예제 #1
    def __init__(self,
        Class for calculating quasiparticle energies of van der Waals
        heterostructures using the GW approximation for the self-energy. 
        The quasiparticle energy correction due to increased screening from
        surrounding layers is obtained from the QEH model.
        calc: str or PAW object
            GPAW calculator object or filename of saved calculator object.
        gwfile: str
            name of gw results file from the monolayer calculation
        filename: str
            filename for gwqeh output
        kpts: list
            List of indices of sthe IBZ k-points to calculate the quasi
            particle energies for. Set to [0] by default since the QP 
            correction is generally the same for all k. 
        bands: tuple
            Range of band indices, like (n1, n2+1), to calculate the quasi
            particle energies for. Note that the second band index is not
            included. Should be the same as used for the GW calculation.
        structure: list of str
            Heterostructure set up. Each entry should consist of number of
            layers + chemical formula.
            For example: ['3H-MoS2', graphene', '10H-WS2'] gives 3 layers of
            H-MoS2, 1 layer of graphene and 10 layers of H-WS2.
            The name of the layers should correspond to building block files:
            "<name>-chi.pckl" in the local repository. 
        d: array of floats
            Interlayer distances for neighboring layers in Ang.
            Length of array = number of layers - 1
        layer: int
            index of layer to calculate QP correction for. 
        dW_qw: 2D array of floats dimension q X w
            Change in screened interaction. Should be set to None to calculate 
            dW directly from buildingblocks.
        qqeh: array of floats
            q-grid used for dW_qw (only needed if dW is given by hand).
        wqeh: array of floats
            w-grid used for dW_qw. So far this have to be the same as for the 
            GWQEH calculation.  (only needed if dW is given by hand).
        domega0: float
            Minimum frequency step (in eV) used in the generation of the non-
            linear frequency grid.
        omega2: float
            Control parameter for the non-linear frequency grid, equal to the
            frequency where the grid spacing has doubled in size.
        eta: float
            Broadening parameter.
        include_q0: bool
            include q=0 in W or not. if True an integral arround q=0 is
            performed, if False the q=0 contribution is set to zero. 
        metal: bool
            If True, the point at q=0 is omitted when averaging the screened
            potential close to q=0. 

        self.gwfile = gwfile

        self.inputcalc = calc
        # Set low ecut in order to use PairDensity object since only
        # G=0 is needed.
        self.ecut = 1.
                             txt=filename + '.txt')

        self.filename = filename
        self.ecut /= Hartree
        self.eta = eta / Hartree
        self.domega0 = domega0 / Hartree
        self.omega2 = omega2 / Hartree

        self.kpts = list(select_kpts(kpts, self.calc))

        if bands is None:
            bands = [0, self.nocc2]

        self.bands = bands

        b1, b2 = bands
        self.shape = shape = (self.calc.wfs.nspins, len(self.kpts), b2 - b1)
        self.eps_sin = np.empty(shape)  # KS-eigenvalues
        self.f_sin = np.empty(shape)  # occupation numbers
        self.sigma_sin = np.zeros(shape)  # self-energies
        self.dsigma_sin = np.zeros(shape)  # derivatives of self-energies
        self.Z_sin = None  # renormalization factors
        self.qp_sin = None
        self.Qp_sin = None

        self.ecutnb = 150 / Hartree
        vol = abs(np.linalg.det(self.calc.wfs.gd.cell_cv))
        self.vol = vol
        self.nbands = min(self.calc.get_number_of_bands(),
                          int(vol * (self.ecutnb)**1.5 * 2**0.5 / 3 / pi**2))

        self.nspins = self.calc.wfs.nspins

        kd = self.calc.wfs.kd

        self.mysKn1n2 = None  # my (s, K, n1, n2) indices
        self.distribute_k_points_and_bands(b1, b2, kd.ibz2bz_k[self.kpts])

        # Find q-vectors and weights in the IBZ:
        assert -1 not in kd.bz2bz_ks
        offset_c = 0.5 * ((kd.N_c + 1) % 2) / kd.N_c
        bzq_qc = monkhorst_pack(kd.N_c) + offset_c
        self.qd = KPointDescriptor(bzq_qc)
        self.qd.set_symmetry(self.calc.atoms, kd.symmetry)

        # frequency grid
        omax = self.find_maximum_frequency()
        self.omega_w = frequency_grid(self.domega0, self.omega2, omax)
        self.nw = len(self.omega_w)
        self.wsize = 2 * self.nw

        # Calculate screened potential of Heterostructure
        if dW_qw is None:
                self.qqeh, self.wqeh, dW_qw = pickle.load(
                    open(filename + '_dW_qw.pckl', 'rb'))
                dW_qw = self.calculate_W_QEH(structure, d, layer)
            self.qqeh = qqeh
            self.wqeh = None  # wqeh

        self.dW_qw = self.get_W_on_grid(dW_qw,

        assert self.nw == self.dW_qw.shape[1], \
            ('Frequency grids doesnt match!')

