예제 #1
파일: split.py 프로젝트: mbruno46/gpt
def split(first, split_grid):
    assert len(first) > 0
    lattices = first
    gcoor = gpt.coordinates((split_grid, lattices[0].checkerboard()))
    lcoor = gpt.coordinates((split_grid, lattices[0].checkerboard()))
    assert len(lattices) % split_grid.sranks == 0
    return split_lattices(lattices, lcoor, gcoor, split_grid,
                          len(lattices) // split_grid.sranks)
예제 #2
파일: split.py 프로젝트: mbruno46/gpt
def split_by_rank(first):
    if type(first) != list:
        return split_by_rank([first])[0]

    assert len(first) > 0

    # TODO: split types
    lattices = first
    grid = lattices[0].grid
    mpi_split = [1, 1, 1, 1]
    fdimensions = [grid.fdimensions[i] // grid.mpi[i] for i in range(grid.nd)]
    split_grid = grid.split(mpi_split, fdimensions)
    gcoor = gpt.coordinates(lattices[0])
    lcoor = gpt.coordinates((split_grid, lattices[0].checkerboard()))
    return split_lattices(lattices, lcoor, gcoor, split_grid, len(lattices))
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, grid, local_coordinates):
        assert grid.cb.n == 1
        self.grid = grid
        self.local_coordinates = local_coordinates

        # create a minimally embedding lattice geometry
        n = len(local_coordinates)
        N = self.grid.Nprocessors
        l = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.uint64)
        l[self.grid.processor] = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log(n) / np.log(2)))
        l = grid.globalsum(l)
        self.L = [int(np.max(l)) * self.grid.mpi[0]] + self.grid.mpi[1:]

        cb_simd_only_first_dimension = gpt.general(1, [0] * grid.nd,
                                                   [1] + [0] * (grid.nd - 1))

        # create grid as subcommunicator so that sparse domains play nice with split grid
        self.embedding_grid = gpt.grid(

        self.embedded_coordinates = np.ascontiguousarray(

        self.embedded_cache = {}
        self.local_cache = {}
        self.coordinate_lattices_cache = None
        self.weight_cache = None
        self.one_mask_cache = None
예제 #4
파일: canonical.py 프로젝트: mbruno46/gpt
    def __init__(self, n, precision):
        self.n = n
        self.fdimensions = [2**n]
        self.grid = g.grid(self.fdimensions, precision)
        self.verbose = g.default.is_verbose("qis_map")
        self.zero_coordinate = (0, )  # |00000 ... 0> state
        t = g.timer("map_init")
        # TODO: need to split over multiple dimensions, single dimension can hold at most 32 bits
        self.coordinates = g.coordinates(self.grid)
        self.not_coordinates = [
            np.bitwise_xor(self.coordinates, 2**i) for i in range(n)
        for i in range(n):
            self.not_coordinates[i].flags["WRITEABLE"] = False
        self.one_mask = []
        self.zero_mask = []
        for i in range(n):
            proj = np.bitwise_and(self.coordinates, 2**i)

            mask = g.complex(self.grid)
            g.coordinate_mask(mask, proj != 0)

            mask = g.complex(self.grid)
            g.coordinate_mask(mask, proj == 0)

        if self.verbose:
예제 #5
파일: gpt_io.py 프로젝트: spieseba/gpt
    def open_view(self, xk, iview, write, mpi, fdimensions, g_cb, l_cb):
        cv = gpt.cartesian_view(iview if iview is not None else -1, mpi,
                                fdimensions, g_cb, l_cb)
        dn, fn = get_local_name(self.root, cv)
        loc_desc = cv.describe() + "/" + ("Write" if write else "Read")

        tag = "%d-%s" % (xk, str(iview))
        tag_pos = "%s-%s-%s-%s" % (tag, str(fdimensions), str(g_cb), str(l_cb))

        if loc_desc != self.loc_desc:
            self.loc_desc = loc_desc
            if self.verbose:
                gpt.message("Switching view to %s" % self.loc_desc)

        if tag not in self.loc:
            if write and dn is not None:
                os.makedirs(dn, exist_ok=True)
            self.loc[tag] = gpt.FILE(
                fn, "a+b" if write else "rb") if fn is not None else None

