예제 #1
파일: gpx2txt.py 프로젝트: jhilling/gps
class TrackCompareObserver(GpxObserver):

    def __init__(self, qtree, max_match_threshold_metres, outputFormatter, poiFetcher=None):

        # TODO beware multiple instances will overwrite each other. consider tempfile.mktemp. This is only for debugging anyway
        self.gpxLongStop = gpxWriter(open(gps.lib.gpxUtil.tempFilePath("stop_unknown.GPX", "gpx2txt"), "w"))

        if not self.gpxLongStop:
            raise Exception("Failed create long stop gpx file" + gps.lib.gpxUtil.tempFilePath("stop_unknown.GPX", "gpx2txt"))

        self.segmentsCompare = qtree

        self.poi = poiFetcher or gps.lib.petitpois.FetchPoi(True)

        self.max_match_threshold_metres = max_match_threshold_metres
        self.output = outputFormatter

        self.log = LogWriter()

        self.fetchPois = True

    def start(self):
        ## TODO doesn't this get called anyway?

    def end(self):

    def haveBounds(self, bounds):

    def nextTrack(self, track):
        super(TrackCompareObserver, self).nextTrack(track)

        matcher = gpx2txtMatcher(track, self.output, self.max_match_threshold_metres)

        matcher.gpxLongStop = self.gpxLongStop

        if self.fetchPois:

            self.log.dbg("Track: %s" % (track.filename()))

            self.log.dbg("Fetching POI")

            tb = track.getBounds()
            self.log.i("Track bounds are: %s" % tb)

            self.log.i("Track bounded area is: %s (%s)" % (gps.lib.gpxUtil.area(tb),

            area = tb.area() / 1000 / 1000

            # Don't get crazy large areas
            if not area < 5000:
                log.i("Skipping fetching web waypoints as area is very large")

                bltr = tb.BLTR()

                # Note we are creating another WayPointGatherer, but this one is filtered
                # We will share the same qtree as the original one
                wpgFiltered = WayPointGathererFiltered(self.segmentsCompare)

                #  going to split the boundaries in the smaller chunks
                for poi in self.poi.fetchPoi_gpx_split(*bltr):
                    # TODO maybe move out "hit" pubs to our file (especially when have stopped there)
                    # self.log.i("Wrote poi for track to %s" % (poi))

                    # Let's be quite precise to include these ones.  If any of these points are near points
                    # we already have loaded then they will be rejected.  Otherwise we get duplicates listed.
                    dthres = 30

                    wpgFiltered.Parse(poi, dthres)

        #         self.log.o("TRACK: %s|%s, %s - %s" % (track.filename(), track.name, track.time_first, track.time_last))

        # TODO should interpolate the track such that we only get a point every 100 metres
        # or so to limit number of checks we do
        # Compare with the db


        # This calls back to "foundPoint" in the derived matcher class above
        hitStats = matcher.matchAlgo2(track, self.segmentsCompare)


        hitStatsX = {}
        hitStatsX["hit"] = hitStats[0]
        hitStatsX["miss"] = hitStats[1]
        hitStatsX["match_pct"] = hitStats[2]
        hitStatsX["stopTimeTotal"] = matcher.stopSpotter.stopTimeTotal()
        hitStatsX["stops"] = len(matcher.stopSpotter.stops)
        hitStatsX["distance"] = track.distance

        hitStatsX["st_pct"] = hitStatsX["mv_pct"] = hitStatsX["movingTime"] = 0
        ts = track.duration()
        if ts:
            hitStatsX["st_pct"] = (hitStatsX["stopTimeTotal"] / ts) * 100
            hitStatsX["mv_pct"] = 100 - hitStatsX["st_pct"]
            hitStatsX["movingTime"] = ts - hitStatsX["stopTimeTotal"] # format with gpxUtil.duration()


    def nextTrackPoint(self, trackPoint):

    def nextRoutePoint(self, routePoint):

    def done(self):
예제 #2
def printBounds(bounds):
    log.i("These are the extremities:")
    log.i("L: %s" % bounds.left())
    log.i("R: %s" % bounds.right())
    log.i("T: %s" % bounds.top())
    log.i("B: %s" % bounds.bottom())

if __name__ == "__main__":

    wpg = WayPointGatherer()

    wpFiles = getFilenameFromCL(sys.argv[1:])

    if not wpFiles:
        wpFiles = list(WaypointDB().get())

    log.dbg("Waypoint files are: %s" % wpFiles)

    for filename, dthres in wpFiles:
        wpg.Parse(filename, dthres)

    # For interest, these are the extreme points
    bounds = wpg.qtree.getBounds()

    log.i("%s" % wpg)