예제 #1
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(BoundsChecking.__doc__)
     self.cost = F
     return [
         F >= D + T, D == rf * V**2 * Ap, Ap == nu, T == mf * V,
         mf >= mi + mb, mf == rf * V, Fs <= mi
예제 #2
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Empennage.__doc__)

        self.htail = HorizontalTail()
        self.htail.substitutions.update({self.htail.mfac: 1.1})
        lh = self.lh = self.htail.lh
        self.Vh = self.htail.Vh
        self.bh = self.htail.b
        self.mh = self.htail.mh
        self.vtail = VerticalTail()
        self.vtail.substitutions.update({self.vtail.mfac: 1.1})
        lv = self.lv = self.vtail.lv
        self.Vv = self.vtail.Vv
        self.bv = self.vtail.b
        self.tailboom = TailBoom()
        self.components = [self.htail, self.vtail, self.tailboom]
        l = self.l = self.tailboom.l

        state = TailBoomState()
        loading = [
            self.tailboom.hbending(self.tailboom, self.htail, state),
            self.tailboom.vbending(self.tailboom, self.vtail, state),
            self.tailboom.vtorsion(self.tailboom, self.vtail, state)

        constraints = [
            W / mfac >= sum(c.W for c in self.components),
            l >= lh,
            l >= lv,

        return self.components, constraints, loading
예제 #3
    def setup(self, htail, hbending, wing):
        exec parse_variables(TailBoomFlexibility.__doc__)

        mh = htail.mh
        mw = wing.mw
        Vh = htail.Vh
        th = hbending.th
        CLhmin = htail.CLhmin
        CLwmax = wing.planform.CLmax
        Sw = wing.planform.S
        bw = wing.planform.b
        lh = htail.lh
        CM = wing.planform.CM

        constraints = [
            Fne >= 1 + mh * th,
            sph1 * (mw * Fne / mh / Vh) + deda <= 1,
            sph2 <= Vh * CLhmin / CLwmax,
            # (sph1 + sph2).mono_lower_bound({"sph1": .48, "sph2": .52}) >= (
            #     SMcorr + wing["C_M"]/wing["C_{L_{max}}"]),
            deda >= mw * Sw / bw / 4 / pi / lh

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints.extend([sph1 + sph2 >= SMcorr + CM / CLwmax])

        return constraints
예제 #4
    def setup(self,
              fitdata=dirname(abspath(__file__)) + sep + "jho_fitdata.csv"):
        self.state = state
        self.static = static
        exec parse_variables(WingAero.__doc__)

        df = pd.read_csv(fitdata)
        fd = df.to_dict(orient="records")[0]

        AR = static.planform.AR
        cmac = static.planform.cmac
        rho = state.rho
        V = state.V
        mu = state.mu
        # needed for Climb model in solar
        self.rhoValue = bool(rho.key.value)
        self.muValue = bool(mu.key.value)

        if fd["d"] == 2:
            independentvars = [CL, Re]
        elif fd["d"] == 3:
            independentvars = [CL, Re, static.planform.tau]

        return [
            Cd >= cdp + CL**2 / np.pi / AR / e,
            Re == rho * V * cmac / mu,
            # XfoilFit(fd, cdp, [CL, Re], airfoil="jho1.dat"),
            XfoilFit(fd, cdp, independentvars, name="polar"),
            CL <= CLstall
예제 #5
    def setup(self, N, surface):
        self.surface = surface
        exec parse_variables(BoxSpar.__doc__)

        b = self.b = surface.b
        cave = self.cave = surface.cave
        tau = self.tau = surface.tau
        deta = surface.deta
        rho = self.material.rho
        rhoshear = self.shearMaterial.rho
        rhocore = self.coreMaterial.rho
        tshearmin = self.shearMaterial.tmin
        tmin = self.material.tmin

        self.weight = W >= 2*dm.sum()*g

        constraints = [I/mfac <= w*t*hin**2,
                       dm >= (rho*4*w*t + 4*tshear*rhoshear*(hin + w)
                              + 2*rhocore*tcore*(w + hin))*b/2*deta,
                       w <= wlim*cave,
                       cave*tau >= hin + 4*t + 2*tcore,
                       t >= tmin,
                       Sy*(hin/2 + 2*t + tcore) <= I,
                       tshear >= tshearmin,
                       tcore >= tcoret*cave*tau,
                       d == w,

        return constraints
예제 #6
    def setup(self, tailboom, htail, state):
        N = self.N = tailboom.N
        self.state = state
        self.htail = htail
        self.tailboom = tailboom
        exec parse_variables(TailBoomBending.__doc__)