        if tag_pos not in self.pos:
            self.pos[tag_pos] = gpt.coordinates(cv)

        return self.loc[tag], self.pos[tag_pos]
예제 #6
def merge_indices(dst, src, st, cache=default_merge_indices_cache):
    pos = gpt.coordinates(dst)
    assert st is not None
    result_otype = st[-1]()
    if result_otype is None:
        dst @= src
    ndim = dst.otype.shape[st[0]]
    rank = len(st) - 1
    islice = [slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(dst.otype.shape))]
    ivec = [0] * rank
    cache_key = f"merge_indices_{dst.describe()}_{result_otype.__name__}_{dst.grid.obj}"

    tidx = []
    src_i = []
    for i in range(ndim**rank):
        idx = i
        for j in range(rank):
            c = idx % ndim
            islice[st[j]] = c
            ivec[j] = c
            idx //= ndim

    if cache_key not in cache:
        plan = gpt.copy_plan(dst, src_i)
        for i in range(ndim**rank):
            plan.destination += dst.view[(pos, ) + tidx[i]]
            plan.source += src_i[i].view[:]
        cache[cache_key] = plan()

    cache[cache_key](dst, src_i)
예제 #7
def coordinate_mask(field, mask):
    assert type(mask == numpy.ndarray)
    assert field.otype == gpt.ot_singlet

    x = gpt.coordinates(field)
    field[x] = mask.astype(field.grid.precision.complex_dtype).reshape(
        (len(mask), 1))
예제 #8
    def perform(self, root):
        global basis_size, T, current_config
        if current_config is not None and current_config.conf_file != self.conf_file:
            current_config = None
        if current_config is None:
            current_config = config(self.conf_file)

        c = None
        vcj = [
            g.vcolor(current_config.l_exact.U_grid) for jr in range(basis_size)
        for vcjj in vcj:
            vcjj[:] = 0

        for tprime in range(T):
            basis_evec, basis_evals = g.load(self.basis_fmt %
                                             (self.conf, tprime))

            plan = g.copy_plan(vcj[0],
            c = g.coordinates(basis_evec[0])
            plan.destination += vcj[0].view[np.hstack(
                (c, np.ones((len(c), 1), dtype=np.int32) * tprime))]
            plan.source += basis_evec[0].view[c]
            plan = plan()

            for l in range(basis_size):
                plan(vcj[l], basis_evec[l])

        for l in range(basis_size):
            g.message("Check norm:", l, g.norm2(vcj[l]))

        g.save(f"{root}/{self.name}/basis", vcj)
예제 #9
파일: operator.py 프로젝트: wettig/gpt
 def split(self, mpi_split):
     split_grid = self.U_grid.split(mpi_split, self.U_grid.fdimensions)
     U_split = [gpt.lattice(split_grid, x.otype) for x in self.U]
     pos_split = gpt.coordinates(U_split[0])
     for i, x in enumerate(U_split):
         x[pos_split] = self.U[i][pos_split]
     return self.updated(U_split)
예제 #10
    def __init__(self, grid, base, dimensions=None):
        self.base = base

        if dimensions is None:
            dimensions = list(range(grid.nd))

        self.fft = g.fft(dimensions)

        # create FA mask
        cache = {}
        self.weight = g.complex(grid)
        self.weight[:] = 0
        coor = g.coordinates(self.weight)
        for mu in dimensions:
            c_mu = coor[:, mu].astype(np.complex128)
            c_mu_l = g.complex(grid)
            c_mu_l[coor, cache] = c_mu
            c_mu_l @= g.component.sin(c_mu_l * (np.pi / grid.gdimensions[mu]))
            c_mu_l @= c_mu_l * c_mu_l * complex(4.0)
            self.weight += c_mu_l

        # special consideration for zero
        self.weight[0, 0, 0, 0] = (2.0 * np.pi)**2.0 / np.prod(
             for mu in dimensions])**(2.0 / len(dimensions))

