
        cmd += ["replica", "{0}".format(replica)]

    cmd += bricks
    cmd += ["status"]

    return parse_remove_brick_status(volume_execute_xml(cmd))
예제 #7
def profile_info(volname, opt, peek=False):
    Get Profile info

    :param volname: Volume Name
    :param opt: Operation type of info,
     like peek, incremental, cumulative, clear
    :param peek: Use peek or not, default is False
    :return: Return profile info, raises
     GlusterCmdException((rc, out, err)) on error

    if opt.lower() not in INFO_OPS:
        raise GlusterCmdException(
            (-1, "", "Invalid Info Operation Type, use peek, "
             "incremental, cumulative, clear"))
    cmd = ["profile", volname, "info", opt.lower()]

    if opt.lower() == INFO_OPS[1] and peek:
        cmd += ["peek"]

    return parse_volume_profile_info(volume_execute_xml(cmd), opt)