        self.htp = HilbertTransform(self.omega_w, self.eta, gw=True)
        self.htm = HilbertTransform(self.omega_w, -self.eta, gw=True)

        self.complete = False
        self.nq = 0
        if self.load_state_file():
            if self.complete:
                print('Self-energy loaded from file', file=self.fd)
예제 #2
파일: g0w0.py 프로젝트: robwarm/gpaw-symm
    def __init__(self, calc, filename='gw',
                 kpts=None, bands=None, nbands=None, ppa=False,
                 ecut=150.0, eta=0.1, E0=1.0 * Hartree,
                 domega0=0.025, omega2=10.0,
        PairDensity.__init__(self, calc, ecut, world=world,
                             txt=filename + '.txt')
        self.filename = filename
        ecut /= Hartree
        self.ppa = ppa
        self.wstc = wstc
        self.eta = eta / Hartree
        self.E0 = E0 / Hartree
        self.domega0 = domega0 / Hartree
        self.omega2 = omega2 / Hartree

        print('  ___  _ _ _ ', file=self.fd)
        print(' |   || | | |', file=self.fd)
        print(' | | || | | |', file=self.fd)
        print(' |__ ||_____|', file=self.fd)
        print(' |___|       ', file=self.fd)

        self.kpts = select_kpts(kpts, self.calc)
        if bands is None:
            bands = [0, self.nocc2]
        self.bands = bands

        b1, b2 = bands
        self.shape = shape = (self.calc.wfs.nspins, len(self.kpts), b2 - b1)
        self.eps_sin = np.empty(shape)     # KS-eigenvalues
        self.f_sin = np.empty(shape)       # occupation numbers
        self.sigma_sin = np.zeros(shape)   # self-energies
        self.dsigma_sin = np.zeros(shape)  # derivatives of self-energies
        self.vxc_sin = None                # KS XC-contributions
        self.exx_sin = None                # exact exchange contributions
        self.Z_sin = None                  # renormalization factors
        if nbands is None:
            nbands = int(self.vol * ecut**1.5 * 2**0.5 / 3 / pi**2)
        self.nbands = nbands

        kd = self.calc.wfs.kd

        self.mysKn1n2 = None  # my (s, K, n1, n2) indices
        self.distribute_k_points_and_bands(b1, b2, kd.ibz2bz_k[self.kpts])
        # Find q-vectors and weights in the IBZ:
        assert -1 not in kd.bz2bz_ks
        offset_c = 0.5 * ((kd.N_c + 1) % 2) / kd.N_c
        bzq_qc = monkhorst_pack(kd.N_c) + offset_c
        self.qd = KPointDescriptor(bzq_qc)
        self.qd.set_symmetry(self.calc.atoms, self.calc.wfs.setups,
        assert self.calc.wfs.nspins == 1
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, calc, filename='gw',
                 kpts=None, bands=None, nbands=None, ppa=False,
                 ecut=150.0, eta=0.1, E0=1.0 * Hartree,
                 domega0=0.025, omega2=10.0,
                 nblocks=1, savew=False,

        if world.rank != 0:
            txt = devnull
            txt = open(filename + '.txt', 'w')

        p = functools.partial(print, file=txt)
        p('  ___  _ _ _ ')
        p(' |   || | | |')
        p(' | | || | | |')
        p(' |__ ||_____|')
        p(' |___|')

        PairDensity.__init__(self, calc, ecut, world=world, nblocks=nblocks,

        self.filename = filename
        self.savew = savew
        ecut /= Hartree
        self.ppa = ppa
        self.wstc = wstc
        self.eta = eta / Hartree
        self.E0 = E0 / Hartree
        self.domega0 = domega0 / Hartree
        self.omega2 = omega2 / Hartree

        self.kpts = select_kpts(kpts, self.calc)
        if bands is None:
            bands = [0, self.nocc2]
        self.bands = bands

        b1, b2 = bands
        self.shape = shape = (self.calc.wfs.nspins, len(self.kpts), b2 - b1)
        self.eps_sin = np.empty(shape)     # KS-eigenvalues
        self.f_sin = np.empty(shape)       # occupation numbers
        self.sigma_sin = np.zeros(shape)   # self-energies
        self.dsigma_sin = np.zeros(shape)  # derivatives of self-energies
        self.vxc_sin = None                # KS XC-contributions
        self.exx_sin = None                # exact exchange contributions
        self.Z_sin = None                  # renormalization factors
        if nbands is None:
            nbands = int(self.vol * ecut**1.5 * 2**0.5 / 3 / pi**2)
        self.nbands = nbands

        p('Quasi particle states:')
        if kpts is None:
            p('All k-points in IBZ')
            kptstxt = ', '.join(['{0:d}'.format(k) for k in self.kpts])
            p('k-points (IBZ indices): [' + kptstxt + ']')
        p('Band range: ({0:d}, {1:d})'.format(b1, b2))
        p('Computational parameters:')
        p('Plane wave cut-off: {0:g} eV'.format(self.ecut * Hartree))
        p('Number of bands: {0:d}'.format(self.nbands))
        p('Broadening: {0:g} eV'.format(self.eta * Hartree))

        kd = self.calc.wfs.kd

        self.mysKn1n2 = None  # my (s, K, n1, n2) indices
        self.distribute_k_points_and_bands(b1, b2, kd.ibz2bz_k[self.kpts])
        # Find q-vectors and weights in the IBZ:
        assert -1 not in kd.bz2bz_ks
        offset_c = 0.5 * ((kd.N_c + 1) % 2) / kd.N_c
        bzq_qc = monkhorst_pack(kd.N_c) + offset_c
        self.qd = KPointDescriptor(bzq_qc)
        self.qd.set_symmetry(self.calc.atoms, kd.symmetry)
        assert self.calc.wfs.nspins == 1