예제 #1
 def walkSiblings(self, node):
     currentSibling = Parser.previousSibling(node)
     b = []
     while currentSibling is not None:
         currentSibling = Parser.previousSibling(currentSibling)
     return b
예제 #2
    def getMetaLang(self, article):
        Extract content languages from metas
        # we have a lang attribute in html
        meta_langs = []
        attr = Parser.getAttribute(article.doc, attr='lang')
        if attr is not None: meta_langs += attr.replace(' ','').lower().split(',')
        # look up for a Content-Language in meta
        attrs = {
        head = article.doc.find('head')
        if head is not None:
            metas = Parser.getElementsByTag(head, tag='meta')
            for meta in metas:
                for attr in attrs:
                    if meta.attrib.get(attr,'').lower().startswith(attrs[attr]):
                        langs = meta.attrib.get('content',None)
                        if langs is not None: meta_langs += langs.replace(' ','').lower().split(',')
                if 'lang' in meta.attrib: meta_langs += meta.attrib['lang'].replace(' ','').lower().split(',')

        result = []
        for lang in meta_langs:
            lang = lang[:2]
            if re.search(RE_LANG, lang):

        return result
예제 #3
 def removeNodesViaRegEx(self, doc, pattern):
     for selector in ["id", "class"]:
         reg = "//*[re:test(@%s, '%s', 'i')]" % (selector, pattern)
         naughtyList = doc.xpath(reg, namespaces={"re": self.regexpNS})
         for node in naughtyList:
     return doc
예제 #4
 def test_childNodesWithText(self):
     html = '<html><body>'
     html += '<p>this is a test <a class="link">link</a> and this is <strong class="link">strong</strong></p>'
     html += '<p>this is a test and this is <strong class="link">strong</strong></p>'
     html += '</body></html>'
     doc = Parser.fromstring(html)
     p = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag='p')[0]
예제 #5
    def getMetaLang(self, article):
        Extract content language from meta
        # we have a lang attribute in html
        attr = Parser.getAttribute(article.doc, attr='lang')
        if attr is None:
            # look up for a Content-Language in meta
            items = [
                {'tag': 'meta', 'attr': 'http-equiv', 'value': 'content-language'},
                {'tag': 'meta', 'attr': 'name', 'value': 'lang'}
            for item in items:
                meta = Parser.getElementsByTag(article.doc, **item)
                if meta:
                    attr = Parser.getAttribute(meta[0], attr='content')

        if attr:
            value = attr[:2]
            if re.search(RE_LANG, value):
                self.language = value.lower()
                return value.lower()

        return None
예제 #6
 def getH1(self, article):
     Fetch the article H1 tag
     Searching last h1 tag before main article text begins
     h1 = ''
     if article.topNode is not None:
         lastTag = ''
         for i in article.doc.cssselect('[rel=topnode], h1'):
             if i.tag != 'h1':
             lastTag = i
         	h1 = Parser.getText(lastTag)
         # H1 into main article
         if lastTag == '':
             for i in article.doc.cssselect('[rel=topnode], h1'):
                 if i.tag == 'h1':
                     lastTag = i
         # Get first H1 tag
         h1Elem = Parser.getElementsByTag(article.doc, tag='h1')
         """ no h1 found """
         if h1Elem is None or len(h1Elem) == 0:
             return h1
         h1 = Parser.getText(h1Elem[0])
     return h1
예제 #7
    def postExtractionCleanup(self, targetNode):
        remove any divs that looks like non-content,
        clusters of links, or paras with no gusto
        if targetNode.text is not None:
           e = Parser.createElement(text=targetNode.text)
           targetNode.text = None
           targetNode.insert(0, e)

        node = self.addSiblings(targetNode)

        for e in node:
            if e.tag in ('h2','h3','h4'): continue
            if e.tag not in ('p','pre','font'):
                textLen,stopCount,isHighLink = self.getTextStats(e)
                if isHighLink \
                    or self.isTableTagAndNoParagraphsExist(e) \
                    or not self.isNodeScoreThreshholdMet(node, e):

