예제 #1
class CurrentCycleMover(GridCurrentMover):
    _schema = CurrentCycleMoverSchema

    def __init__(self, filename=None, topology_file=None, tide=None, **kwargs):
        Initialize a CurrentCycleMover

        :param filename: Absolute or relative path to the data file:
                         could be netcdf or filelist
        :param topology_file=None: Absolute or relative path to topology file.
                                   If not given, the GridCurrentMover will
                                   compute the topology from the data file.
        :param tide: A gnome.environment.Tide object to be attached to

        :param active_range: Range of datetimes for when the mover should be
        :type active_range: 2-tuple of datetimes

        :param current_scale: Value to scale current data
        :param uncertain_duration: How often does a given uncertain element
                                   get reset
        :param uncertain_time_delay: when does the uncertainly kick in.
        :param uncertain_cross: Scale for uncertainty perpendicular to the flow
        :param uncertain_along: Scale for uncertainty parallel to the flow
        :param extrapolate: Allow current data to be extrapolated
                            before and after file data
        :param time_offset: Time zone shift if data is in GMT

        uses super: super(CurrentCycleMover,self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # NOTE: will need to add uncertainty parameters
        #       and other dialog fields.
        #       use super with kwargs to invoke base class __init__
        self.mover = CyCurrentCycleMover()

        self._tide = None
        if tide:
            self.tide = tide

        super(CurrentCycleMover, self).__init__(filename=filename,

    def __repr__(self):
        return (
            'CurrentCycletMover(uncertain_duration={0.uncertain_duration}, '
            'uncertain_time_delay={0.uncertain_time_delay}, '
            'uncertain_cross={0.uncertain_cross}, '
            'uncertain_along={0.uncertain_along}, '
            'active_range={1.active_range}, '
            'on={1.on})'.format(self.mover, self))

    def __str__(self):
        return ('CurrentCycleMover - current _state.\n'
                '  uncertain_duration={0.uncertain_duration}\n'
                '  uncertain_time_delay={0.uncertain_time_delay}\n'
                '  uncertain_cross={0.uncertain_cross}\n'
                '  uncertain_along={0.uncertain_along}'
                '  active_range time={1.active_range}'
                '  current on/off status={1.on}'.format(self.mover, self))

    def tide(self):
        return self._tide

    def tide(self, tide_obj):
        if not isinstance(tide_obj, Tide):
            raise TypeError('tide must be of type environment.Tide')

        if isinstance(tide_obj.cy_obj, CyShioTime):
        elif isinstance(tide_obj.cy_obj, CyOSSMTime):
            raise TypeError('Tide.cy_obj attribute must be either '
                            'CyOSSMTime or CyShioTime type '
                            'for CurrentCycleMover.')

        self._tide = tide_obj

    def data_start(self):
        if self.tide is not None:
            return self.tide.data_start
            return MinusInfTime()

    def data_stop(self):
        if self.tide is not None:
            return self.tide.data_stop
            return InfTime()

    def is_data_on_cells(self):
        return None
예제 #2
class CurrentCycleMover(GridCurrentMover):
    _schema = CurrentCycleMoverSchema

    def __init__(self,
        Initialize a CurrentCycleMover

        :param filename: Absolute or relative path to the data file:
                         could be netcdf or filelist
        :param topology_file=None: Absolute or relative path to topology file.
                                   If not given, the GridCurrentMover will
                                   compute the topology from the data file.
        :param tide: A gnome.environment.Tide object to be attached to

        :param active_range: Range of datetimes for when the mover should be
        :type active_range: 2-tuple of datetimes

        :param current_scale: Value to scale current data
        :param uncertain_duration: How often does a given uncertain element
                                   get reset
        :param uncertain_time_delay: when does the uncertainly kick in.
        :param uncertain_cross: Scale for uncertainty perpendicular to the flow
        :param uncertain_along: Scale for uncertainty parallel to the flow
        :param extrapolate: Allow current data to be extrapolated
                            before and after file data
        :param time_offset: Time zone shift if data is in GMT

        uses super: super(CurrentCycleMover,self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # NOTE: will need to add uncertainty parameters
        #       and other dialog fields.
        #       use super with kwargs to invoke base class __init__
        self.mover = CyCurrentCycleMover()

