예제 #1
파일: ut_hsops.py 프로젝트: yihsuanliu/gpaw
    def check_and_plot(self, A_nn, A0_nn, digits, keywords=''):
        # Construct fingerprint of input matrices for comparison
        fingerprint = np.array(
            [md5_array(A_nn, numeric=True),
             md5_array(A0_nn, numeric=True)])

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprints = np.empty((world.size, 2), np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        # If assertion fails, catch temporarily while plotting, then re-raise
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.abs(A_nn - A0_nn).max(), 0, digits)
        except AssertionError:
            if world.rank == 0 and mpl is not None:
                from matplotlib.figure import Figure
                fig = Figure()
                ax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 0.83])
                im = ax.imshow(np.abs(A_nn - A0_nn), interpolation='nearest')
                fig.text(0.5, 0.05, 'Keywords: ' + keywords, \
                    horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top')

                from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
                img = 'ut_hsops_%s_%s.png' % (self.__class__.__name__, \
                FigureCanvasAgg(fig).print_figure(img.lower(), dpi=90)
예제 #2
    def check_and_plot(self, A_nn, A0_nn, digits, keywords=''):
        # Construct fingerprint of input matrices for comparison
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(A_nn, numeric=True),
                                md5_array(A0_nn, numeric=True)])

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprints = np.empty((world.size, 2), np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        # If assertion fails, catch temporarily while plotting, then re-raise
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.abs(A_nn-A0_nn).max(), 0, digits)
        except AssertionError:
            if world.rank == 0 and mpl is not None:
                from matplotlib.figure import Figure
                fig = Figure()
                ax = fig.add_axes([0.0, 0.1, 1.0, 0.83])
                im = ax.imshow(np.abs(A_nn-A0_nn), interpolation='nearest')
                fig.text(0.5, 0.05, 'Keywords: ' + keywords, \
                    horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='top')

                from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg
                img = 'ut_hsops_%s_%s.png' % (self.__class__.__name__, \
                FigureCanvasAgg(fig).print_figure(img.lower(), dpi=90)
예제 #3
파일: ut_invops.py 프로젝트: thonmaker/gpaw
    def test_overlap_inverse_before(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        kpt.P_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        ppo = ProjectorPairOverlap(self.wfs, self.atoms)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(ppo.B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        work_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, kpt.q)
        P0_ani = dict([(a,P_ni.copy()) for a,P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items()])
        ppo.apply_inverse(self.psit_nG, work_nG, self.wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=False)

        res_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        ppo.apply(work_nG, res_nG, self.wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=True)
        del work_nG

        P_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(res_nG, P_ani, kpt.q)

        abserr = np.empty(1, dtype=float)
        for n in range(self.nbands):
            band_rank, myn = self.bd.who_has(n)
            if band_rank == self.bd.comm.rank:
                abserr[:] = np.abs(self.psit_nG[myn] - res_nG[myn]).max()
            self.bd.comm.broadcast(abserr, band_rank)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(abserr.item(), 0, 10)

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 10, 'overlap,inverse,before')
예제 #4
    def test_overlap_inverse_before(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        kpt.P_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        ppo = ProjectorPairOverlap(self.wfs, self.atoms)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(ppo.B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        work_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, kpt.P_ani, kpt.q)
        P0_ani = dict([(a,P_ni.copy()) for a,P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items()])
        ppo.apply_inverse(self.psit_nG, work_nG, self.wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=False)

        res_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        ppo.apply(work_nG, res_nG, self.wfs, kpt, calculate_P_ani=True)
        del work_nG

        P_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(res_nG, P_ani, kpt.q)

        abserr = np.empty(1, dtype=float)
        for n in range(self.nbands):
            band_rank, myn = self.bd.who_has(n)
            if band_rank == self.bd.comm.rank:
                abserr[:] = np.abs(self.psit_nG[myn] - res_nG[myn]).max()
            self.bd.comm.broadcast(abserr, band_rank)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(abserr.item(), 0, 10)