        for e in reversed(node):
            if e.tag not in ('h2','h3','h4'): break

        return node
예제 #8
 def getSiblingContent(self, currentSibling, baselineScoreForSiblingParagraphs):
     adds any siblings that may have a decent score to this node
     if currentSibling.tag == 'p' and len(Parser.getText(currentSibling)) > 0:
         e0 = currentSibling
         if e0.tail:
             e0 = deepcopy(e0)
             e0.tail = ''
         return [e0]
         potentialParagraphs = Parser.getElementsByTag(currentSibling, tag='p')
         if potentialParagraphs is None:
             return None
             ps = []
             for firstParagraph in potentialParagraphs:
                 text = Parser.getText(firstParagraph)
                 if len(text) > 0:
                     wordStats = self.stopwordsCls(language=self.language).getStopWordCount(text)
                     paragraphScore = wordStats.getStopWordCount()
                     siblingBaseLineScore = float(.30)
                     highLinkDensity = self.isHighLinkDensity(firstParagraph)
                     score = float(baselineScoreForSiblingParagraphs * siblingBaseLineScore)
                     if score < paragraphScore and not highLinkDensity:
                         p = Parser.createElement(tag='p', text=text, tail=None)
             return ps
예제 #9
 def get_siblings_content(self, current_sibling, baselinescore_siblings_para):
     adds any siblings that may have a decent score to this node
     if current_sibling.tag == 'p' and len(Parser.getText(current_sibling)) > 0:
         e0 = current_sibling
         if e0.tail:
             e0 = deepcopy(e0)
             e0.tail = ''
         return [e0]
         potential_paragraphs = Parser.getElementsByTag(current_sibling, tag='p')
         if potential_paragraphs is None:
             return None
             ps = []
             for first_paragraph in potential_paragraphs:
                 text = Parser.getText(first_paragraph)
                 if len(text) > 0:
                     word_stats = self.stopwords_class(language=self.language).get_stopword_count(text)
                     paragraph_score = word_stats.get_stopword_count()
                     sibling_baseline_score = float(.30)
                     high_link_density = self.is_highlink_density(first_paragraph)
                     score = float(baselinescore_siblings_para * sibling_baseline_score)
                     if score < paragraph_score and not high_link_density:
                         p = Parser.createElement(tag='p', text=text, tail=None)
             return ps
예제 #10
    def get_siblings_score(self, top_node):
        we could have long articles that have tons of paragraphs
        so if we tried to calculate the base score against
        the total text score of those paragraphs it would be unfair.
        So we need to normalize the score based on the average scoring
        of the paragraphs within the top node.
        For example if our total score of 10 paragraphs was 1000
        but each had an average value of 100 then 100 should be our base.
        base = 100000
        paragraphs_number = 0
        paragraphs_score = 0
        nodes_to_check = Parser.getElementsByTag(top_node, tag='p')

        for node in nodes_to_check:
            text_node = Parser.getText(node)
            word_stats = self.stopwords_class(language=self.language).get_stopword_count(text_node)
            high_link_density = self.is_highlink_density(node)
            if word_stats.get_stopword_count() > 2 and not high_link_density:
                paragraphs_number += 1
                paragraphs_score += word_stats.get_stopword_count()

        if paragraphs_number > 0:
            base = paragraphs_score / paragraphs_number

        return base
예제 #11
    def is_highlink_density(self, e):
        checks the density of links within a node,
        is there not much text and most of it contains linky shit?
        if so it's no good
        links = Parser.getElementsByTag(e, tag='a')
        if links is None or len(links) == 0:
            return False

        text = Parser.getText(e)
        words = text.split(' ')
        words_number = float(len(words))
        sb = []
        for link in links:

