예제 #1
    def Run(self, limit, offset):
        opts = self._gae_query._Query__query_options
        if opts.keys_only or opts.projection:
            return self._gae_query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)

        ret = caching.get_from_cache(self._identifier, self._namespace)
        if ret is not None and not utils.entity_matches_query(ret, self._gae_query):
            ret = None

        if ret is None:
            # We do a fast keys_only query to get the result
            keys_query = Query(self._gae_query._Query__kind, keys_only=True, namespace=self._namespace)
            keys = keys_query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)

            # Do a consistent get so we don't cache stale data, and recheck the result matches the query
            ret = [x for x in datastore.Get(keys) if x and utils.entity_matches_query(x, self._gae_query)]
            if len(ret) == 1:
            return iter(ret)

        return iter([ret])
예제 #2
    def Run(self, limit, offset):
        opts = self._gae_query._Query__query_options
        if opts.keys_only or opts.projection:
            return self._gae_query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)

        ret = caching.get_from_cache(self._identifier)
        if ret is not None and not utils.entity_matches_query(
                ret, self._gae_query):
            ret = None

        if ret is None:
            # We do a fast keys_only query to get the result
            keys_query = Query(self._gae_query._Query__kind, keys_only=True)
            keys = keys_query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)

            # Do a consistent get so we don't cache stale data, and recheck the result matches the query
            ret = [
                x for x in datastore.Get(keys)
                if utils.entity_matches_query(x, self._gae_query)
            if len(ret) == 1:
                    self._model, ret[0],
            return iter(ret)

        return iter([ret])
예제 #3
    def _build_gae_query(self):
        """ Build and return the Datastore Query object. """
        query_kwargs = {
            "kind": str(self.db_table)

        if self.distinct:
            if self.projection:
                query_kwargs["distinct"] = True
                logging.warning("Ignoring distinct on a query where a projection wasn't possible")

        if self.keys_only:
            query_kwargs["keys_only"] = self.keys_only
        elif self.projection:
            query_kwargs["projection"] = self.projection

        query = Query(

        if has_concrete_parents(self.model) and not self.model._meta.proxy:
            query["class ="] = self.model._meta.db_table

        ordering = []
        for order in self.ordering:
            if isinstance(order, (long, int)):
                direction = datastore.Query.ASCENDING if order == 1 else datastore.Query.DESCENDING
                order = self.queried_fields[0]
                direction = datastore.Query.DESCENDING if order.startswith("-") else datastore.Query.ASCENDING
                order = order.lstrip("-")

            if order == self.model._meta.pk.column or order == "pk":
                order = "__key__"

            #Flip the ordering if someone called reverse() on the queryset
            if not self.original_query.standard_ordering:
                direction = datastore.Query.DESCENDING if direction == datastore.Query.ASCENDING else datastore.Query.ASCENDING

            ordering.append((order, direction))

        def process_and_branch(query, and_branch):
            for child in and_branch[-1]:
                column, op, value = child[1]

            # for column, op, value in and_branch[-1]:
                if column == self.pk_col:
                    column = "__key__"

                    #FIXME: This EmptyResultSet check should happen during normalization so that Django doesn't count it as a query
                    if op == "=" and "__key__ =" in query and query["__key__ ="] != value:
                        # We've already done an exact lookup on a key, this query can't return anything!
                        raise EmptyResultSet()

                    if not isinstance(value, datastore.Key):
                        value = get_datastore_key(self.model, value)

                key = "%s %s" % (column, op)
                    if isinstance(value, basestring):
                        value = coerce_unicode(value)

                    if key in query:
                        if type(query[key]) == list:
                            if value not in query[key]:
                            if query[key] != value:
                                query[key] = [ query[key], value ]
                        query[key] = value
                except datastore_errors.BadFilterError as e:
                    raise NotSupportedError(str(e))

        if self.where:
            queries = []