        # invert
        self.weight @= g.component.inv(self.weight) * complex(
            4.0 * len(dimensions))
        self.weight = [self.weight]
예제 #11
 def sample(self, t, p):
     if type(t) == list:
         for x in t:
             self.sample(x, p)
     elif t is None:
         return cgpt.random_sample(self.obj, t, p)
     elif type(t) == gpt.lattice:
         if "pos" in p:
             pos = p["pos"]
             pos = gpt.coordinates(t)
         t0 = gpt.time()
         mv = cgpt.random_sample(
                     "shape": list(t.otype.shape),
                     "grid": t.grid.obj,
                     "precision": t.grid.precision,
         t1 = gpt.time()
         t[pos] = mv
         if self.verbose:
             szGB = mv.size * mv.itemsize / 1024.0**3.0
             gpt.message("Generated %g GB of random data at %g GB/s" %
                         (szGB, szGB / (t1 - t0)))
         return t
         assert 0
예제 #12
파일: coordinates.py 프로젝트: waterret/gpt
def apply_exp_ixp(dst, src, p):
    # TODO: add sparse field support (x.internal_coordinates(), x.coordinates())
    x = gpt.coordinates(src)

    # create phase field
    phase = gpt.complex(src.grid)
    phase[x] = cgpt.coordinates_momentum_phase(x, p, src.grid.precision)
    dst @= phase * src
예제 #13
파일: split.py 프로젝트: wettig/gpt
def split(first,
    assert len(first) > 0
    lattices = first
    gcoor = gpt.coordinates((split_grid, lattices[0].checkerboard()))
    lcoor = gpt.coordinates((split_grid, lattices[0].checkerboard()))
    assert len(lattices) % split_grid.sranks == 0
    return split_lattices(
        len(lattices) // split_grid.sranks,
예제 #14
    def perform(self, root):
        global current_config, current_light_quark
        if current_config is not None and current_config.conf_file != self.conf_file:
            current_config = None
        if current_config is None:
            current_config = config(self.conf_file)

        if (current_light_quark is not None
                and current_light_quark.evec_dir != self.evec_dir):
            current_light_quark = None
        if current_light_quark is None:
            current_light_quark = light_quark(current_config, self.evec_dir)

        prop_l = {
            "sloppy": current_light_quark.prop_l_sloppy,
            "exact": current_light_quark.prop_l_exact,

        vcj = g.load(f"{root}/{self.conf}/pm_basis/basis")
        c = g.coordinates(vcj[0])
        c = c[c[:, 3] == self.t]

            f"t = {self.t}, ilist = {self.ilist}, basis size = {len(vcj)}, solver = {self.solver}"

        root_job = f"{root}/{self.name}"
        output = g.gpt_io.writer(f"{root_job}/propagators")

        # create sources
        srcD = [
            g.vspincolor(current_config.l_exact.U_grid) for spin in range(4)

        for i in self.ilist:

            for spin in range(4):
                srcD[spin][:] = 0
                srcD[spin][c, spin, :] = vcj[i][c]

                g.message("Norm of source:", g.norm2(srcD[spin]))
                if i == 0:
                    g.message("Source at origin:", srcD[spin][0, 0, 0, 0])
                    g.message("Source at time-origin:", srcD[spin][0, 0, 0,

            prop = g.eval(prop_l * srcD)

            for spin in range(4):
                    {f"t{self.t}s{spin}c{i}_{self.solver}": prop[spin]})
예제 #15
파일: local.py 프로젝트: spieseba/gpt
    def __init__(self, grid, margin, cb=None):

        if cb is None:
            cb = g.none

        self.grid = grid
        self.cb = cb

        dim = grid.nd

        self.local_grid = grid.split([1] * dim, [
            grid.fdimensions[i] // grid.mpi[i] + 2 * margin[i]
            for i in range(dim)
        self.gcoor = g.coordinates((grid, cb), margin=margin)
        self.lcoor = g.coordinates((self.local_grid, cb))
        top = np.array(margin, dtype=np.int32)
        bottom = np.array(self.local_grid.fdimensions, dtype=np.int32) - top
        self.bcoor = np.sum(np.logical_and(self.lcoor >= top,
                                           self.lcoor < bottom),
                            axis=1) == len(top)
예제 #16
    def perform(self, root):
        global basis_size, sloppy_per_job, T, current_config, compress_ratio
        if current_config is not None and current_config.conf_file != self.conf_file:
            current_config = None
        if current_config is None:
            current_config = config(self.conf_file)

