예제 #1
    def test_integral_moment_first(self):
        lmax = 5  #XXX use meshgrid above l=5

        # Test first-order moments of the spherical harmonics
        for l1, m1 in lmiter(lmax, comm=world):
            s1_L = Y(l1, m1, theta_L, phi_L)
            for l2, m2 in lmiter(lmax):
                s2_L = Y(l2, m2, theta_L, phi_L)

                # Note that weights times surface area make up for sin(theta)
                v_ex = 4 * np.pi * np.vdot(s1_L, np.cos(phi_L) \
                    * np.sin(theta_L) * s2_L * weight_L)
                v_ey = 4 * np.pi * np.vdot(s1_L, np.sin(phi_L) \
                    * np.sin(theta_L) * s2_L * weight_L)
                v_ez = 4 * np.pi * np.vdot(s1_L, np.cos(theta_L) \
                    * s2_L * weight_L)

                v0_ex = intYY_ex(l1, m1, l2, m2)
                v0_ey = intYY_ey(l1, m1, l2, m2)
                v0_ez = intYY_ez(l1, m1, l2, m2)

                self.assertAlmostEqual(v_ex, v0_ex, 12, '%s != %s (l1=%2d, ' \
                    'm1=%2d, l2=%2d, m2=%2d)' % (v_ex,v0_ex,l1,m1,l2,m2))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(v_ey, v0_ey, 12, '%s != %s (l1=%2d, ' \
                    'm1=%2d, l2=%2d, m2=%2d)' % (v_ey,v0_ey,l1,m1,l2,m2))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(v_ez, v0_ez, 12, '%s != %s (l1=%2d, ' \
                    'm1=%2d, l2=%2d, m2=%2d)' % (v_ez,v0_ez,l1,m1,l2,m2))
예제 #2
 def test_convention_conj(self):
     # Test conjugation of the spherical harmonics (cf. QM1 p. 285)
     for l, m in lmiter(9, full=False, comm=world):
         s_L = (-1)**m * Y(l, -m, theta_L, phi_L)
         s0_L = Y(l, m, theta_L, phi_L).conj()
         e = np.abs(s_L - s0_L).max()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(e, 0, 12,
                                '%.17g max. (l=%2d, m=%2d)' % (e, l, m))
예제 #3
    def test_integral_derivative_theta(self):
        lmax = 7
        jmax = (lmax + 1)**2

        ntheta = 200
        nphi = 20
        dtheta = np.pi / ntheta
        dphi = 2 * np.pi / nphi
        theta_g, phi_g = np.meshgrid( \
            np.linspace(dtheta / 2, np.pi - dtheta / 2, ntheta), \
            np.linspace(dphi / 2, 2 * np.pi - dphi / 2, nphi))

        # Test theta-derivative of the spherical harmonics
        cf = lambda lmax,l1,m1: nL + ntheta * nphi \
            * sum(condYdYdtheta(l1, m1, l2, m2) for l2,m2 in lmiter(lmax))

        for l1, m1 in lmiter(lmax, comm=world, cost=cf):
            if cf(lmax, l1, m1) > nL:
                s1_g = Y(l1, m1, theta_g, phi_g)
            s1_L = Y(l1, m1, theta_L, phi_L)

            for l2, m2 in lmiter(lmax):
                v0_ex = intYdYdtheta_ex(l1, m1, l2, m2)
                v0_ey = intYdYdtheta_ey(l1, m1, l2, m2)
                v0_ez = intYdYdtheta_ez(l1, m1, l2, m2)

                # Note that weights times surface area make up for sin(theta)
                if condYdYdtheta(l1, m1, l2, m2):
                    ds2dtheta_g = dYdtheta(l2, m2, theta_g, phi_g)
                    v_ex = dphi * dtheta * np.vdot(s1_g, np.cos(phi_g) \
                        * np.cos(theta_g) * ds2dtheta_g * np.sin(theta_g))
                    v_ey = dphi * dtheta * np.vdot(s1_g, np.sin(phi_g) \
                        * np.cos(theta_g) * ds2dtheta_g * np.sin(theta_g))
                    v_ez = dphi * dtheta * np.vdot(s1_g, -np.sin(theta_g) \
                        * ds2dtheta_g * np.sin(theta_g))
                    del ds2dtheta_g
                    ds2dtheta_L = dYdtheta(l2, m2, theta_L, phi_L)
                    v_ex = 4 * np.pi * np.vdot(s1_L, np.cos(phi_L) \
                        * np.cos(theta_L) * ds2dtheta_L * weight_L)
                    v_ey = 4 * np.pi * np.vdot(s1_L, np.sin(phi_L) \
                        * np.cos(theta_L) * ds2dtheta_L * weight_L)
                    v_ez = 4 * np.pi * np.vdot(s1_L, -np.sin(theta_L) \
                        * ds2dtheta_L * weight_L)
                    del ds2dtheta_L