            # print query._Query__kind, self.where

            for and_branch in self.where[1]:
                # Duplicate the query for all the "OR"s
                queries[-1].update(query)  # Make sure we copy across filters (e.g. class =)
                    if and_branch[0] == "LIT":
                        and_branch = ("AND", [and_branch])
                    process_and_branch(queries[-1], and_branch)
                except EmptyResultSet:
                    # This is a little hacky but basically if there is only one branch in the or, and it raises
                    # and EmptyResultSet, then we just bail, however if there is more than one branch the query the
                    # query might still return something. This logic needs cleaning up and moving to the DNF phase
                    if len(self.where[1]) == 1:
                        return NoOpQuery()

            if not queries:
                return NoOpQuery()

            included_pks = [ qry["__key__ ="] for qry in queries if "__key__ =" in qry ]
            if len(included_pks) == len(queries): # If all queries have a key, we can perform a Get
                return QueryByKeys(self.model, queries, ordering) # Just use whatever query to determine the matches
                if len(queries) > 1:
                    # Disable keys only queries for MultiQuery
                    new_queries = []
                    for i, query in enumerate(queries):
                        if i > 30:
                            raise NotSupportedError("Too many subqueries (max: 30, got {}). Probably cause too many IN/!= filters".format(
                        qry = Query(query._Query__kind, projection=query._Query__query_options.projection)
                        except datastore_errors.BadArgumentError as e:
                            raise NotSupportedError(e)


                    query = datastore.MultiQuery(new_queries, ordering)
                    query = queries[0]
                    except datastore_errors.BadArgumentError as e:
                        raise NotSupportedError(e)
            except datastore_errors.BadArgumentError as e:
                raise NotSupportedError(e)

        # If the resulting query was unique, then wrap as a unique query which
        # will hit the cache first
        unique_identifier = query_is_unique(self.model, query)
        if unique_identifier:
            return UniqueQuery(unique_identifier, query, self.model)

        DJANGAE_LOG.debug("Select query: {0}, {1}".format(self.model.__name__, self.where))

        return query
예제 #4
파일: commands.py 프로젝트: jscissr/djangae
    def _fetch_results(self, query):
        # If we're manually excluding PKs, and we've specified a limit to the results
        # we need to make sure that we grab more than we were asked for otherwise we could filter
        # out too many! These are again limited back to the original request limit
        # while we're processing the results later

        high_mark = self.query.high_mark
        low_mark = self.query.low_mark

        excluded_pk_count = 0
        if self.excluded_pks and high_mark:
            excluded_pk_count = len(self.excluded_pks)
            high_mark += excluded_pk_count

        limit = None if high_mark is None else (high_mark - (low_mark or 0))
        offset = low_mark or 0

        if self.query.kind == "COUNT":
            if self.excluded_pks:
                # If we're excluding pks, relying on a traditional count won't work
                # so we have two options:
                # 1. Do a keys_only query instead and count the results excluding keys
                # 2. Do a count, then a pk__in=excluded_pks to work out how many to subtract
                # Here I've favoured option one as it means a single RPC call. Testing locally
                # didn't seem to indicate much of a performance difference, even when doing the pk__in
                # with GetAsync while the count was running. That might not be true of prod though so
                # if anyone comes up with a faster idea let me know!
                count_query = Query(query._Query__kind, keys_only=True)
                resultset = count_query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)
                self.results = (x for x in [len([y for y in resultset if y not in self.excluded_pks])])
                self.results = (x for x in [query.Count(limit=limit, offset=offset)])
        elif self.query.kind == "AVERAGE":
            raise ValueError("AVERAGE not yet supported")
            self.results = query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)

        # Ensure that the results returned is reset
        self.results_returned = 0

        def increment_returned_results(result):
            self.results_returned += 1
            return result

        def convert_key_to_entity(result):
            class FakeEntity(dict):
                def __init__(self, key):
                    self._key = key

                def key(self):
                    return self._key

            return FakeEntity(result)

        def rename_pk_field(result):
            if result is None:
                return result

            value = result.key().id_or_name()
            result[self.query.model._meta.pk.column] = value
            result[self.query.concrete_model._meta.pk.column] = value
            return result

        def process_extra_selects(result):
                We handle extra selects by generating the new columns from
                each result. We can handle simple boolean logic and operators.
            extra_selects = self.query.extra_selects
            model_fields = self.query.model._meta.fields

            DATE_FORMATS = ("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

            def process_arg(arg):
                if arg.startswith("'") and arg.endswith("'"):
                    # String literal
                    arg = arg.strip("'")
                    # Check to see if this is a date
                    for date in DATE_FORMATS:
                            value = datetime.strptime(arg, date)
                            return value
                        except ValueError:
                    return arg
                elif arg in [x.column for x in model_fields]:
                    # Column value
                    return result.get(arg)