        self._tide = None
        if tide:
            self.tide = tide

        super(CurrentCycleMover, self).__init__(filename=filename,

    def __repr__(self):
        return ('CurrentCycletMover(uncertain_duration={0.uncertain_duration}, '
                'uncertain_time_delay={0.uncertain_time_delay}, '
                'uncertain_cross={0.uncertain_cross}, '
                'uncertain_along={0.uncertain_along}, '
                'active_range={1.active_range}, '
                .format(self.mover, self))

    def __str__(self):
        return ('CurrentCycleMover - current _state.\n'
                '  uncertain_duration={0.uncertain_duration}\n'
                '  uncertain_time_delay={0.uncertain_time_delay}\n'
                '  uncertain_cross={0.uncertain_cross}\n'
                '  uncertain_along={0.uncertain_along}'
                '  active_range time={1.active_range}'
                '  current on/off status={1.on}'
                .format(self.mover, self))

    def tide(self):
        return self._tide

    def tide(self, tide_obj):
        if not isinstance(tide_obj, Tide):
            raise TypeError('tide must be of type environment.Tide')

        if isinstance(tide_obj.cy_obj, CyShioTime):
        elif isinstance(tide_obj.cy_obj, CyOSSMTime):
            raise TypeError('Tide.cy_obj attribute must be either '
                            'CyOSSMTime or CyShioTime type '
                            'for CurrentCycleMover.')

        self._tide = tide_obj

    def data_start(self):
        if self.tide is not None:
            return self.tide.data_start
            return MinusInfTime()

    def data_stop(self):
        if self.tide is not None:
            return self.tide.data_stop
            return InfTime()

    def is_data_on_cells(self):
        return None
예제 #3
class CurrentCycleMover(GridCurrentMover, Serializable):
    _state = copy.deepcopy(GridCurrentMover._state)
    _state.add_field([Field('tide', save=True, update=True,

    _schema = CurrentCycleMoverSchema

    def __init__(self,
        Initialize a CurrentCycleMover

        :param filename: Absolute or relative path to the data file:
                         could be netcdf or filelist
        :param topology_file=None: Absolute or relative path to topology file.
                                   If not given, the GridCurrentMover will
                                   compute the topology from the data file.
        :param tide: A gnome.environment.Tide object to be attached to
        :param active_start: datetime when the mover should be active
        :param active_stop: datetime after which the mover should be inactive
        :param current_scale: Value to scale current data
        :param uncertain_duration: How often does a given uncertain element
                                   get reset
        :param uncertain_time_delay: when does the uncertainly kick in.
        :param uncertain_cross: Scale for uncertainty perpendicular to the flow
        :param uncertain_along: Scale for uncertainty parallel to the flow
        :param extrapolate: Allow current data to be extrapolated
                            before and after file data
        :param time_offset: Time zone shift if data is in GMT

        uses super: super(CurrentCycleMover,self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # NOTE: will need to add uncertainty parameters
        #       and other dialog fields.
        #       use super with kwargs to invoke base class __init__
        self.mover = CyCurrentCycleMover()

        self._tide = None

        tide = kwargs.pop('tide', None)
        if tide is not None:
            self.tide = tide

        super(CurrentCycleMover, self).__init__(filename=filename,

    def __repr__(self):
        return ('GridCurrentMover(uncertain_duration={0.uncertain_duration}, '
                'uncertain_time_delay={0.uncertain_time_delay}, '
                'uncertain_cross={0.uncertain_cross}, '
                'uncertain_along={0.uncertain_along}, '
                'active_start={1.active_start}, '
                'active_stop={1.active_stop}, '
                .format(self.mover, self))

    def __str__(self):
        return ('GridCurrentMover - current _state.\n'
                '  uncertain_duration={0.uncertain_duration}\n'
                '  uncertain_time_delay={0.uncertain_time_delay}\n'
                '  uncertain_cross={0.uncertain_cross}\n'
                '  uncertain_along={0.uncertain_along}'
                '  active_start time={1.active_start}'
                '  active_stop time={1.active_stop}'
                '  current on/off status={1.on}'
                .format(self.mover, self))

    def tide(self):
        return self._tide

    def tide(self, tide_obj):
        if not isinstance(tide_obj, Tide):
            raise TypeError('tide must be of type environment.Tide')

        if isinstance(tide_obj.cy_obj, CyShioTime):
        elif isinstance(tide_obj.cy_obj, CyOSSMTime):
            raise TypeError('Tide.cy_obj attribute must be either '
                            'CyOSSMTime or CyShioTime type '
                            'for CurrentCycleMover.')

