def gomoku(p1, p2):
    """ Plays the Gomoku between the two specified players,
        and returns the Board object as it looks at the end of the game.
        inputs: p1 and p2 are objects representing players 
          One player should use 'X' checkers and the other should
          use 'O' checkers.
    # Make sure one player is 'X' and one player is 'O'.
    if p1.checker not in 'XO' or p2.checker not in 'XO' \
       or p1.checker == p2.checker:
        print('need one X player and one O player.')
        return None

    print('Welcome to Gomoku!')
    b = Board(10,10)
    p1.num_moves = 0
    p2.num_moves = 0
    while True:
        if process_move(p1, b) == True:
            return b

        if process_move(p2, b) == True:
            return b
예제 #2
 def search(self, board):
     board_obj = Board(BOARD_SIZE)
     probs = self.get_policy_probs(board_obj.board_state)
     m = defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))
     for _ in range(SEARCH_SIZE):
         action, reward = self.search_single(board_obj, probs)
         prev_count, prev_reward = m[action]
         m[action] = (prev_count + 1., prev_reward + reward)
     max_action = 0.
     max_reward = -2.
     for action, (count, reward) in m.items():
         curr_reward = reward / count
         if max_reward < curr_reward:
             max_reward = curr_reward
             max_action = action
     return max_action
예제 #3
def ai_compete(player1, player2, view_mode=False):
    state = GomokuState(Board(BOARD_SIZE), 'black')  # Black Plays First
    players = {'black': player1, 'white': player2}
    oppos = {'black': player2, 'white': player1}
    done = False
    while not done:
        observation = state.board.board_state
        player = players[state.color]
        action =
        oppos[state.color].observe(action, observation)
        state = state.act(action)
        done, reward = check_wins(state)
        if view_mode:
    return reward
예제 #4
 def get_values(self, board):
     board_obj = Board(BOARD_SIZE)
예제 #5
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from gomoku import Board, Gomoku

model = load_model('models/20210320_172325.h5')

app = Ursina()

window.borderless = False
window.color = color._50

w, h = 20, 20
camera.orthographic = True
camera.fov = 23
camera.position = (w // 2, h // 2)

board = Board(w=w, h=h)
board_buttons = [[None for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
game = Gomoku(board=board)

Entity(model=Grid(w + 1, h + 1),
       scale=w + 1,,
       x=w // 2 - 0.5,
       y=h // 2 - 0.5,

for y in range(h):
    for x in range(w):
        b = Button(parent=scene,
                   position=(x, y),
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: maskan19/PYTHON
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from gomoku import Board, Gomoku

model = load_model('models/20201213_202430.h5')

app = Ursina()

window.borderless = False
window.color = color._50

w, h = 20, 20
camera.orthographic = True
camera.fov = 23
camera.position = (w // 2, h // 2)

board = Board(w=20, h=20)
board_buttons = [[None for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
game = Gomoku(board=board)

Entity(model=Grid(w + 1, h + 1),
       scale=w + 1,,
       x=w // 2 - 0.5,
       y=h // 2 - 0.5,

for y in range(h):
    for x in range(w):
        b = Button(parent=scene,
                   position=(x, y),
class AIPlayer(Player):
    """ a subclass of Player that looks ahead some number of moves and 
    strategically determines its best next move.
    previous_board = Board(10,10)
    def get_evaluation_range(board, counter):
        #Compute range window size
        if counter >= 2:
            #print("Large evaluation range")
            rowS = 0
            rowE = board.height
            colS = 0
            colE = board.width
            #print("Small evaluation range")
            rowS = 3
            rowE = board.height-3
            colS = 3
            colE = board.width-3
        return int(rowS), int(rowE), int(colS), int(colE)