        linkText = ''.join(sb)
        linkWords = linkText.split(' ')
        numberOfLinkWords = float(len(linkWords))
        numberOfLinks = float(len(links))
        linkDivisor = float(numberOfLinkWords / words_number)
        score = float(linkDivisor * numberOfLinks)
        if score >= 1.0:
            return True
        return False
예제 #12
    def getMetaLang(self, article):
        Extract content language from meta
        # we have a lang attribute in html
        attr = Parser.getAttribute(article.doc, attr='lang')
        if attr is None:
            # look up for a Content-Language in meta
            items = [{
                'tag': 'meta',
                'attr': 'http-equiv',
                'value': 'content-language'
            }, {
                'tag': 'meta',
                'attr': 'name',
                'value': 'lang'
            for item in items:
                meta = Parser.getElementsByTag(article.doc, **item)
                if meta:
                    attr = Parser.getAttribute(meta[0], attr='content')

        if attr:
            value = attr[:2]
            if re.search(RE_LANG, value):
                self.language = value.lower()
                return value.lower()

        return None
예제 #13
 def test_tostring(self):
     html = '<html><body>'
     html += '<p>this is a test <a>link</a> and this is <strong>strong</strong></p>'
     html += '</body></html>'
     doc = Parser.fromstring(html)
     result = Parser.nodeToString(doc)
     self.assertEqual(html, result)
예제 #14
    def get_siblings_score(self, top_node):
        we could have long articles that have tons of paragraphs
        so if we tried to calculate the base score against
        the total text score of those paragraphs it would be unfair.
        So we need to normalize the score based on the average scoring
        of the paragraphs within the top node.
        For example if our total score of 10 paragraphs was 1000
        but each had an average value of 100 then 100 should be our base.
        base = 100000
        paragraphs_number = 0
        paragraphs_score = 0
        nodes_to_check = Parser.getElementsByTag(top_node, tag='p')

        for node in nodes_to_check:
            text_node = Parser.getText(node)
            word_stats = self.stopwords_class(language=self.language).get_stopword_count(text_node)
            high_link_density = self.is_highlink_density(node)
            if word_stats.get_stopword_count() > 2 and not high_link_density:
                paragraphs_number += 1
                paragraphs_score += word_stats.get_stopword_count()

        if paragraphs_number > 0:
            base = paragraphs_score / paragraphs_number

        return base
예제 #15
 def convertDivsToParagraphs(self, doc, domType):
     badDivs = 0
     elseDivs = 0
     convertedTextNodes = 0
     divs = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag=domType)
     replaceNodesList = {}
     divIndex = 0
     errors = []
     goods = []
     regexps = []
     selectors = []
     tags = ['a','blockquote','dl','div','img','ol','p','pre','table','ul']
     for div in divs:
         items = Parser.getElementsByTags(div, tags)
         if div is not None and len(items) == 0:
             self.replaceElementsWithPara(doc, div)
             badDivs += 1
         elif div is not None:
             replaceNodes = self.getReplacementNodes(doc, div)
             for c, n in enumerate(replaceNodes):
                 div.insert(c, n)
             elseDivs +=1
     return doc
예제 #16
 def getH1(self, article):
     Fetch the article H1 tag
     Searching last h1 tag before main article text begins
     h1 = ''
     if article.topNode is not None:
         lastTag = ''
         for i in article.doc.cssselect('[rel=topnode], h1'):
             if i.tag != 'h1':
             lastTag = i
             h1 = Parser.getText(i)
         if lastTag == '':
             for i in article.doc.cssselect('[rel=topnode] h1'):
                 h1 = Parser.getText(i)
         # Get first H1 tag
         h1Elem = article.doc.find('.//h1')
         """ no h1 found """
         if h1Elem is None:
             return h1
         h1 = Parser.getText(h1Elem)
     return h1
 def checkForOpenGraphTag(self):
     checks to see if we were able to 
     find open graph tags on this page
     node = self.article.rawDoc
     meta = Parser.getElementsByTag(node,
     for item in meta:
         href = Parser.getAttribute(item, attr='content')
         if href:
             mainImage = Image()
             mainImage.imageSrc = href
             mainImage.imageExtractionType = "opengraph"
             mainImage.confidenceScore = 100
             locallyStoredImage = self.getLocallyStoredImage(
             if locallyStoredImage:
                 mainImage.bytes = locallyStoredImage.bytes
                 mainImage.height = locallyStoredImage.height
                 mainImage.width = locallyStoredImage.width
                 return mainImage
     return None
예제 #18
    def getBaselineScoreForSiblings(self, topNode):
        we could have long articles that have tons of paragraphs
        so if we tried to calculate the base score against
        the total text score of those paragraphs it would be unfair.
        So we need to normalize the score based on the average scoring
        of the paragraphs within the top node.
        For example if our total score of 10 paragraphs was 1000
        but each had an average value of 100 then 100 should be our base.
        base = 100000
        numberOfParagraphs = 0
        scoreOfParagraphs = 0
        nodesToCheck = Parser.getElementsByTag(topNode, tag='p')