        U = current_config.U
        reduced_mpi = [x for x in U[0].grid.mpi]
        for i in range(len(reduced_mpi)):
            if reduced_mpi[i] % 2 == 0:
                reduced_mpi[i] //= 2

        # create random selection of points with same spatial sites on each sink time slice
        # use different spatial sites for each source time-slice
        # this should be optimal for the local operator insertions
        rng = g.random(f"sparse2_{self.conf}_{self.t}")
        grid = U[0].grid
        t0 = grid.ldimensions[3] * grid.processor_coor[3]
        t1 = t0 + grid.ldimensions[3]
        spatial_sites = int(compress_ratio * np.prod(grid.ldimensions[0:3]))
        spatial_coordinates = rng.choice(g.coordinates(U[0]), spatial_sites)
        local_coordinates = np.repeat(spatial_coordinates, t1 - t0, axis=0)
        for t in range(t0, t1):
            local_coordinates[t - t0::t1 - t0, 3] = t

        sdomain = g.domain.sparse(current_config.l_exact.U_grid,

        half_peramb = {"sparse_domain": sdomain}
        for i0 in range(0, basis_size, sloppy_per_job):

            for l in g.load(
                for x in l:

                    S = sdomain.lattice(l[x].otype)
                    sdomain.project(S, l[x])

                    half_peramb[x] = S


            g.format.gpt({"mpi": reduced_mpi}),
예제 #17
 def __call__(self):
     plan = g.copy_plan(self.destinations, self.sources)
     buffer_descriptions = []
     for i in range(len(self.sources)):
         src = self.sources[i]
         src_cb = src.checkerboard()
         coordinates = g.coordinates(src)
         L = src.grid.fdimensions
         for x in self.displacements[i]:
             buffer_descriptions.append((src.grid, src.otype, src_cb))
             plan.destination += self.destinations[self.indices[i]
             plan.source += src.view[cgpt.coordinates_shift(
                 coordinates, x, L)]
     return cshift_executer(buffer_descriptions, plan())
예제 #18
def apply_exp_ixp(dst, src, p, origin, cache):

    cache_key = f"{src.grid}_{src.checkerboard().__name__}_{origin}_{p}"
    if cache_key not in cache:
        x = gpt.coordinates(src)
        phase = gpt.complex(src.grid)
        x_relative = x
        if origin is not None:
            x_relative = relative_coordinates(x, origin, src.grid.fdimensions)
        phase[x] = cgpt.coordinates_momentum_phase(x_relative, p,
        cache[cache_key] = phase

    dst @= cache[cache_key] * src
예제 #19
파일: merge.py 프로젝트: mbruno46/gpt
def merge_indices(dst, src, st):
    pos = gpt.coordinates(dst)
    assert st is not None
    result_otype = st[-1]()
    if result_otype is None:
        dst @= src
    ndim = dst.otype.shape[st[0]]
    rank = len(st) - 1
    islice = [slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(dst.otype.shape))]
    ivec = [0] * rank
    for i in range(ndim ** rank):
        idx = i
        for j in range(rank):
            c = idx % ndim
            islice[st[j]] = c
            ivec[j] = c
            idx //= ndim
        dst[(pos,) + tuple(islice)] = src[tuple(ivec)][:]
예제 #20
def separate_indices(x, st, cache=default_merge_indices_cache):
    pos = gpt.coordinates(x)
    cb = x.checkerboard()
    assert st is not None
    result_otype = st[-1]()
    if result_otype is None:
        return x
    ndim = x.otype.shape[st[0]]
    rank = len(st) - 1
    islice = [slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(x.otype.shape))]
    ivec = [0] * rank
    result = {}

    keys = []
    tidx = []
    dst = []
    for i in range(ndim**rank):
        idx = i
        for j in range(rank):
            c = idx % ndim
            islice[st[j]] = c
            ivec[j] = c
            idx //= ndim

    for i in keys:
        v = gpt.lattice(x.grid, result_otype)
        result[i] = v

