예제 #1
 def wr_py_goea_results(self, fout_py, goea_results, **kws):
     """Save GOEA results into Python package containing list of namedtuples."""
     var_name = kws.get("var_name", "goea_results")
     docstring = kws.get("docstring", "")
     sortby = kws.get("sortby", None)
     if goea_results:
         from goatools.nt_utils import wr_py_nts
         nts_goea = goea_results
         # If list has GOEnrichmentRecords or verbose namedtuples, exclude some fields.
         if hasattr(goea_results[0], "_fldsdefprt") or hasattr(
                 goea_results[0], 'goterm'):
             # Exclude some attributes from the namedtuple when saving results
             # to a Python file because the information is redundant or verbose.
             nts_goea = MgrNtGOEAs(goea_results).get_goea_nts_prt(**kws)
         docstring = "\n".join(
             [docstring, "# {VER}\n\n".format(VER=self.obo_dag.version)])
         assert hasattr(nts_goea[0], '_fields')
         if sortby is None:
             sortby = lambda nt: [
                 getattr(nt, 'namespace'),
                 getattr(nt, 'enrichment'),
                 getattr(nt, 'p_uncorrected'),
                 getattr(nt, 'depth'),
                 getattr(nt, 'GO')
         nts_goea = sorted(nts_goea, key=sortby)
         wr_py_nts(fout_py, nts_goea, docstring, var_name)
예제 #2
 def wr_py_goea_results(self, fout_py, goea_results, **kws):
     """Save GOEA results into Python package containing list of namedtuples."""
     var_name = kws.get("var_name", "goea_results")
     docstring = kws.get("docstring", "")
     sortby = kws.get("sortby", None)
     if goea_results:
         from goatools.nt_utils import wr_py_nts
         nts_goea = goea_results
         # If list has GOEnrichmentRecords or verbose namedtuples, exclude some fields.
         if hasattr(goea_results[0], "_fldsdefprt") or hasattr(goea_results[0], 'goterm'):
             # Exclude some attributes from the namedtuple when saving results
             # to a Python file because the information is redundant or verbose.
             nts_goea = get_goea_nts_prt(goea_results)
         docstring = "\n".join([docstring, "# {OBO_VER}\n\n".format(OBO_VER=self.obo_dag.version)])
         assert hasattr(nts_goea[0], '_fields')
         if sortby is None:
             sortby = lambda nt: getattr(nt, 'p_uncorrected')
         nts_goea = sorted(nts_goea, key=sortby)
         wr_py_nts(fout_py, nts_goea, docstring, var_name)
예제 #3
 def wr_py_goea_results(self, fout_py, goea_results, **kws):
     """Save GOEA results into Python package containing list of namedtuples."""
     var_name = "goea_results" if "var_name" not in kws else kws["var_name"]
     docstring = "" if "docstring" not in kws else kws["docstring"]
     if goea_results:
         from goatools.nt_utils import wr_py_nts
         nts_goea = goea_results
         # If list has GOEnrichmentRecords or verbose namedtuples, exclude some fields.
         if hasattr(goea_results[0], "_fldsdefprt") or hasattr(
                 goea_results[0], 'goterm'):
             # Exclude some attributes from the namedtuple when saving results
             # to a Python file because the information is redundant or verbose.
             nts_goea = get_goea_nts_prt(goea_results)
         docstring = "\n".join([
             "# {OBO_VER}\n\n".format(OBO_VER=self.obo_dag.version)
         assert hasattr(nts_goea[0], '_fields')
         nts_goea = sorted(nts_goea,
                           key=lambda nt: getattr(nt, 'p_uncorrected'))
         wr_py_nts(fout_py, nts_goea, docstring, var_name)
예제 #4
def test_wrpy():
    """Test writing GOATOOLS GOEA results to a Python module as a list of nts."""
    # 1. Run GOATOOLS Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis
    nature_data = get_goea_results()
    # 2. Convert GOATOOLS GOEA results into a list of namedtuples
    goea_results = nature_data['goea_results']
    nts_goea = get_goea_nts_prt(goea_results)

    # 3. Save GOATOOLS GOEA into a Python module
    #    3a. Python module name
    module_name = "nbt3102_goea"
    fout_py = get_fout_py(module_name)
    #    3b. Save GOATOOLS GOEA into a Python module
    wr_py_nts(fout_py, nts_goea, varname="nts")
    # 4. Check results
    nts_py = importlib.import_module(module_name).nts
    assert len(nts_goea) == len(nts_py)

    # Alternatively, save module through goea object
    module_name = "nbt3102_goea_alt"
    fout_py = get_fout_py(module_name)
    nature_data['goeaobj'].wr_py_goea_results(fout_py, goea_results)
    nts_py = importlib.import_module(module_name).goea_results
    assert len(nts_goea) == len(nts_py)
예제 #5
def test_wrpy():
    """Test writing GOATOOLS GOEA results to a Python module as a list of nts."""
    # 1. Run GOATOOLS Gene Ontology Enrichment Analysis
    nature_data = get_goea_results()
    # 2. Convert GOATOOLS GOEA results into a list of namedtuples
    goea_results = nature_data['goea_results']
    nts_goea = get_goea_nts_prt(goea_results)

    # 3. Save GOATOOLS GOEA into a Python module
    #    3a. Python module name
    module_name = "nbt3102_goea"
    fout_py = get_fout_py(module_name)
    #    3b. Save GOATOOLS GOEA into a Python module
    wr_py_nts(fout_py, nts_goea, varname="nts")
    # 4. Check results
    nts_py = importlib.import_module(module_name).nts
    assert len(nts_goea) == len(nts_py)

    # Alternatively, save module through goea object
    module_name = "nbt3102_goea_alt"
    fout_py = get_fout_py(module_name)
    nature_data['goeaobj'].wr_py_goea_results(fout_py, goea_results)
    nts_py = importlib.import_module(module_name).goea_results
    assert len(nts_goea) == len(nts_py)