                self.assertAlmostEqual(v_ex, v0_ex, 3, '%s != %s (l1=%2d, ' \
                    'm1=%2d, l2=%2d, m2=%2d)' % (v_ex,v0_ex,l1,m1,l2,m2))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(v_ey, v0_ey, 3, '%s != %s (l1=%2d, ' \
                    'm1=%2d, l2=%2d, m2=%2d)' % (v_ey,v0_ey,l1,m1,l2,m2))
                self.assertAlmostEqual(v_ez, v0_ez, 3, '%s != %s (l1=%2d, ' \
                    'm1=%2d, l2=%2d, m2=%2d)' % (v_ez,v0_ez,l1,m1,l2,m2))
예제 #4
    def test_integral_orthogonality(self):
        lmax = 5  #XXX use meshgrid above l=5

        # Test orthogonality of the spherical harmonics
        for l1, m1 in lmiter(lmax, comm=world):
            s1_L = Y(l1, m1, theta_L, phi_L)
            for l2, m2 in lmiter(lmax):
                s2_L = Y(l2, m2, theta_L, phi_L)

                # Note that weights times surface area make up for sin(theta)
                v = 4 * np.pi * np.vdot(s1_L, s2_L * weight_L)
                v0 = intYY(l1, m1, l2, m2)
                self.assertAlmostEqual(v, v0, 12, '%s != %s (l1=%2d, m1=%2d' \
                    ', l2=%2d, m2=%2d)' % (v,v0,l1,m1,l2,m2))
예제 #5
    def test_addition_theorem(self):
        lmax = 9

        # Test that the complex spherical harmonic addition theorem holds
        thetam_L = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, size=theta_L.shape)
        world.broadcast(thetam_L, 0)
        phim_L = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, size=phi_L.shape)
        world.broadcast(phim_L, 0)
        cosv_L = np.cos(theta_L)*np.cos(thetam_L) \
            + np.sin(theta_L)*np.sin(thetam_L)*np.cos(phi_L-phim_L)
        P0_lL = np.array([legendre(l, 0, cosv_L) for l in range(lmax + 1)])
        P_lL = np.zeros_like(P0_lL)
        for l, m in lmiter(lmax, comm=world):
            P_lL[l] += 4 * np.pi / (2*l + 1.) * Y(l, m, theta_L, phi_L) \
                * Y(l, m, thetam_L, phim_L).conj()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.abs(P_lL - P0_lL).max(), 0, 6)
예제 #6
    def test_multipole_expansion(self):
        lmax = 9
        R = 1.0
        npts = 1000
        tol = 1e-9

        # Solve ((R-dR)/(R+dR))**(lmax+1) = tol for dR
        dR = R * (1 - tol**(1. / (lmax + 1))) / (1 + tol**(1. / (lmax + 1)))
        assert abs(((R - dR) / (R + dR))**(lmax + 1) - tol) < 1e-12

        # Test multipole expansion of 1/|r-r'| in complex spherical harmonics
        r_g = np.random.uniform(R + dR, 10 * R, size=npts)
        world.broadcast(r_g, 0)
        theta_g = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, size=npts)
        world.broadcast(theta_g, 0)
        phi_g = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, size=npts)
        world.broadcast(phi_g, 0)

        r_vg = np.empty((3, npts), dtype=float)
        r_vg[0] = r_g * np.cos(phi_g) * np.sin(theta_g)
        r_vg[1] = r_g * np.sin(phi_g) * np.sin(theta_g)
        r_vg[2] = r_g * np.cos(theta_g)

        rm_g = np.random.uniform(0, R - dR, size=npts)
        world.broadcast(rm_g, 0)
        thetam_g = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, size=npts)
        world.broadcast(thetam_g, 0)
        phim_g = np.random.uniform(0, np.pi, size=npts)
        world.broadcast(phim_g, 0)