    def next_move(self, board):
        """ returns the called AIPlayer's next move for a game on
            the specified Board object. 
            input: board is a Board object for the game that the called
                     Player is playing.
            return: row, col are the coordinated of a vacant location on the board 
        start = time.time()
        self.num_moves += 1
        assert(board.is_full() == False)
        ################### TODO: ######################################
        # Implement your strategy here. 
        # Feel free to call as many as helper functions as you want.
        # We only cares the return of this function
        #DYNAMIC EVALUTATION RANGE (window size)
        #counterTot = self.count_in_range(board, 0, board.height, 0, board.width)
        counter = self.num_moves
        rowS, rowE, colS, colE = self.get_evaluation_range(board, counter)
        #print(rowS, rowE, colS, colE)
        #print("Counter checks: ", counterTot)
        if counter >= 3:
            last_opp_move_row = 0
            last_opp_move_col = 0
            for row in range(board.height):
                for col in range(board.width): 
                    if self.previous_board.can_add_to(row, col) != board.can_add_to(row, col):
                        last_opp_move_row = row
                        last_opp_move_col = col
                        #print("Last opponent move: ", row,",",col)
                if last_opp_move_row != 0:
        #Find all the open position (without a marker X or O)
        open_pos_priority_1 = []
        open_pos_priority_2 = []
        open_pos_no_priority = []
        for row in range(rowS,rowE+1):
            for col in range(colS,colE+1):
                if board.can_add_to(row, col):
                    #priority if close to opp last move
                    if counter >= 3:
                        flag_priority_1 = False
                        if last_opp_move_row == row-1 and last_opp_move_col == col-1:
                            flag_priority_1 = True
                        elif last_opp_move_row == row-1 and last_opp_move_col == col:
                            flag_priority_1 = True
                        elif last_opp_move_row == row-1 and last_opp_move_col == col+1:
                            flag_priority_1 = True
                        elif last_opp_move_row == row and last_opp_move_col == col-1:
                            flag_priority_1 = True
                        elif last_opp_move_row == row and last_opp_move_col == col+1:
                            flag_priority_1 = True
                        elif last_opp_move_row == row+1 and last_opp_move_col == col-1:
                            flag_priority_1 = True
                        elif last_opp_move_row == row+1 and last_opp_move_col == col:
                            flag_priority_1 = True
                        elif last_opp_move_row == row+1 and last_opp_move_col == col+1:
                            flag_priority_1 = True
                        if flag_priority_1:
                            open_pos_priority_1.append((row, col))
                    #priority if one neighboor has a checker
                    flag_priority_2 = False
                    if row-1 >= 0 and col-1 >= 0 and not board.can_add_to(row-1, col-1):
                        flag_priority_2 = True
                    elif row-1 >= 0  and not board.can_add_to(row-1, col) :
                        flag_priority_2 = True
                    elif row-1 >= 0 and col+1 <= 9 and not board.can_add_to(row-1, col+1) :
                        flag_priority_2 = True
                    elif col-1 >= 0 and not board.can_add_to(row, col-1) :
                        flag_priority_2 = True
                    elif col+1 <= 9 and not board.can_add_to(row, col+1) :
                        flag_priority_2 = True
                    elif row+1 <= 9 and col-1 >= 0 and not board.can_add_to(row+1, col-1) :
                        flag_priority_2 = True
                    elif row+1 <= 9 and not board.can_add_to(row+1, col) :
                        flag_priority_2 = True
                    elif row+1 <= 9 and col+1 <= 9 and not board.can_add_to(row+1, col+1) :
                        flag_priority_2 = True
                    if flag_priority_2:
                        open_pos_priority_2.append((row, col))
                        open_pos_no_priority.append((row, col))
        #Shuffle for best performances
        open_pos = []
        if len(open_pos_priority_1) == 0 and len(open_pos_priority_2) == 0:
            open_pos = open_pos_no_priority
            if counter >= 3:
                open_pos = open_pos_priority_1 + open_pos_priority_2
                open_pos = open_pos_priority_2
        maxEval = -math.inf
        bestMove = ()
        depth = 2
        if len(open_pos) == 1: #last move before draw
            bestMove = open_pos[0]
            for move in open_pos:
                val = self.minimax(self, self.checker, move, board, depth, -math.inf, math.inf, True, open_pos)
                if val > maxEval:
                    maxEval = val
                    bestMove = move
                #print("*********Evaluating move: ", move, " -score = ", val)
                if time.time() - start >= 5.0:
                    #print("Break timeout during evaluation of move: ", move)
        #print("best move: ", bestMove, "-score ",maxEval) 
        if counter >= 2:
            self.previous_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
            self.previous_board.add_checker(self.checker, bestMove[0], bestMove[1])
        return bestMove

