def _get_block_device_mappings(self, resources_needed): return [{ 'DeviceName': '/dev/sda1', 'Ebs': { 'DeleteOnTermination': True, 'VolumeSize': memstr2int(resources_needed['hdd']) / memstr2int('1g'), 'VolumeType': 'standard' } }]
def _select_instance_type(self, resources_needed): sorted_specs = sorted(_instance_specs.items(), key=lambda x: self.prices[x[0]]) for instance in sorted_specs: if int(instance[1]['cpus']) >= int( resources_needed['cpus']) and memstr2int( instance[1]['ram']) >= memstr2int( resources_needed['ram']) and int( instance[1]['gpus']) >= int( resources_needed['gpus']): return instance[0] raise ValueError('No instances that satisfy requirements {} ' 'can be found'.format(resources_needed))
def _generate_machine_type(self, resources_needed={}): if not any(resources_needed): machine_type = "zones/{}/machineTypes/n1-standard-1".format( else: cpus = int(resources_needed['cpus']) default_ram_per_cpu = 4096 ram = default_ram_per_cpu * cpus if 'ram' in resources_needed.keys(): ram = memstr2int(resources_needed['ram']) / memstr2int('1Mb') ram = int(math.ceil(ram / 256.0) * 256) ram_per_cpu = ram / cpus assert 1024 <= ram_per_cpu and ram_per_cpu <= 6192, \ "RAM per cpu should be between 0.9 and 6.5 Gb" machine_type = "zones/{}/machineTypes/custom-{}-{}".format(, cpus, ram) return machine_type
def _get_instance_config(self, resources_needed, queue_name, timeout=300): image_response = self.compute.images().getFromFamily( project='debian-cloud', family='debian-9').execute() source_disk_image = image_response['selfLink'] # Configure the machine machine_type = self._generate_machine_type(resources_needed) self.logger.debug('Machine type = {}'.format(machine_type)) with open(self.startup_script_file, 'r') as f: startup_script = if self.runner_args is not None: startup_script = startup_script.replace("{studioml_branch}", self.runner_args.branch) startup_script = insert_user_startup_script( self.runner_args.user_startup_script, startup_script, self.logger) else: startup_script = startup_script.replace("{studioml_branch}", "master")'Startup script:') with open(os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'], 'r') as f: credentials = if self.auth_cookie is not None: auth_key = os.path.basename(self.auth_cookie) with open(self.auth_cookie, 'r') as f: auth_data = else: auth_key = None auth_data = None config = { 'machineType': machine_type, # Specify the boot disk and the image to use as a source. 'disks': [{ 'boot': True, 'autoDelete': True, 'initializeParams': { 'sourceImage': source_disk_image, } }], # Specify a network interface with NAT to access the public # internet. 'networkInterfaces': [{ 'network': 'global/networks/default', 'accessConfigs': [{ 'type': 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT', 'name': 'External NAT' }] }], # Allow the instance to access cloud storage and logging. 'serviceAccounts': [{ 'email': 'default', 'scopes': [ '', ] }], # Metadata is readable from the instance and allows you to # pass configuration from deployment scripts to instances. 'metadata': { 'items': [{ 'key': 'startup-script', 'value': startup_script }, { 'key': 'credentials', 'value': credentials }, { 'key': 'queue_name', 'value': queue_name }, { 'key': 'auth_key', 'value': auth_key }, { 'key': 'auth_data', 'value': auth_data }, { 'key': 'timeout', 'value': str(timeout) }] }, "scheduling": { "preemptilble": False } } if 'hdd' in resources_needed.keys(): config['disks'][0]['initializeParams']['diskSizeGb'] = \ memstr2int(resources_needed['hdd']) / memstr2int('1Gb') return config
def _get_instance_config(self, resources_needed, queue_name, timeout=300): # image_response = self.compute.images().getFromFamily( # project='studio-ed756', family='studioml').execute() image_response = None if image_response is None: image_response = self.compute.images().getFromFamily( project='ubuntu-os-cloud', family='ubuntu-1604-lts').execute() source_disk_image = image_response['selfLink'] # Configure the machine machine_type = self._generate_machine_type(resources_needed) self.logger.debug('Machine type = {}'.format(machine_type)) with open(self.startup_script_file, 'r') as f: startup_script = with open(self.install_studio_script) as f: install_studio_script = startup_script = insert_user_startup_script(self.user_startup_script, startup_script, self.logger) startup_script = startup_script.replace('{install_studio}', install_studio_script) startup_script = startup_script.format(studioml_branch=self.branch, repo_url=self.repo_url, log_bucket=self.log_bucket, use_gpus=resources_needed.get( 'gpus', 0))'Startup script:') with open(os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'], 'r') as f: credentials = if self.auth_cookie is not None: auth_key = os.path.basename(self.auth_cookie) with open(self.auth_cookie, 'r') as f: auth_data = else: auth_key = None auth_data = None config = { 'machineType': machine_type, # Specify the boot disk and the image to use as a source. 'disks': [{ 'boot': True, 'autoDelete': True, 'initializeParams': { 'sourceImage': source_disk_image, } }], # Specify a network interface with NAT to access the public # internet. 'networkInterfaces': [{ 'network': 'global/networks/default', 'accessConfigs': [{ 'type': 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT', 'name': 'External NAT' }] }], # Allow the instance to access cloud storage and logs. 'serviceAccounts': [{ 'email': 'default', 'scopes': [ '', ] }], # Metadata is readable from the instance and allows you to # pass configuration from deployment scripts to instances. 'metadata': { 'items': [{ 'key': 'startup-script', 'value': startup_script }, { 'key': 'credentials', 'value': credentials }, { 'key': 'queue_name', 'value': queue_name }, { 'key': 'auth_key', 'value': auth_key }, { 'key': 'auth_data', 'value': auth_data }, { 'key': 'timeout', 'value': str(timeout) }] }, "scheduling": { "preemptilble": False } } if 'hdd' in resources_needed.keys(): config['disks'][0]['initializeParams']['diskSizeGb'] = \ memstr2int(resources_needed['hdd']) / memstr2int('1Gb') if resources_needed['gpus'] > 0: gpu_type = "nvidia-tesla-k80" config['guestAccelerators'] = [{ "acceleratorType": "projects/{}/zones/{}/acceleratorTypes/{}".format( self.projectid,, gpu_type), "acceleratorCount": resources_needed['gpus'] }] config["scheduling"]['onHostMaintenance'] = "TERMINATE" config["automaticRestart"] = True return config