예제 #1
 def get(self):
     date = datetime.datetime.today() + datetime.timedelta(hours=9)
     if date.day == 1:
         password = getRandomString(12)
         #mail = SendMail(password)
         mail = SendMail(password)
예제 #2
def send_reminder_email():
    users = CAUser.all().fetch(10000)
    for user in users:
        if user.type == 0:
            email = user.google_user.email()
        elif user.type == 2:
            email = user.native_user.email
        mail = EmailMessage(sender="*****@*****.**", to=email, subject="Recordatorio de Quinielaca.com", html="<html><body><img src=\"http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/210/emailxy.png\"/></body></html>")
예제 #3
파일: rpush.py 프로젝트: yy221/rpush
def sendMail (ctx):
    # logging.info (ctx)

    kw = {}
    kw['sender'] = '*****@*****.**'
    kw['to'] = '*****@*****.**'
    kw['subject'] = 'daily rss feeds'
    kw['body'] = ' '
    kw['html'] = ctx

    mail = EmailMessage (**kw);
    mail.send ();

예제 #4
파일: account.py 프로젝트: Tmeister/pykochr
    def post(self):
        session = get_current_session()
        username = self.request.get('username').lower()
        email    = self.request.get('email')
        passwd   = self.request.get('password')

        if len (username.strip()) < 3 or len (username.strip()) > 12:
            return self._send_error('The username must be between 3 and 12 chars')

        if not email_re.match(email):
            return self._send_error('Sorry, is not a valid email address')

        if len (passwd.strip()) < 6:
            return self._send_error('The password must be at least 6 chars')

        if User.is_nickname_exists( username ):
            return self._send_error('Sorry, that user is already taken')
        if User.is_email_exists(email):
            return self._send_error('Sorry, this email is already in use')

        user = User( nickname=username, email=email, password= User.slow_hash(passwd) );

        if session.is_active():

        session['user'] = user

        body = 'Hello %s,<br/>Your account has been created and is ready to use.<br/><br/>Your login details are:<br/><br/>Username <strong>%s</strong><br/>Password <strong>%s</strong><br/><br/>Thanks and bon appetit!' %  ( username, username, passwd )

        mail =  Mailing.Notification()
        mail.send(email, 'Welcome to Kochster', body)

        self.response.out.write( simplejson.dumps({'status':'success', 'message':'Success'}) )