def _rows_from_json(values, schema): """Convert JSON row data to rows with appropriate types.""" from import Row field_to_index = _field_to_index_mapping(schema) return [Row(_row_tuple_from_json(r, schema), field_to_index) for r in values]
def _item_to_row(iterator, resource): """Convert a JSON row to the native object. .. note:: This assumes that the ``schema`` attribute has been added to the iterator after being created, which should be done by the caller. :type iterator: :class:`~google.api_core.page_iterator.Iterator` :param iterator: The iterator that is currently in use. :type resource: dict :param resource: An item to be converted to a row. :rtype: :class:`` :returns: The next row in the page. """ from import Row return Row(_row_tuple_from_json(resource, iterator.schema), iterator._field_to_index)
def _rows_from_json(values, schema): """Convert JSON row data to rows with appropriate types. Args: values (Sequence[Dict]): The list of responses (JSON rows) to convert. schema (Sequence[Union[ \ :class:``, \ Mapping[str, Any] \ ]]): The table's schema. If any item is a mapping, its content must be compatible with :meth:``. Returns: List[:class:``] """ from import Row from import _to_schema_fields schema = _to_schema_fields(schema) field_to_index = _field_to_index_mapping(schema) return [Row(_row_tuple_from_json(r, schema), field_to_index) for r in values]
def test_computes_trending(self, db_request, with_purges): projects = [ ProjectFactory.create(zscore=1 if not i else None) for i in range(3) ] results = iter([ Row((projects[1].normalized_name, 2), { "project": 0, "zscore": 1 }), Row((projects[2].normalized_name, -1), { "project": 0, "zscore": 1 }), ]) query = pretend.stub( result=pretend.call_recorder(lambda *a, **kw: results)) bigquery = pretend.stub(query=pretend.call_recorder(lambda q: query)) cacher = pretend.stub(purge=pretend.call_recorder(lambda keys: None)) def find_service(iface=None, name=None): if iface is None and name == "gcloud.bigquery": return bigquery if with_purges and issubclass(iface, IOriginCache): return cacher raise LookupError db_request.find_service = find_service db_request.registry.settings = { "warehouse.trending_table": "example.pypi.downloads*" } compute_trending(db_request) assert bigquery.query.calls == [""" SELECT project, IF( STDDEV(downloads) > 0, (todays_downloads - AVG(downloads))/STDDEV(downloads), NULL ) as zscore FROM ( SELECT project, date, downloads, FIRST_VALUE(downloads) OVER ( PARTITION BY project ORDER BY DATE DESC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING ) as todays_downloads FROM ( SELECT file.project as project, DATE(timestamp) AS date, COUNT(*) as downloads FROM `example.pypi.downloads*` WHERE _TABLE_SUFFIX BETWEEN FORMAT_DATE( "%Y%m%d", DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL -31 day)) AND FORMAT_DATE( "%Y%m%d", DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL -1 day)) GROUP BY file.project, date ) ) GROUP BY project, todays_downloads HAVING SUM(downloads) >= 5000 ORDER BY zscore DESC """) ] assert query.result.calls == [] assert cacher.purge.calls == ([["trending"])] if with_purges else []) results = dict(db_request.db.query(, Project.zscore).all()) assert results == { projects[0].name: None, projects[1].name: 2, projects[2].name: -1, }