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 10, 'overlap,inverse,before')
예제 #5
파일: bse.py 프로젝트: robwarm/gpaw-symm
    def diagonalize(self, H_sS):
        if self.coupling: # Non-Hermitian matrix can only use linalg.eig
            self.printtxt('Use numpy.linalg.eig')
            H_SS = np.zeros((self.nS, self.nS), dtype=complex)
            if self.nS % world.size == 0:
                world.all_gather(H_sS, H_SS)
                H_SS = gatherv(H_sS)

            self.w_S, self.v_SS = np.linalg.eig(H_SS)
            self.par_save('v_SS', 'v_SS', self.v_SS[self.nS_start:self.nS_end, :].copy())
            if world.size == 1:
                self.printtxt('Use lapack.')
                from gpaw.utilities.lapack import diagonalize
                self.w_S = np.zeros(self.nS)
                H_SS = H_sS
                diagonalize(H_SS, self.w_S)
                self.v_SS = H_SS.conj() # eigenvectors in the rows, transposed later
                self.printtxt('Use scalapack')
                self.w_S, self.v_sS = self.scalapack_diagonalize(H_sS)
                self.v_SS = self.v_sS # just use the same name
            self.par_save('v_SS', 'v_SS', self.v_SS)
예제 #6
    def diagonalize(self, H_sS):
        if self.coupling:  # Non-Hermitian matrix can only use linalg.eig
            self.printtxt('Use numpy.linalg.eig')
            H_SS = np.zeros((self.nS, self.nS), dtype=complex)
            if self.nS % world.size == 0:
                world.all_gather(H_sS, H_SS)
                H_SS = gatherv(H_sS)

            self.w_S, self.v_SS = np.linalg.eig(H_SS)
            self.par_save('v_SS', 'v_SS',
                          self.v_SS[self.nS_start:self.nS_end, :].copy())
            if world.size == 1:
                self.printtxt('Use lapack.')
                from gpaw.utilities.lapack import diagonalize
                self.w_S = np.zeros(self.nS)
                H_SS = H_sS
                diagonalize(H_SS, self.w_S)
                self.v_SS = H_SS.conj(
                )  # eigenvectors in the rows, transposed later
                self.printtxt('Use scalapack')
                self.w_S, self.v_sS = self.scalapack_diagonalize(H_sS)
                self.v_SS = self.v_sS  # just use the same name
            self.par_save('v_SS', 'v_SS', self.v_SS)

예제 #7
    def setUp(self):

        for virtvar in ['dtype']:
            assert getattr(self,virtvar) is not None, 'Virtual "%s"!' % virtvar

        # Create randomized atoms
        self.atoms = create_random_atoms(self.gd, 5) # also tested: 10xNH3/BDA

        if False:
            from ase import view
        # XXX DEBUG END

        # Do we agree on the atomic positions?
        pos_ac = self.atoms.get_positions()
        pos_rac = np.empty((world.size,)+pos_ac.shape, pos_ac.dtype)
        world.all_gather(pos_ac, pos_rac)
        if (pos_rac-pos_rac[world.rank,...][np.newaxis,...]).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Discrepancy in atomic positions detected.')

        # Create setups for atoms
        self.Z_a = self.atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
        self.setups = Setups(self.Z_a, p.setups, p.basis,
                             p.lmax, xc)

        # K-point descriptor
        bzk_kc = np.array([[0, 0, 0]], dtype=float)
        self.kd = KPointDescriptor(bzk_kc, 1)
        self.kd.set_symmetry(self.atoms, self.setups, usesymm=True)
        # Create gamma-point dummy wavefunctions
        self.wfs = FDWFS(self.gd, self.bd, self.kd, self.setups,
        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        self.pt = self.wfs.pt # XXX shortcut

