예제 #1
    def _check_complete(self, workitems):
        """End instance if only daemons are left.

        workitems -- list of active workitems (passed for performance reasons)

        This method is a bit weird, but works. There are two cases:

            1. If no active work items are left, we complete the instance.

            2. If only daemons are left, we complete those. As a side effect,
            when the last daemon is completed, we get another trigger for
            _check_complete and the instance will be completed by case 1.

        if self._creating:
            # Do not check for completeness while we are still creating work
            # items.

        controller = ILifeCycleController(self)
        daemons = [
            wi for wi in workitems
            if IDaemonActivity.providedBy(wi.getActivity())
        items_active = len(workitems)
        daemons_active = len(daemons)

        if controller.state != "active":
            # XXX Missing test
            # We don't have to check further as we are not active.

        if not items_active:
            # Case 1: No active work items
                "Automatically completed instance as all work items ended.")

        if (controller.state == "active" and items_active == daemons_active):
            # Case 2: Only daemons are active
            for daemon in daemons:
                    "Automatically completed daemon.")
예제 #2
 def _rememberTrigger(self, triggering_workitem, route):
     mode = self.getActivity().mode
     all_routes = self._getAllRoutes()
     closed_routes = self.closed_routes
     if route in closed_routes:
     controller = ILifeCycleController(self)
     if mode == MULTI_MERGE:
         self._doTrigger(triggering_workitem, route)
         if len(closed_routes) == len(all_routes):
             self.completing_work_item = triggering_workitem
             # XXX no test for this
             controller.complete("Gate '%s' found by route '%s'" %
                                 (self.activity_id, route))
     elif mode == DISCRIMINATE:
         if len(closed_routes) == 0:
             self._doTrigger(triggering_workitem, route)
             self.completing_work_item = triggering_workitem
             controller.complete("Gate '%s' found by route '%s'" %
                                 (self.activity_id, route))
     elif mode == DELAYED_DISCRIMINATE:
         self.delayed_discriminator = True
     elif mode == SYNCHRONIZING_MERGE:
         if len(closed_routes) == len(all_routes):
             self._doTrigger(triggering_workitem, route)
             self.completing_work_item = triggering_workitem
             controller.complete("Gate '%s' completed via route '%s'" %
                                 (self.activity_id, route))
         # XXX no tests for this
         controller.fail("Unknown gate mode: '%s'" % mode)
     self.closed_routes = closed_routes