예제 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # Set parameters
        self.flag = 1
        self.gap = .7   #space needed to pass through
        self.agent_id = 1   #Number for Robot $$change
        self.stage = 0      #initial target
        self.substage = 0   #initial task 0 = drive to objective

        self.topicConfig() #configure simulation namspaces or actual huskies

        self.connection = gpsLocalization(self.namespace, self.gpsTopic, self.imuTopic, self.xOffset, self.yOffset) #Connection which will give current position
        self.path_planner = GapFinder(self.gap) #Finds gaps that the robot can enter
        self.actuation = ROS2DimActuate(self.controlTopic)   #Controls the motion of the robot
        #Create a tracker which knows how to move the robot and get it's position
        self.tracker = PlanarTracker(self.actuation.actuate, self.connection.getStates)
        #Tell the tracker which robot to command

        #Countdown to start
        sleep_time = 3
        while sleep_time > 0:
            print "Mission starts in:", sleep_time
            sleep_time -= 1
        self.distance = []
        self.prev_closest_reading = 0.0
        self.prev_time = time()
        self.crash_avert_velocity = 0.0

        print 'Starting the Navigation'
        self.subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.lidarTopic, LaserScan, self.move, queue_size=1) #Call move for each laser scan

예제 #2
    def __init__(self):

        #set parameters
        self.gap = .7 #space needed to pass through
        self.agent_id = 0

        self.connection = gpsLocalization(argv[3],self.gpsTopic,self.imuTopic)   #Connection which will give current position
        self.path_planner = GapFinder(self.gap)  #Finds gaps that the robot can enter
        self.actuation = ROS2DimActuate(self.controlTopic)   #Controls the motion of the robot
        self.actuation.setAngularVelocityLimit(.5)  #Sets the maximum velocity
        #Create a tracker which knows how to move the robot and get it's position
        self.tracker = PlanarTracker(self.actuation.actuate, self.connection.getStates)
        #Tell the tracker which robot to command

        self.distance = []
        self.prev_closest_reading = 0.0
        self.prev_time = time()
        self.crash_avert_velocity = 0.0

        print 'Starting the Navigation'
        self.subscriber = rospy.Subscriber(self.lidarTopic, LaserScan, self.move, queue_size=1) #Call move for each laser scan

 def __init__(self):
     self.path_planner = GapFinder(.6)
     self.logger = []
     self.connection = gpsLocalization('husky1test','husky1/odometry/gps','husky1/imu/data',0,0)
     self.subscriber = rospy.Subscriber('husky1/scan', LaserScan, self.readDistance)
     self.rate = rospy.Rate(10)  # set rate to 10 Hz
     while not rospy.is_shutdown() and len(self.logger) < 1: