def signIn(self,username,password): try: if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db='DATABASE', user='******') else: db = MySQLdb.connect(host='HOSTIP', port=3306, db='DATABASE', user='******',passwd='PASSWORD') cursor = db.cursor() start_timeForInsert = time.time()#Start time of insert query start_time = time.time() #Validate user authentication by selecting username from table cursor.execute('SELECT username,password FROM user where username IN (%s)',username) threadlist=[] for row in cursor.fetchall(): if row[0]==username: if row[1]==password: cursor.execute('SELECT thread_name FROM thread') for row1 in cursor.fetchall(): threadlist.append(row1[0]) variables = {'usernameSaved':username,'threadlist' :threadlist} template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('home.html') self.response.write(template.render(variables)) else: self.response.write('Please Enter Correct details') #db.commit() db.close() except DeadlineExceededError, error_message: logging.exception('Failed, exception happened - %s' % error_message) self.response.write('<br />')
def write_file(self,fileName,name): if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db='DATABASE', user='******') else: db = MySQLdb.connect(host='HOSTIP', port=3306, db='DATABASE', user='******',passwd='PASSWORD') cursor = db.cursor() threadname= cgi.escape(self.request.get('threadNm'))#Get threadname from html username=self.request.get('usernameHd')#Get username from html img_img = image = self.request.get("image") #self.response.write('Creating file %s\n' % filename) write_retry_params = gcs.RetryParams(backoff_factor=1.1) gcs_file =, 'w', content_type='image/jpg', retry_params=write_retry_params, options={'x-goog-acl': 'public-read'} ) gcs_file.write(img_img) gcs_file.close() #url of where image going to upload url='Path of googleCloud Bucket'+name try:#Inseting url,username and thread name to table cursor.execute('INSERT INTO thread (username,imageref,thread_name) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)',(username,url,threadname)) except: self.response.write('Thread Already Exists') db.commit() cursor.execute('SELECT thread_name FROM thread') threadlist=[] for row1 in cursor.fetchall(): threadlist.append(row1[0]) db.close() self.tmp_filenames_to_clean_up.append(fileName) #passing threadlist,username and threadname variables={'threadlist' :threadlist,'usernameSaved':username,'threadname':threadname} template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('home.html') self.response.write(template.render(variables))
def write_file(self,fileName,name): if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db='DATABASE', user='******') else: db = MySQLdb.connect(host='HOSTIP', port=3306, db='DATABASE', user='******',passwd='PASSWORD') cursor = db.cursor() threadname= cgi.escape(self.request.get('threadNm'))#Get threadname from html username=self.request.get('usernameHd')#Get username from html img_img = image = self.request.get("image") #self.response.write('Creating file %s\n' % filename) write_retry_params = gcs.RetryParams(backoff_factor=1.1) gcs_file =, 'w', content_type='image/jpg', retry_params=write_retry_params, options={'x-goog-acl': 'public-read'} ) gcs_file.write(img_img) gcs_file.close() #url of where image going to upload url=''+name try:#Inseting url,username and thread name to table cursor.execute('INSERT INTO thread (username,imageref,thread_name) VALUES (%s,%s,%s)',(username,url,threadname)) except: self.response.write('Thread Already Exists') db.commit() cursor.execute('SELECT thread_name FROM thread') threadlist=[] for row1 in cursor.fetchall(): threadlist.append(row1[0]) db.close() self.tmp_filenames_to_clean_up.append(fileName) #passing threadlist,username and threadname variables={'threadlist' :threadlist,'usernameSaved':username,'threadname':threadname} template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('home.html') self.response.write(template.render(variables))
def RealMain(argv, data=None): os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C' options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) srv = GetRpcServer(options) backup = Proxy(BackupService_Stub(srv)) db = PgSQL.connect(database=options.dbname, client_encoding="utf-8", unicode_results=1) db.cursor().execute("set client_encoding to unicode") store = LocalStore(db) print 'BEGIN BACKUP' for kind_name in KINDS: sys.stdout.write('\n') cnt = 0 last_key = '' while True: sys.stdout.write('\r%-18s ... ' % kind_name) r = NextChunkRequest() r.kind = kind_name r.last_key = last_key r = backup.NextChunk(r) if not r.entity: break for entity in r.entity: cnt += 1 sys.stdout.write('\r%-18s ... %5d ' % (kind_name, cnt)) o = pickle.load(cStringIO.StringIO( getattr(store, 'save_%s' % kind_name)(entity, o) last_key = entity.key db.commit() sys.stdout.write('\n') print 'BACKUP DONE' db.commit() db.close()
def post(self): threadname = self.request.get('threadnametorm') loggedUserName=self.request.get('usernameLoggedIn') if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db='DATABASE', user='******') else: db = MySQLdb.connect(host='HOSTIP', port=3306, db='DATABASE', user='******',passwd='PASSWORD') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("DELETE FROM thread WHERE thread_name = '%s';"% threadname.strip()) db.commit() cursor.execute('SELECT thread_name FROM thread') threadlist=[] for row1 in cursor.fetchall(): threadlist.append(row1[0]) db.close() variables={'threadlist' :threadlist,'usernameSaved':loggedUserName,'threadname':threadname} template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('home.html') self.response.write(template.render(variables))