    def minimax(self, player, ch, move, board, depth, alpha, beta, isMaximizing, pos_move):
        new_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
        new_board.add_checker(ch, move[0], move[1])
        new_pos_move = pos_move.copy()
        del pos_move
        win = new_board.is_win_for(ch, move[0], move[1])
        if depth == 0 or win:
            if win:
                if ch == player.opponent_checker():
                    return -100000 #Direct loss
                    return 100000 #Direct win
            else: #depth=0
                return self.static_eval(new_board, ch, player.opponent_checker())
        if isMaximizing:
            maxEval = -math.inf
            for child_move in new_pos_move:
                pos_value = min(move[0], board.height - move[0]) * min(move[1], board.width - move[1]) / 10.0
                val = self.minimax(player, player.opponent_checker(), child_move, new_board, depth - 1, alpha, beta, False, new_pos_move)
                if val >= 0:
                    val += pos_value
                maxEval = max(maxEval, val)
                alpha = max(alpha, val)
                if beta <= alpha:
            return maxEval
            minEval = math.inf
            for child_move in new_pos_move:
                val = self.minimax(player, player.checker, child_move, new_board, depth - 1, alpha, beta, True, new_pos_move)
                minEval = min(minEval, val)
                beta = min(beta, val)
                if beta <= alpha:
            return minEval
    def static_eval(board, checker, opp_checker):
        #Do not consider diagonals with less than 4 element (useless for evaluation)
        rows = [''.join(board.slots[row]) for row in range(board.height)]
        columns = [''.join([row[col] for row in rows]) for col in range(board.width)]
        a = np.array(board.slots)
        diags = [a[::-1,:].diagonal(i) for i in range(-a.shape[0]+1,a.shape[1]) if len(a[::-1,:].diagonal(i)) > 4]
        diags.extend(a.diagonal(i) for i in range(a.shape[1]-1,-a.shape[0],-1) if len(a.diagonal(i)) > 4)
        diagonals = [''.join(n.tolist()) for n in diags]
        #10 rows, 10 cols, 11*2 diagonals = tot 42 elements to consider for evaluation 
        l = rows + columns + diagonals
        score = 0
        for comp in l:
            #PRIORITY 1: Combination for which the opponent win in the next move (with depth 2 the opponent has the next move here)
            flag_p1 = False
            if comp.find(' '+opp_checker*4+' ') != -1: #'XXXX'
                score -= 30000 
                flag_p1 = True
            elif comp.find(opp_checker*4+' ') != -1: #XXXX'
                score -= 30000
                flag_p1 = True
            elif comp.find(' '+opp_checker*4) != -1: #'XXXX
                score -= 30000
                flag_p1 = True
            elif comp.find(opp_checker*2+' '+opp_checker*2) != -1: #XX'XX
                score -= 20000
                flag_p1 = True
            elif comp.find(opp_checker+' '+opp_checker*3) != -1: #X'XXX
                score -= 20000
                flag_p1 = True
            elif comp.find(opp_checker*3+' '+opp_checker) != -1: #XXX'X
                score -= 20000
                flag_p1 = True
            #if flag_p1:
                #score -= 20000 #Loss next move
                #break #save performance
            #PRIORITY 2: the opponent win in 2 moves 
            flag_p2 = False
            if comp.find(' '+opp_checker*2+' '+opp_checker+' ') != -1: #'XX'X'
                flag_p2 = True 
            elif comp.find(' '+opp_checker+' '+opp_checker*2+' ') != -1: #'X'XX'
                flag_p2 = True
            elif comp.find(' '+opp_checker*3+' '+' ') != -1: #'XXX''
                flag_p2 = True
            elif comp.find('  '+opp_checker*3+' ') != -1: #''XXX'
                flag_p2 = True
            elif comp.find(' '+opp_checker*3+' ') != -1: #'XXX'
                score -= 100
            elif comp.find(opp_checker*3+' '+' ') != -1: #XXX''
                score -= 100
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+opp_checker*3) != -1: #''XXX
                score -= 100
            #AGAINST PRIORITY 2: I win in my next move
            if comp.find(' '+checker*4+' ') != -1: #'XXXX' 
                score += 1000
            elif comp.find(checker*4+' ') != -1: #XXXX'
                score += 500
            elif comp.find(' '+checker*4) != -1: #'XXXX
                score += 500
            elif comp.find(checker*2+' '+checker*2) != -1: #XX'XX
                score += 500
            elif comp.find(checker+' '+checker*3) != -1: #X'XXX
                score += 500
            elif comp.find(checker*3+' '+checker) != -1: #XXX'X
                score += 500
                if flag_p2: #need a win for me in my next move to balance
                    score -= 10000 #priority 2 is effective against me
            #NO PRIORITY THREATS: add simple points 
            if comp.find(' '+opp_checker*2+' '+' ') != -1: #'XX''
                score -= 25
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+opp_checker*2+' ') != -1: #''XX'
                score -= 25
            elif comp.find(opp_checker*2+' '+' '+' ') != -1: #XX'''
                score -= 25
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+' '+opp_checker*2) != -1: #'''XX
                score -= 25
            if comp.find(' '+opp_checker+' '+opp_checker+' ') != -1: #'X'X'
                score -= 25
            elif comp.find(opp_checker+' '+opp_checker+' '+' ') != -1: #X'X''
                score -= 25
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+opp_checker+' '+opp_checker) != -1: #''X'X
                score -= 25
            if comp.find(' '+checker*2+' '+checker+' ') != -1: #'XX'X'
                score += 30
            elif comp.find(' '+checker+' '+checker*2+' ') != -1: #'X'XX'
                score += 30 
            elif comp.find(' '+checker+' '+checker+' ') != -1: #'X'X'
                score += 10
            elif comp.find(checker+' '+checker+' '+' ') != -1: #X'X''
                score += 10
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+checker+' '+checker) != -1: #''X'X
                score += 10
            elif comp.find(' '+checker*2+' '+' ') != -1: #'XX''
                score += 15
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+checker*2+' ') != -1: #''XX'
                score += 15
            elif comp.find(checker*2+' '+' '+' ') != -1: #XX'''
                score += 15
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+' '+checker*2) != -1: #'''XX
                score += 15
            if comp.find(' '+checker*3+' '+' ') != -1: #'XXX''
                score += 30
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+checker*3+' ') != -1: #''XXX'
                score += 30 
            elif comp.find(checker*3+' '+' ') != -1: #XXX''
                score += 30 
            elif comp.find(' '+' '+checker*3) != -1: #''XXX
                score += 30
        return score
예제 #8

ai = AI(player_color)

oppo = AI(get_oppo_color(player_color))
for j in range(1):
    total_win = 0.
    total_draw = 0.
    total_lose = 0.
    TRAIN_ROUND = 10
    for i in range(TRAIN_ROUND):
        done = False
        state = GomokuState(
            Board(BOARD_SIZE), gomoku_util.BLACK)
        turn = 'black'
        steps = 0
        prev_action = None
        while True:
            player = ai if turn == 'black' else oppo
            action =, prev_action)
            prev_action = action
            state = state.act(action)
            steps += 1
            exist, win_color = gomoku_util.check_five_in_row(
                state.board.board_state)  # 'empty', 'black', 'white'
            done = state.board.is_terminal()
            if done:
                # print(state.board)