class EnkiModelDisplayName( model.Model ): user_id = model.IntegerProperty() prefix = model.StringProperty() # prefix e.g. 'Jane' prefix_lower = model.ComputedProperty(lambda self: self.prefix.lower()) # lowercase prefix e.g. "jane" suffix = model.StringProperty() # suffix e.g. '#1234' => full display name = 'Jane#1234' current = model.BooleanProperty( default = True ) time_created = model.DateTimeProperty( auto_now_add = True )
class MyUser(models.User): newsletter = model.BooleanProperty() age = model.IntegerProperty()
class EnkiModelDisplayName(model.Model): #=== MODEL ==================================================================== user_id = model.IntegerProperty() prefix = model.StringProperty() # prefix e.g. 'Jane' prefix_lower = model.ComputedProperty( lambda self: self.prefix.lower()) # lowercase prefix e.g. "jane" suffix = model.StringProperty( ) # suffix e.g. '#1234' => full display name = 'Jane#1234' current = model.BooleanProperty(default=True) time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) #=== CONSTANTS ================================================================ DELETED_PREFIX = '[deleted]' DELETED_SUFFIX = '#0000' # 1 <= PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN < PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX # longest syllable in prefix generator <= PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX = 12 PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN = 1 DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH_MAX = PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX + 5 # prefix + suffix, suffix = '#' + 4 digits ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH = -41 ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_ALNUM = -42 ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_IN_USE = -43 ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_INVALID = -44 ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_NOT_EXIST = -45 #=== QUERIES ================================================================== @classmethod def exist_by_user_id(cls, user_id): count = cls.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(EnkiModelUser, user_id)).count(1) return count > 0 @classmethod def get_by_user_id_current(cls, user_id): return cls.query(cls.current == True, ancestor=ndb.Key(EnkiModelUser, user_id)).get() @classmethod def fetch_by_prefix_lower_current(cls, prefix_lower): return cls.query( ndb.AND(cls.prefix_lower == prefix_lower, cls.current == True)).fetch() @classmethod def exist_by_user_id_prefix_lower( cls, user_id, prefix_lower ): #exist_EnkiUserDisplayName_by_user_id_prefix_lower # TODO delete? count = cls.query(cls.prefix_lower == prefix_lower, ancestor=ndb.Key(EnkiModelUser, user_id)).count(1) return count > 0 @classmethod def get_by_user_id_prefix_lower(cls, user_id, prefix_lower): return cls.query(cls.prefix_lower == prefix_lower, ancestor=ndb.Key(EnkiModelUser, user_id)).get() @classmethod def exist_by_prefix_lower_suffix(cls, prefix_lower, suffix): count = cls.query( ndb.AND(cls.prefix_lower == prefix_lower, cls.suffix == suffix)).count(1) return count > 0 @classmethod def get_by_prefix_lower_suffix(cls, prefix_lower, suffix): return cls.query(cls.prefix_lower == prefix_lower, cls.suffix == suffix).get() @classmethod def fetch_keys_by_user_id(cls, user_id): return cls.query(ancestor=ndb.Key(EnkiModelUser, user_id)).fetch( keys_only=True) @classmethod def fetch_by_user_id_not_current(cls, user_id): return cls.query(cls.current == False, ancestor=ndb.Key(EnkiModelUser, user_id)).fetch() @classmethod def count_current(cls): return cls.query(cls.current == True).count() #=== UTILITIES ================================================================ @classmethod def get_display_name(cls, user_id): # returns a user's full display name i.e. prefix + suffix from their user id display_name = '' entity = cls.get_by_user_id_current(user_id) if entity: display_name = entity.prefix + entity.suffix return display_name @classmethod def get_user_id_from_display_name(cls, display_name): # return the user Id from a full display name prefix = display_name[:-5] suffix = display_name[-5:] entity = cls.get_by_prefix_lower_suffix(prefix.lower(), suffix) return entity.user_id @classmethod def get_user_id_display_name_url(cls, entity): # based on a display name entity, return a named tuple containing their user_id, display name and url user_id = entity.user_id display_name = entity.prefix + entity.suffix user_page = enki.libutil.get_local_url('profilepublic', {'useridnumber': str(user_id)}) result = userDisplayNamePage(user_id, display_name, user_page) return result @classmethod def get_user_id_display_name(cls, entity): # based on a display name entity, returns a dictionary containing their user_id and display name user_id = str(entity.user_id) display_name = str(entity.prefix + entity.suffix) result = {'user_id': user_id, 'displayname': display_name} return result @classmethod def find_users_by_display_name(cls, display_name, user_ids_to_ignore=[]): prefix = '' suffix = '' error = None best_match = None suggestions = [] # check whether the display name has a suffix in it. If so extract the presumed suffix and prefix. found_suffix ='\#[1-9][0-9]{3}', display_name) if found_suffix: prefix = display_name[:found_suffix.start()] suffix = if not ( (cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN <= len(prefix) <= cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX) or prefix.isalnum()): error = cls.ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_INVALID # otherwise, if display_name is the right format, assume it's a prefix elif (cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN <= len(display_name) <= cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX) and display_name.isalnum(): prefix = display_name else: error = cls.ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_INVALID if not error: # return the display name suggestions # best guess: if there is a match for prefix + suffix suggested_items = cls.fetch_by_prefix_lower_current(prefix.lower()) if suggested_items: for i, item in enumerate(suggested_items): if item.user_id not in user_ids_to_ignore: if suffix and item.suffix == suffix: best_match = cls.get_user_id_display_name_url(item) else: suggestions.append( cls.get_user_id_display_name_url(item)) if not best_match and not suggestions: error = cls.ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_NOT_EXIST else: error = cls.ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_NOT_EXIST return displayNameSelection(error, best_match, suggestions) @classmethod def cosmopompe(cls): # Generate a display name # About the Shadok word generator: syllables = [ 'Ga', 'Bu', 'Zo', 'Meu' ] # shadok syllables (alphanumeric, can include accented characters). min_syllables = int( math.ceil(float(cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN) / 3.0)) # minimum prefix length / longest syllable length max_syllables = int(math.floor( float(cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX) / 2.0)) # maximum prefix length / shortest syllable length # attempt to generate a unique combo [ prefix, suffix ]. Stop after an arbitrary number of attempts. attempt = 0 while attempt < 99: # generate a prefix prefix = '' num_syllables = random.randint(min_syllables, max_syllables) count_syllables = 0 while count_syllables < num_syllables or len( prefix) < cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN: syllable = random.choice(syllables) if (len(prefix + syllable) > cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX): break # abort if the predicted prefix is too long prefix += syllable count_syllables += 1 # if the resulting combination already exists, try new suffixes until reach a unique combo. Stop after x attemps. attempt_suffix = 0 while attempt_suffix < 99: # generate a suffix suffix = '#' + str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) if cls.exist_by_prefix_lower_suffix(prefix.lower(), suffix): attempt_suffix += 1 else: return [prefix, suffix] attempt += 1 return [0] # display name generation failed @classmethod def set_display_name(cls, user_id, prefix, suffix): # get the current name old_display_name = cls.get_by_user_id_current(user_id) # save the new name display_name = EnkiModelDisplayName(parent=ndb.Key( EnkiModelUser, user_id), user_id=user_id, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix) display_name.put() if old_display_name: # if the user already had a display name, and a new same was set, set the old name to not current old_display_name.current = False old_display_name.put() @classmethod def make_unique_and_set_display_name(cls, user_id, prefix): if (cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MIN <= len(prefix) <= cls.PREFIX_LENGTH_MAX): if prefix.isalnum(): result = enki.libutil.ENKILIB_OK # get the current name display_name_current = cls.get_by_user_id_current(user_id) # if the user has used the same prefix in the past, reuse it display_name_old = cls.get_by_user_id_prefix_lower( user_id, prefix.lower()) if display_name_current and display_name_old: if display_name_current != display_name_old: # swap the names display_name_current.current = False display_name_current.put() display_name_old.prefix = prefix # update the mixed case prefix in case it has changed display_name_old.current = True display_name_old.put() elif display_name_current.prefix != prefix: # update the mixed case prefix of the current name display_name_current.prefix = prefix display_name_current.put() return True else: # if the user has never used that prefix, generate a suffix so that the combo lowercase prefix + suffix is unique over all users suffix = '#' + str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) i = 0 while cls.exist_by_prefix_lower_suffix( prefix.lower(), suffix): # generate a new suffix until the prefix + suffix combo is unique suffix = '#' + str(random.randint(1000, 9999)) i += 1 if i > 99: result = cls.ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_IN_USE break if result == enki.libutil.ENKILIB_OK: cls.set_display_name(user_id, prefix, suffix) else: result = cls.ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_ALNUM else: result = cls.ERROR_DISPLAY_NAME_LENGTH return result @classmethod def get_display_name_data(cls, user_id): # Note: the data retrieved may be old or incomplete # see entity, list, error, info = [], [], '', '' current_display_name = cls.get_by_user_id_current(user_id) if current_display_name: entity = cls.get_user_id_display_name_url(current_display_name) list = cls.get_user_display_name_old(user_id) result = entityList(entity, list) return result @classmethod def get_user_display_name_old(cls, user_id): list = cls.fetch_by_user_id_not_current(user_id) old_names = [] for item in list: old_names.append(item.prefix + item.suffix) return old_names
