예제 #1
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):

        # Sanitize the post body.
        self.html = html.parse_html(self.content)

        if not self.id:

            # Set the titles
            if self.parent and not self.title:
                self.title = self.parent.title

            if self.parent and self.parent.type in (Post.ANSWER, Post.COMMENT):
                # Only comments may be added to a parent that is answer or comment.
                self.type = Post.COMMENT

            if self.type is None:
                # Set post type if it was left empty.
                self.type = self.COMMENT if self.parent else self.FORUM

            # This runs only once upon object creation.
            self.title = self.parent.title if self.parent else self.title
            self.lastedit_user = self.author
            self.status = self.status or Post.PENDING
            self.creation_date = self.creation_date or now()
            self.lastedit_date = self.creation_date

            # Set the timestamps on the parent
            if self.parent and self.type == Post.ANSWER:
                self.parent.lastedit_date = self.lastedit_date
                self.parent.lastedit_user = self.lastedit_user

        # Recompute post reply count

        super(Post, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #2
def email_handler(request):
    key = request.POST.get("key")
    if key != settings.EMAIL_REPLY_SECRET_KEY:
        data = dict(status="error", msg="key does not match")
        body = request.POST.get("body")
        body = smart_text(body, errors="ignore")

        # This is for debug only
        #fname = "%s/email-debug.txt" % settings.LIVE_DIR
        #fp = file(fname, "wt")

            # Parse the incoming email.
            # Emails can be malformed in which case we will force utf8 on them before parsing
                msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(body)
            except Exception, exc:
                body = body.encode('utf8', errors='ignore')
                msg = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(body)

            # Extract the address from the address tuples.
            address = msg.get_addresses('to')[0][1]

            # Parse the token from the address.
            start, token, rest = address.split('+')

            # Verify that the token exists.
            token = ReplyToken.objects.get(token=token)

            # Find the post that the reply targets
            post, author = token.post, token.user

            # Extract the body of the email.
            part = msg.text_part or msg.html_part
            text = part.get_payload()

            # Remove the reply related content
            if settings.EMAIL_REPLY_REMOVE_QUOTED_TEXT:
                text = EmailReplyParser.parse_reply(text)
                text = text.decode("utf8", errors='replace')
                text = u"<div class='preformatted'>%s</div>" % text

            # Apply server specific formatting
            text = html.parse_html(text)

            # Apply the markdown on the text
            text = markdown.markdown(text)

            # Rate-limit sanity check, potentially a runaway process
            since = const.now() - timedelta(days=1)
            if Post.objects.filter(author=author, creation_date__gt=since).count() > settings.MAX_POSTS_TRUSTED_USER:
                raise Exception("too many posts created %s" % author.id)

            # Create the new post.
            post_type = Post.ANSWER if post.is_toplevel else Post.COMMENT
            obj = Post.objects.create(type=post_type, parent=post, content=text, author=author)

            # Delete the token. Disabled for now.
            # Old token should be deleted in the data pruning

            # Form the return message.
            data = dict(status="ok", id=obj.id)

        except Exception, exc:
            output = StringIO.StringIO()
            data = dict(status="error", msg=str(output.getvalue()))