                # Handle NULL
                if arg.lower() == "null":
                    return None
                elif arg.lower() == "true":
                    return True
                elif arg.lower() == "false":
                    return False

                # See if it's an integer
                    arg = int(arg)
                except (TypeError, ValueError):

                # Just a plain old literal
                return arg

            for col, select in extra_selects:
                result[col] = select[0](*[process_arg(x) for x in select[1]])

            return result

        def convert_datetime_fields(result):
            fields = [
                for x in self.query.model._meta.fields
                if x.get_internal_type() in ("DateTimeField", "DateField", "TimeField")

            for field in fields:
                column = field.column
                if isinstance(result, dict):  # sometimes it's a key!
                    value = result.get(column)
                    value = None

                if value is not None:
                    result[column] = ensure_datetime(value)
            return result

        def ignore_excluded_pks(result):
            if result.key() in self.query.excluded_pks:
                return None
            return result

        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results, increment_returned_results)

        # If this is a keys only query, we need to generate a fake entity
        # for each key in the result set
        if self.keys_only:
            self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results, convert_key_to_entity)

        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results, ignore_excluded_pks)
        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results, convert_datetime_fields)
        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results, rename_pk_field)
        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results, process_extra_selects)

        if self.query.distinct and self.query.extra_selects:
            # If we had extra selects, and we're distinct, we must deduplicate results
            def deduper_factory():
                seen = set()

                def dedupe(result):
                    # FIXME: This logic can't be right. I think we need to store the distinct fields
                    # somewhere on the query
                    if getattr(self.original_query, "annotation_select", None):
                        columns = self.original_query.annotation_select.keys()
                        columns = self.query.columns or []
                    if not columns:
                        return result

                    key = tuple([result[x] for x in self._exclude_pk(columns) if x in result])
                    if key in seen:
                        return None
                    return result

                return dedupe

            self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results, deduper_factory())
예제 #5
    def _fetch_results(self, query):
        # If we're manually excluding PKs, and we've specified a limit to the results
        # we need to make sure that we grab more than we were asked for otherwise we could filter
        # out too many! These are again limited back to the original request limit
        # while we're processing the results later

        high_mark = self.query.high_mark
        low_mark = self.query.low_mark

        excluded_pk_count = 0
        if self.excluded_pks and high_mark:
            excluded_pk_count = len(self.excluded_pks)
            high_mark += excluded_pk_count

        limit = None if high_mark is None else (high_mark - (low_mark or 0))
        offset = low_mark or 0

        if self.query.kind == "COUNT":
            if self.excluded_pks:
                # If we're excluding pks, relying on a traditional count won't work
                # so we have two options:
                # 1. Do a keys_only query instead and count the results excluding keys
                # 2. Do a count, then a pk__in=excluded_pks to work out how many to subtract
                # Here I've favoured option one as it means a single RPC call. Testing locally
                # didn't seem to indicate much of a performance difference, even when doing the pk__in
                # with GetAsync while the count was running. That might not be true of prod though so
                # if anyone comes up with a faster idea let me know!
                count_query = Query(query._Query__kind, keys_only=True)
                resultset = count_query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)
                self.results = (x for x in [
                    len([y for y in resultset if y not in self.excluded_pks])
                self.results = (
                    x for x in [query.Count(limit=limit, offset=offset)])
        elif self.query.kind == "AVERAGE":
            raise ValueError("AVERAGE not yet supported")
            self.results = query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)

        # Ensure that the results returned is reset
        self.results_returned = 0

        def increment_returned_results(result):
            self.results_returned += 1
            return result

        def convert_key_to_entity(result):
            class FakeEntity(dict):
                def __init__(self, key):
                    self._key = key

                def key(self):
                    return self._key

            return FakeEntity(result)

        def rename_pk_field(result):
            if result is None:
                return result

            value = result.key().id_or_name()
            result[self.query.model._meta.pk.column] = value
            result[self.query.concrete_model._meta.pk.column] = value
            return result

        def process_extra_selects(result):
                We handle extra selects by generating the new columns from
                each result. We can handle simple boolean logic and operators.
            extra_selects = self.query.extra_selects
            model_fields = self.query.model._meta.fields

