def build_context(): """Builds a javascript context.""" threejs_url = '' _publish.javascript(url=threejs_url + 'three.min.js') _publish.javascript(url=threejs_url + 'examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js') return _js_builder.Js(mode=_js_builder.PERSISTENT)
def _publish(self): """Publishes this tab bar in the given cell. Note: this function is idempotent. """ if self._published: return content_height = 'initial', content_border = '0px', border_color = '#a7a7a7', self._content_div = self._id + '_content' super(TabBar, self)._publish() with self._output_in_widget(): _publish.css(url=self.TAB_CSS) _publish.javascript(url=self.TABBAR_JS) _publish.html(self._html_repr()) js.js_global.colab_lib.createTabBar({ 'location': self._location, 'elementId': self._id, 'tabNames': self.tab_names, 'initialSelection': self._active, 'contentBorder': content_border, 'contentHeight': content_height, 'borderColor': border_color, }) # Note: publish() will only be called once, thus this will never change # already visible tab. js.js_global[self._id].setSelectedTabIndex(0)
def _get_javascript_runner(self, mode): """Returns an appropriate function that executes the given javascript.""" if mode == PERSISTENT: # Note: want lazy binding, particularly for tests to be able # to inject custom handling. # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda return lambda x: _publish.javascript(x) elif mode == EVAL: # Note: we don't want javascript value on python side # unless user specifically requests it using .eval(). # This allows us to properly chain function and javascript class # (since those are not serializable) and eliminates the need to wait # for frontend to return. return lambda x: _js.eval_js('(()=>{' + x + '})()', ignore_result=True) else: raise JsException('Invalid mode: %r.' % mode)
def custom_latex_printer(exp,**options): from google.colab.output._publish import javascript url = "" javascript(url=url) return sym.printing.latex(exp,**options)
def draw_tree(tree): """ tree = {'a/0.5': {}, 'b/0.5': {'B/0.5': {}}, } """ from uuid import uuid4 tree_id = "tree_" + uuid4().hex drawcalls = [] drawcalls.append('g.setNode("c", { label: "context" , shape: "circle" });') drawcalls.append('g.node("c").style = "fill: #7f7";') # Just do it recursively def _draw_subtree(subtree, prefix=''): for i, (label, subsubtree) in enumerate(subtree.items()): node_id = prefix + '_' + str(i) drawcalls.append('g.setNode("' + node_id + '", { label: "" , shape: "circle" });') drawcalls.append('g.setEdge("' + prefix + '", "' + node_id + '", { arrowhead: "vee", label: ' + json.dumps(label) + '});') _draw_subtree(subsubtree, node_id) _draw_subtree(tree, 'c') if len(drawcalls) > 1200: return "Tree too large to draw!" try: from google.colab.output._publish import javascript javascript( url="") javascript( url= "" ) non_colab = "" except: non_colab = ''' <script> require.config({ paths: { "d3": "", "dagreD3": "" } }); try { requirejs(['d3', 'dagreD3'], function() {}); } catch (e) {} try { require(['d3', 'dagreD3'], function() {}); } catch (e) {} </script> <!--script> (function() {if(typeof d3 == "undefined") { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = ""; document.body.appendChild(script); var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = ""; document.body.appendChild(script); }})(); </script--> ''' return non_colab + ''' <style> .node rect, .node circle, .node ellipse { stroke: #333; fill: #fff; stroke-width: 1px; } .edgePath path { stroke: #333; fill: #333; stroke-width: 1.5px; } </style> ''' + f'<center><svg width="850" height="600" id="{tree_id}"><g/></svg></center>' + ''' <script> (function render_d3() { ''' + (''' //var d3, dagreD3; try { d3 = require('d3'); dagreD3 = require('dagreD3'); } catch (e) { setTimeout(render_d3, 50); return; } // requirejs is broken on external domains ''' if non_colab != "" else "") + ''' var g = new dagreD3.graphlib.Graph().setGraph({ 'rankdir': 'LR' }); ''' + "\n".join(drawcalls) + f'var svg ="#{tree_id}");' + '''