    cache_key = f"separate_indices_{cb.__name__}_{result_otype.__name__}_{x.otype.__name__}_{x.grid.describe()}_{x.grid.obj}"
    if cache_key not in cache:
        plan = gpt.copy_plan(dst, x)
        for i in range(len(tidx)):
            plan.destination += result[keys[i]].view[pos]
            plan.source += x.view[(pos, ) + tidx[i]]
        cache[cache_key] = plan()

    cache[cache_key](dst, x)

    return result
예제 #21
def distribute_cartesian_file(fdimensions, grid, cb):
    ldimensions = [x for x in fdimensions]
    dimdiv = len(ldimensions) - 1
    primes = [7, 5, 3, 2]
    nreader = 1
    found = True
    while found:
        found = False
        for p in primes:
            if ldimensions[dimdiv] % p == 0 and nreader * p <= grid.Nprocessors:
                nreader *= p
                ldimensions[dimdiv] //= p
                if ldimensions[dimdiv] == 1 and dimdiv > 0:
                    dimdiv -= 1
                found = True

    cv_desc = [a // b for a, b in zip(fdimensions, ldimensions)]
    cv = gpt.cartesian_view(grid.processor, cv_desc, fdimensions, grid.cb, cb)
    return gpt.coordinates(cv), nreader
예제 #22
파일: peekpoke.py 프로젝트: spieseba/gpt
def map_pos(grid, cb, key):

    # if list, convert to numpy array
    if type(key) == list:
        key = numpy.array(key, dtype=numpy.int32)

    # if key is numpy array, no further processing needed
    if isinstance(key, numpy.ndarray):
        return key

    # if not, we expect a tuple of slices
    assert type(key) == tuple

    # slices without specified start/stop corresponds to memory view limitation for this rank
    if all([k == slice(None, None, None) for k in key]):
        # go through gpt.coordinates to use its caching feature
        return gpt.coordinates((grid, cb), order="lexicographic")

    nd = grid.nd
    key = tuple([k if type(k) == slice else slice(k, k + 1) for k in key])
    assert all([k.step is None for k in key])
    top = [
        grid.fdimensions[i] // grid.mpi[i] *
        grid.processor_coor[i] if k.start is None else k.start
        for i, k in enumerate(key)
    bottom = [
        grid.fdimensions[i] // grid.mpi[i] *
        (1 + grid.processor_coor[i]) if k.stop is None else k.stop
        for i, k in enumerate(key)
    assert all([
        0 <= top[i] and top[i] <= bottom[i]
        and bottom[i] <= grid.fdimensions[i] for i in range(nd)

    return cgpt.coordinates_from_cartesian_view(top, bottom, grid.cb.cb_mask,
                                                cb.tag, "lexicographic")
예제 #23
def mk_qlat_gpt_copy_plan(ctype, total_site, multiplicity, tag):
    geo = q.Geometry(total_site, multiplicity)
    f_gpt = mk_gpt_field(ctype, geo)
    f_qlat = q.Field(ctype, geo)
    lexicographic_coordinates = g.coordinates(f_gpt)
    buf = f_qlat.mview()
    if tag == "qlat_from_gpt":
        qlat_from_gpt = g.copy_plan(buf, f_gpt)
        qlat_from_gpt.destination += g.global_memory_view(
            f_gpt.grid, [[f_gpt.grid.processor, buf, 0, buf.nbytes]])
        qlat_from_gpt.source += f_gpt.view[lexicographic_coordinates]
        qlat_from_gpt = qlat_from_gpt(local_only=True)
        return qlat_from_gpt
    elif tag == "gpt_from_qlat":
        gpt_from_qlat = g.copy_plan(f_gpt, buf)
        gpt_from_qlat.source += g.global_memory_view(
            f_gpt.grid, [[f_gpt.grid.processor, buf, 0, buf.nbytes]])
        gpt_from_qlat.destination += f_gpt.view[lexicographic_coordinates]
        gpt_from_qlat = gpt_from_qlat(local_only=True)
        return gpt_from_qlat
        raise Exception("mk_qlat_gpt_copy_plan")
예제 #24
파일: merge.py 프로젝트: mbruno46/gpt
def separate_indices(x, st):
    pos = gpt.coordinates(x)
    cb = x.checkerboard()
    assert st is not None
    result_otype = st[-1]()
    if result_otype is None:
        return x
    ndim = x.otype.shape[st[0]]
    rank = len(st) - 1
    islice = [slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(x.otype.shape))]
    ivec = [0] * rank
    result = {}
    for i in range(ndim ** rank):
        idx = i
        for j in range(rank):
            c = idx % ndim
            islice[st[j]] = c
            ivec[j] = c
            idx //= ndim
        v = gpt.lattice(x.grid, result_otype)
        v[pos] = x[(pos,) + tuple(islice)]
        result[tuple(ivec)] = v
    return result
예제 #25
파일: io.py 프로젝트: spieseba/gpt
    work_dir = "."