        for node in nodesToCheck:
            nodeText = Parser.getText(node)
            wordStats = self.stopwordsCls(language=self.language).getStopWordCount(nodeText)
            highLinkDensity = self.isHighLinkDensity(node)
            if wordStats.getStopWordCount() > 2 and not highLinkDensity:
                numberOfParagraphs += 1
                scoreOfParagraphs += wordStats.getStopWordCount()

        if numberOfParagraphs > 0:
            base = scoreOfParagraphs / numberOfParagraphs

        return base
예제 #19
 def remove_nodes_regex(self, doc, pattern):
     for selector in ['id', 'class']:
         reg = "//*[re:test(@%s, '%s', 'i')]" % (selector, pattern)
         naughty_list = doc.xpath(reg, namespaces={'re': self.regexp_namespace})
         for node in naughty_list:
     return doc
 def checkForLinkTag(self):
     checks to see if we were able to 
     find open link_src on this page
     node = self.article.rawDoc
     meta = Parser.getElementsByTag(node,
     for item in meta:
         href = Parser.getAttribute(item, attr='href')
         if href:
             mainImage = Image()
             mainImage.imageSrc = href
             mainImage.imageExtractionType = "linktag"
             mainImage.confidenceScore = 100
             locallyStoredImage = self.getLocallyStoredImage(
             if locallyStoredImage:
                 mainImage.bytes = locallyStoredImage.bytes
                 mainImage.height = locallyStoredImage.height
                 mainImage.width = locallyStoredImage.width
                 return mainImage
     return None
예제 #21
 def clean_em_tags(self, doc):
     ems = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag='em')
     for node in ems:
         images = Parser.getElementsByTag(node, tag='img')
         if len(images) == 0:
     return doc
예제 #22
    def getBaselineScoreForSiblings(self, topNode):
        we could have long articles that have tons of paragraphs
        so if we tried to calculate the base score against
        the total text score of those paragraphs it would be unfair.
        So we need to normalize the score based on the average scoring
        of the paragraphs within the top node.
        For example if our total score of 10 paragraphs was 1000
        but each had an average value of 100 then 100 should be our base.
        base = 100000
        numberOfParagraphs = 0
        scoreOfParagraphs = 0
        nodesToCheck = Parser.getElementsByTag(topNode, tag='p')

        for node in nodesToCheck:
            nodeText = Parser.getText(node)
            wordStats = StopWords(
            highLinkDensity = self.isHighLinkDensity(node)
            if wordStats.getStopWordCount() > 2 and not highLinkDensity:
                numberOfParagraphs += 1
                scoreOfParagraphs += wordStats.getStopWordCount()

        if numberOfParagraphs > 0:
            base = scoreOfParagraphs / numberOfParagraphs