        self._tide = tide_obj

    def is_data_on_cells(self):
        return None

    def serialize(self, json_='webapi'):
        Since 'tide' property is saved as a reference when used in save file
        and 'save' option, need to add appropriate node to
        CurrentCycleMover schema
        toserial = self.to_serialize(json_)
        schema = self.__class__._schema()

        if json_ == 'webapi' and 'tide' in toserial:

        return schema.serialize(toserial)

    def deserialize(cls, json_):
        append correct schema for tide object
        schema = cls._schema()

        if 'tide' in json_:

        return schema.deserialize(json_)
예제 #4
class CurrentCycleMover(GridCurrentMover, serializable.Serializable):
    _state = copy.deepcopy(GridCurrentMover._state)
                                         save=True, update=True,
    _schema = CurrentCycleMoverSchema

    def __init__(self,
        Initialize a CurrentCycleMover

        :param filename: Absolute or relative path to the data file:
                         could be netcdf or filelist
        :param topology_file=None: Absolute or relative path to topology file.
                                   If not given, the GridCurrentMover will
                                   compute the topology from the data file.
        :param tide: A gnome.environment.Tide object to be attached to
        :param active_start: datetime when the mover should be active
        :param active_stop: datetime after which the mover should be inactive
        :param current_scale: Value to scale current data
        :param uncertain_duration: How often does a given uncertain element
                                   get reset
        :param uncertain_time_delay: when does the uncertainly kick in.
        :param uncertain_cross: Scale for uncertainty perpendicular to the flow
        :param uncertain_along: Scale for uncertainty parallel to the flow
        :param extrapolate: Allow current data to be extrapolated
                            before and after file data
        :param time_offset: Time zone shift if data is in GMT

        uses super: super(CurrentCycleMover,self).__init__(**kwargs)

        # NOTE: will need to add uncertainty parameters
        #       and other dialog fields.
        #       use super with kwargs to invoke base class __init__
        self.mover = CyCurrentCycleMover()

        tide = kwargs.pop('tide', None)
        self._tide = None

        if tide is not None:
            self.tide = tide

        super(CurrentCycleMover, self).__init__(filename=filename,

    def __repr__(self):
        return ('GridCurrentMover(uncertain_duration={0.uncertain_duration}, '
                'uncertain_time_delay={0.uncertain_time_delay}, '
                'uncertain_cross={0.uncertain_cross}, '
                'uncertain_along={0.uncertain_along}, '
                'active_start={1.active_start}, '
                'active_stop={1.active_stop}, '
                .format(self.mover, self))

    def __str__(self):
        return ('GridCurrentMover - current _state.\n'
                '  uncertain_duration={0.uncertain_duration}\n'
                '  uncertain_time_delay={0.uncertain_time_delay}\n'
                '  uncertain_cross={0.uncertain_cross}\n'
                '  uncertain_along={0.uncertain_along}'
                '  active_start time={1.active_start}'
                '  active_stop time={1.active_stop}'
                '  current on/off status={1.on}'
                .format(self.mover, self))

    def tide(self):
        return self._tide

    def tide(self, tide_obj):
        if not isinstance(tide_obj, environment.Tide):
            raise TypeError('tide must be of type environment.Tide')

        if isinstance(tide_obj.cy_obj, CyShioTime):
        elif isinstance(tide_obj.cy_obj, CyOSSMTime):
            raise TypeError('Tide.cy_obj attribute must be either '
                            'CyOSSMTime or CyShioTime type '
                            'for CurrentCycleMover.')

        self._tide = tide_obj

    def serialize(self, json_='webapi'):
        Since 'tide' property is saved as a reference when used in save file
        and 'save' option, need to add appropriate node to
        CurrentCycleMover schema
        toserial = self.to_serialize(json_)
        schema = self.__class__._schema()

        if json_ == 'webapi' and 'tide' in toserial:

        return schema.serialize(toserial)

    def deserialize(cls, json_):
        append correct schema for tide object
        schema = cls._schema()

        if 'tide' in json_:

        return schema.deserialize(json_)