        Beam.qbarFun = [1e-10] * N
        Beam.SbarFun = [1.] * N
        beam = self.beam = Beam(N)

        I = tailboom.I
        tailboom.I0 = I[0]
        l = tailboom.l
        S = htail.planform.S
        E = tailboom.material.E
        Sy = tailboom.Sy
        qne = state.qne
        CLmax = htail.planform.CLmax
        deta = tailboom.deta
        sigma = tailboom.material.sigma

        constraints = [
            beam.dx == deta, F >= qne * S,
            beam["\\bar{EI}"] <= E * I / F / l**2 / 2,
            Mr >= beam["\\bar{M}"][:-1] * F * l, sigma >= Mr / Sy,
            th == beam["\\theta"][-1],
            beam["\\bar{\\delta}"][-1] * CLmax * Nsafety <= kappa

        self.tailboomJ = hasattr(tailboom, "J")
        if self.tailboomJ:
            constraints.append(tailboom.J >= 1e-10 * units("m^4"))

        return constraints, beam
예제 #7
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Aircraft.__doc__)
        self.fuse = Fuselage()
        self.wing = Wing()
        self.components = [self.fuse, self.wing]

        return self.components, W >= sum(c.W for c in self.components)
예제 #8
    def setup(self, static, state, N=5):
        exec parse_variables(BladeElementProp.__doc__)

        with Vectorize(N):
            blade = BladeElementPerf(static, state)

        constraints = [
            blade.dr == static.R / (N), blade.omega == omega,
            blade.r[0] == static.R / (2. * N)

        for n in range(1, N):
            constraints += [
                TCS([blade.r[n] >= blade.r[n - 1] + static.R / N]),
                blade.eta_i[n] == blade.eta_i[n - 1],

        constraints += [
            TCS([Q >= sum(blade.dQ)]), eta == state.V * T / (omega * Q),
            blade.M[-1] <= Mtip, static.T_m >= T, omega <= omega_max

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints += [TCS([T <= sum(blade.dT)])]

        return constraints, blade
예제 #9
    def setup(self, N=5):
        exec parse_variables(Wing.__doc__)

        self.wing = WingGP.setup(self, N=N)
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [mw * (1 + 2 / self.planform["AR"]) >= 2 * np.pi]

        return self.wing, constraints
예제 #10
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Motor.__doc__)

        constraints = [W >= Qstar*Qmax*g,
                       Kv >= Kv_min,
                       Kv <= Kv_max]

        return constraints
예제 #11
    def setup(self, surface):
        exec parse_variables(WingCore.__doc__)

        cave = self.cave = surface.cave
        b = self.b = surface.b
        deta = surface.deta
        rho = self.material.rho

        return [W >= 2*(g*rho*Abar*cave**2*b/2*deta).sum()]
예제 #12
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(Trip.__doc__)
     customer = Customer()
     constraints = [
         cost >= Variable('cost_lim', 1, '-'),
         t >= Variable('t_lim', 10, 'minutes'),
         total_cost >= cost + t * customer.time_value
     return constraints, customer
예제 #13
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(TailBoom.__doc__)

        return [I0 <= np.pi*t0*d0**3/8.0,
                W/mfac >= np.pi*g*rhocfrp*d0*l*t0*kfac,
                t0 >= tmin,
                J <= np.pi/8.0*d0**3*t0,
                S == l*np.pi*d0,
예제 #14
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Aircraft.__doc__)
        self.fuse = Fuselage()
        self.wing = Wing()
        self.components = [self.fuse, self.wing]

        return {
            "definition of W": W >= sum(c.W for c in self.components),
            "components": self.components
예제 #15
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Propulsor.__doc__)

        Propeller.flight_model = self.prop_flight_model
        self.prop = Propeller()
        self.motor = Motor()

        components = [self.prop, self.motor]