        return base
예제 #23
 def removeNodesViaRegEx(self, doc, pattern):
     for selector in ['id', 'class']:
         reg = "//*[re:test(@%s, '%s', 'i')]" % (selector, pattern)
         naughtyList = cache.xpath(reg, doc, namespaces={'re':self.regexpNS})
         for node in naughtyList:
     return doc
예제 #24
 def cleanEmTags(self, doc):
     ems = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag='em')
     for node in ems:
         images = Parser.getElementsByTag(node, tag='img')
         if len(images) == 0:
     return doc
예제 #25
    def isHighLinkDensity(self, e):
        checks the density of links within a node,
        is there not much text and most of it contains linky shit?
        if so it's no good
        links = Parser.getElementsByTag(e, tag='a')
        if links is None or len(links) == 0:
            return False

        text = Parser.getText(e)
        words = text.split(' ')
        numberOfWords = float(len(words))
        sb = []
        for link in links:

        linkText = ''.join(sb)
        linkWords = linkText.split(' ')
        numberOfLinkWords = float(len(linkWords))
        numberOfLinks = float(len(links))
        linkDivisor = float(numberOfLinkWords / numberOfWords)
        score = float(linkDivisor * numberOfLinks)
        if score >= 1.0:
            return True
        return False
예제 #26
 def cleanEmTags(self, doc):
     ems = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag="em")
     for node in ems:
         images = Parser.getElementsByTag(node, tag="img")
         if len(images) == 0:
     return doc
예제 #27
 def get_siblings_content(self, current_sibling, baselinescore_siblings_para):
     adds any siblings that may have a decent score to this node
     if current_sibling.tag == 'p' and len(Parser.getText(current_sibling)) > 0:
         e0 = current_sibling
         if e0.tail:
             e0 = deepcopy(e0)
             e0.tail = ''
         return [e0]
         potential_paragraphs = Parser.getElementsByTag(current_sibling, tag='p')
         if potential_paragraphs is None:
             return None
             ps = []
             for first_paragraph in potential_paragraphs:
                 text = Parser.getText(first_paragraph)
                 if len(text) > 0:
                     word_stats = self.stopwords_class(language=self.language).get_stopword_count(text)
                     paragraph_score = word_stats.get_stopword_count()
                     sibling_baseline_score = float(.30)
                     high_link_density = self.is_highlink_density(first_paragraph)
                     score = float(baselinescore_siblings_para * sibling_baseline_score)
                     if score < paragraph_score and not high_link_density:
                         p = Parser.createElement(tag='p', text=text, tail=None)
             return ps
예제 #28
    def clean(self, article):
        docToClean = article.doc
        nodelist = self.getNodesToDelete(docToClean)
        for node in nodelist: Parser.remove(node)