class EnkiModelTokenAuth(model.Model): #=== MODEL ==================================================================== token = model.StringProperty() # unique user_id = model.IntegerProperty() # the ndb ID nr stay_logged_in = model.BooleanProperty(default=False) time_created = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) time_updated = model.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True) #=== CONSTANTS ================================================================ TIMEOUT_S = 0.1 #=== QUERIES ================================================================== @classmethod def query_by_user_id(cls, user_id): return cls.query( ndb.OR( ndb.AND( cls.user_id == user_id, cls.time_updated > ( - datetime.timedelta( seconds=settings.SESSION_MAX_IDLE_AGE))), ndb.AND( cls.user_id == user_id, cls.stay_logged_in == True, cls.time_updated > ( - datetime.timedelta( seconds=settings.SESSION_MAX_IDLE_AGE_STAY_LOGGED_IN))) )) @classmethod def query_by_user_id_token(cls, user_id, token): return cls.query_by_user_id(user_id).filter(cls.token == token) @classmethod def count_by_user_id(cls, user_id): return cls.query_by_user_id(user_id).count() @classmethod def fetch_keys_by_user_id(cls, user_id): return cls.query_by_user_id(user_id).fetch(keys_only=True) @classmethod def fetch_by_user_id(cls, user_id): return cls.query_by_user_id(user_id).order(-cls.time_updated).fetch() @classmethod def fetch_keys_by_user_id_token(cls, user_id, token): return cls.query_by_user_id_token(user_id, token).fetch(keys_only=True) @classmethod def get_by_user_id_token(cls, user_id, token, retry=0): token_entity = cls.query_by_user_id_token(user_id, token).get() if retry and not token_entity: timeout = cls.TIMEOUT_S for i in range(retry): token_entity = cls.query_by_user_id_token(user_id, token).get() if token_entity: break else: time.sleep(timeout) timeout *= 2 return token_entity @classmethod def fetch_keys_expired(cls): return cls.query( ndb.OR( cls.time_updated > ( - datetime.timedelta( seconds=settings.SESSION_MAX_IDLE_AGE_STAY_LOGGED_IN)), ndb.AND( cls.stay_logged_in == False, cls.time_updated > ( - datetime.timedelta( seconds=settings.SESSION_MAX_IDLE_AGE))))).fetch( keys_only=True) #=== UTILITIES ================================================================ @classmethod def delete(cls, token_auth_id): ndb.Key(cls, int(token_auth_id)).delete() @classmethod def revoke_user_authentications(cls, user_id): tokens = cls.fetch_keys_by_user_id(user_id) if tokens: ndb.delete_multi(tokens)
class User(webapp2_extras.appengine.auth.models.User): screen_name = model.StringProperty() blocked = model.BooleanProperty(default=False) friends = model.KeyProperty(kind='User',repeated=True) def set_friends(self): f_list = models.Friends.getFriendIds(self.key.integer_id()) self.friends = [ndb.Key(User,f) for f in f_list] self.put() def get_friends_key_list(self): # if len(self.friends)==0: self.set_friends() return self.friends @classmethod def get_by_email(cls, email): """Returns a user object based on a email addr. :param email: String representing a email addr for the user :returns: A user object. """ return ndb.gql("select * from User where email_address = :1",email).get() def set_password(self, raw_password): """Sets the password for the current userId :param raw_password: The raw password which will be hashed and stored """ self.password = security.generate_password_hash(raw_password, length=12) def to_custom_dict(self): return { 'screen_name': self.screen_name, 'blocked': self.blocked } @classmethod def get_by_auth_token(cls, user_id, token, subject='auth'): """Returns a userId object based on a userId ID and token. :param user_id: The user_id of the requesting userId. :param token: The token string to be verified. :returns: A tuple ``(User, timestamp)``, with a userId object and the token timestamp, or ``(None, None)`` if both were not found. """ token_key = cls.token_model.get_key(user_id, subject, token) user_key = ndb.Key(cls, user_id) # Use get_multi() to save a RPC call. valid_token, user = ndb.get_multi([token_key, user_key]) if valid_token and user: timestamp = int(time.mktime(valid_token.created.timetuple())) return user, timestamp return None, None @classmethod def get_by_auth_token_and_username(cls, token, username): """Returns a userId object based on a userId ID and token. :param token: The token string to be verified. :returns: A tuple ``(User, timestamp)``, with a userId object and the token timestamp, or ``(None, None)`` if both were not found. """ try: rec = cls.token_model.query(cls.token_model.token==token) if rec: user = cls.get_by_id(int(rec.get().user)) if user and user.auth_ids[0]==username: return user except Exception, e: logging.error('get_by_auth_token_and_username',exc_info=True) return None