            DATE_FORMATS = ("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

            def process_arg(arg):
                if arg.startswith("'") and arg.endswith("'"):
                    # String literal
                    arg = arg.strip("'")
                    # Check to see if this is a date
                    for date in DATE_FORMATS:
                            value = datetime.strptime(arg, date)
                            return value
                        except ValueError:
                    return arg
                elif arg in [x.column for x in model_fields]:
                    # Column value
                    return result.get(arg)

                # Handle NULL
                if arg.lower() == 'null':
                    return None
                elif arg.lower() == 'true':
                    return True
                elif arg.lower() == 'false':
                    return False

                # See if it's an integer
                    arg = int(arg)
                except (TypeError, ValueError):

                # Just a plain old literal
                return arg

            for col, select in extra_selects:
                result[col] = select[0](*[process_arg(x) for x in select[1]])

            return result

        def convert_datetime_fields(result):
            fields = [
                x for x in self.query.model._meta.fields
                if x.get_internal_type() in ("DateTimeField", "DateField",

            for field in fields:
                column = field.column
                if isinstance(result, dict):  # sometimes it's a key!
                    value = result.get(column)
                    value = None

                if value is not None:
                    result[column] = ensure_datetime(value)
            return result

        def ignore_excluded_pks(result):
            if result.key() in self.query.excluded_pks:
                return None
            return result

        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results,

        # If this is a keys only query, we need to generate a fake entity
        # for each key in the result set
        if self.keys_only:
            self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results,

        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results,
        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results,
        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results, rename_pk_field)
        self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results,

        if self.query.distinct and self.query.extra_selects:
            # If we had extra selects, and we're distinct, we must deduplicate results
            def deduper_factory():
                seen = set()

                def dedupe(result):
                    # FIXME: This logic can't be right. I think we need to store the distinct fields
                    # somewhere on the query
                    if getattr(self.original_query, "annotation_select", None):
                        columns = self.original_query.annotation_select.keys()
                        columns = self.query.columns or []
                    if not columns:
                        return result

                    key = tuple([
                        result[x] for x in self._exclude_pk(columns)
                        if x in result
                    if key in seen:
                        return None
                    return result

                return dedupe

            self.results = wrap_result_with_functor(self.results,
예제 #6
    def _fetch_results(self, query):
        # If we're manually excluding PKs, and we've specified a limit to the results
        # we need to make sure that we grab more than we were asked for otherwise we could filter
        # out too many! These are again limited back to the original request limit
        # while we're processing the results later
        # Apply the namespace before excluding
        excluded_pks = [
            datastore.Key.from_path(x.kind(), x.id_or_name(), namespace=self.namespace)
            for x in self.query.excluded_pks

        high_mark = self.query.high_mark
        low_mark = self.query.low_mark

        excluded_pk_count = 0
        if excluded_pks and high_mark:
            excluded_pk_count = len(excluded_pks)
            high_mark += excluded_pk_count

        limit = None if high_mark is None else (high_mark - (low_mark or 0))
        offset = low_mark or 0

        if self.query.kind == "COUNT":
            if excluded_pks:
                # If we're excluding pks, relying on a traditional count won't work
                # so we have two options:
                # 1. Do a keys_only query instead and count the results excluding keys
                # 2. Do a count, then a pk__in=excluded_pks to work out how many to subtract
                # Here I've favoured option one as it means a single RPC call. Testing locally
                # didn't seem to indicate much of a performance difference, even when doing the pk__in
                # with GetAsync while the count was running. That might not be true of prod though so
                # if anyone comes up with a faster idea let me know!
                if isinstance(query, QueryByKeys):
                    # If this is a QueryByKeys, just do the datastore Get and count the results
                    resultset = (x.key() for x in query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset) if x)
                    count_query = Query(query._Query__kind, keys_only=True, namespace=self.namespace)
                    resultset = count_query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)
                self.results = [ len([ y for y in resultset if y not in excluded_pks]) ]
                self.results_returned = 1
                self.results = [query.Count(limit=limit, offset=offset)]
                self.results_returned = 1
        elif self.query.kind == "AVERAGE":
            raise ValueError("AVERAGE not yet supported")