        docToClean = self.removeListsWithLinks(docToClean)
        docToClean = self.convertDivsToParagraphs(docToClean, ('div','dl','article'))
        return docToClean
예제 #29
 def remove_nodes_regex(self, doc, pattern):
     for selector in ['id', 'class']:
         reg = "//*[re:test(@%s, '%s', 'i')]" % (selector, pattern)
         naughty_list = doc.xpath(reg,
                                  namespaces={'re': self.regexp_namespace})
         for node in naughty_list:
     return doc
예제 #30
 def walk_siblings(self, node):
     current_sibling = Parser.previousSibling(node)
     b = []
     while current_sibling is not None:
         previousSibling = Parser.previousSibling(current_sibling)
         current_sibling = None if previousSibling is None else previousSibling
     return b
예제 #31
 def dropTags(self, doc, tags):
     for tag in tags:
         ems = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag=tag)
         for node in ems:
             images = Parser.getElementsByTag(node, tag='img')
             if len(images) == 0:
     return doc
예제 #32
 def walkSiblings(self, node):
     currentSibling = Parser.previousSibling(node)
     b = []
     while currentSibling is not None:
         previousSibling = Parser.previousSibling(currentSibling)
         currentSibling = None if previousSibling is None else previousSibling
     return b
예제 #33
 def replaceTagsWithText(self):
     replace common tags with just 
     text so we don't have any crazy formatting issues
     so replace <br>, <i>, <strong>, etc.... 
     with whatever text is inside them
     code : http://lxml.de/api/lxml.etree-module.html#strip_tags
     Parser.stripTags(self.getTopNode(), 'b', 'strong', 'i', 'br')
예제 #34
 def replaceTagsWithText(self):
     replace common tags with just 
     text so we don't have any crazy formatting issues
     so replace <br>, <i>, <strong>, etc.... 
     with whatever text is inside them
     code : http://lxml.de/api/lxml.etree-module.html#strip_tags
     Parser.stripTags(self.getTopNode(), 'b', 'strong', 'i', 'br')
예제 #35
 def convertToText(self,article):
     text = Parser.getFormattedText(self.topNode)
     lines = text.split(u'\n')
     good_lines = []
     for line in lines:
         if re.search('[^ \xa0]',line): good_lines.append(line.strip())
     text = u'\n'.join(good_lines)
     return text
예제 #36
 def removeNodesViaRegEx(self, doc, pattern):
     for selector in ['id', 'class']:
         reg = "//*[re:test(@%s, '%s', 'i')]" % (selector, pattern)
         naughtyList = cache.xpath(reg,
                                   namespaces={'re': self.regexpNS})
         for node in naughtyList:
     return doc
예제 #37
    def isTableTagAndNoParagraphsExist(self, e):
        return False
        subParagraphs = Parser.getElementsByTag(e, tag='p')
        for p in subParagraphs:
            txt = Parser.getText(p)
            if len(txt) < 25:

        if not Parser.hasChildTag(e, 'p') and e.tag is not "td":
            return True
        return False
예제 #38
    def is_table_and_no_para_exist(self, e):
        subParagraphs = Parser.getElementsByTag(e, tag='p')
        for p in subParagraphs:
            txt = Parser.getText(p)
            if len(txt) < 25:

        subParagraphs2 = Parser.getElementsByTag(e, tag='p')
        if len(subParagraphs2) == 0 and e.tag is not "td":
            return True
        return False
예제 #39
    def isTableTagAndNoParagraphsExist(self, e):
        subParagraphs = Parser.getElementsByTag(e, tag='p')
        for p in subParagraphs:
            txt = Parser.getText(p)
            if len(txt) < 25:

        subParagraphs2 = Parser.getElementsByTag(e, tag='p')
        if len(subParagraphs2) == 0 and e.tag is not "td":
            return True
        return False
예제 #40
 def test_striptags(self):
     html = '<html><body>'
     html += '<p>this is a test <a>link</a> and this is <strong>strong</strong></p>'
     html += '</body></html>'
     expected = '<html><body>'
     expected += '<p>this is a test link and this is strong</p>'
     expected += '</body></html>'
     doc = Parser.fromstring(html)
     Parser.stripTags(doc, 'a', 'strong')
     result = Parser.nodeToString(doc)
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
예제 #41
 def removeNodesWithNegativeScores(self):
     if there are elements inside our top node
     that have a negative gravity score,
     let's give em the boot
     gravityItems = self.topNode.cssselect("*[gravityScore]")
     for item in gravityItems:
         score = int(item.attrib.get('gravityScore'), 0)
         if score < 1:
예제 #42
 def post_cleanup(self, targetNode):
     remove any divs that looks like non-content,
     clusters of links, or paras with no gusto
     node = self.add_siblings(targetNode)
     for e in node.getchildren():
         if e.tag != 'p':
             if self.is_highlink_density(e) \
                 or self.is_table_and_no_para_exist(e) \
                 or not self.is_nodescore_threshold_met(node, e):
     return node
예제 #43
 def post_cleanup(self, targetNode):
     remove any divs that looks like non-content,
     clusters of links, or paras with no gusto
     node = self.add_siblings(targetNode)
     for e in node.getchildren():
         if e.tag != 'p':
             if self.is_highlink_density(e) \
                 or self.is_table_and_no_para_exist(e) \
                 or not self.is_nodescore_threshold_met(node, e):
     return node
예제 #44
    def test_getElementsByTags(self):
        html = '<html><body>'
        html += '<p>this is a test <a class="link">link</a> and this is <strong class="link">strong</strong></p>'
        html += '<p>this is a test and this is <strong class="link">strong</strong></p>'
        html += '</body></html>'
        doc = Parser.fromstring(html)
        elements = Parser.getElementsByTags(doc, ['p', 'a', 'strong'])
        self.assertEqual(len(elements), 5)