        ## Also create pseudo partial waveves
        #from gpaw.lfc import LFC
        #self.phit = LFC(self.gd, [setup.phit_j for setup in self.setups], \
        #                self.kpt_comm, dtype=self.dtype)

        self.r_cG = None
        self.buf_G = None
        self.psit_nG = None

예제 #8
파일: ut_invops.py 프로젝트: thonmaker/gpaw
    def setUp(self):

        for virtvar in ['dtype']:
            assert getattr(self,virtvar) is not None, 'Virtual "%s"!' % virtvar

        # Create randomized atoms
        self.atoms = create_random_atoms(self.gd, 5) # also tested: 10xNH3/BDA

        if False:
            from ase import view
        # XXX DEBUG END

        # Do we agree on the atomic positions?
        pos_ac = self.atoms.get_positions()
        pos_rac = np.empty((world.size,)+pos_ac.shape, pos_ac.dtype)
        world.all_gather(pos_ac, pos_rac)
        if (pos_rac-pos_rac[world.rank,...][np.newaxis,...]).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Discrepancy in atomic positions detected.')

        # Create setups for atoms
        self.Z_a = self.atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
        self.setups = Setups(self.Z_a, p.setups, p.basis,
                             p.lmax, xc)

        # K-point descriptor
        bzk_kc = np.array([[0, 0, 0]], dtype=float)
        self.kd = KPointDescriptor(bzk_kc, 1)
        self.kd.set_symmetry(self.atoms, self.setups)

        # Create gamma-point dummy wavefunctions
        self.wfs = FDWFS(self.gd, self.bd, self.kd, self.setups,
                         self.block_comm, self.dtype)

        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        self.pt = self.wfs.pt # XXX shortcut

        ## Also create pseudo partial waveves
        #from gpaw.lfc import LFC
        #self.phit = LFC(self.gd, [setup.phit_j for setup in self.setups], \
        #                self.kpt_comm, dtype=self.dtype)

        self.r_cG = None
        self.buf_G = None
        self.psit_nG = None

예제 #9
파일: ut_hsops.py 프로젝트: yihsuanliu/gpaw
    def setUp(self):
        for virtvar in ['dtype', 'blocking', 'async']:
            assert getattr(self,
                           virtvar) is not None, 'Virtual "%s"!' % virtvar

        # Create randomized atoms
        self.atoms = create_random_atoms(self.gd)

        # Do we agree on the atomic positions?
        pos_ac = self.atoms.get_positions()
        pos_rac = np.empty((world.size, ) + pos_ac.shape, pos_ac.dtype)
        world.all_gather(pos_ac, pos_rac)
        if (pos_rac - pos_rac[world.rank, ...][np.newaxis, ...]).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Discrepancy in atomic positions detected.')

        # Create setups for atoms
        self.Z_a = self.atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
        self.setups = Setups(self.Z_a, p.setups, p.basis, p.lmax, xc)

        # Create atomic projector overlaps
        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        self.rank_a = self.gd.get_ranks_from_positions(spos_ac)
        self.pt = LFC(self.gd, [setup.pt_j for setup in self.setups],

        if memstats:
            # Hack to scramble heap usage into steady-state level
            HEAPSIZE = 25 * 1024**2
            for i in range(100):
                data = np.empty(np.random.uniform(0, HEAPSIZE // 8), float)
                del data
            self.mem_pre = record_memory()
            self.mem_alloc = None
            self.mem_test = None

        # Stuff for pseudo wave functions and projections
        if self.dtype == complex:
            self.gamma = 1j**(1.0 / self.nbands)
            self.gamma = 1.0

        self.psit_nG = None
        self.P_ani = None
        self.Qeff_a = None
        self.Qtotal = None

예제 #10
    def test_projection_linearity(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        Q_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, Q_ani, q=kpt.q)

        for Q_ni in Q_ani.values():
            self.assertTrue(Q_ni.dtype == self.dtype)