        # Ensure that the results returned is reset
        self.results_returned = 0
        self.results = []

        seen = set()

        def dedupe(result):
            # FIXME: This logic can't be right. I think we need to store the distinct fields
            # somewhere on the query
            if getattr(self.original_query, "annotation_select", None):
                columns = self.original_query.annotation_select.keys()
                columns = self.query.columns or []
            if not columns:
                return result

            key = tuple([ result[x] for x in self._exclude_pk(columns) if x in result ])
            if key in seen:
                return None
            return result

        for entity in query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset):
            # If this is a keys only query, we need to generate a fake entity
            # for each key in the result set
            if self.keys_only:
                entity = EntityTransforms.convert_key_to_entity(entity)

            entity = EntityTransforms.ignore_excluded_pks(excluded_pks, entity)
            entity = EntityTransforms.convert_datetime_fields(self.query, entity)
            entity = EntityTransforms.rename_pk_field(self.query.model, self.query.concrete_model, entity)
            entity = EntityTransforms.process_extra_selects(self.query, entity)

            if self.query.distinct and self.query.extra_selects:
                entity = dedupe(entity)

            if entity:
                self.results_returned += 1

            if limit and self.results_returned >= (limit - excluded_pk_count):
예제 #7
파일: commands.py 프로젝트: vzts/djangae
    def _fetch_results(self, query):
        # If we're manually excluding PKs, and we've specified a limit to the results
        # we need to make sure that we grab more than we were asked for otherwise we could filter
        # out too many! These are again limited back to the original request limit
        # while we're processing the results later
        # Apply the namespace before excluding
        excluded_pks = [
            rpc.Key.from_path(x.kind(), x.id_or_name(), namespace=self.namespace)
            for x in self.query.excluded_pks

        high_mark = self.query.high_mark
        low_mark = self.query.low_mark

        excluded_pk_count = 0
        if excluded_pks and high_mark:
            excluded_pk_count = len(excluded_pks)
            high_mark += excluded_pk_count

        limit = None if high_mark is None else (high_mark - (low_mark or 0))
        offset = low_mark or 0

        if self.query.kind == "COUNT":
            if excluded_pks:
                # If we're excluding pks, relying on a traditional count won't work
                # so we have two options:
                # 1. Do a keys_only query instead and count the results excluding keys
                # 2. Do a count, then a pk__in=excluded_pks to work out how many to subtract
                # Here I've favoured option one as it means a single RPC call. Testing locally
                # didn't seem to indicate much of a performance difference, even when doing the pk__in
                # with GetAsync while the count was running. That might not be true of prod though so
                # if anyone comes up with a faster idea let me know!
                if isinstance(query, meta_queries.QueryByKeys):
                    # If this is a QueryByKeys, just do the datastore Get and count the results
                    resultset = (x.key() for x in query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset) if x)
                    count_query = Query(
                        query._Query__kind, keys_only=True, namespace=self.namespace
                    resultset = count_query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset)
                self.results = [len([y for y in resultset if y not in excluded_pks])]
                self.results_returned = 1
                self.results = [query.Count(limit=limit, offset=offset)]
                self.results_returned = 1
        elif self.query.kind == "AVERAGE":
            raise ValueError("AVERAGE not yet supported")

        # Ensure that the results returned is reset
        self.results_returned = 0
        self.results = []

        seen = set()

        def dedupe(result):
            # FIXME: This logic can't be right. I think we need to store the distinct fields
            # somewhere on the query
            if getattr(self.original_query, "annotation_select", None):
                columns = self.original_query.annotation_select.keys()
                columns = self.query.columns or []
            if not columns:
                return result

            key = tuple([result[x] for x in self._exclude_pk(columns) if x in result])
            if key in seen:
                return None
            return result

        for entity in query.Run(limit=limit, offset=offset):
            # If this is a keys only query, we need to generate a fake entity
            # for each key in the result set
            if self.keys_only:
                entity = EntityTransforms.convert_key_to_entity(entity)

            entity = EntityTransforms.ignore_excluded_pks(excluded_pks, entity)
            entity = EntityTransforms.convert_datetime_fields(self.query, entity)
            entity = EntityTransforms.fix_projected_values_type(self.query, entity)
            entity = EntityTransforms.rename_pk_field(
                self.query.model, self.query.concrete_model, entity
            entity = EntityTransforms.process_extra_selects(self.query, entity)