        return [self.W >= self.prop.W + self.motor.W], components
예제 #16
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(Section.__doc__)
     constraints = [
         # Taking averages,
         A_in * A_out == A_avg**2,
         # Volume of chamber
         V_chamb == A_avg * l,
         # Area ratio
         A_in / A_out == k_A,
         # Mass flow rate
         rho_in * u_in * A_in == mdot_in,
         rho_out * u_out * A_out == mdot_out,
         # Chamber pressure
         P_chamb**2 == P_in * P_out,
         # Product generation rate
         q == rho_p * A_b * r,
         A_b == l_b * l,
         A_p_out + r * l_b * dt <= A_p_in,
         # Stagnation quantities
         P_t_in >= P_in + 0.5 * rho_in * u_in**2,
         T_t_in >= T_in + u_in**2 / (2 * c_p),
         # Ideal gas law
         P_out == rho_out * R * T_out,
         # Pressure increase
         P_out + dP <= P_in,
         # Making sure burn surface length is feasible
         l_b >= 2 * np.pi**0.5 * (A_avg)**0.5,
         l_b <= l_b_max * 2 * np.pi**0.5 * (A_avg)**0.5,
         # Constraining areas
         Tight([A_avg + A_p_in <= np.pi * radius**2]),
     with SignomialsEnabled():
         constraints += [
             # Flow acceleration (conservation of momentum)
             # Note: assumes constant rate of burn through the chamber
             dP + rho_in * u_in**2 >= q * u_out / V_chamb *
             (2. / 3. * l) + rho_in * u_in * u_out,
             # Burn rate (Saint-Robert's Law, coefficients taken for Space Shuttle SRM)
                 r >= r_c * (P_chamb / 1e6 * units('1/Pa'))**0.35 *
                 (1 + 0.5 * r_k * (u_in + u_out))
             # Mass flows
             Tight([mdot_in + q >= mdot_out]),
             mdot_out >= mdot_in,
             # Temperatures
                 T_t_out * mdot_out <=
                 mdot_in * T_t_in + q * T_amb + q * k_comb_p / c_p
             # Stagnation quantities
             Tight([P_t_out <= P_out + 0.5 * rho_out * u_out**2]),
             Tight([T_t_out <= T_out + u_out**2 / (2 * c_p)]),
     return constraints
예제 #17
    def setup(self, nt, nx):
        exec parse_variables(Rocket.__doc__)
        self.nt = nt
        self.nx = nx
        self.nozzle = Nozzle()
        with Vectorize(nt):
            self.nozzlePerformance = NozzlePerformance(self.nozzle)
            self.section = SRM(nx)
        constraints = [
            # Limiting nozzle size to cross-sectional area
            # self.nozzle.A_e <= np.pi*r**2,
            # Equal time segments
            self.section.dt == t_T/nt,
            # All fuel is consumed
            self.section.A_p_out[:,-1] == 1e-20*np.ones(nx)*np.pi*r**2,
            A_fuel == self.section.A_p_in[:,0],
            T_target == self.nozzlePerformance.T,
            c_T == self.nozzlePerformance.c_T,
            # Fuel parameters
            self.section.k_comb_p == k_comb_p,
            self.section.rho_p == rho_p,

        for i in range(nt-1):
            constraints += [
                # Decreasing fuel
                self.section.A_p_out[:, i] == self.section.A_p_in[:, i+1],
                # Decreasing sectional area
                self.section.A_in[:,i] <= self.section.A_in[:,i+1],
                self.section.A_out[:,i] <= self.section.A_out[:,i+1],

        for i in range(nt):
            constraints += [
                # Rocket length is section length,
                self.section.radius[i] == r,
                self.section.l[i] == l,
                # Matching nozzle and section conditions
                self.nozzlePerformance.mdot[i] == self.section.mdot_out[i],
                self.nozzlePerformance.T_t[i] == self.section.T_t_out[i],
                # Maximum chamber pressure
                self.section.P_chamb[:, i] <= P_max,
                self.nozzlePerformance.P_star[i] <= P_max,
            with SignomialsEnabled():
                constraints += [
                # Matching nozzle stagnation pressure
                Tight([self.nozzlePerformance.P_t[i] <= s[i]*(self.section.P_out[i] +
                                0.5*self.section.rho_out[i]*self.section.u_out[i]**2)], name='PtNozzle', printwarning=True),
                s[i]*self.nozzlePerformance.P_t[i] >= self.section.P_out[i] +
                s[i] >= 1

        return constraints, self.nozzle, self.nozzlePerformance, self.section
예제 #18
    def setup(self, static, state):
        exec parse_variables(TailBoomAero.__doc__)

        l = self.l = static.l
        rho = self.rho = state.rho
        V = self.V = state.V
        mu = self.mu = state.mu

        return [Re == V*rho*l/mu,
                Cf >= 0.455/Re**0.3,
예제 #19
    def setup(self, N=5):
        self.N = N
        exec parse_variables(TailBoom.__doc__)
        self.spar = super(TailBoom, self).setup(N, self)

        if self.secondaryWeight:
            self.weight.right += rhoA * g * S

        d0 = self.d0 = self.d[0]