        # find childs within the first p
        p = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag='p')[0]
        elements = Parser.getElementsByTags(p, ['p', 'a', 'strong'])
        self.assertEqual(len(elements), 2)
예제 #45
 def postExtractionCleanup(self, targetNode):
     remove any divs that looks like non-content,
     clusters of links, or paras with no gusto
     node = self.addSiblings(targetNode)
     for e in node.getchildren():
         if e.tag != 'p':
             if self.isHighLinkDensity(e) \
                 or self.isTableTagAndNoParagraphsExist(e) \
                 or not self.isNodeScoreThreshholdMet(node, e):
     return node
 def getDepthLevel(self, node, parentDepth, siblingDepth):
     if parentDepth > MAX_PARENT_DEPTH:
         return None
         siblingNode = Parser.previousSibling(node)
         if siblingNode is not None:
             return DepthTraversal(siblingNode, parentDepth,
                                   siblingDepth + 1)
         elif node is not None:
             parent = Parser.getParent(node)
             if parent is not None:
                 return DepthTraversal(parent, parentDepth + 1, 0)
     return None
예제 #47
    def is_boostable(self, node):
        alot of times the first paragraph might be the caption under an image
        so we'll want to make sure if we're going to boost a parent node that
        it should be connected to other paragraphs,
        at least for the first n paragraphs so we'll want to make sure that
        the next sibling is a paragraph and has at
        least some substatial weight to it
        para = "p"
        steps_away = 0
        minimum_stopword_count = 5
        max_stepsaway_from_node = 3

        nodes = self.walk_siblings(node)
        for current_node in nodes:
            # p
            if current_node.tag == para:
                if steps_away >= max_stepsaway_from_node:
                    return False
                paraText = Parser.getText(current_node)
                word_stats = self.stopwords_class(language=self.language).get_stopword_count(paraText)
                if word_stats.get_stopword_count() > minimum_stopword_count:
                    return True
                steps_away += 1
        return False
예제 #48
    def remove_drop_caps(self, doc):
        items = Parser.css_select(
            doc, "span[class~=dropcap], span[class~=drop_cap]")
        for item in items:

        return doc
예제 #49
    def isOkToBoost(self, node):
        alot of times the first paragraph might be the caption under an image
        so we'll want to make sure if we're going to boost a parent node that
        it should be connected to other paragraphs,
        at least for the first n paragraphs so we'll want to make sure that
        the next sibling is a paragraph and has at
        least some substatial weight to it
        para = "p"
        stepsAway = 0
        minimumStopWordCount = 5
        maxStepsAwayFromNode = 3

        nodes = self.walkSiblings(node)
        for currentNode in nodes:
            # p
            if currentNode.tag == para:
                if stepsAway >= maxStepsAwayFromNode:
                    return False
                paraText = Parser.getText(currentNode)
                wordStats = StopWords(
                if wordStats.getStopWordCount > minimumStopWordCount:
                    return True
                stepsAway += 1
        return False
예제 #50
 def convertToText(self):
     txts = []
     for node in list(self.getTopNode()):
         txt = Parser.getText(node)
         if txt:
             txt = HTMLParser().unescape(txt)
     return '\n\n'.join(txts)
예제 #51
    def extract_tags(self, article):
        node = article.doc

