def posterior_mean_and_cov(plot_data, curve_xs):
    zero_func = VentureFunction(lambda x: 0, sp_type = sp.SPType([], t.NumberType()))
    prior_mean = zero_func
    prior_cov = gpexample_plugin.squared_exponential(plot_data.sigma, plot_data.l)
    return gp_conditional.conditional_mean_and_cov(curve_xs, prior_mean,
            prior_cov, plot_data.Xseen, plot_data.Yseen)
예제 #2
        def __call__(self, inferrer, f_, curve_xs_, true_ys_, scatter_xs_, scatter_ys_, circles_, user_prefix_):

            # Some of this is hackish
            aux = [map(getNumber, p.getArray()) for p in fromStackDict(f_[0]["aux"]).getArray()]
            f = f_[0]["value"]

            prior_mean = f.mean
            prior_cov = f.covariance

            if len(aux) > 0:
                Xseen, Yseen = zip(*aux)
                Xseen, Yseen = [], []

            curve_xs = map(getNumber, fromStackDict(curve_xs_[0]).getArray())
            true_ys = map(getNumber, fromStackDict(true_ys_[0]).getArray())

            user_prefix = fromStackDict(user_prefix_[0]).getString()

            scatter_xs = map(getNumber, fromStackDict(scatter_xs_[0]).getArray())
            scatter_ys = map(getNumber, fromStackDict(scatter_ys_[0]).getArray())

            circles = map(lambda a: map(getNumber, a), map(getArray, fromStackDict(circles_[0]).getArray()))

            mean, cov = gp_conditional.conditional_mean_and_cov(curve_xs, prior_mean, prior_cov, Xseen, Yseen)

            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
            ax.scatter(scatter_xs, scatter_ys, color="k", s=15)
            ax.set_xlim(min(curve_xs), max(curve_xs))
            for i in range(100):
                ys = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov)
                ax.plot(curve_xs, ys, c="red", alpha=0.2, linewidth=2)
            if len(true_ys) > 0:
                ax.plot(curve_xs, true_ys, c="blue")
            for ccoords in circles:
                (x, y) = ccoords[0:2]

                def to_hex_color(n):
                    h = hex(int(n))[2:]
                    padded = (6 - len(h)) * "0" + h
                    return clr.hex2color("#" + padded)

                color = to_hex_color(ccoords[2]) if len(ccoords) > 2 else "green"
                xsize, ysize = ccoords[3:5] if len(ccoords) > 3 else (0.4, 0.33)
                circle = Ellipse([x, y], xsize, ysize, color=color, linewidth=5, fill=False)

            date_fmt = "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"
            directory = "draw_gp_curves_callback"

            def j(fname):
                return os.path.join(directory, fname)

            output_prefix = "%s_%s" % (user_prefix,

            scatterpath = j("%s_scatter.pkl" % (output_prefix,))
            print "Logging scatter data to %s" % (scatterpath,)
            scatter_data = {"scatter_xs": scatter_xs, "scatter_ys": scatter_ys}
            with open(scatterpath, "wb") as f:
                pickle.dump(scatter_data, f)

            print "Outputting to %s.png" % (j(output_prefix),)
            fig.savefig("%s.png" % (j(output_prefix),), dpi=fig.dpi, bbox_inches="tight")
            print "Done."