# load configuration
# U = g.load("/hpcgpfs01/work/clehner/configs/32IDfine/ckpoint_lat.200")
# assert abs(g.qcd.gauge.plaquette(U) - float(U[0].metadata["PLAQUETTE"])) < 1e-9

# Show metadata of field
# g.message("Metadata", U[0].metadata)
rng = g.random("test")
U = g.qcd.gauge.random(g.grid([8, 8, 8, 16], g.double), rng)

# create a sparse sub-domain and a sparse lattice S with 1% of points
sdomain = g.domain.sparse(
    rng.choice(g.coordinates(U[0]), int(0.01 * U[0].grid.gsites / U[0].grid.Nprocessors)),

# test sparse domain
S = sdomain.lattice(U[0].otype)
sdomain.project(S, U[0])
U0prime = g.lattice(U[0])
U0prime[:] = 0
sdomain.promote(U0prime, S)
assert np.linalg.norm(U0prime[sdomain.local_coordinates] - U[0][sdomain.local_coordinates]) < 1e-14
s_slice = sdomain.slice(S, 3)

# save in default gpt format
예제 #26
파일: core.py 프로젝트: waterret/gpt
rng = g.random("test")
l_dp = rng.cnormal(g.vcolor(grid_dp))
l_sp = g.convert(l_dp, g.single)

# and convert precision
l_dp_prime = g.convert(l_sp, g.double)
eps2 = g.norm2(l_dp - l_dp_prime) / g.norm2(l_dp)
assert eps2 < 1e-14
eps2 = g.norm2(l_dp[0, 0, 0, 0] - l_sp[0, 0, 0, 0])
assert eps2 < 1e-14

# Test mview
c = g.coordinates(l_dp)
x = l_dp[c]
mv = g.mview(x)
assert mv.itemsize == 1 and mv.shape[0] == len(mv)
assert sys.getrefcount(x) == 3
del mv
assert sys.getrefcount(x) == 2

# Test pinning
l_v = g.complex(grid_sp)
pin = g.pin(l_v, g.accelerator)
del l_v
del pin
예제 #27
def create_links(A, fmat, basis, params):
    # NOTE: we expect the blocks in the basis vectors
    # to already be orthogonalized!
    # parameters
    make_hermitian = params["make_hermitian"]
    save_links = params["save_links"]
    assert not (make_hermitian and not save_links)

    # verbosity
    verbose = gpt.default.is_verbose("coarsen")

    # setup timings
    t = gpt.timer("coarsen")

    # get grids
    f_grid = basis[0].grid
    c_grid = A[0].grid

    # directions/displacements we coarsen for
    dirs = [1, 2, 3, 4] if f_grid.nd == 5 else [0, 1, 2, 3]
    disp = +1
    dirdisps_full = list(zip(dirs * 2, [+1] * 4 + [-1] * 4))
    dirdisps_forward = list(zip(dirs, [disp] * 4))
    nhops = len(dirdisps_full)
    selflink = nhops

    # setup fields
    Mvr = [gpt.lattice(basis[0]) for i in range(nhops)]
    tmp = gpt.lattice(basis[0])
    oproj = gpt.vcomplex(c_grid, len(basis))
    selfproj = gpt.vcomplex(c_grid, len(basis))

