예제 #1
def main():
    gen = gmath.gen_sieve_of_eratosthenes()
    p, primes = 1, []
    while p < 10000:
        p = gen.next()
        p2 = p + 3330
        p3 = p + 6660
        if gmath.is_prime(p2) and gmath.is_prime(p3):
            if gmath.is_permutation(p, p2) and gmath.is_permutation(p, p3):
                primes.append([str(p), str(p2), str(p3)])
    return int(''.join(primes[1]))
예제 #2
def main():

    for n in xrange(1, 300000):
        is_perm = True
        for i in range(1,7):
            if gmath.is_permutation(n, n*i) == False:
                is_perm = False
        if is_perm:
            return n