        return self.spar, [S == l * pi * d0, b == 2 * l]
예제 #20
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Aircraft.__doc__)
        self.fuse = Fuselage()
        self.wing = Wing()
        self.components = [self.fuse, self.wing]

        return {
            "definition of W":
                W >= sum(c.W for c in self.components),
예제 #21
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(BoundsChecking.__doc__)
     self.cost = F
     return [
         F >= D + T,
         D == rf*V**2*Ap,
         Ap == nu,
         T == mf*V,
         mf >= mi + mb,
         mf == rf*V,
         Fs <= mi
예제 #22
    def setup(self, N=3):
        exec parse_variables(VerticalTail.__doc__)

        self.ascs = Wing.setup(self, N)
            {self.planform.tau: 0.08, self.planform.lam: 0.8,
             self.planform.AR: 4})
        if self.fillModel:
            self.foam.substitutions.update({self.foam.Abar: 0.0548,
                                            self.foam.material.rho: 0.024})

        return self.ascs
예제 #23
    def setup(self, static, state):
        exec parse_variables(PropulsorPerf.__doc__)
        self.prop = static.prop.flight_model(static.prop, state)
        self.motor = static.motor.flight_model(static.motor, state)

        self.components = [self.prop, self.motor]

        constraints = [self.prop.Q == self.motor.Q,
                       self.prop.omega == self.motor.omega

        return constraints, self.components
예제 #24
    def setup(self, N, surface):
        exec parse_variables(BoxSpar.__doc__)
        self.boxspar = BoxSparGP.setup(self, N=N, surface=surface)

        cave = self.cave
        tau = self.tau
        w = self.w
        tshear = self.tshear

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [J <= cave * tau * w * tshear / 3 * (cave * tau + w)]

        return self.boxspar, constraints
예제 #25
    def setup(self, surface):
        exec parse_variables(WingSkin.__doc__)

        croot = self.croot = surface.croot
        S = self.S = surface.S
        rho = self.material.rho
        tau = self.material.tau
        tmin = self.material.tmin

        return [
            W >= rho * surface.S * 2 * t * g, t >= tmin,
            tau >= 1 / Jtbar / croot**2 / t * Cmw * S * rhosl * Vne**2
예제 #26
    def setup(self, wing, state):
        self.wing = wing
        self.state = state
        exec parse_variables(WingAero.__doc__)

        c = wing.c
        A = wing.A
        S = wing.S
        rho = state.rho
        V = state.V
        mu = state.mu

        return {
            "drag model":
                CD >= 0.074/Re**0.2 + CL**2/np.pi/A/e,
            "definition of Re":
                Re == rho*V*c/mu,
            "definition of D":
                D >= 0.5*rho*V**2*CD*S}
예제 #27
    def setup(self, aircraft, state):
        self.aircraft = aircraft
        self.state = state
        exec parse_variables(AircraftP.__doc__)

        self.wing_aero = aircraft.wing.dynamic(aircraft.wing, state)
        self.perf_models = [self.wing_aero]

        W = aircraft.W
        S = aircraft.wing.S

        V = state.V
        rho = state.rho

        D = self.wing_aero.D
        CL = self.wing_aero.CL

        return {
                W + Wfuel <= 0.5*rho*CL*S*V**2,
            "fuel burn rate":
                Wburn >= 0.1*D,
예제 #28
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(FlightState.__doc__)
예제 #29
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(Fuselage.__doc__)
예제 #30
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(Wing.__doc__)
     return {"parametrization of wing weight":
                 W >= S*rho,
             "definition of mean chord":
                 c == (S/A)**0.5}
예제 #31
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Cube.__doc__)

        return [A >= 2*(s[0]*s[1] + s[1]*s[2] + s[2]*s[0]),
                s.prod() >= V,
                s[2] >= h]
예제 #32
    Variables of length 3
    s       [m]    side length

    Let's introduce more variables: (any line ending in "Variables" is parsed)

    Zoning Variables
    h     1 [m]    minimum height

    Upper Unbounded

    The ordering of these blocks doesn't affect anything; order them in the
    way that makes the most sense to someone else reading your model.
    def setup(self):
        exec parse_variables(Cube.__doc__)

        return [A >= 2*(s[0]*s[1] + s[1]*s[2] + s[2]*s[0]),
                s.prod() >= V,
                s[2] >= h]

print parse_variables(Cube.__doc__)
c = Cube()
c.cost = c.A
print c.solve(verbosity=0).table()
예제 #33
파일: t_model.py 프로젝트: hoburg/gpkit
 def setup(self):
     exec parse_variables(Box.__doc__)
     return [V == h*w*d]