    # setup masks
    onemask, blockevenmask, blockoddmask = (
    dirmasks = [gpt.complex(f_grid) for p in range(nhops)]

    # auxilliary stuff needed for masks
    onemask[:] = 1.0
    coor = gpt.coordinates(blockevenmask)
    block = numpy.array(f_grid.ldimensions) / numpy.array(c_grid.ldimensions)
    block_cb = coor[:, :] // block[:]

    # fill masks for sites within even/odd blocks
    gpt.coordinate_mask(blockevenmask, numpy.sum(block_cb, axis=1) % 2 == 0)
    blockoddmask @= onemask - blockevenmask

    # fill masks for sites on borders of blocks
    dirmasks_forward_np = coor[:, :] % block[:] == block[:] - 1
    dirmasks_backward_np = coor[:, :] % block[:] == 0
    for mu in dirs:
        gpt.coordinate_mask(dirmasks[mu], dirmasks_forward_np[:, mu])
        gpt.coordinate_mask(dirmasks[mu + 4], dirmasks_backward_np[:, mu])

    # save applications of matrix and coarsening if possible
    dirdisps = dirdisps_forward if save_links else dirdisps_full

    # create block maps
    dirbms = [
        gpt.block.map(c_grid, basis, dirmasks[p])
        for p, (mu, fb) in enumerate(dirdisps)
    fullbm = gpt.block.map(c_grid, basis)

    for i, vr in enumerate(basis):
        # apply directional hopping terms
        # this triggers len(dirdisps) comms -> TODO expose DhopdirAll from Grid
        # BUT problem with vector<Lattice<...>> in rhs
        [fmat.Mdir(*dirdisp)(Mvr[p], vr) for p, dirdisp in enumerate(dirdisps)]

        # coarsen directional terms + write to link
        for p, (mu, fb) in enumerate(dirdisps):
            dirbms[p].project(oproj, Mvr[p])

            A[p][:, :, :, :, :, i] = oproj[:]

        # fast diagonal term: apply full matrix to both block cbs separately and discard hops into other cb
        tmp @= (blockevenmask * fmat * vr * blockevenmask +
                blockoddmask * fmat * vr * blockoddmask)

        # coarsen diagonal term
        fullbm.project(selfproj, tmp)

        # write to self link
        A[selflink][:, :, :, :, :, i] = selfproj[:]

        if verbose:
            gpt.message("coarsen: done with vector %d" % i)

    # communicate opposite links
    if save_links:
        communicate_links(A, dirdisps_forward, make_hermitian)


    if verbose:
예제 #28
파일: test-io.py 프로젝트: ssolbUR/gpt
# Show metadata of field
g.message("Metadata", U[0].metadata)

# to single precision
#U = g.convert(U, g.single)

# save in default gpt format
        "va\nl": [
            0, 1, 3, "tes\n\0t", 3.123456789123456789, 1.123456789123456789e-7,
            1 + 3.1231251251234123413j
        ],  # fundamental data types
        g.coordinates(U[0].grid),  # write numpy array from root node
        U  # write list of lattices

# save in custom gpt format with different mpi distribution of local views
        "val": [
            0, 1, 3, "test", 3.123456789123456789, 1.123456789123456789e-7,
            1 + 3.1231251251234123413j
        ],  # fundamental data types
        g.coordinates(U[0].grid),  # write numpy array from root node
예제 #29
import numpy as np
import sys, cgpt

# grid
L = [16, 16, 16, 32]
grid_dp = g.grid(L, g.double)
grid_sp = g.grid(L, g.single)

# test fields
l_dp = g.random("test").cnormal(g.vcolor(grid_dp))
l_sp = g.convert(l_dp, g.single)

# Test mview
c = g.coordinates(l_dp)
x = l_dp[c]
mv = g.mview(x)
assert mv.itemsize == 1 and mv.shape[0] == len(mv)
assert sys.getrefcount(x) == 3
del mv
assert sys.getrefcount(x) == 2

# Test assignments
pos = l_dp.mview_coordinates()
lhs = g.lattice(l_dp)

def assign_copy():
예제 #30
파일: sparse_grid.py 프로젝트: mbruno46/gpt
def coordinates(src, position, spacing):
    coor = gpt.coordinates(src)
    return coor[np.sum(np.mod(coor - position, spacing), axis=1) == 0]