        P0_ani = dict([(a, Q_ni.copy()) for a, Q_ni in Q_ani.items()])
        self.pt.add(self.psit_nG, Q_ani, q=kpt.q)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, P0_ani, q=kpt.q)

        #rank_a = self.gd.get_ranks_from_positions(spos_ac)
        #my_atom_indices = np.argwhere(self.gd.comm.rank == rank_a).ravel()

        #                                                ~ a   ~ a'
        #TODO XXX should fix PairOverlap-ish stuff for < p  | phi  > overlaps
        #                                                 i      i'

        #spos_ac = self.pt.spos_ac # NewLFC doesn't have this
        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        gpo = GridPairOverlap(self.gd, self.setups)
        B_aa = gpo.calculate_overlaps(spos_ac, self.pt)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        P_ani = dict([(a, Q_ni.copy()) for a, Q_ni in Q_ani.items()])
        for a1 in range(len(self.atoms)):
            if a1 in P_ani.keys():
                P_ni = P_ani[a1]
                # Atom a1 is not in domain so allocate a temporary buffer
                P_ni = np.zeros((
            for a2, Q_ni in Q_ani.items():
                # B_aa are the projector overlaps across atomic pairs
                B_ii = gpo.extract_atomic_pair_matrix(B_aa, a1, a2)
                P_ni += np.dot(Q_ni, B_ii.T)  #sum over a2 and last i in B_ii

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 8, 'projection,linearity')
예제 #11
    def setUp(self):
        for virtvar in ['dtype','blocking','async']:
            assert getattr(self,virtvar) is not None, 'Virtual "%s"!' % virtvar

        # Create randomized atoms
        self.atoms = create_random_atoms(self.gd)

        # Do we agree on the atomic positions?
        pos_ac = self.atoms.get_positions()
        pos_rac = np.empty((world.size,)+pos_ac.shape, pos_ac.dtype)
        world.all_gather(pos_ac, pos_rac)
        if (pos_rac-pos_rac[world.rank,...][np.newaxis,...]).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Discrepancy in atomic positions detected.')

        # Create setups for atoms
        self.Z_a = self.atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
        self.setups = Setups(self.Z_a, p.setups, p.basis,
                             p.lmax, xc)

        # Create atomic projector overlaps
        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        self.rank_a = self.gd.get_ranks_from_positions(spos_ac)
        self.pt = LFC(self.gd, [setup.pt_j for setup in self.setups],

        if memstats:
            # Hack to scramble heap usage into steady-state level
            HEAPSIZE = 25 * 1024**2
            for i in range(100):
                data = np.empty(np.random.uniform(0, HEAPSIZE // 8), float)
                del data
            self.mem_pre = record_memory()
            self.mem_alloc = None
            self.mem_test = None

        # Stuff for pseudo wave functions and projections
        if self.dtype == complex:
            self.gamma = 1j**(1.0/self.nbands)
            self.gamma = 1.0

        self.psit_nG = None
        self.P_ani = None
        self.Qeff_a = None
        self.Qtotal = None

예제 #12
def gatherv(m, N=None):

    from gpaw.mpi import world, size, rank

    if world.size == 1:
        return m

    ndim = m.ndim

    if  ndim == 2:
        n, N = m.shape
        assert n < N 
        M  = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
    elif ndim == 1:
        n = m.shape[0]
        M = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex)
        print 'Not Implemented'
    n_index = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)
    world.all_gather(np.array([n]), n_index)

    root = 0
    if rank != root:
        world.ssend(m, root, 112+rank)
        for irank, n in enumerate(n_index):
            if irank == root:
                if ndim == 2:
                    M[:n_index[0] :] = m
                    M[:n_index[0]] = m
                n_start = n_index[0:irank].sum()
                n_end = n_index[0:irank+1].sum()
                if ndim == 2:
                    tmp_nN = np.zeros((n, N), dtype=complex)
                    world.receive(tmp_nN, irank, 112+irank)
                    M[n_start:n_end, :] = tmp_nN
                    tmp_n = np.zeros(n, dtype=complex)
                    world.receive(tmp_n, irank, 112+irank)
                    M[n_start:n_end] = tmp_n
    world.broadcast(M, root)
    return M
예제 #13
    def test_projection_linearity(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        Q_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, Q_ani, q=kpt.q)

        for Q_ni in Q_ani.values():
            self.assertTrue(Q_ni.dtype == self.dtype)