def get(self): self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db=_DB, user='******') cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES') for r in cursor.fetchall(): self.response.write('%s\n' % str(r)) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM mqtt_messages LIMIT 200') for r in cursor.fetchall(): self.response.write('%s\n' % str(r)) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM plugin_google_activity_recognition LIMIT 200') for r in cursor.fetchall(): self.response.write('%s\n' % str(r)) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM plugin_mode_of_transportation LIMIT 200') for r in cursor.fetchall(): self.response.write('%s\n' % str(r)) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM locations LIMIT 200') for r in cursor.fetchall(): self.response.write('%s\n' % str(r)) cursor.execute("SELECT from_unixtime(locations.timestamp/1000,'%Y-%m-%d') as day_with_data, count(*) as records FROM locations GROUP by day_with_data;") self.response.write("#Days with data from location data") for r in cursor.fetchall(): self.response.write('%s\n' % str(r)) self.response.write("#activity per day") cursor.execute("SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000,'%Y-%m-%d') as day, activity_name, (max(timestamp)-min(timestamp))/1000 as time_elapsed_seconds FROM plugin_google_activity_recognition GROUP BY day, activity_name, FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%m');") for r in cursor.fetchall(): self.response.write('%s\n' % str(r)) db.close() else: self.response.write('Need to connect from Google Appspot')
def signUp(self,username,password,cnpassword): try: if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db='DATABASE', user='******') else: db = MySQLdb.connect(host='HOSTIP', port=3306, db='DATABASE', user='******',passwd='PASSWORD') cursor = db.cursor() start_timeForInsert = time.time()#Start time of insert query #Inserting new user details inside table cursor.execute('INSERT INTO user (username,password) VALUES (%s,%s)',(username,password)) self.response.write('<br />') start_time = time.time() template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('sign_up.html') self.response.write(template.render()) db.commit() db.close() except DeadlineExceededError, error_message: logging.exception('Failed, exception happened - %s' % error_message) self.response.write('<br />')
def get(self): """default landing page""" if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db=_DB, user='******') cursor = db.cursor()"making queries") # some sample queries that will write examples of the sort of # data we have collected to the log so you can get a sense of things self.make_and_print_query(cursor, 'SHOW TABLES', 'Show the names of all tables') self.make_and_print_query( cursor, 'SELECT DISTINCT device_id FROM locations', 'List all device ids') self.make_and_print_query( cursor, "SELECT * FROM mqtt_messages WHERE device_id = '{0}' LIMIT 10" .format(_ID), 'Example contents of mqtt_messages') self.make_and_print_query( cursor, "SELECT * FROM plugin_google_activity_recognition WHERE device_id = '{0}' LIMIT 10 " .format(_ID), 'Example contents of plugin_google_activity_recognition') self.make_and_print_query( cursor, "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE device_id = '{0}' LIMIT 10". format(_ID), 'Example contents of locations') # this query collects information about the number # of log enteries for each day. day = "FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000,'%Y-%m-%d')" query = "SELECT {0} as day_with_data, count(*) as records FROM {1} WHERE device_id = '{2}' GROUP by day_with_data".format( day, _LOCATIONS, _ID) rows = self.make_query(cursor, query) queries = [{"query": query, "results": rows}] # this query lets us collect information about # locations that are visited so we can bin them. query = "SELECT double_latitude, double_longitude FROM {0} WHERE device_id = '{1}'".format( _LOCATIONS, _ID) locations = self.make_query(cursor, query) #locations = self.make_and_print_query(cursor, query, "locatons") bins = self.bin_locations(locations, _EPSILON) for location in bins:'%s\n' % str(location)) queries = queries + [{"query": query, "results": bins}] # now get locations organized by day and hour time_of_day = "FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000,'%H')" day = "FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000,'%Y-%m-%d')" query = "SELECT {0} as day, {1} as time_of_day, double_latitude, double_longitude FROM {2} WHERE device_id = '{3}' GROUP BY day, time_of_day".format( day, time_of_day, _LOCATIONS, _ID) locations = self.make_query(cursor, query) # and get physical activity per day and hour # activity name and duration in seconds day_and_time_of_day = "FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/100, '%Y-%m-%d %H')" elapsed_seconds = "(max(timestamp)-min(timestamp))/1000" query = "SELECT {0} as day, {1} as time_of_day, activity_name, {2} as time_elapsed_seconds FROM {3} WHERE device_id = '{4}' GROUP BY day, activity_name, {5}".format( day, time_of_day, elapsed_seconds, _ACTIVITY, _ID, day_and_time_of_day) activities = self.make_query(cursor, query) # now we want to associate activities with locations. This will update the # bins list with activities. self.group_activities_by_location(bins, locations, activities, _EPSILON) db.close() else: queries = [{ "query": 'Need to connect from Google Appspot', "results": [] }] context = {"queries": queries}"context") # and render the response self.render_response('index.html', context)
comments=comments+'ed=ed'+loggedUserName+'cmnet'+commentsNew comments_split=comments.split("ed=ed")#Comments are added in format as username+cmnet+comment+ed=ed+username2+cmnet+comment+ed=ed for items in comments_split: list.append(items.split('cmnet')) else: comments=loggedUserName+'cmnet'+commentsNew list.append(comments.split('cmnet')) try:#Updating table to insert Comment into database cursor.execute ('UPDATE thread SET comments=%s WHERE thread_name=%s',(comments,threadname)) except: self.response.write('Error in update') db.commit() db.close() variables = {'imageLink': imageref,'userName': userName,'commentsList':list,'threadname':threadname,'usernameSaved':loggedUserName} template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('thread.html') self.response.write(template.render(variables)) #Remove photo from database class RemovePhoto(webapp2.RequestHandler): def post(self): threadname = self.request.get('threadnametorm') loggedUserName=self.request.get('usernameLoggedIn') if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db='DATABASE', user='******') else: db = MySQLdb.connect(host='HOSTIP', port=3306, db='DATABASE', user='******',passwd='PASSWORD') cursor = db.cursor()
db.rollback self.response.out.write("<br>**********Database after insertion:") sql = "SELECT * FROM gsdmarin.%s" % TABLE_NAME cursor.execute(sql) for row in cursor.fetchall(): self.response.out.write("<br>" + ' '.join(str(e) for e in row) ) self.response.out.write('<br>************************************') else: self.response.out.write('Table %s does not exist. Create it' % TABLE_NAME) # TODO: table creation code db.close() self.response.out.write('<br><<------------------------Everything went well?------------------------------------------------<<') ###################### #################### #self.redirect('/parse/%s' % blob_info.key()) ### TO CALL DOWNLOAD except: logging.error('Error in Uploading/Parsing') self.response.out.write('Error in processing the file') ###DOWNLOADING!!!! FOR FUTURE REF. class Parse(blobstore_handlers.BlobstoreDownloadHandler): def get(self, file_key): if not blobstore.get(file_key):
def get(self): """default landing page""" if (os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE') and os.getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').startswith('Google App Engine/')): db = MySQLdb.connect(unix_socket='/cloudsql/' + _INSTANCE_NAME, db=_DB, user='******') cursor = db.cursor()"making queries") # some sample queries that will write examples of the sort of # data we have collected to the log so you can get a sense of things self.make_and_print_query(cursor, 'SHOW TABLES', 'Show the names of all tables') self.make_and_print_query(cursor, 'SELECT DISTINCT device_id FROM locations', 'List all device ids') self.make_and_print_query(cursor, "SELECT * FROM mqtt_messages WHERE device_id = '{0}' LIMIT 10".format(_ID), 'Example contents of mqtt_messages') self.make_and_print_query(cursor, "SELECT * FROM plugin_google_activity_recognition WHERE device_id = '{0}' LIMIT 10 ".format(_ID), 'Example contents of plugin_google_activity_recognition') self.make_and_print_query(cursor, "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE device_id = '{0}' LIMIT 10".format(_ID), 'Example contents of locations') # this query collects information about the number # of log enteries for each day. day = "FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000,'%Y-%m-%d')" query = "SELECT {0} as day_with_data, count(*) as records FROM {1} WHERE device_id = '{2}' GROUP by day_with_data".format(day, _LOCATIONS, _ID) rows = self.make_query(cursor, query) queries = [{"query": query, "results": rows}] # this query lets us collect information about # locations that are visited so we can bin them. query = "SELECT double_latitude, double_longitude FROM {0} WHERE device_id = '{1}'".format(_LOCATIONS, _ID) locations = self.make_query(cursor, query) #locations = self.make_and_print_query(cursor, query, "locatons") bins = self.bin_locations(locations, _EPSILON) for location in bins:'%s\n' % str(location)) queries = queries + [{"query": query, "results": bins}] # now get locations organized by day and hour time_of_day = "FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000,'%H')" day = "FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/1000,'%Y-%m-%d')" query = "SELECT {0} as day, {1} as time_of_day, double_latitude, double_longitude FROM {2} WHERE device_id = '{3}' GROUP BY day, time_of_day".format(day, time_of_day, _LOCATIONS, _ID) locations = self.make_query(cursor, query) # and get physical activity per day and hour # activity name and duration in seconds day_and_time_of_day = "FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp/100, '%Y-%m-%d %H')" elapsed_seconds = "(max(timestamp)-min(timestamp))/1000" query = "SELECT {0} as day, {1} as time_of_day, activity_name, {2} as time_elapsed_seconds FROM {3} WHERE device_id = '{4}' GROUP BY day, activity_name, {5}".format(day, time_of_day, elapsed_seconds, _ACTIVITY, _ID, day_and_time_of_day) activities = self.make_query(cursor, query) # now we want to associate activities with locations. This will update the # bins list with activities. self.group_activities_by_location(bins, locations, activities, _EPSILON) db.close() else: queries = [{"query": 'Need to connect from Google Appspot', "results": []}] context = {"queries": queries}"context") # and render the response self.render_response('index.html', context)