def __init__(self, widget, xdual=False, ydual=False, **kwds): PlotAxes.__init__(self, **kwds) self.widget = widget self.xdual, self.ydual = xdual, ydual self.drawxylines = False self.xlines = [] # draw vertical lines at x-coordinates self.ylines = [] # draw horizontal lines at y-coordinates self.xylinecolor = GRCOLORS['magenta']
def drawGR(self): lwidth = gr.inqlinewidth() gr.setlinewidth(0.) PlotAxes.drawGR(self) if self.drawxylines: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = self.getWindow() linecolor = gr.inqlinecolorind() gr.setlinecolorind(self.xylinecolor) for xpos in self.xlines: gr.polyline([xpos, xpos], [ymin, ymax]) for ypos in self.ylines: gr.polyline([xmin, xmax], [ypos, ypos]) gr.setlinecolorind(linecolor) gr.setlinewidth(lwidth)
def doAutoScale(self, curvechanged=None): xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = PlotAxes.doAutoScale(self, curvechanged) bxmin, _bxmax, _bymin, _bymax = self.getBoundingBox() if xmin < bxmin: xmin = bxmin self.setWindow(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) return self.getWindow()
def setWindow(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): res = PlotAxes.setWindow(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) # use 2 ** n for tickmarks def tick(amin, amax): if amin > amax: amax, amin = amin, amax # calculate next (lower) power of two (2**n) for the # full range [amax - amin] and divide this: # # ld(amax - amin) : number of powers of two => exponent # int( " ) : integral part # (cut off fractions => floor) # 2 ** ( " " ): next lower power of two (2**n) # 2 ** ( int( ... ) - 4) ): - 4 => divided by 2 ** 4 return 2**(int(math.log(max(amax - amin, 0.1), 2)) - 4) if self.xdual: self.xtick = tick(xmin, xmax) self.majorx = 4 if self.ydual: self.ytick = tick(ymin, ymax) self.majory = 4 return res
def doAutoScale(self, curvechanged=None): vc = self.getVisibleCurves() or self.getCurves() original_win = self.getWindow() if original_win and curvechanged: xmin, xmax = original_win[:2] cmin, cmax = vc.xmin, vc.xmax new_x = curvechanged.x[-1] if cmax > xmax and new_x > xmax: return original_win elif cmin < xmin and new_x < xmin: return original_win return PlotAxes.doAutoScale(self, curvechanged)
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from gr import pygr logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL) for name in [__name__, pygr.base.__name__, pygr.__name__]: logging.getLogger(name).setLevel(logging.DEBUG) app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) grw = InteractiveGRWidget() grw.resize(QtCore.QSize(500, 500)) viewport = [0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.88] x = [-3.3 + t * .1 for t in range(66)] y = [t**5 - 13 * t**3 + 36 * t for t in x] n = 100 pi2_n = 2. * math.pi / n x2 = [i * pi2_n for i in range(0, n + 1)] y2 = map(lambda xi: math.sin(xi), x2) plot = Plot(viewport).addAxes(PlotAxes().plot(x, y), PlotAxes().plot(x2, y2)) plot.title, plot.subTitle = "foo", "bar" plot.xlabel, plot.ylabel = "x", "f(x)" grw.addPlot(plot) grw.update() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): plot = Plot() axes = PlotAxes(plot.viewport) axes.plot(*args, **kwargs) plot.addAxes(axes) return self.addPlot(plot)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "qtgrdemo.ui"), self) dictPrintType = dict(gr.PRINT_TYPE) map(dictPrintType.pop, [gr.PRINT_JPEG, gr.PRINT_TIF]) self._saveTypes = (";;".join(dictPrintType.values()) + ";;" + ";;".join(gr.GRAPHIC_TYPE.values())) self._saveName = None self._title = unicode(self.windowTitle()) self._startupTime = time.time() self._chkLogX.stateChanged.connect(self._logXClicked) self._chkLogY.stateChanged.connect(self._logYClicked) self._chkGrid.stateChanged.connect(self._gridClicked) self._chkErr.stateChanged.connect(self._errorsClicked) self._chkKeepRatio.stateChanged.connect(self._keepRatioClicked) self._btnReset.clicked.connect(self._resetClicked) self._btnPick.clicked.connect(self._pickClicked) self._shell.returnPressed.connect(self._shellEx) self._actionSave.triggered.connect( self._actionPrint.triggered.connect(self.printGR) self._gr.logXinDomain.connect(self._logXinDomain) self._gr.logYinDomain.connect(self._logYinDomain) self._gr.modePick.connect(self._pickModeChanged) guiConn = GUIConnector(self._gr) guiConn.connect(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, self.mouseMoveGr) guiConn.connect(PickEvent.PICK_PRESS, self.pointPickGr) guiConn.connect(LegendEvent.ROI_CLICKED, self.legendClick) guiConn.connect(LegendEvent.ROI_OVER, self.legendOver) x = [-3.3 + t * .1 for t in range(66)] y = [t ** 5 - 13 * t ** 3 + 36 * t for t in x] x2 = [-3.5 + i * .5 for i in range(0, 15)] y2 = x2 dneg = map(lambda y: y - 0.25 * abs(y), y) dpos = map(lambda y: y + 0.25 * abs(y), y) self._errBar = ErrorBar(x, y, dneg, dpos) self._curveFoo = PlotCurve(x, y, legend="foo bar") axes = PlotAxes().addCurves(self._curveFoo) axes.setXtickCallback(self._xtickCallBack) self._plot = Plot((.1, .92, .2, .88)).addAxes(axes, PlotAxes(drawX=False).plot(x2, y2)) self._plot.offsetXLabel = -.1 self._plot2 = Plot((.1, .95, .15, .88)).addAxes(PlotAxes().addCurves(PlotCurve(x2, y2, legend="second"))) self._plot.title = "QtGR Demo" self._plot.subTitle = "Multiple Axes Example" self._plot.xlabel = "x" self._plot.ylabel = "f(x)" self._plot.setLegend(True) self._gr.addPlot(self._plot) self._plot2.title = "Second Widget" self._plot2.subTitle = "Linear Example (less interactive)" self._plot2.xlabel = "x2" self._plot2.ylabel = "f2(x2)" self._plot2.setLegend(True) self._plot2.setGrid(False) self._gr2.addPlot(self._plot2)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): while not shared_memory['data_fresh']: pass super(MainWindow, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) uic.loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "second.ui"), self) self.monitor_mode = False self.state = 'Connecting...' self.prev_time = time.time() self._heat_capacity_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateHeatCapacity) self._heat_capacity_spin.setDecimals(4) self._heat_capacity_spin.setMaximum(15.00) # Will we ever heat hydrogen? self._heat_capacity_spin.setSingleStep(0.0001) self._mass_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateMass) self._mass_spin.setDecimals(4) self._mass_spin.setMaximum(1000.00) self._mass_spin.setSingleStep(0.0001) self._emissivity_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateEmissivity) self._emissivity_spin.setDecimals(4) self._emissivity_spin.setMaximum(1.00) self._emissivity_spin.setSingleStep(0.0001) self._area_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateArea) self._area_spin.setDecimals(4) self._area_spin.setMaximum(1000.00) self._area_spin.setSingleStep(0.0001) self._resistance_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateResistance) self._resistance_spin.setDecimals(1) self._resistance_spin.setMaximum(1000.0) self._resistance_spin.setSingleStep(0.1) self._voltage_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateVoltage) self._voltage_spin.setDecimals(2) self._voltage_spin.setMaximum(1000.00) self._voltage_spin.setSingleStep(0.01) self._p_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateP) self._p_spin.setDecimals(4) self._p_spin.setMaximum(2.00) self._p_spin.setSingleStep(0.0001) self._i_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateI) self._i_spin.setDecimals(4) self._i_spin.setMaximum(2.00) self._i_spin.setSingleStep(0.0001) self._d_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateD) self._d_spin.setDecimals(4) self._d_spin.setMaximum(2.00) self._d_spin.setSingleStep(0.0001) self._target_spin.valueChanged.connect(self.updateTarget) self._target_spin.setDecimals(2) self._target_spin.setMaximum(500.00) self._target_spin.setSingleStep(0.01) self._monitor_check.stateChanged.connect(self.updateMonitor) self._btn_start.clicked.connect(self.startProcess) self._btn_stop.clicked.connect(self.stopProcess) self._state_out_label.setText(self.state) try: self._heat_capacity_spin.setValue(shared_memory['heatCapacity']) self._mass_spin.setValue(shared_memory['mass']) self._emissivity_spin.setValue(shared_memory['emissivity']) self._area_spin.setValue(shared_memory['area']) self._resistance_spin.setValue(shared_memory['resistance']) self._voltage_spin.setValue(shared_memory['voltage']) self._p_spin.setValue(shared_memory['p']) self._i_spin.setValue(shared_memory['i']) self._d_spin.setValue(shared_memory['d']) except: pass # palette = self._ambient_lcd.palette() # # foreground color # palette.setColor(palette.WindowText, QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) # # background color # palette.setColor(palette.Background, QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) # # "light" border # # palette.setColor(palette.Light, QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0)) # # "dark" border # palette.setColor(palette.Dark, QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0)) # # set the palette # self._ambient_lcd.setPalette(palette) # self._bath_lcd.setPalette(palette) # self._ambient_lcd.display(0.0) # self._bath_lcd.display(0.0) x = [1.0] y = [shared_memory['bath_temp']] xe = [1.0] ye = [shared_memory['env_temp']] viewport = [0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.95] self.env_curve = PlotCurve(xe, ye, legend = "Environment") self.env_curve.linetype = gr.LINETYPE_DASHED self.env_curve.linecolor = 7 self.bath_curve = PlotCurve(x, y, legend = "Bath Medium") axes = PlotAxes(viewport) # axes.addCurves(self.env_curve) axes.addCurves(self.bath_curve) self._plot = Plot(viewport).addAxes(axes) self._plot.title = "System Temperatures" #self._plot.subTitle = "live data" self._plot.xlabel = "Seconds" self._plot.ylabel = "Celsius" self._plot.setLegend(True) self._plot.autoscale = PlotAxes.SCALE_X | PlotAxes.SCALE_Y self._stage.addPlot(self._plot) timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) timer.timeout.connect(self.updateData) timer.start(5000)
logging.getLogger(name).setLevel(logging.DEBUG) app = QApplication(sys.argv) grw = InteractiveGRWidget() grw.resize(QtCore.QSize(500, 500)) viewport = [0.1, 0.45, 0.1, 0.88] vp2 = [.6, .95, .1, .88] x = [-3.3 + t * .1 for t in range(66)] y = [t ** 5 - 13 * t ** 3 + 36 * t for t in x] n = 100 pi2_n = 2.*math.pi / n x2 = [i * pi2_n for i in range(0, n + 1)] y2 = map(lambda xi: math.sin(xi), x2) plot = Plot(viewport).addAxes(PlotAxes(viewport).plot(x, y), PlotAxes(viewport).plot(x2, y2)) plot.title, plot.subTitle = "foo", "bar" plot.xlabel, plot.ylabel = "x", "f(x)" plot2 = Plot(vp2).addAxes(PlotAxes(vp2).plot(x2, y2)) plot2.title, plot2.subTitle = "Title", "Subtitle" plot2.xlabel = "x" grw.addPlot(plot) grw.addPlot(plot2) grw.update() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def setWindow(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): if xmin < 1: xmin = 1 if ymin < 1: ymin = 1 return PlotAxes.setWindow(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
import gr from gr.pygr import Plot, PlotAxes, PlotCurve, Text tx, ty = 0, -20 x = [-3.3 + t * .1 for t in range(66)] y = [t**5 - 13 * t**3 + 36 * t for t in x] txtfmt = "Text drawn on\n(%g, %g) with\nhalign left, valign top" plt = Plot((.1, .95, .1, .88)) plt.title = "Text on Axes Example" plt.subTitle = "Show usage of gr.pygr.Text" plt.xlabel = "x" plt.ylabel = "y" curve = PlotCurve(x, y, legend="foo bar") axes = PlotAxes(plt.viewport).addCurves(curve) axes.setWindow(-4.0, 4.0, -60.0, 40.0) text = Text(tx, -ty, txtfmt % (tx, -ty), axes, .02) plt.addAxes(axes) text2 = Text(tx, ty, txtfmt % (tx, ty), axes, .02) tbx, tby = text2.getBoundingBox() plt.drawGR() text.drawGR() text2.drawGR() # set viewport and window accordingly to draw in NDC space gr.setviewport(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.setwindow(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.fillarea(tbx, tby) gr.updatews()
def drawGR(self): lwidth = gr.inqlinewidth() gr.setlinewidth(0.) PlotAxes.drawGR(self) gr.setlinewidth(lwidth)
def setWindow(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): if ymin < 0: ymin = 0 PlotAxes.setWindow(self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
from gr.pygr import Plot, PlotAxes, PlotCurve, Text if __name__ == "__main__": tx, ty = 0, -20 x = [-3.3 + t * 0.1 for t in range(66)] y = [t ** 5 - 13 * t ** 3 + 36 * t for t in x] txtfmt = "Text drawn on\n(%g, %g) with\nhalign left, valign top" plt = Plot((0.1, 0.95, 0.1, 0.88)) plt.title = "Text on Axes Example" plt.subTitle = "Show usage of gr.pygr.Text" plt.xlabel = "x" plt.ylabel = "y" curve = PlotCurve(x, y, legend="foo bar") axes = PlotAxes(plt.viewport).addCurves(curve) axes.setWindow(-4.0, 4.0, -60.0, 40.0) text = Text(tx, -ty, txtfmt % (tx, -ty), axes, 0.02) plt.addAxes(axes) text2 = Text(tx, ty, txtfmt % (tx, ty), axes, 0.02) tbx, tby = text2.getBoundingBox() plt.drawGR() text.drawGR() text2.drawGR() # set viewport and window accordingly to draw in NDC space gr.setviewport(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.setwindow(0, axes.sizex, 0, axes.sizey) gr.fillarea(tbx, tby)