        P0_ani = dict([(a,Q_ni.copy()) for a,Q_ni in Q_ani.items()])
        self.pt.add(self.psit_nG, Q_ani, q=kpt.q)
        self.pt.integrate(self.psit_nG, P0_ani, q=kpt.q)

        #rank_a = self.gd.get_ranks_from_positions(spos_ac)
        #my_atom_indices = np.argwhere(self.gd.comm.rank == rank_a).ravel()

        #                                                ~ a   ~ a'
        #TODO XXX should fix PairOverlap-ish stuff for < p  | phi  > overlaps
        #                                                 i      i'

        #spos_ac = self.pt.spos_ac # NewLFC doesn't have this
        spos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0
        gpo = GridPairOverlap(self.gd, self.setups)
        B_aa = gpo.calculate_overlaps(spos_ac, self.pt)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        P_ani = dict([(a,Q_ni.copy()) for a,Q_ni in Q_ani.items()])
        for a1 in range(len(self.atoms)):
            if a1 in P_ani.keys():
                P_ni = P_ani[a1]
                # Atom a1 is not in domain so allocate a temporary buffer
                P_ni = np.zeros((self.bd.mynbands,self.setups[a1].ni,),
            for a2, Q_ni in Q_ani.items():
                # B_aa are the projector overlaps across atomic pairs
                B_ii = gpo.extract_atomic_pair_matrix(B_aa, a1, a2)
                P_ni += np.dot(Q_ni, B_ii.T) #sum over a2 and last i in B_ii

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 8, 'projection,linearity')
예제 #14
def gatherv(m, N=None):

    if world.size == 1:
        return m

    ndim = m.ndim

    if ndim == 2:
        n, N = m.shape
        assert n < N
        M = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
    elif ndim == 1:
        n = m.shape[0]
        M = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex)
        print('Not Implemented')

    n_index = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)
    world.all_gather(np.array([n]), n_index)

    root = 0
    if rank != root:
        world.ssend(m, root, 112 + rank)
        for irank, n in enumerate(n_index):
            if irank == root:
                if ndim == 2:
                    M[:n_index[0]:] = m
                    M[:n_index[0]] = m
                n_start = n_index[0:irank].sum()
                n_end = n_index[0:irank + 1].sum()
                if ndim == 2:
                    tmp_nN = np.zeros((n, N), dtype=complex)
                    world.receive(tmp_nN, irank, 112 + irank)
                    M[n_start:n_end, :] = tmp_nN
                    tmp_n = np.zeros(n, dtype=complex)
                    world.receive(tmp_n, irank, 112 + irank)
                    M[n_start:n_end] = tmp_n
    world.broadcast(M, root)

    return M
예제 #15
파일: ut_invops.py 프로젝트: thonmaker/gpaw
    def test_extrapolate_inverse(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        ppo = ProjectorPairOverlap(self.wfs, self.atoms)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(ppo.B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        work_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        P_ani = ppo.apply_inverse(self.psit_nG, work_nG, self.wfs, kpt, \
            calculate_P_ani=True, extrapolate_P_ani=True)

        P0_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(work_nG, P0_ani, kpt.q)
        del work_nG

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 11, 'extrapolate,inverse')
예제 #16
    def test_extrapolate_inverse(self):
        kpt = self.wfs.kpt_u[0]
        ppo = ProjectorPairOverlap(self.wfs, self.atoms)

        # Compare fingerprints across all processors
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(ppo.B_aa, numeric=True)])
        fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, np.int64)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, fingerprints)
        if fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed matrices are not identical!')