        rm_vg = np.empty((3, npts), dtype=float)
        rm_vg[0] = rm_g * np.cos(phim_g) * np.sin(thetam_g)
        rm_vg[1] = rm_g * np.sin(phim_g) * np.sin(thetam_g)
        rm_vg[2] = rm_g * np.cos(thetam_g)

        f0_g = np.sum((r_vg - rm_vg)**2, axis=0)**(-0.5)
        f_g = np.zeros_like(f0_g)

        for l, m in lmiter(lmax, comm=world):
            f_g += 4 * np.pi / (2*l + 1.) * r_g**(-1) * (rm_g/r_g)**l \
                * Y(l, m, theta_g, phi_g) * Y(l, m, thetam_g, phim_g).conj()

        e = np.abs(f_g - f0_g).max()
        self.assertAlmostEqual(e, 0, 9)
예제 #7
 def test_convention_sign(self):
     # Test sign convention of the spherical harmonics (cf. QM1 p. 285)
     for l, m in lmiter(3, comm=world):
         s_L = Y(l, m, theta_L, phi_L)
         if (l, m) == (0, 0):
             s0_L = np.ones_like(theta_L) / (4 * np.pi)**0.5
         elif (l, m) == (1, -1):
             s0_L = (3 / (8 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L) \
                 * np.exp(-1j*phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (1, 0):
             s0_L = (3 / (4 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.cos(theta_L)
         elif (l, m) == (1, 1):
             s0_L = -(3 / (8 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L) \
                 * np.exp(1j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (2, -2):
             s0_L = (15 / (32 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L)**2 \
                 * np.exp(-2j*phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (2, -1):
             s0_L = (15 / (8 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L) \
                 * np.cos(theta_L) * np.exp(-1j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (2, 0):
             s0_L = (5 / (16 * np.pi))**0.5 * (3 * np.cos(theta_L)**2 - 1)
         elif (l, m) == (2, 1):
             s0_L = -(15 / (8 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L) \
                 * np.cos(theta_L) * np.exp(1j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (2, 2):
             s0_L = (15 / (32 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L)**2 \
                 * np.exp(2j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (3, -3):
             s0_L = (35 / (64 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L)**3 \
                 * np.exp(-3j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (3, -2):
             s0_L = (105 / (32 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L)**2 \
                 * np.cos(theta_L) * np.exp(-2j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (3, -1):
             s0_L = (21 / (64 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L) \
                 * (5 * np.cos(theta_L)**2 - 1) * np.exp(-1j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (3, 0):
             s0_L = (7 / (16 * np.pi))**0.5 \
                 * (5 * np.cos(theta_L)**3 - 3 * np.cos(theta_L))
         elif (l, m) == (3, 1):
             s0_L = -(21 / (64 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L) \
                 * (5 * np.cos(theta_L)**2 - 1) * np.exp(1j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (3, 2):
             s0_L = (105 / (32 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L)**2 \
                 * np.cos(theta_L) * np.exp(2j * phi_L)
         elif (l, m) == (3, 3):
             s0_L = -(35 / (64 * np.pi))**0.5 * np.sin(theta_L)**3 \
                 * np.exp(3j * phi_L)
             raise ValueError('Unsupported CSH (l=%2d, m=%2d).' % (l, m))
         e = np.abs(s_L - s0_L).max()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(e, 0, 12,
                                '%.17g max. (l=%2d, m=%2d)' % (e, l, m))
예제 #8
 def test_relation_real(self):
     # Test relation for complex spherical harmonics in terms of the real
     for l, m in lmiter(9, comm=world):
         if m == 0:
             s_L = _Y(l, m, theta_L, phi_L)
         elif m > 0:
             s_L = (-1)**m * (_Y(l,m,theta_L,phi_L) \
                 + 1j * _Y(l,-m,theta_L,phi_L)) / 2**0.5
             s_L = (_Y(l,abs(m),theta_L,phi_L) \
                 - 1j * _Y(l,-abs(m),theta_L,phi_L)) / 2**0.5
         s0_L = Y(l, m, theta_L, phi_L)
         e = np.abs(s_L - s0_L).max()
         self.assertAlmostEqual(e, 0, 12, \
                                '%.17g max. (l=%2d, m=%2d)' % (e,l,m))