        # node doesn't have chidren
        if len(list(node)) == 0:
            return NO_STRINGS

        elements = Parser.css_select(node, A_REL_TAG_SELECTOR)
        if elements is None:
            return NO_STRINGS

        tags = []
        for el in elements:
            tag = Parser.getText(el)
            if tag:

        return set(tags)
예제 #52
    def checkForKnownElements(self):
        in here we check for known image contains from sites
        we've checked out like yahoo, techcrunch, etc... that have
        * known  places to look for good images.
        * TODO: enable this to use a series of settings files
          so people can define what the image ids/classes
          are on specific sites
        domain = self.getCleanDomain()
        if domain in self.customSiteMapping.keys():
            classes = self.customSiteMapping.get(domain).split('|')
            for classname in classes:

        knownImage = None

        for knownName in KNOWN_IMG_DOM_NAMES:
            known = Parser.getElementById(self.article.rawDoc, knownName)
            if not known:
                known = Parser.getElementsByTag(self.article.rawDoc,
                if known:
                    known = known[0]
            if known:
                mainImage = Parser.getElementsByTag(known, tag='img')
                if mainImage:
                    knownImage = mainImage[0]

        if knownImage is not None:
            knownImgSrc = Parser.getAttribute(knownImage, attr='src')
            mainImage = Image()
            mainImage.imageSrc = self.buildImagePath(knownImgSrc)
            mainImage.imageExtractionType = "known"
            mainImage.confidenceScore = 90
            locallyStoredImage = self.getLocallyStoredImage(mainImage.imageSrc)
            if locallyStoredImage:
                mainImage.bytes = locallyStoredImage.bytes
                mainImage.height = locallyStoredImage.height
                mainImage.width = locallyStoredImage.width

            return mainImage
예제 #53
 def getNodesToCheck(self, doc):
     returns a list of nodes we want to search
     on like paragraphs and tables
     nodesToCheck = []
     for tag in ['p', 'pre', 'td']:
         items = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag=tag)
         nodesToCheck += items
     return nodesToCheck
예제 #54
 def remove_negativescores_nodes(self):
     if there are elements inside our top node
     that have a negative gravity score,
     let's give em the boot
     gravity_items = Parser.css_select(self.top_node, "*[gravityScore]")
     for item in gravity_items:
         score = int(item.attrib.get('gravityScore'), 0)
         if score < 1:
예제 #55
    def removeScriptsAndStyles(self, doc):
        # remove scripts
        scripts = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag='script')
        for item in scripts:

        # remove styles
        styles = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag='style')
        for item in styles:

        # remove comments
        comments = Parser.getComments(doc)
        for item in comments:

        return doc
예제 #56
    def getTitle(self, article):
        Fetch the article title and analyze it

        title = ''
        doc = article.doc

        titleElem = Parser.getElementsByTag(doc, tag='title')
        # no title found
        if titleElem is None or len(titleElem) == 0:
            return title

        # title elem found
        titleText = Parser.getText(titleElem[0])
        usedDelimeter = False

        # split title with |
        if '|' in titleText:
            titleText = self.doTitleSplits(titleText, PIPE_SPLITTER)
            usedDelimeter = True

        # split title with -
        if not usedDelimeter and '-' in titleText:
            titleText = self.doTitleSplits(titleText, DASH_SPLITTER)
            usedDelimeter = True

        # split title with »
        if not usedDelimeter and u'»' in titleText:
            titleText = self.doTitleSplits(titleText, ARROWS_SPLITTER)
            usedDelimeter = True

        # split title with :
        if not usedDelimeter and ':' in titleText:
            titleText = self.doTitleSplits(titleText, COLON_SPLITTER)
            usedDelimeter = True

        title = MOTLEY_REPLACEMENT.replaceAll(titleText)
        return title