        work_nG = np.empty_like(self.psit_nG)
        P_ani = ppo.apply_inverse(self.psit_nG, work_nG, self.wfs, kpt, \
            calculate_P_ani=True, extrapolate_P_ani=True)

        P0_ani = self.pt.dict(self.bd.mynbands)
        self.pt.integrate(work_nG, P0_ani, kpt.q)
        del work_nG

        self.check_and_plot(P_ani, P0_ani, 11, 'extrapolate,inverse')
예제 #17
    def test_contents_projection(self):
        # Distribute inverse effective charges to everybody in domain
        all_Qeff_a = np.empty(len(self.atoms), dtype=float)
        for a,rank in enumerate(self.rank_a):
            if rank == self.gd.comm.rank:
                Qeff = np.array([self.Qeff_a[a]])
                Qeff = np.empty(1, dtype=float)
            self.gd.comm.broadcast(Qeff, rank)
            all_Qeff_a[a] = Qeff

        # Check absolute values consistency of inverse effective charges
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.abs(1./self.Z_a-np.abs(all_Qeff_a)).max(), 0, 9)

        # Check sum of inverse effective charges against total
        self.assertAlmostEqual(all_Qeff_a.sum(), self.Qtotal, 9)

        # Make sure that we all agree on inverse effective charges
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(all_Qeff_a, numeric=True)])
        all_fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, fingerprint.dtype)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, all_fingerprints)
        if all_fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed eff. charges are not identical!')
예제 #18
파일: ut_hsops.py 프로젝트: yihsuanliu/gpaw
    def test_contents_projection(self):
        # Distribute inverse effective charges to everybody in domain
        all_Qeff_a = np.empty(len(self.atoms), dtype=float)
        for a, rank in enumerate(self.rank_a):
            if rank == self.gd.comm.rank:
                Qeff = np.array([self.Qeff_a[a]])
                Qeff = np.empty(1, dtype=float)
            self.gd.comm.broadcast(Qeff, rank)
            all_Qeff_a[a] = Qeff

        # Check absolute values consistency of inverse effective charges
            np.abs(1. / self.Z_a - np.abs(all_Qeff_a)).max(), 0, 9)

        # Check sum of inverse effective charges against total
        self.assertAlmostEqual(all_Qeff_a.sum(), self.Qtotal, 9)

        # Make sure that we all agree on inverse effective charges
        fingerprint = np.array([md5_array(all_Qeff_a, numeric=True)])
        all_fingerprints = np.empty(world.size, fingerprint.dtype)
        world.all_gather(fingerprint, all_fingerprints)
        if all_fingerprints.ptp(0).any():
            raise RuntimeError('Distributed eff. charges are not identical!')
예제 #19
                mixer = Mixer(beta=0.10, nmaxold=5, weight=100.0),
    return calc

rank = world.rank

# process_type can be one of three values:
# 0: server
# 1: client
# 2: potential
# Each independent program identifies itself with one of these three.

process_type = numpy.array((2,), dtype='i')
process_types = numpy.empty(world.size, dtype='i')

world.all_gather(process_type, process_types)

servers = 0
clients = 0
potentials = 0
client_ranks = []
potential_ranks = []
for i,t in enumerate(process_types):
    if t == 0:
        servers += 1
    elif t == 1:
        clients += 1
    elif t == 2:
        potentials += 1
예제 #20
파일: ut_hsops.py 프로젝트: yihsuanliu/gpaw
def create_memory_info(mem1, mem2, vmkey='VmData'):
    dm = np.array([(mem2 - mem1)[vmkey]], dtype=float)
    dm_r = np.empty(world.size, dtype=float)
    world.all_gather(dm, dm_r)
    return dm_r, ','.join(map(lambda v: '%8.4f MB' % v, dm_r / 1024**2.))
예제 #21
    calc = EMT()
    return calc

rank = world.rank

# process_type can be one of three values:
# 0: server
# 1: client
# 2: potential
# Each independent program identifies itself with one of these three.