            if self.query.distinct and self.query.extra_selects:
                entity = dedupe(entity)

            if entity:
                self.results_returned += 1

            if limit and self.results_returned >= (limit - excluded_pk_count):
예제 #8
    def _build_gae_query(self):
        """ Build and return the Datstore Query object. """
        query_kwargs = {
            "kind": str(self.db_table)

        if self.distinct:
            query_kwargs["distinct"] = True

        if self.keys_only:
            query_kwargs["keys_only"] = self.keys_only
        elif self.projection:
            query_kwargs["projection"] = self.projection

        query = Query(

        if has_concrete_parents(self.model) and not self.model._meta.proxy:
            query["class ="] = self.model._meta.db_table

        ordering = []
        for order in self.ordering:
            if isinstance(order, int):
                direction = datastore.Query.ASCENDING if order == 1 else datastore.Query.DESCENDING
                order = self.queried_fields[0]
                direction = datastore.Query.DESCENDING if order.startswith("-") else datastore.Query.ASCENDING
                order = order.lstrip("-")

            if order == self.model._meta.pk.column or order == "pk":
                order = "__key__"
            ordering.append((order, direction))

        def process_and_branch(query, and_branch):
            for column, op, value in and_branch[-1]:
                if column == self.pk_col:
                    column = "__key__"

                    #FIXME: This EmptyResultSet check should happen during normalization so that Django doesn't count it as a query
                    if op == "=" and "__key__ =" in query:
                        #We've already done an exact lookup on a key, this query can't return anything!
                        raise EmptyResultSet()

                    if not isinstance(value, datastore.Key):
                        value = get_datastore_key(self.model, value)

                key = "%s %s" % (column, op)
                if key in query:
                    query[key] = [ query[key], value ]
                    query[key] = value

        if self.where:
            queries = []

            #If there is a single filter, we make it out it's an OR with only one branch
            #just so that the code below is simpler
            if isinstance(self.where, tuple) and len(self.where) == 3:
                self.where = ('OR', [(u'AND', [ self.where ])])
            elif isinstance(self.where, tuple) and self.where[0] == 'AND':
                self.where = ('OR', [self.where])
            elif isinstance(self.where, tuple) and self.where[0] == 'OR' and isinstance(self.where[1][0], tuple) and self.where[1][0][0] != 'AND':
                self.where = ('OR', [ ('AND', [x]) for x in self.where[-1] ])

            operator = self.where[0]
            assert operator == 'OR'
            #print query._Query__kind, self.where

            for and_branch in self.where[1]:
                #Duplicate the query for all the "OR"s
                queries[-1].update(query) #Make sure we copy across filters (e.g. class =)
                    process_and_branch(queries[-1], and_branch)
                except EmptyResultSet:
                    return NoOpQuery()

            def all_queries_same_except_key(_queries):
                    Returns True if all queries in the list of queries filter on the same thing
                    except for "__key__ =". Determine if we can do a Get basically.
                test = _queries[0]

                for qry in _queries:
                    if "__key__ =" not in qry.keys():
                        return False

                    if qry._Query__kind != test._Query__kind:
                        return False

                    if qry.keys() != test.keys():
                        return False

                    for k, v in qry.items():
                        if k.startswith("__key__"):

                        if v != test[k]:
                            return False
                return True

            if all_queries_same_except_key(queries):
                included_pks = [ qry["__key__ ="] for qry in queries ]
                return QueryByKeys(queries[0], included_pks, ordering) #Just use whatever query to determine the matches
                if len(queries) > 1:
                    #Disable keys only queries for MultiQuery
                    new_queries = []
                    for query in queries:
                        qry = Query(query._Query__kind, projection=query._Query__query_options.projection)

                    query = datastore.MultiQuery(new_queries, ordering)
                    query = queries[0]

        #If the resulting query was unique, then wrap as a unique query which
        #will hit the cache first
        unique_identifier = query_is_unique(self.model, query)
        if unique_identifier:
            return UniqueQuery(unique_identifier, query, self.model)

        DJANGAE_LOG.debug("Select query: {0}, {1}".format(self.model.__name__, self.where))

        return query