process_type = numpy.array((2, ), dtype='i')
process_types = numpy.empty(world.size, dtype='i')

world.all_gather(process_type, process_types)

servers = 0
clients = 0
potentials = 0
for i, t in enumerate(process_types):
    if t == 0:
        server_rank = i
        servers += 1
    elif t == 1:
        clients += 1
    elif t == 2:
        potentials += 1

potential_group_size = potentials / clients
potential_ranks = numpy.empty(potentials, dtype='i')
예제 #22
def create_memory_info(mem1, mem2, vmkey='VmData'):
    dm = np.array([(mem2-mem1)[vmkey]], dtype=float)
    dm_r = np.empty(world.size, dtype=float)
    world.all_gather(dm, dm_r)
    return dm_r, ','.join(map(lambda v: '%8.4f MB' % v, dm_r/1024**2.))
예제 #23
파일: bztools.py 프로젝트: thonmaker/gpaw
def expand_ibz(lU_scc, cU_scc, ibzk_kc, pbc_c=np.ones(3, bool)):
    """Expand IBZ from lattice group to crystal group.

    lU_scc : ndarray
        Lattice symmetry operators.
    cU_scc : ndarray
        Crystal symmetry operators.
    ibzk_kc : ndarray
        Vertices of lattice IBZ.

    ibzk_kc : ndarray
        Vertices of crystal IBZ.


    # Find right cosets. The lattice group is partioned into right cosets of
    # the crystal group. This can in practice be done by testing whether
    # U1 U2^{-1} is in the crystal group as done below.
    cosets = []
    Utmp_scc = lU_scc.copy()
    while len(Utmp_scc):
        U1_cc = Utmp_scc[0].copy()
        Utmp_scc = np.delete(Utmp_scc, 0, axis=0)
        j = 0
        new_coset = [U1_cc]
        while j < len(Utmp_scc):
            U2_cc = Utmp_scc[j]
            U3_cc = np.dot(U1_cc, np.linalg.inv(U2_cc))
            if (U3_cc == cU_scc).all(2).all(1).any():
                Utmp_scc = np.delete(Utmp_scc, j, axis=0)
                j -= 1
            j += 1

    volume = np.inf
    nibzk_kc = ibzk_kc
    U0_cc = cosets[0][0]  # Origin

    if np.any(~pbc_c):
        nonpbcind = np.argwhere(~pbc_c)

    # Once the coests are known the irreducible zone is given by picking one
    # operation from each coset. To make sure that the IBZ produced is simply
    # connected we compute the volume of the convex hull of the produced IBZ
    # and pick (one of) the ones that have the smallest volume. This is done by
    # brute force and can sometimes take a while, however, in most cases this
    # is not a problem.
    combs = list(product(*cosets[1:]))[world.rank::world.size]
    for U_scc in combs:
        if not len(U_scc):
        U_scc = np.concatenate([np.array(U_scc), [U0_cc]])
        tmpk_kc = unfold_points(ibzk_kc, U_scc)
        volumenew = convex_hull_volume(tmpk_kc)

        if np.any(~pbc_c):
            # Compute the area instead
            volumenew /= (tmpk_kc[:, nonpbcind].max() -
                          tmpk_kc[:, nonpbcind].min())

        if volumenew < volume:
            nibzk_kc = tmpk_kc
            volume = volumenew

    ibzk_kc = unique_rows(nibzk_kc)
    volume = np.array((volume, ))

    volumes = np.zeros(world.size, float)
    world.all_gather(volume, volumes)

    minrank = np.argmin(volumes)
    minshape = np.array(ibzk_kc.shape)
    world.broadcast(minshape, minrank)

    if world.rank != minrank:
        ibzk_kc = np.zeros(minshape, float)
    world.broadcast(ibzk_kc, minrank)

    return ibzk_kc